Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 566

In order to establish a super-United States, and to open up ties with Europe and Africa, it can be completely handed over to Li Xingke and his direct subordinates. Shunizeer thinks that ZERO's eyes should not be here.With his knowledge of that person, he would not do meaningless actions.

But in fact, the ZERO that was about a month ago, that is, Lulu Xiu's actions were just as he expected, so it can be said that Shunizeer's vision is very accurate.


"The situation has changed slightly... This should be an instruction from ZERO, right?"

Xiunaizeer who whispered this way still looked at the strategy map on the screen.

"Perhaps there is some reason why they have to change their original plan and put the power of the Black Knights into the battle somewhere else. This is what I admire most about him. He has absolute control over his own army. Quan, and even the entire army of the Chinese Federation, directly obeyed his dispatch. This is the strangest thing about me!"

"I'm afraid it is the favor of the emperor, from the intelligence point of view, that man has an extraordinary attraction to women!"

Having said this, Kanon stared at Schonizel with scorching eyes, obviously, his words meant something.

"The strange thing now is, where did he put his army into it! The most elite army of the Black Knights is the zero division led by Karen Hongyue. But the newspaper said that he himself was with Master Ania. The Schaffer Academy leads a happy campus life!"

"The intelligence agency did not report any abnormalities. Shu Muqing and Bein Beluk are also there, and he can be ruled out of suspicion. However, there is always a voice in my heart telling me that he! He is in Central Asia!"

"But where is the zero division led by Karen Hongyue? There is no similar movement in the Far East and Southeast Asia."

"This is the other party's arrangement. Instead of speculating wildly, we should wait for Ratchett's next report. It is a stupid act to imagine vaguely with little intelligence."

However, despite saying this, Schneizel's eyes were still fixed on the map that appeared on the LCD panel.This face, which is basically unrelated to confusion and anxiety, did not show a smile.What he said just now, it seemed that he couldn't believe it.

After sinking for a while, Shunizeer spoke.

"Speaking of which..."

"Father, no, the emperor hasn't left the palace in Pandora since more than twenty days ago, right?"

"Um...ah, yes."

Kanon quickly put away the moment of confusion and responded.

"Recently, His Majesty the Emperor is not in good health. In order to keep quiet, His Majesty is living in St. Darwin's Palace."

"Well, is it..."

Shunizeer repeated Kanon's words in turn, and his pupils were covered with a little opaque color in an instant.

However, it was just halfway through Schonezer's speech.

Suddenly, an electronic stereo sounded through the office, the sound of an intercom phone on the desk.Schneider shrugged to Kanon, then picked up the receiver.

The caller seemed to be a certain secretary who worked in this imperial prime minister's house.

"... Brother Huang's call? Well, pick it up for me."

Shunizeer put the receiver to his ear and listened to the other party in silence.Kanon stood motionless and waited.

But suddenly, Shunizeer's expression changed.Although it was only a moment, the muscles of Shunizeer's face became slightly stiff.Kanon, who had been with him all the year round, knew immediately that it was a very rare expression of surprise from Shunezel.

Soon, Shunizeer put down the phone.

Of course, Canone did not make any unusual moves of asking "what happened?"The adjutant has the duties of an adjutant.Under this circumstance, before the chief officer provided information to himself, he asked indiscriminately whether it was the quality that an adjutant should have.What's more, the person who called is higher than Shunizel, Odysseus, the first prince of Bunitania.

The office was full of silence, and Shunizeer seemed to be lost in thought, staring at the internal phone that had just hung up.

Afterwards, perhaps it should be said that at last, Xiunazer gently sighed and said:

"I seem... I'm a little slow."

Kanon remained silent.Xiunazer suddenly looked at the adjutant and continued.

"The comfortable nap time seems to be over, Kanon. Unfortunately, it seems that it is not the Black Knights who have changed the summit organization, but we Bunitania."

Kanon closed his mouth and assumed a standing position.

"His Royal Highness, he... unknown whereabouts!"

The monarchs looked at each other and thought of the issue they were discussing.I am afraid, this is the real backstop for ZERO and the Black Knights. Stop the attack and mysteriously disappear, all in order to wait for this situation.

"Father... Did you lose!?"

Leaning back on the chair with a loss, Xiunaizeer said to himself.

Chapter 499: Follow-up of the Emperor's Disappearance

With the noise of consternation, the air in the conference room froze.This is the eleventh district of Old Japan and Bunitania satellite colony.In the spacious conference room, there were a handful of high-ranking officials headed by four knights of the Round Table who were both the military leaders of the 11th district and the knights directly under the emperor of Bunitania.At the center of them is a girl with flaxen hair with closed eyes and sitting in a wheelchair-Governor of the Eleventh District, Nanali VI Bunitania.

"Your Majesty the Emperor..."

"Unknown whereabouts!"

At both ends of the meeting, the former Governor Cornelia’s Knights, Guildford, and the well-identified Cecil who had been stranded in the 11th District for a long time lost their voices.As representatives of the emperor and Lelouch, who knew part of the inside story, their shock at the news was obvious.

After announcing the information, Nanali waited patiently for the surrounding area to calm down and spoke again.

"Just now, Your Excellency the Prime Minister Shunizeer came to contact. Because this matter is only known to a few people in the empire, so please don't spread it out for the time being."

"What happened?"

The second knight of the round table, Bertoris Franks raised a question, and Nana shook her head to answer.

"It is still under investigation, and other circumstances are unclear."

After hearing Nanali's answer, the people in the conference room fell silent.Later, a head of the Royal Knights, who was the military representative, began to raise questions.

"Please wait, what about the preparations for the offensive of the Chinese Federation? The 18th district in the Middle East is under their attack, but the 11th district, which has a strong military force, is indifferent!"

"Be calm and not restless, if there is no official declaration of war by the emperor, we will not be able to take action here. The Black Knights and the Chinese Federation use various excuses to attack the Middle East, precisely in order to open up the connection with the EU and establish the Super Union. Before the establishment of this super-unity, we can only choose to wait!"

The seventh knight, Suzaku, prevented the head of the Royal Knights from questioning.As a state with imperial power, the army is completely in the hands of the emperor. There is no order from his majesty. Unless they are formally declared war, otherwise, as soldiers, it is impossible for them to act beyond their power.Moreover, even if the Fourth and Second Army were dispatched some time ago, they were carried out after obtaining the approval of His Majesty the Emperor.

"There are also problems with law and order. If NUMBERS knows about this matter, it will be troublesome! Please issue a handling policy!"

Ms. Rommel, who was standing next to Nanali, also raised questions.The complete NUMBERS system has just achieved results. At this time, once the news of the disappearance of the imperial emperor spreads, it will definitely cause confusion.The transformation of the empire’s colonial policy will also be resisted by the old forces, and ultimately fall short.

"That one……"

A hesitation flashed across Nanaly's face, she didn't know how to answer.

Although Rommel has been subdued by Lelouch, she, who doesn’t know the inside story, urges Nanaly more severely than before. In her opinion, she trains Lelouch’s fiancée Nanaly into an excellent governor. , It is my duty.

"The Governor is your Highness Nanali, please don't disappoint His Highness Lulo Xiu's expectations of you!"

"Ms. Rommel, are you shirking responsibility?"

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