Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 500

His gentleness can only be given to those lovers.The king's mercy is not for those humble people, a selfish king, a king with infinite desires, can lead mankind to the true future.

This is the supreme authority as a king.

"Well, Ounisanma, I have already decided!"

There was a happy smile on Nanali's face.

"I, I want peace in the world, but more than those, I hope that Onixumma will always be by my side. Therefore, Onixumma, it is not me who needs to make the decision, but you!"


"Games that are too simple are not fun. I already know the bet between the queen mother and sister CC! So..."

Nanali didn't say anything behind her, only a playful smile appeared on her face.

"So that's it, are you standing with the mother's queen?"

Lulu Xiu returned with a helpless wry smile. He had heard of the bet that Nanali was talking about more than once.CC used this as an excuse to restore his memory in advance.

However, he asked several times later, and CC changed the subject, saying that it would never hurt him. This bet was just a war between their women.

Opposite sex attracts each other, same sex repels each other, especially those who used to be the best friends, but later because of the change of concept, identity, and standpoint, they are women, mothers, lovers, daughters, daughters-in-laws, etc The chaotic conflict created this situation where the war had to be compromised.

Of course, this is not to say that it is all CC's fault, nor is it Mariana's fault, nor is it Lelouch's fault. It can only be said that fate is making people.

Since the two powerful black-bellied queens are planning to fight, Lulu Xiu's harem will naturally stand in line.In addition to the neutrals such as Karen, Nana with strong personal emotions would choose her mother Marianna. This result is not surprising.On the CC side, Lelouch guessed that Yuffi was on her side.After all, since childhood, Yuffi and Nanali have been in a competitive relationship.

Lulu Xiu, who was caught in the middle, could only act silently according to his plan.If the war affects his plan or causes obstacles, he can only consider himself unlucky and resolve it by his own means.

There is only one place that must be absolutely paid attention to, and that is that women must not be involved in wars.

Therefore, Lelouch compromised.

"I see, have fun, Nanali!"

Giving the same answer to Nanali and Ania, Lelouch put down Nanali's hands, reached her innocent face, kissed her lips, and sucked hard.He stood up slowly and came to Anna who stood respectfully on the side. He also gave her a deep kiss before putting on the black mask again.

"A game with a doomed result is really not worth looking forward to. No matter what the mother and CC want to do, as long as it doesn't harm you, let them go. For the people I cherish, although my desire for exclusivity is strong, But it's also laissez-faire. Yuffi, so are you!"

"Aha, I was seen through!"

Yuffi stuck out her tongue cutely, tilted her head and hit her head with a fist.

"Isn't this taken for granted? Nanali chose the mother, the person you choose is naturally only CC!"

Seeing Yu Fei's cute appearance, no matter what mistakes, you can probably be forgiven.This is Yuffi, her pure and beautiful side, enough to melt any darkness and evil in the world.

However, once blackened, she would become an arrogant and cruel "monster queen", destroying everything in front of her.

"This... just don't go too far!"

Thinking of the blackened Yuffi, Lelouch showed a wry smile on his face, then picked up the empty teacup and gestured to Anna.

"Continued Cup!"

After exercise, of course you need to add some water.Deep in the heavy Avalon that might fall at any time, afternoon tea began again.

The 419th chapter Oriole VV

"Boom boom boom..."

Direct hit and side hit are really different. After a stalemate for about half a minute, the two infinite beams of light finally slowly dissipated. Although they looked evenly matched, Lloyd was on the Avalon bridge and deep in the submarine. Lakshata is all very clear.

The Pulse Cannon won!

Not only is it coming first, but it is also a side attack against a direct attack. From a perspective, the power of the strong particle cannon is obviously equal to one-third of the pulse cannon.

"If I lose, if I can get the formula for the alloy of the Chinese Federation, I can also develop a pulse gun!"

"Won, as expected, the material is the key, Earl Pudding, you did not lose to me, but to the emperor, well! Anyway, the result is almost the same!"

Regardless of where the two white coats were expressing their feelings, from the submarine, a pale golden Knightmare had soared into the sky and came to Michael.

On the opponent's shoulder, he carried a sharp light green barrel, the style of which was exactly the same as the pulse cannon used by General Chen Qian during the Battle of Shikoku a year ago.Because the judge was directly supported through the Shikoku Island of the Chinese Federation, along with those transport submarines, in addition to the judge, this pulse gun was also borrowed.

"Hey, this Michael hasn't gotten it done yet. Will a new one come out?"

Keno waved the double-headed moonblade MVS weapon held in both hands, and stared at the Knightmare that didn't look like Knightmare warily.

Yes, without the protrusions of the Knightmare cockpit, no rolling drive gears, no standard hooks and familiar equipment, it is a perfect human-shaped knight.The gorgeous fluid curves and no traces of artificial excavation are not like weapons used in combat, but... more like angels spreading the gospel.

"Seraph-Raphael, come on stage!"

Another seraphim. According to the gospel, there are four highest seraphs on top of the angels. Michael, who symbolizes fire, and Raphael, who symbolizes wind, have already appeared on the scene. It is inevitable that there is Gabriel who symbolizes water. Column, the two seraphs of Uriel, symbolically, did not appear.

Knights of the Round Table, this is really in big trouble.

"Is this voice CC? CC is the highest goal, but it is me who needs to worry about safety."

Suzaku, who had retreated to Keno, had heard CC's voice, so when he heard the voice from Raphael, he immediately recognized the identity of the other party.It's a pity that the goal this time is right in front of him, but he has nothing to do and worry about himself.

But his and Keno’s worries soon disappeared. From the far east, or from the direction of Bunitania, the outline of a huge aviation fleet obscured the sky, slowly moving towards the battlefield here. Approach.At the same time, several familiar voices also came from their communicator.

"Hey, you're not dead yet, the dignified Knights of the Round Table died in the hands of terrorists like the Black Knights, that would be a price drop!"

"Our honor!"

"This time I absolutely want to kill ZERO and his men!"

"Qing Bradley, Qing Ernst, Qing Kurudevsky!"

Suzaku looked at the three rapidly approaching familiar signals on the screen in surprise, and felt confident.

At this moment, it is Arnold Lucius Bradley, the tenth knight of the round table, Dorothea Ernst, the fourth knight of the round table, who was defeated by ZERO and the Black Knights a year ago, and The twelfth round table knight Monica Kurudevsky.

Three knights of the round table, plus a purely armed Avalon fleet twice as large as the one who escorted Nanali, this reinforcement was not arranged by the emperor Charuru DI Bunitania of Bunitania But...

Among the bridges of the Rograce-class floating airships surrounded by ten Calien-class floating airships, that is, the light Avalon, the boy sitting in the position of commander-in-chief looks about ten years old. He has long blond hair and is dressed in a monk-like clothes of a mysterious religious leader, but sitting on it exudes a very evil feeling.

Although he looks like an ordinary boy, his childish voice and tone are no different from those of ordinary teenagers, but the breath he radiates is mixed with coercive, arrogant, cruel, cruel...

His name is VV, and he is a man who the two highest emperors of Bunitania must keep in awe, and in some cases, his power is even higher than the emperor.Therefore, after Chaluru dispatched a third of the Royal Knights and three Knights of the Round Table, he personally led a larger fleet and mobilized three powerful Knights of the Round Table.

The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind, and he is the hunter behind the oriole.

However, hunters are not so good. In the heavy Avalon, seeing the fleet led by VV appear, a Lelouch sitting in the artificial courtyard leisurely drinking afternoon tea finally showed a surprised expression.

"Lu Lu Xiu, be careful, VV is here!"

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