Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 559

"So, is this the power of the king of mankind? In the C world, in the land of the root, the king will inherit everything, own everything, and control everything! This is the king's territory!"

It's ironic that the so-called God's true body actually looks like this!

Turning around, CC silently stared at the giant standing proudly in the posture of a winner. There was no expression on that delicate face at this moment, only endless majesty and power.

As a result, there is no doubt that since Lelouch reached this world, he has won.And Chalulu, the arrogant emperor, will truly taste the taste of failure, although it is very uncomfortable, although it is more painful than despair.

This result should be taken for granted for CC.

Even if Chaluru has inherited the CODE of VV, even if he already has an immortal life, even if he has completely completed the sword of Akash, but for the king who has been separated from the root, he is burdened with a hundred For Lelouch, the sin and curse of billions of human beings, the world of C is like his home.

"My father, is this your support? CODE!"

Lelouch's voice echoed between the world, shaking the air.After entering the C world, Wang Zhiyin immediately began to merge the C world, which is the root memory.Therefore, no one knows GEASS and CODE better than Lelouch at this moment.

In the presence of inhumans, CODE holders are free from reincarnation.Originally, there was only one sea of ​​chaos that gave birth to human beings.People first differentiated from the sea, turned into countless raindrops and fell on the ground, and finally returned to the sea again.That's right, this sea is the root cause, the "god" that gave birth to mankind, the collection of human unconscious aggregates.

Just as the Buddhist school said, people are old and sick and die, entering the six realms of reincarnation.

However, the raindrops that inherited CODE will not return to the sea, nor can they return.As if there was an absolute embankment guarding them, they refused to return to the original water.In other words, CODE itself is the embankment.Moreover, there is no way to destroy it, except to transplant your own CODE to others.

Because CODE itself is the key to human beings that is brought together by all human consciousness, and then Alaya was born in order to maintain balance.The twelve doors are in the hands of the twelve veterans and serve as the identity certificate of the gatekeeper.

However, for Lu Lu Xiu, who was the king, the so-called CODE was just a parasite pinned on the roots. He stole the power of the king but did not bear the corresponding crime.

"Lu Lu Xiu, what are you? This is the C world, the root of which is absolutely impossible to exist like you!"

"God, the end you have always wanted to reach, the object of killing God, the master of the unconscious collection of human beings, is me! Chalulu, since I entered the C world, you have already lost. There is no hope of losing!"

Lulu Xiu's eyes, like amethysts, reflected the trembling white-haired old man standing on the sword of Akash.Even if he already possesses the power of immortality, but in his eyes, it is like an ant.

What a pity!

Lulu Xiu deeply pierced Chalulu, who was a tyrant, with a look of compassion. He grinned, roaring angrily, and roaring.

"No, I haven't lost yet, CC, you already knew it! Right? The identity of Lelouch, the power that Lelouch possessed, you betrayed us, and betrayed the vow you once had!"

"Chalulu, I thank you for giving me Lelouch, the perfect contractor, but...I only betrayed your vows, not myself."

"Your wish, obviously is death, you are dying for death! CC, why? Is it just because you fell in love with this unfilial son, it is a ridiculous truth!"

"Ah, it's really ridiculous, but... I have discovered it. This ridiculous wish is what I have always longed for. The power of GEASS I got at first is to be loved. Before I found true love, this Wish has always been buried deep in my heart, until I met Lelouch!"

"So, after using us, just throw it away like a rag?"

"Sorry, Charuru!"

No matter when and where, I am a witch.

The witch is a liar, after a few years of star frost, only this vice penetrated deeply into the cursed body and engraved into the soul.However, the witch will not repent, let alone deny her existence.

Chapter 491 The Transcender

"Lelouch, don't think that everything is already under your control. My wish, my ideal, and the reason for my existence can't be destroyed by you in such a simple way!"

"Stupid guy, it's this time, what else can you do, despicable existence, kneel down in front of me, repent of what you did to me!"

"Sword of Akash, follow my orders and kill..."

Chalulu, with an open heart, looked up at the god and giant in front of him, and opened his trump card.It was originally used to deal with the unconscious human assembly, which is the so-called god’s weapon, the sword of Akash, but at this moment is about to kill his own son.

He felt that the will of God was being replaced by the giant in front of him!

"You are looking for a dead end!"

Luloxiu's eyes were cold, and before Chalulu finished speaking, one hand turned to the sword of Akashia ahead, and Chalulu patted it.Just when the palm that covered the sky smashed the superstructure of the Akashia Sword, and was about to slap Chalulu into fleshy flesh, in the world where Lelouch was, the foot suddenly opened, It's like an endless abyss that cuts off parts of the world.

Just as Lelouch looked down in surprise, the abyss swallowed Lelouch himself.Lelouch, who lost the support of the floor, fell straight down like a person being sucked into it.

"You guy!"

The angle of vision changed from looking down to looking up, and Lelouch looked at the white-haired old man who was laughing wildly.The action of the opponent's strongman broke his wrist, which interrupted him who was at the root of the successor.

"Lelouch, be the first sacrifice under the sword of Akashia!"

The sound was almost inaudible after a few seconds. Before it disappeared completely, the world seemed to be recovering on its own, and the abyss that had swallowed up Lulu Xiu closed automatically.And Lulu Xiu's figure also disappeared.

Only a dead silence remained.

"Lu Lu Xiu, I didn't expect that I let it grow up. Is it the unconscious human assembly that I always wanted, the will of the gods? This is your true identity. In that case, let me personally..."

Looking down at the direction where Lelouch and CC disappeared, Chalulu muttered to himself.Following his words, the sword of Akash also began to collapse, but the price was worth it for him.

The only pity is that he must stay here before thinking about the restoration of the ladder system.

"To the effect! The sword of Akash, the weapon that the man used to kill the gods, turned out to be really useful!"

Lu Lu Xiu, who had fallen into the bottomless abyss, turned into a burst of light, returning to normal people's laughter.There was no shock, no touch of falling to the ground, and no excitement of breaking the whole body.

When Lelouch woke up, he found that he was standing there casually.

"Hey, this is..."

There was a smell of mildew rippling around, and the tall bookshelves standing on both sides centered him in the middle. The bookshelves were filled with hardcover books and stretched straight until the end of the line of sight.


It's almost like the Bunitan Empire library, and the scene in front of you instantly overlaps with Lelouch's childhood memories.

at this time……

"It's strange!"

This sudden voice was not made by Lelouch.He was startled and turned his head to look in the direction of the sound.There is no bookshelf there, only a huge desk that divides a bagel into two.There is a finely crafted armchair opposite the desk, and some people are sitting there with their backs to them.

"Very few people come here alive!"

There is a larger window opposite the chair, and the sunlight shines on the hair of the person on the chair.

"In other words, are you a reacher?"

The other party spoke and turned around the armchair.The person sitting on it turned this way.Seeing the other person's appearance, Lu Lu Xiu couldn't help being shocked from ear to ear.


He called out the name reflexively.But as soon as he heard Lelouch's voice, no matter what the other party looked at.He is the same as that beautiful girl like a doll, CC, his most beloved woman, frowned slightly.

"You are not a reacher? How did you get here?"

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