Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 525

"It has been handed over to the seventh knight."

"Do you think he can trust it?"

"I have ordered that as soon as Lelouch has any changes, he will report it immediately. It is better to walk to the bright place than to hide in the dark all the time. The power of this man is beyond my expectation. Whether it is the current Aries Leaving Palace or you The guards owned by Fei and Cornelia have already caused a certain threat to me!"

At this moment Chaluru showed a smile.

"That man is very good, plus GEASS, who had been in Lulu Xiu, is the best candidate. Do you think Shumu has a reason for deliberate disobedience?"

There was a brief silence between the two.

Finally, VV shrugged.

"Ah...I don't think there is that kind of reason. After all, his hatred of ZERO is not false. Just a report can send the hateful ZERO to the west, and it can also make credit."


"It's just that Lolo's recent report, which I transferred to me, makes me feel something is wrong—"

"Let's just watch the changes now, brother."

Chaluru spoke again as if eager to end the conversation.

"Don't worry. As long as you keep Lelouch, CC will definitely show up. As far as we are concerned, as long as we don't let up the preparations for that moment."

"That's right..."

"For a world without lies, brother."

"Well, for our wish, Chalulu."

The two little fingers hooked together, and then slowly separated.

Chapter 449: Influence after the farce

As time entered December, the eleventh district slightly recovered some calm.

At the end of last month, the inauguration ceremony of the administrative special zone Japan was just held, which caused the ZERO riot among millions of people.The reason why it is a riot is that although the riot was huge, it did not cause any casualties.But the impact of this incident is extremely far-reaching.

First of all, after the entire riot ended, after listening to the reports from the senior officials of the 11th district headed by the seventh knight, Shuque, the young governor-general Nanali VI Bunitania was not very happy after all.

Because her own thoughts were not understood by everyone present during the ceremony, the friendly hand extended was thrown away by everyone.Moreover, so far, the administrative special zone Japan has completely collapsed.In such a place where there is no Japanese, it becomes meaningless to say that this is Japan.As the governor, Nanaly has suffered a lot from her authority and her inner feelings.

Of course, the price that Lelouch was asked to accompany her for a whole week because of being concealed, and even to report to her father together, was worth accepting.And the comforting thing is not just this.Because in addition to the one million Japanese who were taken away, there are more than 100 million Japanese who have been converted into honorary Bunitanians because of the abandonment of ZERO and the Black Knights.

The name of Japan has disappeared in this land with the departure of ZERO and the one million Japanese.Therefore, after the incident, Nanali did not intend to arrest ZERO and his supporters. There was no victim in the mainland of Bunitania. Looking at this situation, the ELEVEN stranded in the eleventh district, to be precise, is the honorary Bunny. The Tania people are now circulating such a saying.

"Japan is dead. Governor Nanali seems to be as gentle as Her Royal Highness Euphemia. She is pure and kind, and she is lovely. Let this noble Royal Highness protect us already!"

The people were talking like this, and the auxiliary officials also did their duty to spread this loud voice to every corner of the 11th district.

So recently, Nanali has been in a good mood. Of course, it would be better if this kind of life could continue.Unfortunately, because of the effects of her policy, ELEVEN, an honorary Bunitanian, can obtain money and a certain amount of living security through work.There was another communication from the Bunitanian side, demanding that the development and stabilization of the Eleven District be accelerated as soon as possible, and at the same time, to ease relations with the Chinese Federation.

The purpose of this action, of course, is for the ceremony where the third emperor of Euphemia, who was exiled from Bunitania, the emperor of the Federation of China, became the goddess' sister of the emperor after being accused of treason.

No, the reputation of the third empress of Euphemia was confirmed not long ago because of the existence of the Judgment Legion.

Of course, many people don't know much about most things, why Euphemia, who owns the Judgment Legion, will help ZERO so, and it is still after the return of His Royal Highness Prince Lelouch.But those who know the inside story know the reason very well.

So today, after sorting out the situation in the recent eleven districts, through the Governor’s auxiliary officer, Ms. Rommel, sent the meeting to the mainland of Bunitania. Nanali called the three round table knights with military authority into her own. office.In any case, although Nanali does not like politics and does not want to know, there are some things that need to be discussed in person.

"I got permission from my father. But now, where is the ship ZERO is on now?"

"It seems to have entered the territory of the Chinese Federation!"

Shumu Suzaku stood respectfully below and replied.The two Knights of the Round Table who had been summoned with him were already sitting on both sides.Of course, Ania was sitting on the sofa on the left, and Lelouch was close to each other.The sixth knight of the round table who smashed the battlefield was as docile as a kitten in front of Lelouch.

"ZERO's purpose seems to be to go to the island called Penglai near the mainland."

"Really? So, from the beginning, the Chinese Federation has been with the Black Knights..."

Nanali glanced at the elder brother on her thigh with a slightly jealous look, and then skillfully caressed and kissed Ania, and then vented her dissatisfaction on the fallen knight in front of her.

Even though the entire body is a machine, Suzaku, whose brain is still in flesh and blood, immediately felt a huge amount of pressure from Nanali, but the strong he still finished answering Nanali's questions.

"I think they have already reached some kind of agreement. It's probably said that when they are exiled from Bunitania and become refugees, the Chinese Federation will accept this group of exiles."

For this result, Suzaku himself was very indignant.After the incident, Suzaku had a private communication with Shunizeer, and from him, Suzaku got a lot of tips.It was these tips that let Suzaku know that ZERO had no intention of saving Japan at all.From the beginning, no, from the time he became ZERO, he was probably brewing a certain conspiracy.

The so-called claim of saving one million Japanese is actually just taking away one million cannon fodder incidentally.

One million people, most of them are young laborers, but even if they are all converted into soldiers, there are not as many imperial ruling troops stationed in the 11th district.And if you count the landing navy, these people correspond to ZERO, except as a burden, they have no use at all.

If there is no polarizing policy of Nanali, then there should be two arguments for the Japanese about this incident.

One is: "ZERO is just a temporary exile. He is waiting for the opportunity to make a comeback, and he will definitely come here again for Japan's independence."

In contrast to this, there is another one: "No, ZERO has abandoned Japan. Now he has just escaped from the mainland of Bunitania." After all...fleeing abroad is what is called Desperate is much easier than a comeback.Although there used to be a man named Sawazaki who, like ZERO, fled temporarily to the Chinese Federation, and later led the Chinese Federation’s army to come back under the name of liberating Japan, and compared with him, ZERO was against Britain before The cohesion formed in the series of war records is far above Sawazaki.

Those who are left will inevitably have mixed feelings about those who abandon their hometown and move to other places, and this feeling will lay some instability factors for ZERO to return to Japan in the name of liberation in the future.In fact, it is easy for people to regard their behavior as "fleeing."The so-called "retreat strategy" seems to those who have been left in Japan to continue to be oppressed by the regime and suffer from bitterness, it is nothing more than a fugitive's satisfaction.In fact, in the past history, there have been many examples of desperate regimes that failed to understand the feelings of the people and failed to seize power after returning to China.

However, this situation is unlikely to become a reality because of Nanali's policies and the influence she inherited from Euphemia.

Although because of the disappearance of the Black Knights led by ZERO, the current eleven districts are in a somewhat collapsed state.However, those Japanese who did not participate in the Million Rebellion and were stranded, even if they did not belong to the ZERO group, would not be able to actively cooperate and obey the rule of Bunitania.No, although there may be such people in it, most people still don't have the courage and ability to act, or they just don't have the courage to abandon their hometown.

However, the deserted administrative district Japan that stands there now is like a thorn, a knife, and an unbreakable chain. It completely conveys this sense of belonging to Japan, and its future and hope for Japan. Shattered.

The Shinjuku Special Economic Zone, the place where tens of thousands of people were once slaughtered, and the place where ZERO was born, has become a tomb in Japan.

Chapter 450 Afternoon in the Office (Part 1)

"Don't be fooled, but don't take it lightly, Nanali!"

Lelouch, who was sitting on the sofa holding Ania, finally moved his lips away from the pink knight's earlobe and reminded him from the position of the prince of the Empire.

"ZERO and the Black Knights are not there, so the idea that the Eleventh District will be safe from now on is just a fantasy. The dissatisfaction and grievances of the people are not so easy to eliminate. Such as ZERO and the Black Knights. This kind of people with extreme behaviors has indeed reduced a lot through this incident. However, if this can solve the problem, then after the last black rebellion, the 11th district should have been calmed down long ago. Because of that. At that time, ZERO and the Black Knights also temporarily disappeared from the Eleventh District as they are now. On the contrary, Kyushu and Shikoku, which were blackmailed by the Chinese Federation, have remained stable. This cannot but say that this is ZERO's back hand. Even behind the Black Knights is the Chinese Federation!"

Lulu Xiu's conclusion is amazing, but it is very reasonable.But this possibility is very unreasonable for the current Chinese Federation.Because the emperor is basically a child who has absolute national policy based on her own preferences. She can never think of such a complicated thing, no, she can't even understand it.

Therefore, this is most likely a move by the radicals within the Chinese Federation in order to fight for hegemony with Bunitania.

And Lelouch, who made this speculation, once again put forward a suggestion, a cruel suggestion to completely extinguish the last glimmer of hope in Japan, and instead pave the way for Bunitania's future.

"The current eleven districts, dissatisfaction with our country is not non-existent, but they do not have the power to turn this dissatisfaction into armed struggle. The setting sun will sway the last rays of light, I don't think these guys will be silent. Acceptance of the status quo. Although the current mainstream is advancing according to our plan, there are still a small number of diehards. No, because the banners of ZERO and the Black Knights have disappeared. They were abandoned and then betrayed, and even desperate. , May take extreme actions. Therefore, it is best to have a few representatives of the Japanese appear, and then let the honorary Bunitanians come into contact with them. When you see the gap between the two sides, because of jealousy and hatred If an incident occurs, the last part of those who are dissatisfied will be completely desperate for Japan!"

Nanali nodded gently. She didn't understand what the words of her brother Lulu Xiu meant, but since her brother said it, it must be correct.Even if it is wrong, as long as it benefits her brother, she will give orders.

"Ms. Rommel, have you written down what Ounisanma said? I'll leave it to you!"

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