Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 499

Now, it is not time to hide strength.Keno is very aware of the combat effectiveness of the Judgment Legion. The single machine is absolutely above the Royal Knights. Only the Judging Legion of Her Royal Highness Cornelia can fight.

Although it has been heard that the ruling army is preparing to expand, and the members are those noble ladies who are provided by the first empress Genivel, there should be some time before the formation of combat effectiveness.Now, it is time to use the Royal Knights to cut off this imperial enemy.But the premise of everything is that their three round tables can smoothly defeat Michael in front of them.

"Don't underestimate Michael!"

The combined hook and lock brought a flash of light across the sky.However, the target Michael has disappeared.She evaded Keno's ultimate move with lightning speed, aimed at the laser gun in her left hand, and shot a sharp beam of bullet at Keno.

Da Da Da!

The dense red beam sealed all the gaps that Keno could dodge.

"Return this sentence to you, Miss! Don't underestimate my Tolistan!"

One hundred and fifty percent of the body's performance was fully opened in an instant, and Keno flashed ghostly to the area blocked by the beam, and the released energy was hooked under his remote control and flew to Michael's back cleverly.

The folded part of the left-hand laser gun opened instantly, and unexpectedly, it turned out to be a short knife reflecting red light.With a backhand with his left hand, the hook lock on the back of the sneak attack was immediately smashed.

"Not MVS!"

Seeing the broken hook, Keno murmured.

His sacrifice was not in vain, and the Lancelot Conqueror who finally caught Michael's figure had already caught up.Since the long-range attack is invalid, then melee combat.


It's a pity that Karen is not an ordinary human, but a heroic spirit. Almost at the moment Lancelot appeared behind her, she was already felt by the radar faster that the other party was coming, turned around and roared and stretched out her right wrist.

"As a Japanese, but the running dog sold to Bunitania, betrayed the scum of ZERO and Euphemia, I want to get rid of you here!"

Lancelot caught the opponent's attack with his left hand, while swinging an MVS-standard long sword with his right hand, severely slashing at Michael's waist.However, at this moment, Michael had already released radiation fluctuations.


The ominous red light broke out in an instant, and Suzaku opened the protective shield, but after supporting it for less than a second, it was blasted by the radiation wave, and then hit his arm.Suzaku immediately cut off his left hand forcibly, activated the flight system and quickly moved away from Michael.Immediately, Lancelot's left hand exploded in Michael's hand.

As for the sword that was cut to Michael's waist just now, it was bounced off by the same shield of light.

"Is it the same type of protection system as Lancelot?"

"Go away!"

Suzaku, who was pulling away, just had time to let out a sigh, and Ania's indifferent voice rang from the communicator in his ear.Then, an alarm sounded in Suzaku's mind.

The aircraft behind Lancelot burst out instantly, raising several meters.After that, almost a slight difference, a sharp red beam of light passed between his crotch and blasted towards Michael who was chasing and chasing up.

"Ania wants to kill me!"

Wait until the heavy particle cannon is fired, and at the last second tell yourself that this is not to kill him, what it is.If it weren't for having a strong intuition for danger, just now, he would definitely become the first target of the heavy particle cannon and become Michael's shield.

Moreover, at the moment he had just avoided, from the opposite of the communicator that had not been turned off, he vaguely heard the self-talk of "cut, escaped".

But since he escaped, it was Michael who replaced Suzaku as the target.


In Michael's cockpit, watching the red beam of light that had originally attacked Suzaku flying towards him, Karen also took a bite, just as he was about to open the protective shield to take the blow.From below, a golden-red beam of light soared into the sky, taking a step ahead of Karen and accurately hitting the stream of red particles.

"That is... the 320mm ultra-high pulse gun of the Chinese Federation!"

In the experiment Avalon in the distance, Lloyd who had been standing on the bridge saw the golden-red beam of light that seemed to be familiar, and exclaimed in excitement.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh finally to see that I borrowed the theory of impulse cannon to create a heavy particle cannon, against the real impulse cannon!"

Yes, at this moment Mordred driven by Ania was made by Lloyd using the theory of the pulse cannon.Because there is currently no material that can withstand the powerful energy of the pulse cannon, the Bunitanian Empire has frequent exchanges with the Chinese Federation during this period, and plans to send the royal family headed by the first prince Odysseus to the Chinese Federation to visit the Chinese Federation. The emperor of the Chinese Federation thinks Yufimiya is the god sister.During this honeymoon, Schneider wanted to exchange pulse cannons and Gundam related technologies with the Chinese Federation more than once. Unfortunately, the ordinary Gundam, that is, Zeon's technology, was indeed released, but there was something about the real Gundam. And the powerful weapon, such as the pulse cannon, did not move.

It should not be said that those technologies, theoretical technologies, Lloyd already understood.The key is Gundam, and the alloy that makes the pulse gun is the top priority.It is a pity that the Federation of China does not make any purchases at all, and almost all of its citizens are fanatics of the emperor, and they cannot even buy it privately.

Therefore, the four heavy and strong particle cannons became Mordred's most powerful weapons under the constraints of ultra-thick armor.

Chi Chi Chi...

The entire battlefield seems to have stagnated. Looking at the two beams of light that are violently frictional and confronting, the particle stream and pulsed electrons are violently friction and annihilate, you are fighting for me.Lancelot and Michael, who are closer together, have been blown away by the air waves aroused by the collision, and the powerful shock wave spread from the center of the confrontation, with a radius of one kilometer, and you can clearly feel the air turbulence.


"Stay away from the center of the explosion!"

"Beware of shock waves!"

"All external devices are turned off!"

The brilliance of the confrontation between the strong particle cannon and the pulse cannon covered the entire battlefield.

Chapter 418: Nana's Choice

"Guy CC, really has no scruples at all!"

In the artificial courtyard of the Heavy Avalon Center, Nanali has been stripped into a white rabbit. Lelouch, who is riding on Anna’s carpet, slams a few vigorously, injecting the hot magma that has reached its peak again To the depths of Nanali's flower room that could not be full.

The hot liquid made Nanaly's soul start to tremble, and her exquisite body slightly stood up, trying her best to bear all the rain and dew that Lulu Xiu gave, but unfortunately, her body is really too small, a lot of it. The hot spring exploded along the overlapping part of the two, causing the girl to weakly fall back on the soaking carpet, her slightly raised chest gently undulating.

"Ounisangma, come in, and again, in the deepest part of my body, burst out!"

After breathing slightly, Lulu Xiu, who finally broke out in Nanali's body, finally got up.Beside the overlapping two people, Yuffi and Anna are getting dressed.When hundreds of people fought outside, the battlefield inside was equally fierce.The one-on-three Lelouch won the final victory, conquering Nanali, Yuffi, and Anna more than once.

However, the appearance of CC and her landline plane Raphael finally put an end to their battle.

Under Yu Fei's costume, Lelouch changed into ZERO's costume, Anna also helped Nana redress her clothes, and then carried him into the luxurious wheelchair.At this time, Nanali had slowly recovered from the wonderful feeling that could not be described in words.

Lelouch, who was also dressed, came to Nanali’s wheelchair and knelt down on one knee, held her slender hands tightly, kissed them heavily, and pressed them tightly to her cheeks. On, asked.

"Nanali, have you decided? Come with me, or..."

It doesn't matter what I become.

Even if you are scolded as a villain, it doesn't matter if you are a terrorist or a murderer.No, it should be said that he doesn't care about playing these roles at all.

He only hopes that Nanali can be happy and can gradually move towards happiness.With him, with all the people he loves, this is not only Lelouch's hope, but also the only reason for his survival.It doesn't matter what he will end up forever, or what misfortune he will end up.Only Nanali.

But, because of this, he couldn't forgive that man-everything the emperor had done to them.

Therefore, on the way to achieve this goal, he will retaliate against him, humiliate him, and destroy him.This is not a great idea for other people, it's just a pure selfishness.

One... Let Lelouch experience the revenge of losing an important person.

Just because of this, even if the lives of countless people are sacrificed, even if the hands are stained with blood, as long as the people he cherish agree with what he has done, even if it destroys the world, so what.

Like the mother Marianna said, he can no longer be gentle.

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