Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 453

"Ania, get up soon! After taking a shower, I have to go to breakfast!"

At the door of the bathroom, she suddenly turned her head and shouted to the other pink girl who was lying on the bed, who was obviously awake, but who was lying back on the bed. Then, holding her daughter into the bathroom, she started her usual morning bath .

Sundar Avenue is the name of this road.

About a hundred years ago, this road was the exclusive private road of the Bunitania royal family, and no entry was allowed except for those involved in the royal family.Even now, only special vehicles approved by the royal family can pass.

Of course, this is also a consideration for safety.There are many imperial palaces around the road. This place called the royal garden is the best target for terrorists trying to subvert the empire.So the guard can't be overstated.However, even if such painstaking security can withstand attacks from outside the imperial house, there is still nothing to do with the blood-race battles inside the imperial house.

In fact, decades ago, the "Blood Emblem" incident that occurred after the current emperor Chaluru DI Bunitania came to the throne may be the most typical example.And behind the avenue is the place where the "Blood Emblem" incident occurred, the Aries Palace where the former Emperor lived.

Unlike the center of the capital, which is full of tall buildings and full of modernity, this is an avenue full of greenery.There are endless mountain ridges, dotted lakes, and palaces fully integrated with natural beauty.

This scene is so harmonious, it can even make people who set foot on this land for the first time have the illusion that they have traveled to the Middle Ages, and let people experience a deep homesickness and romance.The Bunitanian royal family, who inherited the ancient blood of Europe, built such a space precisely because they privately liked this rural atmosphere, which was completely different from social occasions.The courtyard that once served as the foot of the Hanging Garden of the Aries Li Palace embellishes this place even more beautifully.

At this moment, facing the rising sun, a car is quietly driving on this St. Darwin Avenue, heading towards the Knights of the Round Table Hall.

Chapter 364 The Knights of the Round Table Hall

"Nanali, here!"

Accompanied by the crisp and sweet voice, Mariana pushed Nanaly's wheelchair and entered the palace's recreation hall specially built for the Knights of the Round Table through the open door.Several figures stood up in the room after Nanali, Mariana, and the pink knight who walked with a mobile phone at the end.

One of them is a tall young man with blond hair and blue eyes.It was a young Bunitania like the person in the painting, wearing the same round table knight costume as Aniya.However, in contrast to Aniya's light red-based clothes, his clothes are bright green.Of course, the size is also nearly doubled.

His name is Keno, the third knight-Keno Beinbeluk.The son of Bein Beluk family, one of the eight famous gates of the Bunitan Empire.

He first bowed to the blind girl in a wheelchair, the Palace of the Queen Nanali.

"Her Royal Highness Nanali, long time no see!"

There is another person who salutes with him.The man was tall and slender, with something similar to an electrical circuit on his forehead.Compared with Keno around him, his face still looks younger and younger than Keno.He has short curly chestnut hair and is wearing a white rider uniform.

When Nanali entered the room, the boy's expression suddenly softened.But immediately, his eyes became serious again.He walked up to Nanaly and knelt on one knee.

"It's been a long time, Her Royal Highness Queen Nanali. Her subordinate is the seventh knight, Suzaku, returning home today."

Compared with Keno's salute and the nodding of the heroic female knights behind, Suzaku's etiquette is undoubtedly the most respectful and solemn, but Nanali's reaction is strange.

The face of the emperor with her eyes closed was dark clouds suddenly, and she passed the knight who was kneeling on one knee.And Suzaku expounded the greeting respectfully to her.

"You come personally, your subordinates are terrified, Your Royal Highness! Your mood is happy..."

"I was very happy, but I became unhappy when I saw you!"

Although Mariana, who was pushing Nanali's wheelchair, stopped, Ania behind did not.Her eyes are fixed on the phone in her hand, her fingers are flying, she is tirelessly updating her photos and blog.She was the one who spoke just now.

With the arrival of the youngest knight of the round table knights, the whole room seemed to be affected by the melancholy and silent breath emanating from her body, that powerful aura, almost even the air was frozen.She went straight past the knights of the first and second round tables and lay down on her own sofa.The breath spreading from her slowly faded.

Everyone's attention returned to the pair of mother and daughter at the door again.

Mariana pushed Nanaly to the center of the room, next to her fifth knight's seat.All the knights in the way bowed respectfully.The second knight Bertoris and the ninth knight Nonet were directly accompanied by Nanali's wheelchair.

The positions in the room are very distinct. Mariana, Bertoris, Ania, and Nonet, centered on Nanali, occupy one third of the Knights of the Round Table.If you add Bismarck, the first knight, and Keno, the third knight, who had a good impression of Nanali, plus the hidden identity of the twelfth knight Monica.It is not difficult to understand that Suzaku, the only honorary Bunitan knight, puts on such a respectful posture.

However, only a few people know the real reason.

Probably it was too embarrassing to see Suzaku, Keno sneaked behind Suzaku, suddenly grabbed his neck, and said with a smile.His voice was hearty and loud, with a youthful anger.In this way, Suzaku's age is even younger.

"Why are you so restrained? Suzaku."

"Hey... Keno, I am greeting Her Royal Highness..."

"Since I haven't seen it for a long time, let me just say it if I am happy! What kind of handsome do I have to play now... Ah, I'm sorry, your Royal Highness, this guy is still so shy.

"Wh, what shy...oh, so uncomfortable."

The frolics continued, and the knights also sat back in their seats and began to watch the declaration of ZERO that was rebroadcast on the front TV screen.It was originally just a group of remnants of the Black Knights, but with the death of Duke Canares, the Governor of the 11th District, and the use of diplomatic power to protect and contain ZERO and the Black Knights, things have become more complicated.

"The whereabouts of the masked man who appeared in District 11 yesterday and claimed to be ZERO is still unclear. Due to the suspected killing of the Governor-General Duke Canares and the terrorist attack on Babel Tower, there was panic among the citizens. Regarding this matter, the Governor's Mansion in the 11th District..."

As the announcer reported, images of the incident continued to be played on the screen: the huge tower that tilted after a big explosion at the bottom, and then collapsed—the huge tower that was once called the Babel Tower, and the main force of Bunitania, the Knightmare— The Knightmare of the Black Knights fighting Gloucester-Rogue.The red Knightmanre, once known as the strongest Knightmare of the Black Knights, and a man wearing a black mask standing on it, appeared in the picture. Its appearance was slightly different from the one used in the Black Rebellion last year.

"In addition, regarding this series of incidents, there are also intelligence reports that the Chinese Federal Special Envoy stationed in the 11th District once participated in assisting men who claim to be ZERO. Now, the Chinese Federation regards part of the ZERO remaining party as exiles and protects them in the Tokyo concession consulate. In response to this, the Governor’s Office of the 11th District, based on international law, requires the Chinese Federation to extradite immediately..."

The news was over after the announcer broadcasted the content that was nothing new and the commentator added the correct and meaningless explanation.And Keno, although he loosened Suzaku's neck, his hands were still on his shoulders.

"Oh oh oh, suddenly resurrected! This king of ELEVEN! Is that right, Suzaku!"

"ZERO is dead, I will do it myself!"

The Suzaku, whose expression slowly softened, became colder again.This time I was called back from the African battlefield because of this incident.Of course, he had returned in secret yesterday and was received by Chalulu.

However, because of this, Suzaku's mood is more complicated.

"Then, this is a fake! No matter which one it is, just rush to the consulate of the Chinese Federation to find out!"

"This is a serious violation of the rules, and it will become an international problem!"

"Since I call myself ZERO, I am already a legal prisoner! Although the battle with EU is also important, hasn't Her Royal Highness Conelia stabilized recently! Otherwise, we won't be able to come back from vacation!"

Although there is only one point, Keno obviously also learned the reason for their return from the Alamein Front through other channels.

"Keno is right, but do you think that with the current combat power of the 11th district, you have the ability to rush into the Consulate General of the Chinese Federation?"

The Twelfth Knights of the Round Table with a faint smile on his face, Monica with brilliant and dazzling golden long hair, spoke for the first time, with a crisp and gentle voice like a nightingale.

"This time the special envoy of the Chinese Federation is a dragoon general!"

Although there are no clear data and actual combat examples, it is a recognized fact that the Dragoon driving Gundam will have far more lethality than the Knights of the Round Table when facing ordinary troops.

The basis is the brief collision between the Bunitan Empire and the Chinese Federation in the Battle of the Shikoku Island a year ago.

Chapter 363 Ania's Hand Knife

"Monica is right. This is the reason for calling you back from Africa! The Judgment Corps will be handed over to Cornelia and the Judgment Corps. Soon, Nanali should be appointed as the Governor of the 11th District. You can order it!"

The focus of the crowd, Mariana gently stroked Nanali's smooth and delicate face, while talking, lowered her head, and gently kissed the almost transparent pink lips.

"The Eleventh District is a dangerous place. I can't worry about it without multiple Knights of the Round Table! Right, my Nanali!"


With her lips taken away, Nanali let out an extremely cute whine, her body gradually lost its strength and fell forward into her mother's arms.

"Ah, my Nanaly, why are you so cute!"

Mariana made bursts of intoxicating voices full of endless seduction and bewitching power. She originally sealed Nanali’s purple lips and followed her white chin all the way down to the girl’s throat and low-chested dress. Her collarbone made Nanali's voice more and more lovely.

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