Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 579

It's a pity that things are counterproductive, in other words, Suzaku himself is too wishful.Therefore, this awkward situation was created, and it was impossible for him to take a shot at Yufimia.

"You rude guy, you dare to call out my name, this is an unforgivable death!"


The IS armor was no smaller than Lancelot, and as Euphemia waved his right hand excitedly, he slapped Suzaku fiercely.The immense power couldn't resist at all and slapped him away fiercely.

As an opening remark, IS's amazing combat power instantly stunned the eyes of a group of people.Immediately afterward, with Yu Fei's shot, the IS squad led by Chiba and a total of twenty heroes also began to slaughter the Royal Knights of Vincent, who was driving the seventh-generation mass production machine.The dexterous movements and incredible speed left IS under no enemy, almost all of them were facing each other. Before the situation was discovered, the body they were driving was destroyed.The most exaggerated is Chiba, using IS to show the posture of a samurai assault, killing four enemy aircraft at the same time in an instant.

Obviously the number is more than ten times that of the local area, but the battle situation is one-sided.The Royal Knights were being cleaned up almost like wheat.And rushing to the remaining four teams in the Tokyo Concession, the Eighty IS is also easily harvesting the lives of the enemy.

From the beginning of the battle to the present, only a few minutes have passed.

Chapter 511 The Battlefield of Collapse

The battle continued, although the fifth-generation Knightmare on the ground could not participate in the battle due to the role of Gefjun Disturber.But the main battlefield is not the land, but the sky, which is the duel between the seventh-generation Knightmare equipped with flying devices or hang gliding wings.

Although the number of IS troops in combat is not that many, with the addition of the Turtledove troops of the Black Knights behind, the battle is very fierce.In the night sky, Bunitania and the Knightmare of the Black Knights looked like meteors, and fireballs from the anti-aircraft fire from both sides splashed everywhere.From time to time, the Royal Knights that besieged the Black Knights under the moon were shot down by IS, which was rampant on the battlefield with lightning speed, and then exploded into a fierce fireball, which fell from the concession below.

Similar to the fierce battlefield of the Tokyo Concession, on the other side, Dorothea and Guildford led another unit that was also fully resisting the rushing AS unit.It is a pity that the permanent fortress that was built faced the positron cannons and ultra-pulse electromagnetic cannons fired by EU's Archangel-class, as if paper, was plowed down.And their respective guards, under the attack of the Judging Corps personally led by Cornelia, lasted for less than an hour, and they were completely defeated, and even guerrilla warfare was too late to launch.

And Guilford, whose memory was modified by Chaluru's GEASS, and Dorothea, the fourth knight, were also captured by Cornelia.At Dalton's request, Cornelia forgave Guildford's guilt, intending to let Jeremia release GEASS from him after the war is over.Similarly, Dorothea, the knight of the round table, was restrained by her and planned to give it to Lelouch as a gift.

The archangel and the main angel have moved towards the battlefield in the Tokyo concession. If the cleavage Bunitania side does not have a strategy that can change the situation of the war, the scale of the war has completely tilted towards the super-union side.

"As a side show, it's not bad, right?"


Euphemia, who chased and killed the Suzaku madly and destroyed everything in the way, laughed madly. With her strength, she could easily solve Lancelot easily, but she prefers to treat him as Just like the ball, shoot around, and then take the opportunity to destroy the buildings and streets where Lancelot fell.If it weren't for falling into the air-raid shelter ahead of time, Euphemia's sabotage alone would definitely kill more than 100,000 people in her hands.

"His Royal Highness Euphemia, please stop, this is not the real you at all, please...please wake up and become the original gentle and kind-hearted Princess Euphemia!"

Although he had the Freyja killer, Suzaku did not dare to use it at all.He could only be beaten passively, but even so, facing Euphemia, who was almost entirely moving at the speed of sound, his resistance was futile.

"Hahaha...Scumbag, are you begging me for mercy! Scream louder, and use the 40 million people in your mouth to add a more beautiful blood feast to this battle!"

Listening to Suzaku's words, Yuffi was even more excited.From the limbs of the huge IS, the four huge pink swords violently detached, and then floated in the four directions of Euphemia, like four wings, and began to cut everything that was blocking her.

The sky, the earth, the streets, the buildings, everything was reduced to ashes before Euphemia.

Only in the distant sky, inside the experimental Avalon floater, seeing the body Lancelot he developed was ravaged under the IS piloted by Euphemia, Lloyd let out a scream of pain.

"Ah, there... it hurts, stand up for me... avoid it, it's on the right..."

Compared with Suzaku on the battlefield, Lloyd seemed more excited.As for Nina, who was crazy with him, she kept mumbling to herself.

"No, I shouldn't let Suzaku carry Freyja. That thing will hurt your Royal Highness Yufimia, Suzaku, you scum, you must not hurt your Highness Yufimia's hair, or I will take you Thousands of knives!"

On the side, sitting quietly at the table, Cecil, who was leisurely drinking coffee under the supervision of a few soldiers, looked at the two crazy scientists with a funny expression, with a look of helplessness between his brows.

Without a clear order, and now the battle is leaning towards Lulu Xiu, there is no need for Cecil to make extra small moves.Of course, it’s not that she doesn’t worry about Freyja’s power, but if it’s an ordinary hero, it’s okay, but since Lulu Xiu and His Royal Highness Euphemia are here, there is also Michael who was made by the emperor himself, even if it is Freyja, it is impossible to really hurt his companions.

As for Fujitang's ordinary members of the Black Knights, some of the cannon fodder that was originally abandoned, what did their life and death do to her.

What Cecil really worries about is that in the Governor's Palace, Nanali, Mariana and others.Three knights of the round table, plus a hero of the throne, and a great knight commander, once broke out, it can definitely affect the entire battle.But until now, Master CC has not appeared.

Things seem to be getting more and more complicated!

To be honest, Cecil was a little worried because she didn't know what Marianna's purpose was. Although Nanali and Ania would never do anything to harm Her Royal Highness Lelouch, the others were just...

"What to do? What to do? What to do……"

Seeing Yufimia completely suppressing herself, Suzaku was completely helpless.Moreover, every time he fled to the sky, he would be shot down in the next second, and then, along with the place where he fell, was instantly destroyed.

Not to mention the Suzaku, even Shunizeer, who was watching the battle at this time, felt helpless.In the face of Euphemia, it is absolutely impossible for Suzaku to launch Freyja, a strategic weapon that can change the situation of the battle.

As a result of this, only waiting for the enemy's ruling army and the Royal Knights to be wiped out, and then grabbed.

At this moment, in the chaotic battlefield below, the person who first noticed that the situation had begun to change was Asahina Shogo, who had just been appointed as the captain of the Black Knights First Division.

Originally, the entire Tokyo Concession was immersed in darkness.But all of a sudden, lights began to light up around the Governor's Mansion in the center. Then, the light quickly expanded, and you could clearly see the appearance of the anti-air battery and the land Knightmare showering in the light again.Asahina also heard his companion Chiba whisper in astonishment from the communicator:


"Is the time up!"

Pushing off the anti-aircraft fire, Asahina drove her Akatsuki back quickly, and immediately opened up another companion's connection communication.

"Kinoshita! Haven't attacked the Governor's Mansion yet?!"

Although the opponent is older, Asahina has a higher position on the battlefield.Anxious Asahina completely forgot to use honorifics, and reprimanded the comrade on the other side of the communicator.

"No, I don't know what's going on. All the machines that entered were destroyed in an instant. I suspect that there are multiple Knights of the Round Table!"

Hearing this answer, Asahina couldn't help but froze anxiously.The situation is very bad now.No, it should be said that this result was vaguely guessed when they knew that Shunezer and the Bunitanian army actually defended this place so hard.

Although Gefjun Disturber has done a good job, the overall plan seems to be seen through from the beginning.In the chaotic battle that was almost indistinguishable between the enemy and the enemy, it was no longer possible to get in touch with Fujidō and ZERO's troops that were operating elsewhere.

But Chaohina guessed wrong, seeing through Lelouch's arrangement, it was Mariana, the fifth knight in the Governor's Mansion at this time.And the Knights of the Round Table suspected by Kinoshita is naturally true.

Among the Knights of the Round Table, the famous "Knights of Ice and Fire"-the second knight Bertolis Franks, the ninth knight Nonet Anyagulam, and the twelfth knight Monica Kuru Jeffsky, it's all here.

The defensive net formed by three people, let alone the Black Knights, even if it is IS, it may not be able to penetrate in a moment.

"If you want to retreat, you have to join Fujido and the others."

"But without ZERO's instructions, if the formation collapses..."


When he said this, Asahina's tone was obviously not very good.

He didn't know the meaning of this battle. In fact, it was enough for Kyushu to let Li Xingke's troops gradually advance, and the EU to carry out a land storm, and then launch a surprise attack on Tokyo.Tokyo is the 11th district, the center of Japan.To retake this place from Bunitania is their long-standing desire to liberate Japan.Moreover, with the combat power currently possessed by the Super United States, there is no need to attack in this way regardless of loss.

But the problem is that ZERO's command is only used as an aid to destroy the enemy's vital power.Obviously IS is so powerful, but they are allowed to attack the Governor's Mansion, which is like a fortress.

It was like... deliberately letting them come to die.

As the Black Knights, are we just cannon fodder for consumption?

Lelouch VI Bunitania!

Chapter 512 The Consciousness of Cannon Fodder

After the unnecessary loss exceeded the endurance limit, facing the unshakable Governor's Palace, Asahina finally gave the order to retreat.

"I still think it's better to join Fujido!"

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