Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 446

Walking in the misty bluestone aisle, Chalulu's vigorous voice sounded in the silent space.

"It seems that someone bit the bait in District 11!"

"Is it CC?"

Behind Chaluru, a man in a knight's cloak that only twelve people in the empire allowed to wear returned.This person looks very weird. Although he has short curly chestnut hair and a beautiful face, he has a clear metallic luster on his forehead and forehead.Not only that, as he walked around, the fluttering cloak occasionally exposed his neck.The place below his head also reflected the metal luster, which was similar to the brilliant brilliance that Sakura Stone emitted when Knightmare was activated.

And every time this person walks, there will be a very thick sound on the ground. From this sound, I am afraid that not only the neck, but all parts except the head are made of metal.

In other words, the knight of the round table, except for his head, is a metal machine.

This is of course of course, because he is Suzaku Suzaku. On Shengen Island last year, his limbs had been cut off by the lord he was loyal to, and his body was also destroyed by the indestructible laser oscillation sword.Only the head is still well preserved.

After Mariana took Lelouch and Nanali away, a little blond boy rescued Suzaku, whose brain had not completely died, and then transformed him into a half that was replaced by machines except for the brain. robot.Thanks to this, Suzaku survived fortunately, but lost a normal life.He can't sleep or eat. He needs to inject nutrients into his brain every day. The rest of the body needs to be powered by batteries.

Therefore, in order to control this body, which is mostly composed of machines, his brain is overloaded anytime and anywhere, suffering from insomnia and neurasthenia, and sensitive nerves are connected to the body’s circuits. Every time he walked, he was in pain compared to pulling his fragile neurons with his hands.Because of this, he always carries sedatives and analgesics, and even super-high levels of drugs, to relieve this inhuman torture and pain.

If it hadn't been for the absolute order of GEASS who "cannot die", Suzaku would have been unable to bear it long ago and committed suicide frantically.Precisely because he knew the existence of this GEASS, even if he had the means to release the GEASS, Chalulu still did not remove the GEASS from Suzaku.

Hearing Suzaku's repressed and painful inquiry, Chalulu took it in one stroke, and then turned to introduce this place. This is his purpose for bringing Suzaku here this time, because he had already accepted Nanali's request not long ago.

"It's not clear yet, Shuki, it can be here, even if it is the Knights of the Round Table, you are the first! This is a place that even Shunizeer did not know!"

After walking so far in a row, Suzaku's body seemed a little unbearable, because the inhuman pain stimulated the sensitive brain, Suzaku tremblingly took out a bottle, took out a super-high purity heroin crystal from it, and threw it in. Mouth.

The amount of drugs that are lethal to ordinary people is just an analgesic for Suzaku.The pain eased slightly, Suzaku answered immediately.

"It's a great honor, Your Majesty! But why did you bring me here suddenly?"

"Because among the Knights of the Round Table, apart from Mariana, only you know the true identity of ZERO and the existence of GEASS! Dorothea and Bradley, although they have guessed the true identity of ZERO, they don’t Know the existence of GEASS!"

"In this case, why did you let Lulu Xiu return to the 11th district, even if his memory is sealed, I think that with CC means, it should be possible to lift the seal!"

This is the place that Suzaku least understands. During his time in Bunitania, he had a clearer understanding of Lelouch and the power of the Aries Palace. It was only among the Knights of the Round Table. Nearly half of the knights are inclined to Lelouch, plus several other imperial palaces, as well as the first, second, third, and fifth emperors, all have deep love relationships with Lelouch.

Fortunately, there is Mariana, otherwise, I am afraid that Lulu Xiu can directly seize the throne.

However, in the face of Suzaku's question, Chalulu's answer was exactly the opposite.

"Zhumu, it is neither Lulu Xiu nor CC, but the emperor of the Chinese Federation that needs to be treated with real caution, as well as the two people behind the scenes who have unified the entire Europe and integrated the EU."

"But Lelouch and the others seem to have extraordinary powers, fighting Knightmare with human bodies, they..."

Suzaku proposed the inhuman power that Lelouch possessed. After all, Yuffi was responsible for his current appearance.The appearance of that rival Knightmare has become a nightmare in his heart.

Even if he is now transformed into a cyborg, he has no chance of winning even in the face of the first-generation Knightmare.

"Shimu, you still don't understand! Even in ancient China, Xiang Yu, the overlord known as the invincible in the world, had to smash the halberd and sink in the sand in Wujiang, drew his sword and slay himself. Not to mention this time."

Chalulu shook his head and interrupted Suzaku's words. His footsteps slowly stopped and he had reached the end of the corridor and came to a place similar to an ancient temple.It's just that the gray, but endless space around it looks like the sky ten thousand meters away from the earth.

"The so-called hero, if the Knights of the Round Table are enemies of a hundred people, then Lelouch is the enemy of ten thousand people. But, what about it! Bunitania has tens of millions of troops, and the eleventh district is currently stationed with a million , No matter how hard Lulu Xiu struggles, he will be powerless."

"Yes Your Majesty!"

Chaluru's words finally dispelled the last trace of doubt in Suzaku's heart, and he respectfully made a knightly.

"However, the Chinese Federation is different from the EU. They not only have the national power close to Bunitania, but the people who control these two countries are like gods!"

Chaluru seemed very satisfied with Suzaku's answer. He looked at the endless mysterious space ahead and continued to narrate.


"Yes, it is impossible for humans to defeat gods, so if you want to defeat them, you must have the power equivalent to them! God's power!"

Chaluru said, clenching his fists.

"Then this place..."

At this moment, Suzaku had the opportunity to look at the surrounding environment and recognized this magical place.



Chaluru proudly looked at the place where he spent his life this time, his voice filled with endless emotion.

"This is... by the way, a weapon that exists to destroy God!"


"The Sword of Akash! As long as there is him, Bunitania will truly have the power to fight against the emperor of the Chinese Federation and the master behind the EU."

Yes, Lelouch's threat was not seen by Chalulu, he just used Chalulu as a bait to attract CC.The real enemy in his heart is the Chinese Federation and EU.

Unfortunately, Chalulu didn't know that it was this "misunderstanding" that laid the groundwork for his subsequent fiasco, and made him work hard for his life goal and made her wedding dress.

Chapter 357 Guildford's Mission

Although the Knightmare of the confidential agency could not be used because it did not have an identification number, Lelouch quickly used his identity as a Bunitan student, and with the help of the power of GEASS, smoothly moved from Bunita in District 11 The Armed Forces seized a Knightmare, and obtained from him the identification number and communication code of the Bunitanian Army that was under siege.

With Lelouch's wisdom, once he got the number and password, he could completely replay the battle of Shinjuku a year ago.The Black Knights, which had been in a defensive state, also began to counterattack.

"Are they fighting back? Terrorists?"

The Chinese Federal Diplomatic Embassy in the 11th District, the Governor-General of the 11th District, Canares, who is accompanying the Chinese federal diplomats, has received terrorist attacks on Babel Tower and has begun to counterattack the security forces, causing a large number of After the loss, a very surprised expression appeared on his face.

When welcoming the diplomatic ambassador of the Chinese Federation just now, he also vowed to say that the law and order in Bunitania was good, and that the last attack of the Black Knights was just a dying struggle, but not long after that, the cruel facts were in him. He slapped his face severely.

"Yes, it seems to have taken away our Knightmare!"

A month ago, Guildford, who had been dispatched from Cornelia to the Eleventh District by His Majesty the Emperor, nodded and explained.Although he did not get any information from Cornelia and the Black Knights, he had already foreseen a storm and was about to come from the time he was dispatched to the eleventh district.

The arrival of the diplomat of the Chinese Federation today and the terrorist attack in Babel Tower seem to have confirmed his speculation.The current situation is the same as the battle between Shinjuku and Narita a year ago by ZERO.

"What a shame!"

Canales didn't notice the inexplicable color in Guildford's eyes, his gaze kept looking at the Babel Tower that was billowing in the distance.Even after this distance, one or two cockpits can still be seen from time to time escaping from the burning floor, then opening the parachute and falling from the sky.

"But the other party is only a minority! If possible, please let me go!"

Guildford deliberately recommended himself, but his deliberately aggravated the word "minority" made Canales' expression moved.

"No, you are Ke Qing after all. If you are really allowed to take action, from His Highness Cornelia, I would not be easy to explain! Since it is only a minority, then let me go personally. After all, I am the Governor! You stay! Here, entertain the messenger of the Chinese Federation in place of me!"


Although he secretly misled Canales to find his death, Guilford still humbly persuaded him.

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