Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 565

Kanon closed the folder with a cold face.Obviously, for ZERO, or Lelouch's arrogant act of letting them integrate all the forces they can fight for, and then intending to kill them all, even Kanon couldn't help but get angry.

Of course, it was not because he was underestimated, maybe that person didn't exist in his eyes at all, and his enemy was his loyal master.What Kanon was really angry about was that Lelouch's actions were obviously in contempt for His Highness Schonizer.

Chi Guoguo's contempt, which made Kanon, who regarded Xiunaizeer as his true son, felt extremely humiliated and angry.

Hearing the anger contained in Kanon's voice, Shunezer smiled and shook his head, and replied.

"This is not self-confidence, but the arrogance of a king! After all, he is the only one I have never won!"

Although it is an enemy, Xiunazer is more concerned about the facts. Self-deception is just hypocrisy. If you can't even recognize it, how can you defeat that powerful enemy.

"But we already have the sword of Damocles and Freyja. With them, can't we still win?"

Although the Sword of Damocles is still under construction, Freyja has been completed. The strategic weapon developed by Nina Einstein, who hates ZERO so much, Freyja, is enough to destroy a city.Having seen the power of Freyja's test explosion with his own eyes, Kanon didn't believe that there was any power in this world that could fight Freyja.

"No, it is precisely because of these two hole cards that I am still standing here, not directly surrendering to that man."

Although Xiunazer's words meant a bit of ambition and annihilation of his own prestige, the expression on his face was not discouraged or frustrated, but only the excitement and joy of the enemy about to be confronted.

From the bottom of his bones, Shunizeer is also an arrogant person, and even a person who likes to meet challenges.It used to be just on the chessboard, but this time, it is to decide where the world belongs.

Once you win, you can win the world.Moreover, it seems that his chances of winning right now are not small, because the real battle is between that person and the father and the emperor who he still cannot see clearly.Although he had already obtained the ticket to this war, he was not the protagonist.

His war, after the father and son decided the victory.It is conceivable that in the battle between those two people, no matter which side wins, I am afraid that the vitality will be greatly injured. This is his opportunity.

To defeat the superior father and the genius younger brother, this is the ambition of the pure-hearted man who belongs to Shunizeer.

The burning fighting spirit made Xiunazer's energy endless.Seeing the enthusiastic expression on Shunizeer's face, Kanon's eyes lit up, knowing that although the man who was loyal to admired his enemy, he never gave up.

Such a Shunizeer is his loyalty.

"Sure enough, I didn't expect it."

With Kanon's heart relieved, Shunizeer turned on the computer and began to check the latest information sent.Looking at some of the pictures above, he gently stroked his chin.

"Since we in Bunitania have secured the bridgehead between Australia and the Indonesian peninsula, the Middle East is also under our control. But in order to ensure a united front with the EU, the Black Knights and the Chinese Federation can only work from the Arabian Peninsula. Across the Mediterranean."

The power of Bunitania is expanding. Therefore, this is the strategy that should be adopted by the Black Knights and the Chinese Federation against Bunitania.A united front must be established with the EU that is fighting in Africa and Bunitania.Abandoned those small countries and colonies, but chose the last superpower in the world.This is not only the idea of ​​the leader of the Black Knights-ZERO, Lulu Xiu alone, but also within the expectations of Schonizel and Kanon.

It is obviously unrealistic to rely on the Chinese Federation alone to cross the sea and directly attack Bunitania.Moreover, in terms of overall national strength, the current Chinese Federation is eight, the EU is seven, and Bunitania is ten.

If it is caught in a protracted war, Bunitania, which has vast colonies all over the world, and a franchise country is obviously more dominant.At that time, it was impossible to defeat Bunitania with minimal losses by relying on a single country.

It really becomes that kind of situation. The Chinese Federation, which occupies half of the world’s population, and Bunitania, which occupies half of the world’s territory, the losses caused by the war, I am afraid that the world will regress for a hundred years, and finally it will be cheaper. EU.In this case, join forces.The combination of the two superpowers, the demographic advantage of the Chinese Federation, and the EU's industrial power that is sufficient to confront Bunitania is a very natural strategy.

"But what about here?"

Kanon's fingers moved on the computer screen and came to the African continent full of red and blue spots.Two colors separate the whole of Africa in half.There, it is the Alamein front where Bunitania is still fighting.

"You mean Cornelia!"

Although it was doubtful, Schonizel used a positive tone.

"Yes, the relationship between Cornelia and Her Royal Highness Euphemia needless to say, she herself is also the woman of that man. Last year's Black Rebellion, if it were not for your Majesty’s preparations, I am afraid she would have been with that man. It has rebelled against the empire. Therefore, in the Middle East, in addition to the attacks of the Chinese Federation and the Black Knights, there are also counterattacks from the elite troops led by EU and Cornelia."

If that happens, Cornelia’s guards are not inferior to the Royal Knights’ guards, and the EU’s elite can join forces with the Black Knights and the Chinese Federation, with an unstoppable momentum. Destroy everything.

Chapter 498: The White Prince's Preparations (Part 2)

"What we need to do at present is to buy time. I believe that ZERO should be the same!"

Even so, the people on the Bunitania side with Schonizel at the center of course can't look at it honestly.In order to contain the forces of the Black Knights and the Chinese Federation and delay their confluence with the EU and Cornelia, the Fourth Army of the Bunitanian Army has launched operations under the orders of Schonizel.

Before the Black Knights and the forces of the Chinese Federation break through the Middle East, Cornelia and the EU should not completely tear their faces.However, once the Middle East falls and Asia, Europe, and Africa reach a united front, that will be the day when the Super United States was established, and it was also the moment when ZERO declared war on Bunitania.There is only one thing Bunitania has to do at present, and that is to concentrate a large number of elite military forces in the eleventh area, where, with the help of the sea and sky topographical advantages, prevent the super-unity from forming an invincible army that crushes everything.

Kanon nodded again, said "yes", and turned his gaze to the world map on the LCD screen.

"So far, the situation is developing as your Highness said. But..."


"But just now, General Rachert, who led the Fourth Army, sent a secret report. Although the information is not accurate, it is said that the Black Knights and the Chinese Federation seem to have stopped their offensive in front of the Persian Gulf the day before yesterday."

For the first time, Xiunazer frowned.His eyes were fixed on Kanon's profile.

"According to you... it's not as simple as they have succumbed to our pressure, Carnon."

"You are right."

Kanon also showed a confused expression.

"If they enter into combat with the Fourth Army Corps going south, it's fair enough-but I can't figure out the reason why they stopped marching here at this time. Judging from the situation of the fighting between the two sides, apart from sending a small number of elite The Black Knights, the Chinese Federation, has an overwhelming advantage on land. However, after destroying the forward of the Fourth Army, instead of pursuing them, they watched the Fourth Army build a defensive position in the Persian Gulf, even if it Think of it as ZERO’s magic trick, and its necessity... If it is around Algeria where our Second Army is stationed, it makes sense, but from the perspective of the Black Knights and the Chinese Federation, it should be a forward attack. A strategically important place enough to get!"

"Hmm... can you show a detailed map?"

"Okay, please look here."

Kanon placed his hand directly on the panel, and at the same time, a part of the map expanded.It shows the area from the Indian military district in the sphere of influence of the Chinese Federation to the problematic Persian Gulf.Then, other detailed information on the terrain was also displayed, and the route of the main force of the Black Knights from the Indian Military District was also overlapped.While drawing a curve, the route that stretched out really showed the trajectory that Carnon said.The signs of the Black Knights and the army of the Chinese Federation, which had been advancing like a broken bamboo, suddenly stopped in front of the Persian Gulf.

From the map, the difference between the two sides' combat power is as great as when Bunitania once attacked Japan, but it was purely crushing the enemy.However, it is really ironic that the Bunitanian army has always ravaged the enemy, and thus established the momentum of the First Army in the world, but the current situation has been completely reversed.

The one that is absolutely disadvantaged and defensive is Bunitania.

Schneizer stared at the enlarged red map and the blue map that kept shrinking for a moment, but before long, he frowned and muttered infrequently.

"This... was not stopped based on strategic considerations."

Kanoen also nodded in agreement.

"Do you think so too?"

"In this kind of non-urban area, the Chinese Federation’s mobile suit against the Knightmare Frame has an overwhelming advantage. Not only the combat power, but also the number, the Chinese Federation is more than ten times that of the Fourth Army. Plus leading this army. It’s the Li Xingke who is known as the "Kiriner". I don’t think we need the participation of the Black Knights. Most of the members of the Black Knights are Japanese. It is impossible for them to keep the ten who are still ruled by us. Regardless of one district, choose to attack the Middle East!"

"You mean, the Black Knights actually have another purpose!"

"The Black Knights have done similar actions a long time ago."

Nodded, Xiunazer's expression returned to its original state.

"The choice of that organization always seems very reasonable, but occasionally this kind of well-known action is taken. It is not so much...they are an organization that was expelled, it is better to say that they are well-led and very good. A powerful and capable army."

After hearing what Schonizer said, Kanon tilted his head slightly.

"Could it be that it is their head organization, no, what happened to ZERO..."

Xiunazer shook his head in denial.

"I have read the previous information and I know that ZERO is not directly involved in the battle here, Kanoen. Therefore, he should have more important things now. This matter is more than the attack on the Middle East and the confluence with EU and Cornelia. important!"

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