Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 513

"I don't think they have time to negotiate on the spot."

"However, it is an indisputable fact that the Chinese Federation used diplomatic privileges to protect ZERO and the Black Knights in the consulate."

"With that said, can it be considered that the Chinese Federation had met with ZERO before the incident?"

Suzaku stared closely at Lelouch. He knew that the other party had the power of GEASS. If it was Lelouch, it was not impossible to use GEASS to control the special envoy of the Chinese Federation and then let the Chinese Federation protect them.

"However, this reason is not valid!"

Lelouch objected to Suzaku's opinion. Except for a few insiders, Rommel and Keno, as well as Royd did not know about GEASS. Suzaku's doubts had no evidence.

"Assisting ZERO, what is the benefit to the Chinese Federation? It is because of Yufei, but the relationship between countries should not be so simple! Although Yufei was deprived of the status of heir to the throne, she was still my first fiancee. !"

"Nor can it be said that there is no, in fact, they have planned to cause chaos in the 11th district many times before."

"There is no eternal friendship between countries, only eternal interests! This reason should be very good, especially since the emperor killed the eunuchs, the national power of the Chinese Federation has been increasing day by day, and the territorial issue has happened with the empire. There have been many disputes. It makes sense that some radicals want to start war by provoking Bunitania!"

It was Lloyd who said this. He has always remembered the Gundam of the Chinese Federation.With the huge population advantage and war potential of the Chinese Federation, it may not be able to compare with Bunitania in terms of mid-range power, but with the bottom-end and high-end combat power, the Chinese Federation can counter the combination of Bunitania and EU.

The reason for rising national strength and wanting to enhance one's international status through war has been fully thought of.Moreover, Gundam is a special product of the Chinese Federation, but there are terrorists in the 11th district, plus the Shikoku Island incident.

Lloyd didn't know that Lelouch's true identity was ZERO, but there was some speculation.After all, since last year, he had known that Lelouch had stayed in Ashford Academy with a concealed identity.And his proud disciple, Nina, has suffered countless assaults by this man close to violence.Of course, Lloyd didn't mean to defend his disciple, but he knew how dangerous the man in front of him was.

Originally, he guessed that Cecil was very likely to be on Cornelia's side, but now, her real master should be Prince Lelouch who has been missing for eight years.With that said, the Chinese Federation should also be related to this person.For eight full years, with the ability of that genius prince, it was impossible to just dormant in the 11th district and be a good student.

However, even if he guessed it, what does this have to do with him? He is just a pure researcher.Of course, if possible, Lloyd would like to communicate with this highness in private.

About Gundam, Pulse Cannon, and the two Seraphs that appeared in the battle for Avalon.

Chapter 434 Tengtang = Sea Lion

"Is it the behavior of the radicals of the Chinese Federation?"

Lulu Xiu said smoothly, his playful eyes responded to Suzaku's anger-filled eyes, and the contempt in it created a strange atmosphere in the air of the room.

"This is a choice made by the envoy who assisted ZERO, or in other words, a reactionary act of some people in the Chinese Federation."

"It should be possible to use this explanation, but it does not rule out part of the reason for His Royal Highness Euphemia, because in the battle for Avalon, we have all witnessed the appearance of His Royal Highness Euphemia."

Keno shrugged his shoulders and said that the battle that took place a few days ago had been concealed because it involved His Majesty the Emperor and the Judgment Legion, and even the three Knights of the Round Table were used as bait.It was just a reduced explanation officially, and the fact that Euphemia once appeared and fought side by side with the Black Knights was naturally kept secret.

In Nanali's statement, after ZERO and Euphemia entered the artificial courtyard, the two parties only exchanged feelings, and Euphemia missed his sister, so he made that move.Of course, Bunitania did not achieve nothing. The Judging Corps, like the Judging Corps, was Euphemia’s Guards, and it had become the top secret of the Empire.

If Euphemia’s heart can be restored and she can return to Bunitania, the Judgment Legion, which once prevented the empire’s army, even the Knights of the Round Table can’t help but become the same as the Judging Legion of Cornelia. Exists as the military system of the Bunitan Empire.

With such a large amount of power out of thin air, Bunitania's attitude towards Euphemia has certainly changed, and the charge of treason has also been dropped.

Everyone in the room understands part of the inside story, so Keno's guess is the most reasonable.

"Next, there are images of the robbing of political prisoners that took place a few days ago."

Seeing that everyone acquiesced to Lelouch's and Keno's explanations, Rommel continued to explain, and the picture on the screen was switched into a vast space with creepy tools placed inside.That is the execution stand for shooting prisoners.At the same time, there are people who are shackled and in prison uniforms.

"When preparing to execute the former members of the Black Knights, ZERO and the Black Knights Knightmare troops appeared. After fighting with the Knighmare, the ruling army in charge of guards, they rescued the prisoners. The appearance of the freed prisoners is shown below."

The video continued to be screened, and then, on the screen, photos of the former Black Knights cadres, Fan, Chiba, Asahina, and others who were arrested after the Black Rebellion incident, with their names attached.

"And Shinichiro Tamashiro, we are not very clear about the details of this character. According to the interrogation documents, this person initially claimed to be the trump card of the Black Knights, but in the subsequent interrogation, he was renamed as an'ordinary lower class.' Member. Because he repeatedly retracted his confession, the investigator also believed that his confession was not credible."

Keno suddenly laughed out loud.

"I don't hate such a guy. If it's a cadre, it's likely to be executed on the spot. Isn't that normal?"

Rommel, who gave the commentary, glared at him because he was not cautious in speaking, but she did not reprimand Keno.In the hearts of most Bunitanians, the Japanese are a group of lowly bones who are bullying and afraid of hardship. They do their utmost to insult the weak, but when faced with the strong who defeated them, they are extremely flattering and disgusting, like the Black Knights. Those people are only a minority in ELEVEN after all.

Moreover, if there are a few more monkeys in the Black Knights, like the monkey named Yucheng, it will be even more powerful for Bunitania.Although the sheep led by the lion is dangerous, because the sheep have hooves and horns, but if the lion leads a group of monkeys who are greedy for life and fear of death, things will become simpler.

Rommel pointed at the image on the screen and continued to explain.

"Next is the final video. The appearance can be regarded as a big man. The man who belongs to the old Japanese army and the former Japanese Liberation Front, and served as the military commander of the Black Knights, is also known as the "Miracle Fujido" and his real name is Fujido Kyoshiro. ..."

The moment she heard this name, Nanali, who had been silent, called out.

"Do you know him? Nanali."

"Yes, it is……"

Nanali nodded, and then Lelouch answered her instead.

"When Nanali and I were living in Japan, I met this person several times."

"His Royal Highness, please be cautious. It's District 11, not Japan!"

Hearing the name of Japan, Rommel corrected her in spite of the deterrence Lelouch had brought her.

"Understood, don't care about such details!"

Lelouch waved his hand indifferently, and now he understood why Ania would say in the correspondence that Rommel always bullied Nanali.With her kind of rigid and rigorous middle-aged virgin, for the two loli of Nanali and Ania, they are indeed similar to natural enemies.Just now, Ania ran into Ms. Rommel several times.It can be seen that it has not been a day or two for both parties to displease the eyes.

Lelouch continued to explain, touching the head of Ania who was lying on his chest.

"Although Fujido Kyoshiro is a Japanese, he is very good. In my opinion, he has military talents comparable to those of Secretary Guildford! Qing Shumu should be very aware of the talents of sea lions, he is your teacher!"

"Sea lion?"

Everyone looked at Lu Lu Xiu puzzled.


Only then did Lu Lu Xiu know that he accidentally called out the nickname that CC had given Fujitang.In a hurry, Lelouch misappropriated CC's answer.

"Aha, look, isn't the name Fujidō Kyoshiro very similar to the sea lion?"

"Well, indeed!"

In Lelouch's unbelievable gaze, the people in the room nodded unanimously today, except for the incredible Suzaku.

(Accepted, is CC's brain closer to normal people? Or is this a grammatical error unique to Bunitania!)

Lulu Xiu felt a big drop of sweat on his forehead, but at this moment, in the wheelchair next to him, Nanali even said excitedly.

"It turns out that Fujidō Kyoshiro's long name is a sea lion, which is indeed very vivid, a lion cruising in the sea!"


Does the sea lion have this explanation?

Everyone was sweating profusely, and the other loli, Ania, who was sitting in Lelouch's arms, nodded in agreement.

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