Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 454

The gentlemen around all turned their eyes off. Although the mother and daughter Lily are really good, but being able to hear that voice is already a super Luky welfare.If you want to go a step further, but you have a taste of greed and lack, it would be too rude.

Therefore, several men could only spray white gas on their noses, and turned around pretending to be calm and looked at the smooth white wall.Until the sound of plucking the heartstrings slowly diminished, until it disappeared.

After half an hour, the groaning and moaning that made people's heartbeat finally stopped.However, the men still did not turn around, until after a sound of rubbing of Sisososo's clothes, Mariana's voice came from behind the man's dream.

"Bismarck, I have something to tell you!"

The Knights of the Round Table Hall has various rooms, including rest, entertainment, sports, training, and even a tea room dedicated to chat.

Therefore, after hearing Marianna's voice, the men knew that they could completely turn around.The fantasy benefits have not been completely cleaned up, because at a glance, you know that the blind girl who is lazily lying in a wheelchair is tightly dressed in a knight's cloak belonging to Mariana, and the messy dresses next to the wheelchair mean what.

Except for the color and size, under the knight's cloak that was exactly the same as theirs, what was hiding was the purest and most beautiful body in the world.

Keno and Suzaku's eyes naturally did not dare to look randomly, and Bertoris and Nonet, who faithfully guarded Nanali's wheelchair, also perfectly constructed a line of defense.Because Ania is Nanali's knight, the two women cherish the time they can spend with Nanali very much.

Just like the happy time in the Hanging Garden of the Aries Palace eight years ago, now that a certain prince is not there, they have to put all their love on Nanali, the sister that the man values ​​most. .It is precisely because of this that, although she returned to Bunitania in that less glorious way, Nanali was more in love with her than she was eight years ago.

However, there was an accident among the men in this room at this moment!

That is the first knight Bismarck. One afternoon more than ten years ago, he used to hold Nanaly who was just born, but because of his confusion and his appearance, he cried Nana, even worse. It was a joke about Bertolis and Nonet, who were still candidates for the sergeant.Although that experience can be regarded as a stain on the first knight, but because of this, he, who has not been married in his entire life, treated Nanali like his own daughter.

Although he and Lelouch hadn't dealt much with it because of this, and because of this they were rejected by Nanaly when they were young, but the warm feeling of father has stayed deep in Bismarck's heart for a long time.

It was his life's guilt for not saving Nanali as a hostage and sending it to Japan. Therefore, after Nanali returned, even if there were many bad rumors, he still chose to support the Aries Leaving Palace.After all, Mariana's identity cannot be revealed. On the bright side, except for Her Royal Highness Lelouch, who is under house arrest, Nanali is now the well-deserved leader of the Aries Imperial Palace.

Therefore, before disappearing into the tea room with Mariana, she passed Bismarck next to Nanaly's wheelchair and cast a loving look at the delicate girl.

Then, with the departure of Marianna and Bismarck, the atmosphere of the room changed again.

A vicious atmosphere in the cold radiated from the man named Suzaku.He easily pushed away Keno's right hand on his shoulder, and then walked towards the sleeping Nanali.

Bertolis and Nonet immediately stared at Suzaku on alert and placed their hands on the knight sword on their waist.This year, since Suzaku joined the ranks of the Knights of the Round Table, they have clearly known a fact.That was Suzaku, who actually died long ago, and now alive is a modified semi-robotic monster.Although suffering unimaginable pain at all times, Suzaku gained inhuman power at the price.

Of course, just because of Knightmare's driving skills, there are still many existences in this room that are enough for Suzaku to look up.But if it was pure physical strength, it would be different.

"Don't give up yet?"

Ania, who was lying on her seat playing with her mobile phone, suddenly closed her phone, then jumped down and stopped in front of Suzaku.Compared with Suzaku, that small body is only half of Suzaku, but it exudes a strong sense of oppression.

The rare Suzaku frowned. Starting from a year ago, he wanted to achieve his goals through Nanali's influence since he knew the power of the Aries Leaving Palace.

Unfortunately, at that time, because of the influence of Mariana, the governor of the 11th district was borrowed by her to use Nanaly to call on the forces of the Aries Palace to support the Duke of Canares of the pure-blood faction, causing his compatriots to suffer.After the EU counterattack and the emergence of the Judgment Corps, although he gained a lot of military merit, under the suppression of the forces headed by the Aries Palace, his merits were completely regarded as a piece of waste paper.

Even though they became friends with the third knight Keno and the tenth knight Bradley, the three are still too weak compared to Mariana and the others.

There is only one breakthrough method here, and that is to borrow the power of Nanaly, the nominal leader of the Aries Li Palace.With Nanali's kindness and simplicity, as long as he begged, he should not refuse.

However, he didn't have the opportunity to face Nanali at all, even if Mariana was there just now, Nanali would not care about him at all.

Therefore, this opportunity like this is the first time!

"Single-handedly, Ania, can you please give me the post of Nanali as a knight?"

"No way!"

Apart from anything else, Ania refused.

"Don't take my job away, Suzaku."


Keno was surprised.

"It's rare. Is it so happy to be the guardian of Her Royal Highness, Ania?"

"Happy, because Her Royal Highness is very cute and can take a rare record."

Arnia took out her mobile phone as if showing off. In the silver light, the scene of Nanaly sleeping soundly among the flowers faded away, like a fairy tale sleeping in the flowers.

But after turning off the phone again, Ania thought about it again, and it seemed that a good idea came up.

"Do you want to be Nanali's knight? Yes, but there is one condition, that is, you first defeat me!"

Baby Arnia put the phone in the pocket of the cloak, and then contemptuously hooked Suzaku.

"Defeat me to prove that you have the power to protect Nanali! Suzaku! Otherwise, I will not hand Nanali to you, let alone let you use Nanali!"

"What do you mean?"

Keno raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, sat back to his position, took a glass of wine from the table, drank it in one sip, and asked.

"District Eleven!"

Monica kept the charming smile on her face and plunged into the subject.When she spit out these words, Suzaku stopped moving.This time Keno didn't look at them or interrupt, just savoring the wine leisurely.

Towards the motionless Suzaku, Monica continued.

"If something happens in the eleventh district, there may also be changes in your Royal Highness's side. So, be more careful..."

"Hey, is that right?"

Ania let out a surprised voice.

"You do not know?"

Suddenly, everyone in the room looked at Ania together. Since she didn't know, why did she say that.

"I just feel that way!"

Ania replied blankly.


Everyone secretly said that sometimes intuition is indeed more acute than reasoning and facts, but they are a little surprised that the reason that generates this intuition is Arnia, who is far more emotional.

"That's what you said to me, but when you think about it, it feels incredible. It's as if you are expecting something to happen. Your Royal Highness, is it the bait you use to catch the'enemy'?"

Suzaku was silent.

The wind outside the window became stronger and even slightly shook the thick window glass.

A delicate clock hung on the wall of the room.After the second hand moved two times, Suzaku still kept the turning posture and replied in a low voice.

"What if I answer'yes'?"

As soon as Suzaku's voice fell, Ania's pink cloak suddenly picked up a rainbow, disappeared from the seat of the Knights of the Round Table, and instantly appeared in front of Suzaku.That moment of vision paused, leaving overlapping afterimages in the air.

As if, a beautiful scarlet rainbow.

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