Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 580


"The Governor's Mansion and the Bunitanian Army on the ground will soon block all roads. We alone cannot continue to defend. We can hand it over to the IS of the Zero Division! Let the monsters deal with Wen. Sente is just right. Kinoshita, you lead your team to retreat to B-5..."

But just when Asahina gave an order to the communicator.

From the corner of the restored government hall, suddenly gunfire flew through the night sky and attacked the Knightmare, which belongs to Kinoshita, in front of Chaohina.


With the artillery fire from the fortress-like government hall, Akira Kinoshita also attacked a magnificent body of the Bunitanian army that had never been seen before.At the first sight of the opponent, you can recognize that the opponent is the Knight of the Round Table, the strongest sword of the Bunitania Empire.

The missile fired by the opponent instantly hit Kinoshita's body, the pilot was forced to eject the rescue capsule, and the body instantly exploded.


Asahina saw that his companion's stilt was destroyed by the Knightmare of Bunitania, and immediately drew the sword from his waist.Charged at the Knightmare who shot out from the city hall.That fierce sword has surpassed his past limit.Unfortunately, at this moment, Asahina is facing the strongest knight of the Bunitania Empire, Bertoris Franks, who is ranked second among the Knights of the Round Table.

Just before the deception, when the fierce sword was about to cut and deal with the body, Bertolis just glanced at this brave little bug casually, and calmly pulled out a handful of slender knights from behind. The sword struck Asahina's wrist first.Before the huge Japanese sword hit, it flew out with Asahina's arm that was severed by the volley.Afterwards, Bertolis flew a kick and kicked directly in Chaobinai's crotch.Although it was the Knightmare, Asahina in the cockpit subconsciously covered his crotch.

Then, along with the Knightmare he was driving, he was kicked out and smashed into the direction where the rescue capsule was launched.


Asahina, who broke through the wall and fell into the building, didn't check her condition immediately, but looked anxiously at the rescue capsule next to her.


Fragments of the building gradually emerged from the flames, and beneath it seemed to be an escape pod under the wood.

"Hey, it's okay! Wood..."

But in an instant, Asahina's eyes widened.

The steel plates around the escape compartment crushed by the building have been torn apart, and the inside can be seen from the gap.Kinoshita's abdomen was cracked, blood and internal organs splashed all over, and at first glance, he knew that he was already exhausted.

But even so, Asahina's communicator still heard his last voice.

"You want to... from the battle... to go back alive... I... already..."


Asahina bit her lip tightly.

fighting?This was the masked man, ZERO...because of this battle, his companion died in front of him again and again, worthless, like chess pieces, abandoned.


"It is commendable to be able to support a round under my hands, but unfortunately, that's it!"

Bertolis drove his landline-Aquila, and came to Chaohina who had crashed into the building.Her landline is the seventh-generation top-of-the-line body. It is equipped with wings similar to bird wings on the back. Unlike ordinary flight units, this wing can attack and defend freely.Aquila means "the condor that brings Zeus thunder and lightning" in Latin.

This makes this machine possess unparalleled action and assault power, and with Bertolis' own swordsmanship, it can exert a terrifying power that makes anyone afraid.

However, in the face of Asahina, who is also driving the seventh-generation Zanyue, she has no chance to show her strength.Because the Four Sacred Swords were too weak for her.

"Are you going to die? I..."

Seeing that the opponent raised the MVS-standard knight rapier in his hand, Asahina closed her eyes in despair, and was about to close her eyes to die.At this moment, a familiar voice quickly approached.

"Don't think about it!"

Cang Dang!

The knight sword that Bertoris was about to slash was changed to block, stopping the attack of the enemy from the sky.Afterwards, her body unbelievably backed up, a backflip, and landed on a building not far away.

"Asahina, are you okay!"

Even if they arrived, it was naturally the nominal military commander of the Black Knights, Fujido Kyoshiro.

"Ah, thank you, Mr. Fujido, you are so timely!"

Asahina glanced at Fujido gratefully, then manipulated Zan Yue to stand up.Fujidō stood side by side, facing Bertolis in the distance.

"Be careful, the opponent is the Knights of the Round Table!"

"Ah, you know at a glance!"

In the Zhanyue cockpit of the captain's plane, Fujitang looked at Bertolis with a solemn expression on his face. Although he called out just now, it shouldn't be possible for the opponent to hide from that distance.However, the opponent not only blocked his attack, but also instantly opened the distance, occupying a place where he could attack and retreat.

This calm and consciousness is really terrifying.

"I am the military commander of the Black Knights-Fujido Kyoshiro, who is the Knight of the Round Table!"

"Oh, the legendary miracle sea lion?"

Hearing Fujitang's self-reporting, Bertoris raised her eyebrows in Aquila's cockpit, remembering the things Nanali had mentioned about this Fujitang not long ago.

The only remaining general in Japan who had been under the knight king Tolia for a few minutes, his combat effectiveness and command ability were even recognized by Lelouch.However, Bertolis is no ordinary knight of the round table.

In addition to the heroic spirits, among the Knights of the Round Table, her true strength can rank in the top three.

"Sea Lion!?"

Obviously, Fujido didn't know, because CC's name for himself had been completely spread through Nanali's mouth.His face sank, Fujitang thought the other party was laughing at him.

"Are you underestimating me? Knights of the Round Table!"

"I am the second knight of the round table-Bertoris Franks!"

Bertoris put on an attacking posture, the elegant and standard attacking posture, just like a knight in full gear.From before, she has been so strict and careful and meticulous.

"It's a pity, you, the miracle of Itsukushima, are about to die here at this moment!"

As soon as the word "" was uttered, the wings behind Aquila spewed out a burst of air, and then, in Fujido and Asahina's vision, Bertoris disappeared.

"not good!"

The two looked at the simple strategic dashboard at the same time, on which the radar clearly marked Aquila's offensive route.In the front, he jumped from the building in an instant, and with the help of the body's explosive speed, launched a charge against the two of them.

Tengtang, whose combat strength remained intact, reacted quickly, his head was not raised up, and his hands had already manipulated Zhanyue to slash straight ahead.However, he swept away with this knife.The reaction speed is not as fast as Fujido. Instead, Asahina raised his head and ran into Fujido's Zanyue with the naked eye. Then, his body that had lost an arm was penetrated by Bertolis' MVS Knight Sword .


Fujido, who made a counterattack, slowed for less than a second, and immediately released Bertoris's vigorous posture in front.It's no wonder that he subconsciously swung a knife just now, and in that instant, the opponent bent his knees and bowed and assumed a standard Western sword fencing posture, just avoiding his slash.With the help of the posture of bending, she also extended her attack distance and pierced his chest accurately.

If Asahina hadn't smashed him away in time, Fujido himself and the cockpit would have been penetrated by that sword.


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