Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 491

When Cecil was falling into her own thinking, Lloyd's words suddenly made her completely stunned.

"Hey, did you take the money without telling him?"

Cecil looked at Lloyd with a frivolous smile on his face in disbelief. Although he knew that this man likes fooling around, he actually embezzled Guildford to make Vincent for Guildford and embezzled it from the funds given by Shunezer Money.

It's too bad, this man!

Cecil stepped back insignificantly, the genius' nerves were abnormal, she really knew.

"Make them unable to fly in the air!"

On the other side, on Avalon, Karen, who was raided by the support troops headed by Guildford, and other companions directed the machine gun at the enemy aircraft approaching rapidly in the air, pouring out a dense firepower net. .

"Huh, the countermeasures are not bad, but the performance of the machine is too far apart!"

In Vincent’s cockpit, seeing Karen and the Black Knight’s countermeasures, Guildford gave an admiration, but the movements on his hands were not slow at all. Vincent flew instantly at a speed that was beyond reaction. To their side, a volley flipped and kicked Karen's red lotus form fiercely.

Karen had to put down the machine gun in his left hand while bending back.But Guildford's main attack is not her, but the rogue next to her.In addition to flying out, the Red Lotus II also has a body performance that is not inferior to Vincent. In addition, the opponent is an ace pilot, who is good enough to fight the Knights of the Round Table. Guildford and his men, from one The initial target of the attack was the huge number of rogues of the Black Knights.

As for the Moonlight of the Four Sacred Swords and the Captain's Aircraft, they intend to conduct an annihilation war when they have a numerical advantage.

Almost at the moment when Karen dodged, Guildford had already smashed the head recognizer of the rogue who had attacked Guildford with her with one shot.Yoshida in the cockpit immediately pressed the ejection device of the cockpit.

"Sorry, I beg you next, Karen!"

"Using land warfare weapons to carry out surprise attacks on huge aviation warships? The idea is interesting, and it's done quite well—ZERO!"

In the name of ZERO, Guildford, who first defeated an enemy plane, dodges Kallen's counterattack bullets while observing the entire battle.Although the number of enemies was twice as much as his own, in this short few minutes, the black knights on the other light Avalon had been defeated by most.Both in terms of airframe performance and driving skills, the Bunitanian Army has an absolute advantage.

The elite of the Bunitanian army is by no means comparable to the soldiers of the Black Knights who have simply trained for one or two years.Only the heavy Avalon as the main attack direction still maintains a Knightmare close to five.

These five people are naturally the Four Sacred Swords headed by Fujitang and Karen Hongyue.

"ZERO really knows that the key to surprise attacks is the essence of speed. But even so, we are not completely unable to deal with it."

Although the obstacle of ZERO was hit, it was a little late to arrive here.Once the Avalon Air battleship is successfully landed by the Knightmare of the Black Knights, they will definitely force their way into the ship.In this way, the form is very dangerous.However, it seems that the heavy Avalon has not been completely controlled by the enemy.

"Where are the Knights of the Round Table?"

Guildford confirmed the Knightmare of his own troops through a communicator, and then got a reply.

"Yes, Bein Bein Beiruk and Alstoleyim will be here in about three minutes."

"Soon, it's a special machine for the Knights of the Round Table. Where's Shumuqing?"

"It is said that he will return to the experimental Avalon commanded by Colonel Lloyd soon. But..."

"I know."

The engine part of the heavy Avalon main ship is emitting black smoke and is sinking slowly.Judging from the tactics of the Black Knights, they probably wanted to capture Avalon and the frigate together.

This is really not like their usual practice?

Guildford couldn't help being speechless.

"What a stupid tactic."

Of course, in the Bunitanian army, the practice of sacrificing one's own people in order to gain victory will never arouse criticism from others, as long as you win in the end.

Chapter 408 Reunion of Brothers and Sisters

Bunitania is a country where the emperor who was at the apex of Lien Chan believed in "war and plunder."

Just as Mire Ashford accused in the Black Rebellion, Bunitania upholds the supremacy of victory, while the lives of soldiers and people are placed second.Although the practice of sacrificing soldiers and even civilians often arouses humanitarian condemnation from other countries, to the common sense of Bunitania, it just gives people a feeling of "what about this?"

In the same way, this is the situation, even Guildford, who enjoys the name of "intellectual, calm and noble" knight in Bunitania, is no exception.If necessary, everything can be sacrificed.

Of course, the premise is "if necessary." The winner gets everything and the loser loses everything, mainly to see whether the price is worth it.

"After entering the interior of the ship, I actually wanted to ensure the safety of the Governor at the same time, but also planned to separate the important parts of the ship to other ships-are they crazy?"

"what happened?"

"I will never stand by and watch, Britz! You bring a group of people to the 10 o'clock direction to cover those who escaped from the ship, and the others will come with me."

"Yes, My Lord!"

"Protect Your Royal Highness, Raid!"

The vibration of the Avalon ship passed from the swaying floor to the soles of the feet, and Lelouch and Yuffi seemed to notice the sudden change in the battle situation outside and began to run.In front is a long corridor after another.The previous door was closed by an electronic lock, but there was still a monitoring soldier standing in front of the door. He raised his gun in panic when he saw Lulu Xiu.

"Z, ZERO! Her Royal Highness Euphemia, you... how could you be here!"

However, before the soldier fired the gun, another soldier appeared at the corner of the corridor. He did not hesitate to pull the trigger on his companion.


"No one can hinder ZERO."

The soldier whispered, his eyes red.These are the unique eyes of people after Geass took effect.I am afraid that the same thing is happening everywhere on the ship now.Although Knightmare has armor to block the line of sight and cannot use Geass to make them fight against ships, it can play a huge role among ordinary soldiers and cause chaos in the enemy.

It can be said that no one can prevent ZERO from entering the ship.

Lelouch and Yuffi walked straight past the guard who killed their companions, and the other side did not turn their heads, but stood in the middle of the corridor with their backs to the two, holding the guns across their chests like the brother and sister who had left.

The two brothers and sisters soon came to a blocked gate, and the breathing under Lelouch's mask also began to be disordered, he stopped and adjusted his breathing.Yuffi, who was next to Lelouch, walked to the right and reached out to enter the passcode on the electronic door lock in front of him.


The door opened.

What appeared in front of him was the peaceful sight of being on an aviation battleship.

The flowerbeds are full of various flowers, and the fragrant breath blows across the face. The soft artificial light shines from the ceiling warmly, not with the surrounding flowers. It is clustered in the middle of the garden, the one sitting in a wheelchair. Young girl.

The long gray hair shone in the light.The pale pink Governor's dress was modified to suit her petite body shape.The snow-white skin can be broken by blowing, and it seems that water can leak at any time.Those eyes were closed, and the lovely long eyelashes were shaking slightly.

The seventh queen of the holy Bunitania Empire, the nominal deputy leader of the Aries Departure, is about to become the governor of the 11th district-Nanali VI Bunitania.

"Governor Nanali! Please run away immediately! ZERO, ZERO, he has...what, you guy, what do you want to do! Wow..."

The communication stopped abruptly with a scream, and there was a commotion outside the courtyard.A slight gunshot can be heard.Also, the small sound of the electronic lock being released.

In an instant, the door opened.

Immediately there was a sound of footsteps, and someone walked into the courtyard.It was not the footsteps of the guard girl who acted by herself, but two slightly strange, but very familiar footsteps.In the unfolding spiritual position, Nana Li clearly portrayed the other side's figure in the depths of her "eyes".

Nanali slowly stretched out her hands on the handlebars of the wheelchair, facing the direction of the two footsteps.

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