Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 469

The two who are completely emotional, use real actions to vent their separate longings.

Chapter 383 Questioning and Cheering

"Welcome back, fan, Mr. Fujido!"

After a year, especially after living in the Chinese Federation for a period of time, Karen has also matured a lot.If it was before, she might rush forward excitedly, but now.She just quietly jumped off the red lotus type II, then smiled and nodded towards the group of companions who had returned safely.

"Well, Karen, thank you!"

"Well, I really trouble you, Karen!"

Fan Yao and Tengtang looked at Karen, who had gradually revealed an inexplicable coercion on their bodies. The original excitement was always constant and cooled slightly.

The ordinary members around who were still wearing prison uniforms also cast grateful glances at Karen, not only for the trump card of the Black Knights, but also for the leader ZERO.

"Right, who is that person?"

Just say the words of gratitude once, Fujitang then moved his gaze to Vincent who was aside, and asked when he looked at the Bunitanian student walking down from above.

"Well, it's not clear, but since you obeyed ZERO's order, it should be a companion!"

Karen hesitated, then explained.She did not get any information from Lelouch, and thought that the other party was also controlled by GEASS.When he was in Babel before, this person's strength was really good. If he belongs to them, it can really add a lot of help to the current Black Knights.

At this moment, Li Xingke had already brought a few transport vehicles, which were filled with the uniforms of the Black Knights and the trucks for bathing.Although there are hundreds of people in the Black Knights, the space occupied by this spacious courtyard is still very small.

After finally taking a bath and changing into the uniform of the Black Knights, in the room, Lelouch had also injected hot semen into Chiba’s womb, which was a long time ago. The mass of semen fed her full, and the spring was radiant and beautiful. moving.

After a shot came from Chiba's mouth and backyard, Lulu Xiu let go of Chiba contentedly, the two of them washed their bodies and walked out of it.

"Ah, it's ZERO!"

Lulu Xiu's black cloak had just appeared in the hallway, and it caused the excited members of the group to shout.

"Great, our head is back!"

"Long live ZERO!"

"Wait a minute, although thank you for saving us, I would like to ask, where did you go at the most critical moment of the war last year? Is there anything more important than that battle?"

Although he knew the identity of Lu Lu Xiu, Xiao Siyan Asahina deliberately pointed out the sensitive topic that ZERO disappeared a year ago.This is not only to want to disgusting Lelouch, but to solve the doubts in his happiness.

Originally thought that the opponent had recovered his identity and abandoned their chess pieces, but he returned.

"Yes, if you didn't leave in battle, we would not be caught. With your tactics, it should not be difficult to defeat the Bunitanian army in that situation. Even, even we originally wanted The target of the rescue, Her Royal Highness, Queen Cornelia, also led a personal guard to attack us!"

The plump Xianbo crossing the river Linghe also followed the Fudao, followed by Shan Yao. Although his tone was gentle, he was also asking the same question.

"ZERO, what happened!"

"Everything is to defeat Bunitania!"

"Ah, then!"

"that is all!"

Lelouch only explained up to this point, and he didn't want to say much about the next thing.Although there are still many people in the current Black Knights who are still obsessed with the name of Japan, such as the Four Sacred Swords, Fujidō Saga, and the members of the original Red Moon, the rest at the time, almost all have become his ZERO Loyal people.

Maybe it is difficult for them to commit suicide directly, but other orders will definitely be executed wholeheartedly.

"Hey, this reason is not a reason at all! It's just an excuse..."

"shut up!"

Asahina wanted to say something, but Fujidō stood up at this moment and prevented him and Shanya from asking questions.

In the team just now, he has noticed that the atmosphere of the Black Knights now seems to revolve around ZERO more closely than a year ago.Many familiar faces have disappeared, and those who worshipped ZERPO crazily, remained almost unharmed.

Borrowing the hands of Bunitania, ZERO has completed the cleaning of the Black Knights. If it weren't because they are still useful, it is probably in the scope of cleaning.

Guessed the Fujitang part of Lelouch's plan, so when he saw Asahina wanted to provoke him, he stood up and stopped him.

"ZERO, if that is a means to win, I agree with you!"

Tengtang, who walked to Lulu Xiu's side, expressed his position, standing on the side of ZERO.The expressions of the members of the Black Knights below who were originally glaring at him and the Four Sacred Swords and others, their expressions really eased slightly.

Through the mask, Lelouch looked at Tengtang unexpectedly.

Have you found it, Fujitang, you are really good.

Nodded appreciatively, Lelouch replied.

"Of course, my ultimate goal is the result!"

"I understand!"

Fujitang stood still, turned to the members and officials of the Black Knights below, and said loudly.

"Sometimes, the content of the battle needs to be kept secret. ZERO is the head of our Black Knights. There is no doubt about this. We just need to follow his footsteps closely!"

"Mr. Fujido!"

Asahina looked at Fujido in disbelief, and couldn't imagine that he would stand by ZERO's side. The other party snatched Chiba away and treated them as men who used them as chess pieces.

"Well, don't say anything more!"

Fujitang gave Chaohina a warning look, then turned to Lulu Xiu and bowed deeply.

"ZERO, Black Knights, and Japan, please, please lead us to overthrow the brutal rule of Bunitania!"

"I also believe in ZERO!"

Fan Yao, who had not noticed any change in the atmosphere of the group members, also rushed to the entrance, standing on the right side of Lulu Xiu, and said loudly towards the companions below.

"Only ZERO can lead us to victory. Whether it is the Chinese Federation or the EU, don't they dare not launch a war against the Bunitania Empire? Only us, and only the Black Knights, can keep Bunitania defeated. . We have the only hope for all colonies! In order to win the War of Independence, no one but ZERO as our leader can do the job!"

"Yes, ZERO is the only leader of our Black Knights!"

"Defeat Bunitania, long live Master Zero!"


The cheers of hundreds of members of the Black Knights rang from the consulate to the ears of the Bunitanian army encircled outside.

Chapter 384 The Return of the Scum

"I am the Suzaku who is returning to school at Ashford Academy from today. Please advise!"

It was still the short chestnut hair, the delicate and pale face, but the metal luster was exposed on the forehead and forehead.Although other places looked the same as ordinary people, Lelouch sitting below could clearly feel that the opponent's skin was a metal machine.

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