Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 468

Compared to the enemy's counterattack, Karen's red lotus style is faster, instantly sideways, avoiding the sword, and coming to the opponent.

Seeing the Guren II appearing in front of him, the royal knight immediately opened the machine gun muzzle on both shoulders and ribs, aimed at the Guren II's chest, and pressed the button to fire the bullet.

"Farewell, ELEVEN's trump card!"

But at this moment, Karen had already freed his right hand, and the silver claws opened vigorously, blocking the front, spreading the red light wave, blocking the bullet that was close at hand, and surprised the royal knight.

"Defense, such a distance!"


"This is the radiation fluctuation. Just when you seized the first opportunity, I was destined to win!"

In the red lotus style, Karen sneered, turned on the button of the maximum radiation fluctuation, and pressed it down.

"Then, goodbye!"

Chi Chi Chi... Boom!

The radiation wave launched at full force instantly invaded the cockpit of the enemy plane, destroying the energy device.Karen left immediately, and the knight, along with his body, exploded into a fireball.

In just such a little time, the cadres and ordinary members of the Black Knights had all ran into the consulate of the Chinese Federation.Annihilated the blockers of the Black Knights in the other two directions, and belatedly saw the Red Lotus II that turned and rushed into the Chinese Federal Consulate General. One of them subconsciously took out the equipped giant rifle, which can be fired. The machine gun of the armor-piercing bullet is specially used to deal with the card game body.

Unfortunately, the next moment he aimed, another person pressed his left hand down and reminded.

"Stop, this is the scope of the extraterritoriality of the Chinese Federation!"


"Here is a camera for reporting, let them go and deal with that Vincent! This Lancelot imitation machine must never fall into the hands of the Black Knights!"

"Damn it, I see!"

The two knights turned around immediately, ready to support the five companions.No, it can't be said that there are five. With Vincent's slightly better performance and GEASS, which has stopped time, Lolo has already solved three, and the other two are also in crisis.

While supporting them, they used machine guns to shoot from a distance, finally stopping Lolo's offensive for a while.With the same material, their attacks can completely threaten Vincent.

At this time, Lu Lu Xiu, who had returned to the consulate of the Chinese Federation, saw that there were four royal knights left that had not been resolved, frowned and opened the communication with CC.

"CC, the five guys will be handed over to you!"

"Hi, I understand!"

Wearing a cold and handsome black uniform, CC quickly stepped onto the golden Knightmare next to him, then jumped forward and easily jumped over the consulate wall.In mid-air, the golden Knightmare opened a pair of huge wings, and at the bottom of the golden wings, five giant golden-winged daggers flew out, flashing five golden lights in the sky, flying towards all attention. The cockpit of the Royal Knights, all focused on Vincent.

"not good!"

"Be careful behind!"

Three melee and two long-range attacks, Vincent was like the five royal knights in desperate situation, and almost simultaneously found the golden light that appeared behind them.

Chapter 382 Heroic Armament


Five huge explosions sounded almost simultaneously, and the five improved machines similar to Vincent that formed a trapezoidal column to besiege Lolo were instantly penetrated by golden light, detonating the energy device inside.


At this time, the golden Knightmare driven by CC was able to land. At the same time, the golden light that had penetrated the five powerful enemies also recovered its original appearance. The short sword like an angel's feather returned to the golden Knightmare. In those huge golden wings.Majestic and majestic, it looked like a real angel descended on the human world.

The name and symbolic meaning of this golden Knightmare is indeed an angel.

After putting Chiba into the cockpit together, Lelouch drove the Knightmare from the rear to behind CC, standing side by side with the witch who killed five knights instantly.

"Raphael, the symbol of the power of wind among the four seraphs, is really right to bring this here!"

In the Western Old Testament, there are a total of four seraphs serving God, namely, the seraph of fire-Michael (Michael), the seraph of water-Gabriel, and the seraph of wind. -Raphael (Raphael), the seraph of the earth-Uriel (Uriel), also known as the four monarchs, respectively symbolizing the four elements of fire, water, wind, and earth.

As the king of mankind, Lu Luxiu happened to be surrounded by women who also possessed the four elements.Karen of Fire, Xia Li of Water, CC of Wind, Kagura of Earth.

This will also be Lelouch's biggest and strongest backing, and the trump card that can fight the enemy in an imposing manner.However, neither Gundam nor Knightmare can bring their power to the limit, especially CC.Therefore, it is necessary to use the talents of the heroes here.Through nearly a thousand years of experience, CC thinks of the legendary weapons and artifacts used by the legendary heroes, and even came up with the idea of ​​using its huge power to directly construct similar equipment.

This kind of unique force constructed by using the power of the heroic spirit is called by the CC-the heroic weaponry.

The weighing armor set on Lihua's body, Nanali's silver chains, and the Raphael currently controlled by CC are heroic weapons.Of course, because of the larger size, CC did not integrate Raphael until recently.With her experience, the next one should be Uriel of Kagura and Michael of Karen.As for Xia Li, she hasn't fully known her affairs before, so she is unknown.

But Lulu Xiu predicted that the time before Xia Li joined them should not be far away.

"That's it, everyone in Bunitania, if you continue to act, it will be considered a force to intervene in the territory of the Chinese Federation. Please retreat!"

At the moment when Lulu Xiu and CC watched the game together, Lolo drove Vincent before the Consulate General of the Chinese Federation.Seeing that all the members of the Black Knights had been rescued, and the last helper returned smoothly, Cao Feng, who had been waiting in the tower, picked up the microphone and said righteously.

The clear and sweet voice was very moving, but the warnings and threats contained in the tone were very embarrassing for the Bunitanian army.

In this case, the ZERO once again created a miracle, and even killed ten knights of the Royal Knights. This is an inexcusable shame.However, no one doubted Guildford.

After all, he is well-known, and he is not ashamed of losing to Zero in a head-on duel.If it hadn't been for the ten arrogant knights to make their own claims, and even ignore his life, it would not have been possible to cause this result.

Of course, their understanding is exactly what Lulu Xiu wants to achieve.

It can be said that the barb was over, and ZERO performed a miracle again, causing the Bunitan army to make a mess.But everyone can foresee that with the resurrection of the Black Knights, the Eleventh District will soon usher in a huge storm.

Returning to the Consulate General of the Chinese Federation in advance, Lu Luxiu hugged Chiba directly into the bathroom in the VIP room.The woman who made it stayed in jail for a year, not only had to confide in her parting thoughts, but also satisfy her physical hunger and thirst.

Along the way, Qianye's prison uniform was torn off, and Lu Lu Xiu's hands were caressed wantonly on the plump body of Qianye.

"Very well, it seems that they took good care of you. Not only did you not get thinner, but you also got a lot plump body!"

Turning on the shower nozzle, the hot water poured down like raindrops, soaking the two people's slender bodies.Lu Lu Xiu stood in front of the naked Qianye, carefully looking at the carcass of the glamorous female officer, with a satisfied look in his eyes.

"It's better than before, it's not good to be too thin!"

Hearing Lulu Xiu, who was much younger than himself, was looking at his body wantonly, and still chanting, Chiba shyly covered his chest and the mysterious garden of his lower body, with an unnatural blush on his firm face.

This shy expression appeared on Chiba, who had always been strong and straightforward, and made Lulu Xiu's index finger, who had only seen her again after a year, moved his index finger, and didn't say anything, he directly pressed the opponent's body and kissed him. With her red lips, the powerful tongue knocked on her shell teeth, stirring wantonly in the warm mouth, tasting with the sweet tongue that she hid, made Qianye's emotions uncontrollably tempting. Gasp.

Lelouch tasted Chiba’s red lips, and there was no space for her hands. He touched her elastic chest with one hand, and pressed the other hand on the plump buttocks from behind, rubbing vigorously, as if to Her body was broken.At the same time, the hungry and unbearable underneath also entered between Chiba's legs, rubbing her sensitive areas back and forth.

The strange current spreads along the sensitive parts that are being captured, Chiba's body is constantly twisting with Lu Lu Xiu's caress, and there is an emotional moan in his mouth, Lu Lu Xiu is ravaging her little mouth. After getting a little red and swollen, the thirsty lips moved their target and came to her upright mountain, playing and playing with it.

"Hmm... Lelouch, don't tease me anymore, come on, take me! Take possession of me fiercely!"

The body that had endured it for a year finally couldn't stand it anymore, and Chiba proactively invited Lu Lu Xiu.Of course, Lu Lu Xiu was not polite. He set up her right leg directly, and pointed the hot iron gun at Qianye's lower body with an already irritating force. He slammed it into the bottom and slammed into it. Chiba's flower heart.


Chiba uttered an uncontrollable scream, and then clasped Lu Lu Xiu's body with his arms, and his flexible waist was actively twisted. Together with Lu Lu Xiu's thrusts, the friction between the two genitals became more intense.

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