Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 490

Chapter 406: Sudden Battle

"The Profound Meaning-Eight Double Leaps!"

Using the hook lock to grab the fighter that entangled him, Asahina used the weight of the Knightmare itself to far exceed the fighter's weight, and jumped from a height to the bottom, tearing the entire fighter in half.


Asahina, who fell back to the armored ground, braked in time, turned and looked at the fighter that exploded into a fireball in the air, contemptuously said.

"Even if the protective shield is deployed, we are not allowed to be slaughtered by being entered inside. Avalon's air combat power is over!"

"If you are proud, you will become the white rabbit of Inaba (also known as the white rabbit of Inaba, the white rabbit that appeared in "Koji". It crosses from Uki Island to Inaba Country (Inaba Country) Come, deceive the mackerel in the sea to let it step ashore, but was stripped by the last mackerel; but the eighty brothers of the great god of the country taught it to bathe in sea water and then dry it in the wind. As a result, the whole body was injured. The Great Lord God helped it heal the skin, and this white rabbit made a happy prophecy that'Brother God will definitely not be sold by Bashang Bi, even though you carry the bag, you can get her'."

The steady Xianbo crossing the river calmly reminded that although it has the advantage now, it is only because of the success of the surprise attack strategy. Once Bunitania is slowed down, it is likely to fail like last year.

Asahina immediately replied helplessly, and it was not a good sign that Inaba's white rabbit used it as a metaphor.But he also understood that Xianbo's words were kind, after all, they had already been arrested once.

"Yes, yes, I will abide by the basics. But I am really surprised. It seems that I lost so badly a year ago, but depending on the situation, the power of the Black Knights, or ZERO, is stronger than a year ago!"

"After all, that person, I am afraid that what is exposed now is only part of his power!"

"Indeed, it is that person after all!"

"Woo...are you okay, ZERO."

Unlike Asahina and Senpa who were talking relaxedly, Fujido, in the cockpit of the first pilot under the moon, fired at the light Avalon frigate engine above the starboard side, and couldn't help twisting his mouth anxiously.

Too much time has been spent, and a situation like this game now seems like a trap.

Is it waiting for Bunitanian reinforcements from the Tokyo concession?ZERO is so sure to defeat the enemy, or, he still has a part of his hidden strength that he has not taken out.From the beginning, the purpose of this surprise attack...

At the moment Fujido thought this way, a warning tone sounded on the cockpit screen-it was aimed at by the laser of the enemy carrier aircraft.He immediately turned Yuexia around, and saw Avalon's main cannon, which had been oppressing his side before, aiming behind him.


Fujido immediately turned the joystick to the right and manipulated the fuselage to fly out.The rays of the enemy's laser gun passed him almost at the same moment, focusing on the heavy hull of the heavy Avalon ship behind him.

A huge flame exploded from the hull, and the part that was penetrated was the engine!

"Is he crazy?! He hit the power part of his hull!"

What was hit was the huge engine that allowed the heavy Avalon to float in the air. It was because he determined that his opponent would not fire here, Fujitang chose his current position.However, the other party actually fired.

Is it because it has been unable to break the deadlock that it has abandoned itself under anxiousness?Or decided to disregard the life and death of his governor and let the Black Knights be buried with this ship?

Such doubts arose in Fujitang's heart. If he did not attack the engine, this heavy Avalon would be an invincible warship that would never sink.However, once the power facilities are paralyzed, this aerial fortress will immediately lose power, and with such a huge weight, it will definitely sink to the depths of the sea.

As if to verify Fujido's bad premonition, black smoke rose from the core of the ship, and then the entire ship began to shake violently.

However, the carrier-based aircraft that had been horrified before suddenly changed its attitude, constantly sweeping the Knightmare troops of the Black Knights, and had no scruples about accidental injuries.

Fujido fired a series of bursts, blasting the mobile laser cannon aimed at his turret, and eliminated the Avalon Fleet Commander General Atre, and then opened the communicator in the dodge gap.

"Red Moon! Chiba!"

"It's the same here for us, the scene is suddenly out of control!"

Karen and Chiba replied at the same time, the enemy no longer cares about accidental injury, their pressure suddenly increased.

"I will immediately implement the fifth battle plan to make the troops entering the ship retreat! This ship is going to sink-Asahina!"

"I see! I will cover them to escape...Ah!"

"what happened?"

Almost as soon as Fujitang asked, he found out.

The overall strategic situation has changed. Although they have monitored the central heavy Avalon, the light Avalon frigates on both sides, and carrier-based aircraft where they are now, their detection capabilities are limited in the outer range.But now, data shows that unknown objects are gradually forming a circular encirclement from the northeast, approaching them rapidly.

"Are they reinforcements from the Tokyo Concession? How could it be so fast!"

Chiba who was across from the communicator called out, but Fujido immediately denied this.

"No, in terms of direction, it is the troops guarding the rear!"

Unidentified objects were approaching here at a speed that surpassed ordinary fighter jets, and soon reached the range visible to the naked eye.

On the blue and clear sea, a group of shadows emerged, not helicopters, but human shadows-Knightmare.Moreover, it was Knightmare with slender wings on his back.

"By the way, those airframes are all FLOAT UNIT (floating assembled)!"

" could it be possible! And, that machine is... Vincent!"

Karen also stopped, looking at the enemy plane approaching in the distance in shock, said in disbelief.

At this time, Fujido also lost his usual calmness. Although there were only a dozen of them, they still had the advantage in number, but the opponent's strength was definitely better than them in terms of body performance or driving skills.

"Damn it! Knightmare's dedicated flying device...has it reached the practical stage of mass production?!"

Fujitang's voice was full of endless bitterness.

Chapter 407 The Strange Guildford

"Then let everything come to an end here! For the supreme Emperor!"

After the hostage rescue incident, he returned to Guildford in the mainland of Bunitania. The body he manipulates is somewhat different from the body of the Gloucester unit behind him. It has beautiful and smooth lines and looks like a knight.It is a trial version of Lancelot's mass production machine, and it is also the main Knightmare of the Bunitanian army in the future-Vincent.

However, at this time, he looked as if he did not have the kindness to the Black Knights before, as if, like those ordinary Bunitan soldiers, he believed that the Black Knights were terrorists and was full of disgust.Moreover, it is not a tone used to cover up on the surface, but a hatred from the heart.

Following the experimental Avalonri behind Guildford and other escorts, on the bridge, Cecil, who was always watching the computer screen, was checking the observed performance of the FLOAT UNIT body, while explaining similarly to the report.

"All bodies, everything is normal!"

"Ah, the mass production machine is really enjoyable!"

After listening to Cecil's report, standing in the stronger front, Lloyd, who was watching Vincent and the FLOAT UNIT mass production machine with naked eyes, smiled leisurely.

Cecil was not as relaxed as Lloyd, with a worried expression on his face.

"Does it really matter? The funding for the creation of Vincent was provided by His Royal Highness Schonizel, who is a knight of Her Royal Highness Conelia!"

She felt a little vaguely, as if returning to Bunitania from the 11th district, Guildford's attitude changed slightly after meeting with His Majesty the Emperor.Especially, he took the initiative to ask Lloyd to create Vincent for him.

It is a pity that Cecil is unable to contact Lelouch at all at present, unable to inform him of Lloyd's change.Moreover, the changes in Guildford were just her guess. In order not to reveal her identity, she did not dare to ask Guildford privately.However, there should be no surprises in this battle.Therefore, on the bottom of the sea, she felt the breath of many companions.

The breath of the knights of the king's army.

"No problem, he should have discovered it by this time!"

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