Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 560

Obviously there can be no wind, but her long hair flew up, revealing the CODE mark on the center of her forehead.

"Are you talking about this?"

Lulu Xiu's eyes showed the GEASS in the state of three reds, and at the same time, the position of the eyebrows also showed the same V-shaped mark as CC.Although he doesn't know where he is at the moment, he still knows the general situation.

Chaluru's Akashian sword may be able to erase the unconscious human assembly, but it cannot kill him as a king.Moreover, in the few minutes just now, the power that Lu Lu Xiu obtained from the root, using the brand of the king, has reached the point where it is equivalent to Jiang Lihua.The power contained in the aggregate of all consciousnesses in the history of mankind is really huge.

Therefore, he should be in CC's sea of ​​consciousness at this moment.Because CC is also one of the participants in the Akashic Sword system, it is not surprising that part of her consciousness is hosted here.

"That's it, you are a transcendence! I am the manager of the hub XXX!"

Seeing that Lulu Xiu has both the GEASS with the three red status and the V-shaped CODE mark, it looks like CC is the girl facing Lu Lu Xiu who came up unconsciously, and the other party reported her name.

No, is this really a name?Even Lulu Xiu, who knew all the languages ​​of the world, did not hear what she said clearly.The name CC cannot be considered normal.But here it is even worse.

However, the other party completely ignored Lulu Xiu's confusion and continued.

"You are a transcendence, as the most important and precious person for the existence of'I'. Therefore, I will give you the key! This is the past of my existence, the dusty memory, but whether it can be opened depends on you Personal good fortune!"

The woman said a bunch of theories that Lelouch could not understand, and nodded alone.

"This is what you have been hiding from me, no, is it something that has been lost?"

"Why the ontology chose you, I probably understand. Countless years have passed, and I have finally fulfilled my duty as a manager-to open the long river of time with engraving and give the apple of knowledge to the right person!"

The woman raised her right hand on her knee.A light suddenly lit up on the hand stretched into the air.Subsequently, actinated into a bird.It was a bright red bird with eyes and beaks.

"Tell me your name, boy?"

The bird flapped its red wings and fluttered towards Lu Lu Xiu. There was no time to escape, and it was in front of Lu Lu Xiu in an instant.

"Lelouch VI Bunitania, this is my name!"

Looking at the red flamingo in front of him, Lulu Xiu's gaze came to the girl opposite, staring quietly at the eternal, unchanging golden eyes, and said solemnly.

Chapter 492: Dust Covered Memory

I don't know how long it has passed, or that time has no meaning here.Regardless of the world confronting the emperor, or the world that was later penetrated by the sword of Akashia, time and space are completely beyond the reality that one knows.

It is confusing and annoying.

This is something completely incomprehensible-one can only stand in front of it.And for the helpless self, it is inevitable to breed a deep sense of inferiority.Therefore, it is forgivable to be angry about things that roll forward ignoring oneself.

The consciousness that had sunk into the darkness gradually awoke, and Lelouch opened his eyes lightly.

This time the place is not the library just now, but the world shrouded in fog.You can feel the presence of the ground under your feet.Between the misty gaps, trees can be faintly seen.There seems to be some farmland on both sides, but no crops are grown.

"here is……"

For the first time, Lelouch could not realize where he was. Whether it was C world or CC consciousness, there were traces to follow, but here, detached from the real world, there was no trace at all.

As an ordinary person, when you come to an unknown place, the first thing you should do is to find the same kind.And at this moment, someone from the other side of the road was walking towards this side.That was a girl, but she was about ten years old.She was dressed in tatters, with iron ropes wrapped around her feet.It seems that this girl should be a slave.

The other party gradually approached, and the face hidden behind the fog gradually became clear...It felt like she looked like someone.No, absolutely correct.Although the age is different, the girl and CC are too similar.She was muddy, tired and desperate on her face, desperately dragging her body forward.

Suddenly, her delicate body crooked, and the girl who looked exactly like CC finally collapsed on the spot exhausted.Of course, his body was exhausted to the extreme, and he was still holding two heavy iron ropes, and he didn't know how far he walked barefoot.

"Hey, are you okay!"

Lulu Xiu hurried to the girl, trying to reach out and pick up the girl who fell on the ground.



Lelouch's hand passed through the girl's body, as if she was a phantom.In other words, Lelouch himself is a virtual image, perhaps without any touch.Then, the girl passed through his body and fell to the ground, throwing up a cloud of dust.

However, even so, she did not use Lelouch's hand, but desperately tried to get up on her own.This strength caused Lulu Xiu's heart as a bystander to be extremely cramped, as if he was severely grasped by something.

"It's useless!"

Suddenly, a voice rang from behind Lelouch.There, standing CC's nostalgic body that just appeared in the library-like world.

"This is the memory of'I', you can't interfere."

Sure enough, the so-called key is to open the channel to CC's dusty memory.

"But since you can see her, it means that'I' also exists in your heart. Who are you?"

This is the second time that CC's Si Lian body asked, but this time when asked by the other party, Lu Lu Xiu did not immediately answer, but after thinking for a while, he raised his head and solemnly looked at the green-haired girl in front of him.

"I am Lelouch, your accomplice, the one who will accompany you to the end of the world!"

"It turns out that it's not GEASS, but the person who is waiting for my truest wish? But, it's not enough now!"


"Don't understand? Then take your time, you have the qualifications. Even so, if the'I' disappears, these will come to an end. Maybe I will not disappear, but will merge with the ontology!"

"See how far it can go?"

Lelouch laughed at himself. He didn't expect that he had thought that he really had CC and understood CC, but the truth was that these were just what he thought.

No, not only him, but also the self-knowledge of the witch outside.Deep in her heart, in this world, there is another witch waiting for his salvation.Only after liberating this witch, CC, can she restore her original appearance.

CC is not just a code name, but... Elizabeth!

"I will liberate you, for sure!"

Lu Lu Xiu stared at CC's eyes intently and said firmly.

"Really, I am looking forward to it!"

CC's silian body seemed to have heard the confidence in Lelouch's words, and nodded gently.But her previous smile disappeared without a trace, and she returned to her expressionless look.

"It was'I' who sent you here, but it was you who floated here. In other words, it was not only the will of'I' that you came here. It was your own strength, your own will!"

"Maybe I really feel that you are here, so I might come here!"

"Then let's go."

The woman turned around, and fell to the ground behind her. The girl in rags was struggling to get up.

"Get ready, that stupid and cursed first scene is about to begin."

The ragged girl faltered, and continued to move stubbornly. The iron chain on her feet dragged a long trace on the ground, like an iron whip, which was slammed into Lu Luxiu's heart.

The picture began to move in the footsteps of the slave girl, and a small church appeared before her eyes.

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