Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 492

"Onixam, Sister Euphemia, you are finally here!"

Nanali desperately suppressed the trembling of her body, but her voice still betrayed her inner excitement and joy.

"Ah, here we are! Nanali, we are here to welcome you!"

Lulu Xiu and Yu Fei both came to Nanali’s wheelchair, knelt down on one knee, held Nanali’s little hands with both hands, and placed them beside their mouths. They kissed gently, with the same slightly trembling voice. Reply.

With a "chih", the door at the back of the courtyard suddenly opened, and a dignified woman in the dress of a female official pushed a refreshment cart and walked in from behind the door.Then it was placed in the middle of the courtyard, and two beautiful chairs were taken out from the back and placed on the left and right sides.

After that, she began to place refreshments and prepare delicious black tea, elegant and noble.

"Anna, long time no see!"

Lelouch looked at the female officer who was preparing refreshments for them, and said with a look of nostalgia on her face.

Yes, this female officer was when she was a child, and the female attendant of the Aries Li Palace who grew up with Lelouch and Nanali-Anna Louise, was also the first one to be taken away from Mariana by Lelouch Internal response.

This time, Nanali went to the 11th district to serve as the governor. As the female official of the Aries Palace, she also accompanied her, mainly to take care of Nanali, who had limited mobility.After all, Mariana, as the fifth knight of the round table, could not stay with Nanali forever.

"His Royal Highness, you have grown up!"

Anna, who had finished preparing the refreshment, turned around and bowed respectfully to Lu Lu Xiu.Although she was very excited in her heart, she knew that, in her capacity, in this situation, it was impossible to express her feelings for the little prince who had conquered her body and soul ten years ago.

Moreover, she has passed that impulsive age.

"Indeed, I have grown up!"

Lulu Xiu and Yu Fei did not let go of Nana's hand, they just sat on the chairs set by Anna.However, when Lelouch sat firmly, he took Nana Li from the wheelchair and put it on his lap.

One year of separation, just shaking hands, could not release Lelouch's longing for Nanali at all. There was only one action that best expressed his lovesickness.

Quickly unzipped the trousers, Lelouch expertly penetrated into the bottom of Nanali's skirt with the other hand, pulled the fabric of her underwear, and then slammed it up, and instantly entered Nanali's. Deepest.

Lovers who have been separated for a year are once again closely bound together, regardless of each other, soul and body blend.

Chapter Four Hundred and Nine


In the cockpit of the Red Lotus II, Karen was holding the joystick tightly and staring angrily at the enemy flying in the sky.

"There is no way to fly into the air!"

She continuously fired lasers at the approaching enemy aircraft, but these attacks were easily avoided by Vincent of Guildford.

"Not bad, but..."

With that said, Guildford slammed on the control pedal in the cockpit.Take off with full force, and launched another round of advance to the deck of the heavy Avalon at maximum speed.A laser oscillating sword stretched out from the back of the machine. The tip of his sword was not pointing to Karen's Red Lotus Type II, but the mass-produced Knightmare of the Black Knights-Rogue.

In order to avoid being destroyed by a single player, the rogues of the Black Knights are equipped next to the captain's plane. Yoshida, who was just defeated, is an example.It's a pity that although the rogue machine that just arrived barely wanted to dodge, it still didn't have time.At the moment when he passed Vincent, the red MVS flashed, the body's head joints had been cut and flew out, and the rogue emergency escape cabin was forcibly activated.The completely destroyed body rolled off the deck and fell into the vast sea below.

This is already the third one. So far, all the rogue machines of the Black Knights have been wiped out except for Karen and Fujitang.Next, they will face enemies several times their own.

Close to twenty rogues, only the casualties of the other four Gloucesters, and the loss ratio of five to one, made Karen feel extremely aggrieved for the poor combat effectiveness of his compatriots.

"The gap between land warfare weapons that can move on the ground and air warfare weapons that can move freely cannot be made up by the pilot's skills alone!"

With provocative words in his mouth, the contemptuous smile on Guilford’s face, who took away her three companions from Karen, looked at the silver claws just deep, but after he accelerated, he immediately pulled away. Red lotus style two.


Seeing Vincent who vacated the sky again after turning around beautifully, Karen's eyes almost burst into flames.

"Each machine takes orders! The backrests of every two machine bodies form a combined reinforcement. If they are too scattered and are attacked from behind, the stand alone will be difficult to resist."

From the communicator came the voice of Fujido, who was the commander of Knightmare, and the remaining Black Knights, except Fujido and Karen, only had the four holy swords.

"Understood! Red Moon!"


Hearing the call from Chiba, the nearest to her, Karen immediately leaped over and landed behind Chiba's undermoon fuselage near the firing exit of the carrier aircraft.

Fujido and Senba are in a group, Asahina and Bube are in a group, and two women are in a group, Karen and Chiba.Three groups of six fighters, facing 14 enemies, plus a Guildford driving Vincent.

When everyone had just completed the new team, several Gloucesters approached her head-on.Karen raised the laser gun reflexively, and Gloucester, who saw her reaction, immediately stopped flying in a straight line and moved to the right.

However, just as the opponent's body tried to approach Chiba and Karen, the hook launched by Chiba instantly penetrated the opponent's right foot.Gloucester suddenly found it difficult to maintain his balance and his flight speed slowed down.

"Red Moon! Take advantage of it now!"


Guren leaped up again and rushed in front of Gloucester along the hook. As she approached, she slammed her right wrist emitting radiation waves, slapped on Gloucester's forehead, and blasted from the head.


Gloucester exploded in the air, and Karen made an elegant backflip and returned to the deck of Avalon. Vincent looked at the sky and roared.

"Did you see it! Bunitanians!"

Guildford who was above her witnessed the whole process and couldn't help but be speechless, his eyes were almost staring out.The other Gloucesters are similar, all avoiding the fierce female tyrannosaurus far away.

"Hahaha... still the same as before!"

The speaker was the four-eyed frog Asahina, who was in a group with Bubu's Yuexiaji.

"These two ladies are really amazing!"

"We can't lose to them either."

The undaunted voice of Bubu behind him came from the communicator.

"It's not a gentleman's way to fight for the limelight with Missy."

"That's right. By the way, what about the deputy commander's air force?"

"There are still fifteen minutes to arrive!"

"Really? You have to stay on the boat for a while."

Nodded, Asahina stretched his hand to the joystick and aimed his laser gun in the sky.The positions of the two of them are exactly opposite to Karen, on the right side of the launch port.This is a place that must be guarded firmly, because the infantry units entering the ship can only retreat from here.

In the Avalon passage where they retreated, Fujitang and Xianbo were naturally the first direction for reinforcements.It was the best arrangement for the two men with fighting power second only to Karen and Chiba to attack there.

Asahina fired a shot at an approaching Gloucester hovering in the air, and the opponent hurriedly pulled away from them.Although the range of activities in the air is very wide, it is unable to aim accurately. This is also the case with the four holy swords with superb skills to easily suppress the enemy Gloucester.

However, just at this moment, there was a loud noise from the Bubu behind him.At the same time, Bubu's reminder sounded across the communicator.

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