Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 489

indeed so!

After hearing Asahina's words, Fujido couldn't help but acquiesce in his heart.If it is a long-range artillery battle, the power of either the heavy Avalon or the light Avalon is undoubtedly difficult to resist.A volley of fire is probably enough to destroy a small town.But once it gets caught up in a super close combat, its huge body becomes a burden.An oversized hull is difficult to turn around flexibly, and the carrier-based aircraft trembles because of the fear of affecting the mothership.

However, Fujido is also aware of the weaknesses in his side.

This weakness is that most of the Knightmare used by the Black Knights are marine weapons. If they have advanced flying models such as Lancelot, of course, this need not be said.

But in fact, the Knightmare of the Black Knights, whether it is a rogue or under the moon, can't fight in the air.If you accidentally fall off the ship, you will not only be unable to return, but there will even be problems with escape.Falling from this 10,000-meter-high sky, even the Knightmare would have to fall to pieces.

If they don't want to die with the enemy ship, they must seize the last moment-that is, use a steel cable in the air to realize the docking with the partner conveyor.This is a difficult technique for conveyors and Knightmare, and quite dangerous.If it is attacked by other ships or carrier-based aircraft at this time, it will be very tricky.

Therefore, choosing the surprise attack tactics to enter the hull is the only strategy, and if there is an enemy that can threaten them, the combination of the Red Lotus II and the Four Holy Swords can completely use that difficult technique to perform a single-plane annihilation. .

However, the problem is after the successful raid!

Fujitang said.

After entering the ship, ZERO and Your Royal Highness Euphemia, can they successfully find Governor Nanali, and then seize the command of the ship?If it succeeds, the outsiders of Fujitang and his entourage can easily break through the encirclement net of Bunitania without forcibly breaking through the encirclement and directly asking Governor Nanali to issue orders.

However, if they fail, it will be quite difficult for them to succeed.

"Hurry up... Lelouch, and... Your Royal Highness Euphemia!"

While talking, Fujitang fired a rocket at the Bunitania attack aircraft in the air.

Chapter 405: Brothers and Sisters in Advance

"Notice to all members! To all members! Now that a group of terrorists has invaded the ship, all the guards and other people who are temporarily out of duty immediately search the vicinity. If they are found, immediately suppress them! A reminder, no inside the ship Heavy weapons are allowed. Once again, heavy weapons are not allowed inside the ship."

After repeated broadcasts by the communicator on the ship, some soldiers in bulletproof suits began to search for nearby small rooms and secret rooms in turn.Although the ships also have powerful weapons such as rockets, no one dares to use such weapons according to the order.Because once used, it will likely have a huge impact on the navigation of the ship.In the combat aircraft, which is the crystallization of the highest technology, only the most primitive combat methods can be adopted. I have to say that this is really ironic.

"Hurry up and surrender, terrorist!"

"Don't want to leave the boat alive!"

With seven points of anger and three points of anxiety, the soldiers armed with light guns and swords searched back and forth inside the ship.The terrorists invaded the interior through the launch port used by the carrier-based aircraft in front of the ship.So the soldiers in gray protective suits began to gradually concentrate in that direction.


"It seems a bit tricky."

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded behind them.

"Huh? What are you doing, don't hurry up..."

The last soldier turned his head and wanted to remind the people behind him, but he screamed with horrified eyes when he saw the other person.

"Z, ZERO!"


The soldiers in front also turned back.But at this moment, the cover on the right side of the mysterious man's mask in front of them opened.Blood-red pupils were exposed under the black mask, accompanied by a cold voice.

"All of you-die for me!"

Once he opened his mouth, it was an irresistible order, and the soldier opposite Lelouch stopped all actions.Immediately, he pointed the muzzle at his head.

"Yes, My Lord."

Bullets penetrating the flesh, splashing blood, fallen corpses.

ZERO under the mask, Lelouch looked at all this coldly.

"Stupid commander, do you really think we will break through such a huge ship from the front?"

"It is because of stupidity that he was sent to die! Aries Leaving Palace does not need waste!"

From behind the large black cloak, a young girl in a noble and pure white low-cut gown came out. She had beautiful and silky long pink hair, as well as exquisite facial features, skin that was whiter than milk, and The luxurious knight sword hung around his waist looked like a beautiful princess preparing to go camping in the suburbs in the Middle Ages.

Her identity is indeed a princess.

The former third empress of the Bunitanian Empire, Euphemia Li Bunitania, was declared deprived of the royal title for supporting the Black Knights during the Black Rebellion a year ago. But she was recognized by the emperor of the Chinese Federation as her sister, and she exists as the princess of the Chinese Federation.

At this moment, the siblings are walking in the inner passage of the heavy Avalon.The intrusion from the launch port of the carrier-based aircraft is just an illusion, but in fact it was sneaked in by the air duct opened by Knightmare.At this moment, there are no outsiders around the two of them. After all, that kind of inhuman power, whether it is Geass or Heroic Spirit, can't be known casually.

Leaving behind the blood-splattered corridor, Lelouch and Yuffi turned and walked towards the depths of the ship.

They are now going to meet their sister, Nanali, for two days.But not for the so-called communication or exchange, but just to ask the other party for a choice.

The younger sister is not the property of the older brother, because the younger sister also has her own will and the right to choose her own life and death.This point, even the elder brother-no, it should be said that no one is inviolable.

"Nanali is not your precious puppet, she should also have her own ideas, just like Yuffi, this is inevitable. And whether this is the same as the'Nanali's happiness' you have always hoped for? Is it consistent?

You started the war to wipe out your homeland, Bunitania, for your sister, and maybe... many people died for you.

But I don’t think this is what Nanali hopes and what she can accept — Lelouch, if you have the opportunity, go and talk to Nanali and ask about her own will and her own thoughts. .

Of course, I think Nanaly will choose the same path as Yuffi in the end.

Because, like Yu Fei, she is also your dearest sister!

This is the memory of Lelouch's awakening. After ZERO was resurrected, Cornelia conveyed to herself through the correspondence of the Chinese Federation.It was precisely because of these words that Lulu Xiu decided not to take Nanali away forcibly.In addition, Yu Fei was called from the Chinese Federation.

All this is to convince Nanali that Yuffi’s hands have been stained with blood, and even a second dark Yuffi personality appeared. Lelouch didn’t want his daughter and sister to be the same as Yuffi. the way.

Think about sitting in a wheelchair, the gentle and innocent Nanali suddenly darkened, and a series of'Ats, go to death' came out of that little mouth that had never said too much!''Trash, you are not worthy to live in this world!"Being able to kneel in front of me and kiss the soles of my feet is your supreme glory.""

"No, absolutely not, my Nanaly can never be like that!"

Lu Lu Xiu, who was horrified all over, suddenly yelled out of anxiety.

"ZERO, what's wrong with you?"

Just cut two soldiers who rushed up because of Lelouch’s shouts into two halves. With the blood and the dying and miserable background of human beings, Yu Fei’s face was full of flowery smiles, gentle. With deep love in his eyes, he asked worriedly.

"Ah, nothing!"

After staring at Yu Fei, who had turned from the Slaughter Witch to the Gentle Princess in an instant, Lelouch said softly.

"Let's go, go to Nanali!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lulu Xiu, who had a guilty conscience, no longer saw Euphemia, who had clearly killed a double-digit enemy, but had not stained his clothes with a trace of blood, and turned to move on.

Nanali's location is deep in the ship, in the temporary artificial garden.Although the access to there has been locked, this is not a problem.It can be easily solved by using Geass to manipulate the guards who control the door lock.In front, Lelouch turned a turn and stopped in front of the elevator leading to the next floor.He heard the messy footsteps on the other side of the corridor again.

Lelouch was stunned impatiently, and immediately hid in the shadows with Yuffi who followed.He tightly held the switch of the left eyecup of the mask, ready to use Geass again.

"I'll be by your side immediately, Nanali..."

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