Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 567

Keno, the third knight, couldn't stand it anymore and warned Rommel.

"No, I didn't mean that!"

Rommel was taken aback, suddenly knowing that he was a little worried, and apologized.

Nanali nodded gratefully in Keno's direction, then looked around to confirm the situation, and said again.

"Your Excellency the Prime Minister has another instruction: everyone must not act rashly, work hard in their respective positions, and wait for the return of the Emperor, above."

Seeing that Nanali ended the meeting in time, Keno Beinbeluk, the Knight of the Round Table, saluted Nanali first, and then others followed suit.Then they got up and left the meeting room. Only the second knight Bertoris, the ninth knight Nonet, and Cecil remained.

Nanali lowered her head slightly and sighed in an avoiding manner.

"War... is coming soon!"

"Yes, Lelouch should be ready soon!"

With the sound of "chi" opening the automatic door, a crisp and hearty sound approached from behind.Afterwards, her eyes closed tightly, and Nanaly was sitting in the wheelchair with her hands on her shoulders.

There is no need to look back, Nanali also knows who the owner of the voice is.

"Master Mariana, do you mean that His Majesty the Emperor has already lost?"

Bertolismo stared blankly at the elegant woman who put her hand on Nana's shoulder, and then took a look at the elegant woman beside her.The other party was Mariana VI Bunitania who was resurrected from the body cultivated by the cells of Lulu Xiu and Nanali.From an ethical point of view, she is the mother of the brothers and sisters of Lulu Xiu and Nanali, but from a blood relationship, she is the daughter of the two at this time.

Hearing Bertolis's cold questioning, Mariana picked up her beautiful eyelashes, her slender fingers came from Nanali's weak shoulders to her side face, gently rubbing her petite and round chin.

Regarding the intimacy with Nanali, Marianna had similar habits to Lelouch.

There was a silence for a while, while Marianna played with Nanali's delicate chin, she moved her gaze away from Bertoris' almost frozen face, and looked at Cecil, who had been sitting quietly in the chair.

"Miss Cecil, haven't you heard from it?"

"Sorry, I didn't get any news from His Highness. If there is, you should know better than me!"

Cecil returned with a helpless smile. Since her identity was revealed, Cecil has been labeled as Lelouch.Although he was not arrested, all aspects were closely monitored.

Because the intelligence bureau of the empire's secret service is in the hands of Marianna.And Cecil's own mission is also under the command of the second prince Shunezer, and he also has a huge intelligence organization.However, no matter how the two intelligence organizations investigated, apart from the mysterious communications a long time ago, Cecil had no contact with Lelouch, let alone find evidence of her betrayal.

Of course, Cecil herself, as a member of the king's army, is independent and autonomous. Except for Lelouch and CC, she only accepts orders from the knight king Tolia.At other times, she was mostly reporting to her work, and she had no specific contact methods and means at all.

"Really, in that case, Chalulu shouldn't have died yet!"

Upon hearing Cecil's answer, Mariana answered Bertolis's question, and a cruel and excited smile appeared on her face, full of bloodthirsty smell.

"That man, it's not that easy to die. But, like Nanali said, the war... is coming soon!"

Chapter 500 Small CC

The abnormal changes are infiltrating in quietly and surely. Of course, all the subtle conditions that have surfaced are all subtle conditions, and the sense of violation produced by each condition is very slight.

However, no matter how trivial those things seem on the surface, they do continue to appear in the entire country of Bunitania that has a vast territory.And it was Lelouch who first discovered these not by Bunitanians, which can also be said to be inevitable, because he was the culprit who caused this result.

"Really...this move in Bunitania...can't be wrong."

In the headquarters of the Black Knights, located on Penglai Island in the eastern part of the mainland, looking at the huge strategic demonstration board in front of him, Lu Lu Xiu's face rarely showed an expression of joy.

"The emperor is absent... and that's not a correspondence that simply hides his whereabouts. Hahaha, it seems that the guy hasn't escaped from it, or he is already dead! No, he can't die so easily, and I don't allow it. He died so easily!"

Lelouch was getting more and more excited as he spoke, but the expression on his face was very relaxed, obviously he didn't think that man would die so easily.He said a long time ago that although that man has a mean character, his ability is definitely not weak.

"However, since the ecclesiastical affairs have ended, it is time to put the establishment of the Super Union on the schedule!"

Lelouch moved the screen and gave orders to attack again to the Chinese Federation and the Black Knights troops stationed in front of the Persian Gulf.

"Excuse me..."

Suddenly someone spoke to Lelouch from the side, and a little girl with short green hair stood a little further away from where Lelouch was sitting.She clasped her hands on her chest and looked at Lu Lu Xiu with some fearful eyes.Although she was not far from Lelouch, she definitely did not approach easily.

"What should I do here..."

Lelouch's attention instantly shifted from the military operations of the Black Knights and the Chinese Federation to the petite girl in front of him.He looked at her with a mole that was a mixture of love and doting, and replied in an unusually gentle tone.

"Yes, just put your clothes back on, and dance with one foot while singing!"

From the appearance of the short-haired girl, the outline of a certain black-bellied witch can be vaguely seen.Of course, this short-haired girl is a reduced version of CC, or the original CC.

If it were before, the response he got would definitely be harsh ridicule, or even more witty ridicule than Lu Lu Xiu.But at this time, the reaction of the reduced version of CC is not so.

"Yes, master."

She nodded honestly and immediately began to take off her clothes on the spot.The lovely dress on her body was reluctantly retired, and then the lovely underwear inside was also turned upside down. The girl's fair and smooth skin was unabashedly exposed to the 18-year-old boy, Lelouch. There was a fiery impulse below.

This shame PLAY is not the first time.Since Lelouch received the girl version of CC, he has stayed with her, and has not even returned to Ashford Academy in District 11.The purpose is to stay with the girl version of CC as much as possible and use practical actions to change the painful experience of her childhood.Because the CC in front of him was the slave girl he had stolen from the long river of history who had not yet obtained GEASS.

I remember the first day I just came back, looking at the cringing girl version of CC, Lelouch casually said to dance me a striptease. Although the little CC didn’t know what a striptease was, he started to undress according to the literal meaning. Then plan to dance.

Then, Lelouch was shocked and shouted.

"Hey! Stop it, I'm kidding!"


Little CC was frightened by Lu Luxiu's anxious voice and actions on the spot, and sat down on the ground, holding his head in his hands, shaking tremblingly.

"I'm sorry, sorry, so don't bully me..."

It was undoubtedly words of fear and pleading, which made Lulu Xiu, who had only cherished in his eyes, added that kind of pampering.He is obviously a lover, but looking at this weak little CC, he has a feeling of being a father in his heart.

It was from this time that he became obsessed with this dangerous and ambiguous game.

Because this is so fun!

Lelouch tried his best to relax his body, and his expression became extremely soft.Then, I came to the obedient little CC dancing there.

"Dancing well, so what reward do you want today?"

Gently stroking the head of CC, who already had some proficiency in dancing, Lelouch kissed her forehead rewardingly, and asked with a smile.

CC smiled like a flower on his face, lowered his head docilely, and his cute little head swayed from side to side with Lelouch's touch, looking like a daughter who had just done a good thing and was waiting for his father to praise him.

The feelings towards Lu Lu Xiu in her eyes were very subtle, with a trace of the longing for her daughter to see her father, and at the same time there was a trace of inexplicable and unclear sentiment.This is because what Lelouch did to her was like a father, but also beyond his father's scope.

"I want pizza!"

Not surprisingly, Little CC chose pizza as a reward.Because of CC's preference when he was a pizza girl, Lelouch used pizza for the first time to please the little CC who was afraid of him. Since then, the little CC has completely fallen in love with this food, although in Lulu Under Xiu's correction, he didn't eat pizza for almost three meals as before, but as a reward, he would have to take it every time.

Moreover, these pizzas are also royal tribute, much more delicious than the pizzas that CC bought at Pizza Hut before.

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