Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 514

"I heard that the meat of sea lions is delicious!"

Chapter 435: Eliminate Japan's Existence


Rommel coughed a few times in a dull face, causing everyone to shift from whether Fujidō Kyoshiro was a sea lion or what kind of lion to the original topic.

"In any case, he is a first-class terrorist, the enemy of Bunitania, His Royal Highness Lelouch, is your evaluation of him a bit too high!"

Lulu Xiu, who was about to explain the scientific name of the sea lion, saw Rommel forcibly turning the topic back to the original track, and couldn't help but give her a thumbs up.But he did not agree with what Ms. Rommel said.

"Ms. Rommel, personal personality and position cannot be compared. And I believe you should have heard the rumors of this'miracle Fujitang'. In the Far East Incident, this man was the only one who defeated the empire! Strategically despised The enemy, but in terms of tactics, we cannot have any contempt!"

Lelouch perfectly played the image of a prince who was single-minded for the benefit of the Bunitania Empire, without the slightest ZERO hostility to Bunitania.


"It's just because the values ​​are too far apart. Personally, I am now loyal to Bunitania, but if I was born in Japan, I might resonate with that ZERO idea and become Bunitania. What about the enemy of Asia. And if I was born in the Chinese Federation, I will definitely do my best for the development of the Chinese Federation, are you right?"

After hearing these words, all the attendees turned their gazes to Lulu Xiu and nodded in agreement.In different positions, the actions taken are indeed different, but this does not hinder the attention to the enemy.

Only when we value our enemies and respect our enemies can we truly understand our enemies.Knowing yourself and the enemy is not dead in a hundred battles, instead of blindly arrogant, thinking that God is the first in the world and yourself second. This is not self-confidence, but stupidity.

"His Royal Highness, these words..."

"Hahaha, it's a little bit overwhelming? But this is the experience I have personally gained during my time in the 11th district, especially when the Black Knights had nothing at first, and now they have become the confidant of the empire! Chinese Federation and EU After all, it is a foreign enemy. As long as our country remains stable, we will never be in danger of falling. However, the Black Knights were born from colonies. The development of the empire with the resources of the colony can be used by our country to become the world's largest power. Basically. Rommel, don't put the cart before the horse!"

Listening to Lelouch’s words, Rommel only felt a cold sweat. She didn't know what the other party said. The NUMBERS system was born because of this, but because of the strength of the pure blood within the empire, even though this hidden danger I know, but there is no solution.After all, in the Bunitanian Empire today, there are less than a quarter of the real Bunitanians, and the others are NUMBERS and honorary Bunitanians.

This kind of tri-polarization is extremely serious, like a huge time bomb, it will destroy the seemingly indestructible bottom of the pyramid without knowing when.Nanali announced that she would take out NUMBERS in the eleventh district, which is not an attempt to stabilize the Bunitanian Empire in the future.

Therefore, in the face of this matter concerning the future national policy of Bunitania, although Rommel listened to it, he did not dare to speak lightly.Among the people present, she can be regarded as the loneliest person.

Lelouch, who had long known that Rommel would be silent, continued.

"Furthermore, according to what I have learned, the arrest of the former cadre of the Black Knights headed by Fujido and sentenced to death by the judge was after the Black Rebellion incident at the end of last year, and it was nearly October. Take that Kana Judging by the temper of Governor Reis, is it too slow? According to the law, as long as he is considered a terrorist, he should be executed!"

"Because it has not been approved by the Central Legal Affairs Bureau of the country."

Rommel explained quietly that this was something she had just arrived in District 11 and was very puzzled after learning about the relevant information.

"Considering the seriousness of the black rebellion, the suspects received the military trial in their own country, not the trial in the colonial area. The verdict was issued in the name of the Emperor, and the execution power is also controlled by the Legal Affairs Bureau. In other words, if there is no Emperor The verdict signed in person, even the Governor cannot execute the sentence. But strangely, it is said that Governor Canales has applied for the execution of the Black Knights several times, but has not received any answer. Instead, there is some power to protect the criminals. Get up until they are rescued!"

"I don't think that His Majesty the Emperor is a soft-hearted person. There should be a deeper reason. If you speculate in this direction, Nanali's decision may be right!"

"You mean that the Black Knights' Empire can allow them to exist?"

"I have to admit that although the Black Knights caused great losses to the empire, they did not cause damage to the most important Sakura Stone resource. On the contrary, because of the extinction of the six families in Kyoto, and the existence of the Black Knights and Zero, On the contrary, the interests of the empire have been better guaranteed. And Nanali's decision to turn the three poles into two poles may just eliminate the hidden dangers of the empire in the colony all the time!"

"Through rebels to mobilize the enthusiasm of NUMBERS, and then completely destroy it, so that they recognize the empire from the bottom of their hearts. When they realize that there is only one slave whose verbal status is not comparable to that of reputation, they will completely become the obedience of the empire! "

Rommel herself has a strong political talent and super high IQ. From the appearance of Lelouch to the deliberate guidance of the present, she has guessed what the other party wants to express.

If the administrative special zone Japan proposed by Nanali can be successfully established, the Black Knights will disappear and collapse.It will undoubtedly be a good example for other colonies that have resisted constantly.At that time, the empire did not forcefully order those NUMBERS through oppression, but they wanted to take refuge in Bunitania, become an honorary Bunitan, and live a hundred times happier than NUMBERS and nominal independence. .


"To achieve these two goals, there must be examples. The existence of the Pivot Wood Knight has proved that the path of honorary Bunitan has a future. On the contrary, the influence and effect brought by the Japanese name , There is no instance yet! So..."

"ZERO must disappear!"

Rommel summed up Lelouch's words, and Lelouch then added a sentence.

"Or that ZERO and the Black Knights must disappear from District 11!"

(Do you want to completely erase Japan, this nation, from the 11th districts! Lelouch, is this your real goal? You... are too vicious!)

Suzaku discovered painfully that everyone in the room actually agreed with Lelouch's idea, but this way...what is the meaning of his efforts in this way?Even if he became the first knight, even if he turned the eleventh district into his own territory, but the eleventh district, it is no longer possible to change back to the former Japan.

The word Japan will appear in history textbooks and will no longer exist!

Chapter 436: ZERO's self-deprecation

"I am opposed to it. To do so would completely destroy a nation, and in essence, it would insult the existence of Japan!"

Suzaku spoke out against Lelouch's expectations. According to this assumption, even a Japanese who denied his existence would still miss the name Japan?But I know that even if the name of the Japanese is restored, the time has passed when the reputation of the Bunitan is not as good as that.

They will all compromise in the end. They will work hard and work hard to create wealth for Bunitania in order to obtain the opportunity to become honorary Bunitania, and then become a slave who has perished in the river of history and belongs to Bunitania. Live as a slave.Dreams, hopes, or Japan, it doesn’t matter.Is that kind of thing comparable to a piece of bread and a glass of milk?

Lelouch looked away from Nanali and returned to Suzaku, his eyes darkened.Afterwards, he smiled softly again.

"Suzaku, as an honorary Bunitanian, you can even say that you have become a flag of an honorary Bunitanian! Do you still miss the name of Japan? You know, if you admit that you are Japanese If you do, everything you have now will be vanished in an instant! Then, just like the one million monkey sold to us by ZERO, it will become the dust of history!"

"You guy..."

Suzaku clenched his fist, stood up angrily, and hurried towards Lulu Xiu who hugged left and right.Keno behind him cleanly hugged him, and anxiously persuaded him.

"Stop, Suzaku! That's Lelouch, the eleventh prince of the empire, do you want to commit treason?"

"Hmph, a rude person, dare to use this guy to call His Royal Highness Prince Lulu Xiu!"

Ms. Rommel, who had been standing in front of the screen, pushed her glasses and watched the excited Suzaku add fuel to the fire.If the opponent is not the Knights of the Round Table, I am afraid she will give the opponent a crime of disrespect.

"Well, it's an uncivilized monkey after all, forgive him!"

Ania hugged Lelouch's neck, her expressionless and pretty face, and her little pink lips curled up slightly.

She is sneer!

Lelouch kissed Ania rewardingly on the forehead, then smiled and looked at the Suzaku who was stopped by Keno.

"Shu Muqing, keep in mind your identity at the moment. As the strongest knight of the round table in the empire, he is always thinking about the country and the nation of Japan. This can be regarded as an act of treason!"


Suzaku gritted her teeth and closed her eyes unwillingly.He was afraid that if he watched it further, he could not help running away.

Too despicable!Obviously he is ZERO. Obviously, as the prince of Bunitania, he is doing a rebellious action against the Bunitania Empire, but he satirizes himself in turn.

"Hehe, Ms. Rommel, your ability is really strong. It seems that Ania is partial to your evaluation. I apologize to you here!"

Ms. Rommel actually apologized to herself when she saw that His Royal Highness had a smile on her face that was not as indifferent as she had just seen herself before, but she was appreciative and approving, and she was secretly happy.It seems that the legendary and decisive genius prince is not so difficult to get along with, and the other party's wisdom is much better than the rumors.

There was a flush of red on her stale face, and Ms. Rommel responded with a gift and accepted Lelouch's apology.

"No, His Royal Highness Prince Lulu Xiu, this is my honor!"

"Hehe, Ms. Rommel is too polite. Tonight I want to share with the lady privately about the policy views of the 11th district. After all, after the establishment of the special zone, I want to let those, it should be Japanese, let These Japanese thoroughly saw the gap between the Japanese and the honorary Bunitanians according to our vision. If there is no realistic comparison, the Japanese will not give up!"

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