Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 470

(That’s how it is, that’s why I survived? It’s better to live like this. Or, Suzaku, it seems that the GEASS command you gave you to be immortal made you like this. You could have been relieved easily, but now, For you, death is probably an extravagant hope!)

The sympathy for Suzaku in his heart flashed away. Now that the two sides were completely hostile, Lelouch would no longer be soft-hearted.However, killing Suzaku is not his task, but Yuffi's right.

While Lelouch was thinking, the students nearby also echoed lively discussions.


"The legendary white god of death wants to come to school with us, is there any mistake!"

"But he is the seventh knight of the round table!"

"But he is from District Eleven."

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, he is the seventh knight."

"It is directly under His Majesty the Emperor!"

"Not a traitor yet!"

"Betrayed his own motherland, betrayed His Royal Highness Euphemia, this kind of man is still alive today!"

"Seeing that there is no circuit on his head, I heard that in order to gain strength, he modified his body! Now he is not considered a human at all!"

"It's not a human, it's a monster!"

"Everything is good, why would one of the Knights of the Round Table transfer to our school?"

Most of the discussion was negative. Obviously, although the identity of the knight of the round table Shuque was far more noble than these students, compared to the deterrence of the king, the pressure brought by this identity was insignificant.

Seeing that the discussion was getting more and more intense, Veretta quickly clapped her hands.

"Okay, okay, everyone calm down. Shumuqing will be assigned to District Eleven from today, and will return to school here at the same time. Your seat will be temporarily reserved by Lulu Xiu!"

When it came to Lulu Xiu, Veretta on the podium gave Lu Lu Xiu a look, indicating that he had only learned about it not long ago.This movement was not noticed by Suzaku. At this moment, his attention was all on the calm face of the sitting underneath, but a glimmer of joy flashed in his eyes.

When Veretta said that he would arrange his seat next to Lelouch, he responded and walked towards the seat next to Lelouch.


Two opposing and walking friends met again.

The one who was abandoned by his hometown, and the one who abandoned his hometown, was a Japanese, but became a soldier of Bunitania who invaded his country.One is the prince of Bunitania, who has raised the flag against his homeland.

For rebellion!

But that is the real fact.And now, everything is false.

There are three places in the modified memory, one is Nanali, one is ZERO, and the other is the existence of Lelouch VI Bunitania itself.So at this moment, the only thing that the two friends who meet again has to do is.

"Long time no see, Suzaku!"

"It's so nostalgic, Lelouch!"

Say hello in the way of friends meeting, yes, "friend", either you die or my living "good friend!"

Lelouch, who was sitting in his seat, and the Suzaku standing in the aisle showed happy smiles and greeted each other.

"Suzaku, long time no see! Congratulations on becoming a knight of the round table!"

In the seat next to Lelouch, Xia Li leaped on Lelouch's back, her plump breasts pressed against the back of his head, and greeted Suzaku happily.Then, from behind Suzaku, Lival, who was sitting in his seat, also jumped up, just like a year ago, holding his arms around his neck, and said excitedly.

"You're really outstanding! Suzaku, no, now I'm going to change my name to the seventh knight of the round table!"

"Don't call it that way, it will get goose bumps!"

"I heard that Suzaku is back!"

While Suzaku was playing with Livar, the back door of the classroom suddenly opened, and Mire Ashford, the president of the repeater student council, ran in and immediately saw the Suzaku playing with Livar.

Lelouch looked at Mi Lei and sighed helplessly. Although Xia Li and Mi Lei were originally this character, they were still so calm in the face of the enemy, which really made him relieved.No, fortunately, they didn't tell them the truth, so they probably don't know the identity of Suzaku's enemy.

Lelouch reminded Mi Lei with a smile, completely bringing the appearance of the modified memory.

"Mi Lei, it's in class anyway, even the president of the student union can't violate the rules!"

"Ah, sorry!"

Mi Lei spit out her tongue playfully.

There is no problem with Xia Li and Mi Lei, and Luo Luo is next. As long as he doesn't show his feet, there should be no big problem.

During the lunch break, the students from the Student Union gathered again, except for Sophie and Mia, and Nina who had disappeared.Everyone gathered in the courtyard behind the club, chatting and enjoying lunch.

Lelouch was the same as before, surrounded by Mi Lei and Xia Li, across from the three of them, one word passed, Livar, Suzaku, and Lolo.

"Because of the Black Rebellion, everyone except us has gone back, including the teacher!"

Xia Li, who was sitting on the right hand side of Lelouch, was eating fruit salad while complaining.The Suzaku on the opposite side did not eat, and his body couldn't eat it either.So I can answer everyone's questions calmly, and at the same time take the opportunity to learn about Lelouch.

"Have everyone returned to Bunitania?"

"Yeah, so the only people who know Suzaku here are us from the Student Union. Sophie and Mia are the ministers and deputy ministers of the swimming department, so they didn't come today! Right, Lolo!"

Lelouch wiped away the salad that Xia Li left in the corner of her mouth because she was talking and eating, put it in her mouth and ate it, and then explained.

"Really? I just said that they are all strangers!"

Suzaku nodded clearly.

At this moment, Lival, who could not bear his curiosity for a long time, finally asked the question buried in his heart. He hooked Suzaku's shoulder and asked loudly about ZERO.

"By the way, you have seen the true face of ZERO!"

"It's actually a woman!"

Mi Lei who knows ZERO's true identity, but deliberately guessed so.

"Is it true that the rumor that it was actually His Royal Highness Clovis?"

Livar who likes mystery.

"His Royal Highness the Prince of which country!"

Xia Li, a poisoned patient in a romance novel.

"This one……"

Faced with the subtle questions of the three, not only Lelouch, but Suzaku himself felt a little dumbfounded.Especially Mi Lei guessed that ZERO's real body was a woman. She didn't want to know who ZERO was, but just for fun.

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