Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 447

"The condiments of Chinese cuisine do not match my appetite, and, rather than being polite with that little girl, I want to arrest the prisoner more, hahaha..."

Sure enough, the stubborn Canares directly interrupted Guildford’s admonition. He looked at the living room behind him with fear. The Chinese Federation, who was pouring a bottle of flaming chili juice on the same bright red dishes, was dispatched to ten. The diplomatic ambassador from District One, a girl who looks only fifteen or six years old, but is a symbol of the strongest fighting power of the Chinese Federation, and the Dragoon General Cao Feng who is opposed to the Round Table Knights of Bunitania glanced at it and turned around left.

Although she is a little girl, the taste is really super spicy that even he keeps away.At the dinner table, he almost choked his tears and nose just by smelling the chili flavoring agent.The arrival of Guildford just saved him from that spicy hell.Therefore, even without Guildford's hint, he would not return to that purgatory.

Watching Governor Canares leave, Guildford pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose to hide the cold light in his eyes.In his heart, he has never recognized that the man in front of him is the governor of the 11th district.

And soon, he won't be anymore!

A dead man will not become a governor!Everything will proceed according to the plan of His Highness Cornelia, and then just wait for the arrival of His Highness Nanali.So now, it's time to have a showdown with the messengers of the Chinese Federation.Those who accepted His Highness Euphemia and His Highness Kagura Ye should know their identities.

However, when he returned to the meeting room of the Chinese Federal Embassy and saw a bite of the burning food tightening his stomach, Guildford realized Canales' mood not long ago.

"Is that something that humans can eat?"

Guildford cast his inquiring gaze on the military attaché who had been standing respectfully behind the ambassador. This heroic man had long black hair fluttering in the wind, broad shoulders, and a tall figure, but he did not make people feel contoured. Slender, this is probably because the muscles on his body are properly exercised.Coupled with its refined appearance, it gives the impression of a panther running in the dense forest.

He is the leader of the only Knightmare unit of the Chinese Federation, and the only male dragoon general-Li Xingke.

"Um... eat this kind of food, are you okay!"

"Please don't mind, this level is just an appetizer for Master Cao! She is the same type of person as His Royal Highness Euphemia!"

Li Xingke's gaze fell on Guildford, his eyes flashing with the taste of looking, as if he was evaluating Guildford.However, from the face he finally showed a smile, it can be seen that he has a good opinion of Guildford.

"You are the knight of His Highness Cornelia, Guilford! You have heard from His Highness Euphemia, you... really good!"

Li Xingke, who had been personally recognized by Lelouch, his evaluation was obviously a great admiration for Guildford.

"The Qiliner who can obtain both civil and military skills from the Federation of China-Master Li Xingke is so appreciative that Guildford is not ashamed of it! Is Your Highness Euphemia okay?"

Since Euphemia is mentioned, the positioning of the relationship between the two parties obviously needs to be changed.In short, both parties are their own.If Governor Canares is not here, they naturally don't need to cover up to make a joke.

"His Royal Highness Euphemia is living very well in our country, and you will have a chance to meet soon!"

After the polite remarks, Li Xingke immediately motioned to the surrounding guards and asked them to guard the door.Because next, he will reveal the real purpose of their arrival this time, as well as CC's plan, to Guildford a little bit.

After all, a month ago, Guildford only heard roughly that there will be an abnormal change in the 11th district, and Nanali will become the new governor, so that he can prepare in advance. He didn't know about other things.

Chapter 358: Black Is Coming (Part 1)


"Go to hell, Bunitania!"

The silver claw of the blooming red lotus blasted through the solid wall in one fell swoop, carrying an ominous red glow, and slapped it fiercely on the head of Sutherland who was passing by the corridor. The huge force slapped him fiercely. on the wall.Subsequently, the red light carried the destructive power of radiation fluctuations and melted the steel machine into ashes.


Sutherland and the wall exploded into a ball of flames, and the Red Lotus Type II was in this group of fireworks, always observing orders from Lelouch.

"Good job, Q1, next to the 21st floor, cut off the enemy's reinforcements!"

In the monitoring room of the Babel Tower on the upper level, Lulouch, who had connected the computer to the Bunitanian army system, looked at the identification signals of the disappeared enemy on the strategic dashboard, and gave Kallen the next order.

With Karen's terrifying power comparable to the round table, just let her advance all the way towards the gathering place of the enemy.

"P4 is responsible for blocking the stairs!"

A member of the Black Knights blasted through the stairs with a rocket fire on ZERO's order.

"R5, attack the left wing in a 30-degree direction!"

A black knights rogue did not even think about it, and fired a cannonball directly at thirty degrees to the left. The three Sutherland that had just entered the turn of the gate were hit by the cannonball and exploded into three groups of sparks.

"L1, fire on the ceiling fifty meters straight ahead!"

Several Sutherland planes guarding the upper corridor were involved in the explosion below, and the aircraft instantly lost combat effectiveness.Layer by layer, the combat power of Bunitania's penetration into Babel Tower was annihilated at an unbelievable speed.The violent explosion sounded all the way down from the middle floor, suppressing the forces of Bunitania.The red signal representing the missing "LOST" is all over the huge strategic dashboard in the bridge of the G1 land battleship below.

"Amy Liu, communication is cut off!"

"Hurry up and change IFF's communication channel!"

"This is the fifth time!"

"The Gordes team is completely destroyed!"

The news from the front line that entered the command room of this G1 base vehicle was not good. The terrorists who had been retreating steadily and could only stop the defense in front of them, unexpectedly launched a sharp counterattack in an instant, which not only contained their attack. , And wiped out most of the invading troops one by one.

In the bridge command room of the G1 base tank, all the staff officers who were standing in front of the strategic dashboard and commanding operations were at a loss. They could only watch their troops in the enemy’s mysterious raids and ambushes. Little by little disappears.

"Who is directing terrorist operations!"


The automatic door behind the bridge suddenly opened. The first words of the 11th district Governor Duke Canales who had just walked into the command room was an unbelievable complaint from the staff officer. He frowned slightly and questioned loudly.

"What are you doing!"

The Duke of Canares, who served as the governor of the 11th district after the second queen of Cornelia, is a man with more outstanding military merits than political achievements. He has a brave and courageous evaluation, but in Bunitani There are unpleasant rumors circulating in the Asian country.

Cruel, easy to kill, self-sufficient, without much head, is a rude and savage fellow.

But such a person, for the monkeys who always want to resist in the 11th district, he has to say that they complement each other and let him teach those lowly guys.

This comment came from the mysterious Knights of the Fifth Round Table, and was quickly conveyed to the entire upper class of Bunitania by returning to the empire, Her Royal Highness Nanali.Under the operation of the force of the Aries Imperial Palace, the Honourable Bunitani who had just served as the Knights of the Seven Round Table, the request of the Suzaku was rejected.Even with the suggestion of the imperial prime minister Xiunazer, the eleventh district was downgraded from a development colony to a correction colony.

In fact, this is the basic posture of Bunitania when it dominated the colony.The Holy Bunitanian Empire will never give a good face in front of the newly acquired colonies and the rebelling colonial people, and will only implement a repressive policy to force them to yield.However, the colony will not be stable just like this, and the "terrorist politics" dotted with bloodshed and elimination will never last long. History has proven this.

So next, it will move to the second stage.

From the just-occupied corrective colony, to the development colony, and then, to the satellite colony, a gradual and progressive connection like this trilogy.

Once a colony of correction is upgraded to a colony of development, certain policies will be eased.After being promoted to a satellite colony, the authority of the colonial residents will gradually expand.

Perhaps this is a policy of reverse use of human hearts.If you give "sugar" from the beginning, people generally can't appreciate the brilliance.But if you have a tough attitude at first, and then gradually show kindness, people will feel incredible joy.Rather than acting as a good person, the villain is more praised for showing mercy on a whim, and this policy is similar to him.

The sweetness was given in stages, so that the colonial people gradually developed gratitude to Bunitania. Without knowing it, the colony was assimilated by Bunitania.In fact, after these stages, many colonies have eliminated the anti-Bunetanian movement.

Originally, the proposal of Japan, the deputy governor of the Far Eleven Districts and the administrative zone of Euphemia, the third empress of the Bunitan Empire, was the beginning of the transformation of the development colony of the Eleven Districts from a satellite colony.If the "sugar" was sprinkled smoothly at that time, the 11th district should have become a very stable satellite colony.Unfortunately, the subsequent massacre and the "Black Rebellion" incident pushed everything into an unexpected situation.

Therefore, at this moment, a person like Governor Canares is needed to serve as the Governor of the Eleventh District, in order to inflict terror on the correction of the colonies and suppress their sense of resistance with blood and massacre.Of course, once it's impossible to do something, you can also let such a person who has no ability as an abandoned child.

The example of Euphemia is right in front of us, but there can no longer be such an oolong occurrence that a heavyweight like the imperial family defected to other countries.

Therefore, Duke Canares, who is not very good in terms of ability or reputation, came to the 11th district.At this moment, he is going to fight the awakened Demon King as an abandoned child, become the first sacrifice of the Black Knights and ZERO's resurrection.

At this time, I didn't know that the Governor of the 11th District had already arrived. The Black Knights who came to the front line were pursuing the Bunitanian army in Babel.

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