Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 524

"Understood, I believe you."

ZERO said calmly, and the screen with ZERO gradually darkened.

Suzaku still has piercing eyes, and hasn't looked away for a long time.Behind him, on the opposite side of the sea to be precise, a huge iceberg is gradually approaching.

Although the theory has been formed decades ago, it is only recently that cheap thermal insulation has been actually used to make Knightmare.Thanks to the full assistance of the Chinese Federation in advance, ZERO and the Black Knights were able to use this ice ship, the sea ice ship, used to transport a large number of liquefied cherry stones in unstable conditions.I saw this huge island-sized ship undulating with the waves, and transport boats carrying countless Japanese people set off from the coast and sailed into it one after another.On the other hand, the people at the ceremonies in the special administrative districts and Japan are gradually becoming scarce.

In the end, Suzaku stood alone on the empty meeting place, silently watching the ship on the sea.All he saw in his eyes was the black mask standing on the outdoor deck of the sea ice ship.

From today, Japan in the 11th district is dead!

Chapter 448: Silent Communication

Sitting on the throne is the king of a country with the largest territory in history.

The white curly hair proves that this man has reached his fateful year.But the deterrence that is like a huge rock has not only seen no decline, nor has it even diminished.He is the ninety-eighth emperor of the sacred Bunitania Empire, Chaluru DI Bunitania.It is said that even the courageous knight can't help shaking when caught by the sharp eyes of the eagle, and the cowardly attendant can't stand it even for three days under the imperial might.

Emperor Chalulu stood up from the luxurious and majestic throne decorated with gold leaf and cast his eyes into the distance.In front of eyes that could not tolerate any hypocrisy, was a huge monitor hanging from the ceiling of the vast Throne Hall.

The figure shown on the quadrangular monitor is his nominal daughter, but in fact his granddaughter Nanali VI Bunitania.And the young man standing behind her, stroking the skin of the blind girl's cheeks and chin with his hands, and Lelouch who is also his nominal son.

"I'm really sorry, father!"

Instead of using sight, Nana's spirit clearly felt the sight of her nominal father, and she answered in a very calm and clear voice.But most of his attention was actually feeling the caress of Lelouch.

"However, this incident is not the culpability of Shu Muqing, all the responsibility lies with me."

Chalulu didn't say anything, didn't even know whether he even listened to Nanali's words, he just stared at his son quietly, his eagle-eyed gaze was like a sharp sword, stabbing here. On the emperor's pride.

Obviously, because of the other party's initiative to reveal his identity, Chalulu himself felt the situation out of control for the first time.Of course, there is also a doubt in his mind, that is, how Lu Lu Xiu lacks skills, and plays the two roles of Lu Lu Xiu and ZERO at the same time.

From Suzaku, he knew that during the few days that the special zone was preparing, Lelouch had almost stayed with the governor and had absolutely no time to control the Black Knights.But the fact is that this time ZERO performed a miracle again, abducting one million Japanese.He has already watched that video. What is certain is that no matter the voice and tone of speech, and the arrogant and confident temperament, it undoubtedly proves that it is indeed ZERO himself.

"Please blame me alone. I decided to let Shumuqing be in charge of the venue command. Besides, even if I was there, what I did was the same..."

During this period when the pair of unshakable father and son looked at each other, Nanali's report continued.

"Let go of ZERO!"

Chalulu opened his heavy lips for the first time and let out a deep and thick voice.

"Facing millions of chaotic people, but sitting tall with arms folded unprepared-is this what you want to say, Nanali."

Nanaly nodded gently on the screen.

"Yes, it is."

The entire communication space of the Throne Hall is saturated with a solidified atmosphere.

Above Nanali's closed eyes, the pair of beautiful eyelashes flickered slightly.Lelouch at the back seemed to feel her sister's tension, and lowered her head to kiss her profile.

"Relax, Nana, it's okay!"

After comforting Nanali, Lulu Xiu looked at his father, although he didn't say anything, but the warning in his eyes was clearly visible.

Shouldn't it be a father and son? Chalulu didn't seem to be interested in talking with his son, but spoke again to Nanali who was in a wheelchair.

"Well, Nanali."


"The Special Zone has given you full authority. Even if the opponent is ZERO, as long as you are acting within the jurisdiction of the Special Zone, the father cannot interfere with your judgment. In addition, the seventh knight belongs to the emperor directly, and the responsibility of the minister belongs to his master. , It’s not you who should be blamed."


"Of course, I will not question the seventh knight. That man was ordered by me as the emperor to assist you, and his decision is naturally the emperor's decision."


Nanaly who called out softly was stained with red.On the childish face, the tension subsided a lot, revealing a calm look.

"Thank you, father, thank you so much..."

"You are still the governor of the 11th district. This time, you did a good job. The cancellation of the NUMBERS system may indeed cause a wave of turbulence in a short period of time, but it has made the empire's current colonial policy a little bit. A sign of progress. Work hard, Nanali!"


Nanali's voice disappeared.The screen on the monitor went dark, and the Throne Hall returned to silence again.

In the room without an attendant, Chalulu slowly closed his glasses.

"You are still the same..."

After the emperor finished the meeting with Nanali, an unexpected voice rang.

"Indulge in Nanali and Lelouch, Chalulu."

Someone was bold enough to call the emperor's name directly.Moreover, its footsteps came from behind the emperor's supreme throne.This is impossible.In Bunitania, anyone who dares to do so will be immediately taken down with disrespectful charges. If necessary, it is not surprising to shoot and kill on the spot.

But Chalulu didn't even open his eyes, and only answered in a calm voice.

"When did you come, brother."

"I just arrived. I spent some time with the CC and the fleet."

"My brother does everything in a cold sweat. It was also in the Avalon fight last time. The mantis hunts the cicada and the oriole is behind, but behind, there is a hunter like you!"

With that, Chalulu opened his eyes.The small figure of Brother Eleven gradually became clear in the eyes.The long blonde hair looks like a priest's uniform at first glance.It was a young man. At first glance, he seemed to be no more than ten years old, but after a closer look, the pupils of the same color as Chaluru revealed an extremely calm expression.At least, that can't be said to be the image of an innocent child.

His name is VV.

"But... let's not talk about the'cult' aspect, didn't you decide to leave the visit to CC to me?"

Chalulu said in a calm tone.The VV standing in front of him smiled softly.

"Well, that's true, but I feel itchy."


"By the way, Chalulu, now that Lelouch's memory has been restored, shouldn't the next plan be changed?"

When VV said this, the atmosphere seemed to change slightly.

"As soon as Nanali was sent as the governor, ZERO chose to flee without a fight. It was also the case in the Pacific. His wisdom and the power of GEASS were a major obstacle to our plan!"

"About monitoring Lelouch..."

Chalulu said lightly.

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