Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 583

"how is this possible!"

Keno’s voice reveals an unbelievable, those refracted rays of light being continuously launched from the mirage, harvesting the lives of the soldiers of the Bunitan side at an alarming speed, and the fall rate has almost caught up with IS from the battlefield. The number of enemies that began to be killed.

Keno and Suzaku no longer hesitate, while avoiding the light that would hit them from nowhere, they rushed towards the mirage high in the sky.

However, in the face of the attack of the two powerful Knights of the Round Table, Lelouch remained floating in place.Because he knows that he has a real trump card yet to play.

"I said you two, did you forget me!"

Almost when Suzaku and Keno rushed to the mirage, a familiar voice quickly approached from a distance. The two turned their heads subconsciously. From the side monitor, you can see that from the night sky in the distance, a fiery red long rainbow, The meteor like a blaze rushed towards the battlefield here at a speed that they couldn't even catch.

Accompanied by the explosions and screams of the Royal Knights and Vincent, one by one forced rescue capsules passed over the battlefield.After a burst of gunpowder, the light stopped and a bright red humanoid weapon appeared in front of them.

The body is like angels, like the pair of huge robes that are burning, and the magnificent red body, clearly telling the two Knights of the Round Table that this body is their old rival, the Seraphim Michael.

Unlike any machine known so far, the machine in front of me is a myth of one enemy ten thousand.

And in the place where the red streamer passed, a series of explosive flames clearly showed the opponent's ghostly and terrifying combat power.Standing in front of this gorgeous and terrifying blazing angel, Suzaku and Keno felt as if a mortal had encountered the archangel Michael who judged sin.Her karma-like power is just a mockery and contempt for the stupidity of humans in the world.

"Finally, are you still up?"

The floating ship in the air experimented with Avalon's bridge, and when he saw Michael standing in front of Suzaku and Keno, everyone's hearts were tense.And Lloyd screamed even more.

He held his head in his hands and trembled. At this moment, his eyes behind the glasses...Although there were no tears, the screams were indeed from the heart.

"It's not working right now, that Michael has no data at all, but the combat effectiveness she showed before is simply not what the seventh-generation Knightmare Frame can fight against!"

The people on the bridge did not question Lloyd’s words. From the intelligence point of view, whether it is Gundam, AS, or even IS, there are traces to follow. Even with the current technology of the Empire, if it is fully developed, it can barely be possible. To do it, it's just that the driver's requirements cannot be met.But that Michael is completely different. It is a machine that is truly impossible to manufacture with technology.

Moreover, the driving person was the Red Moon Karen who was stronger than the Knights of the Round Table.

"Is there any way? Lloyd!"

Xiunazer touched his head with a headache. Although the expression on his face was calm, judging from his usual habits, he was really worried now.

"Although Suzaku and Keno's third knight can use their bodies to their limit, they can still reach the combat effectiveness of the eighth generation Knightmare, but that thing has completely surpassed the limitations of current technology. Perhaps the ninth and tenth generations of Knightmare can. To fight against it, but the time is too late!"

Lloyd's discouraged answer caused everyone in the bridge to sink their hearts, and his later addition made them embarrassed not to know how to answer.

"But fortunately in the misfortune, there is another Seraph that did not appear, otherwise we should think about how to escape now!"

Yes, according to the mythology, there are a total of four Seraphs. Michael, the angel of fire, and Raphael, the angel of wind, have already appeared, and there are two others, so maybe they will also appear!

The 515th chapter angel descends (below)

However, knowing the terror of the enemy in front of him, Keno made a different request.

"Suzaku! Leave the duel with Karen to me, you go and attack Zero!"

An answer came from Lancelot.

"Sorry, Keno, we don't have the freedom to choose our opponents. If you are the only one, you will definitely die!"

At this time, Lancelot drew a huge rifle from behind—the variable reflection percussion gun, commonly known as VARIS Hadron Shockwave.A small amount of white smoke was emerging from the muzzle.This is the effect caused by the heat that has not been completely cooled after launching just to attack that strange crystal.When facing the omnipresent beam just now, he put it away in order to avoid it, but now facing Karen, he can't pull it out again.


Driven by VARIS, an enhanced strong particle cannon fired at Lulu Xiu's landline instantly with a red light of destruction.

However, the situation has not changed.Between him and Lelouch's mirage, the red seraph inserted in at an astonishing speed, and stretched out his right hand in an understatement. The defense was almost perfect, which meticulously blocked the powerful VARIS Hadron Shockwave.

"Block it, VARIS strong particle cannon!"

He even blocked a strong particle cannon that could destroy a building instantly with his bare hands. What is going on with this machine?

A haze on Suzaku's face, bloodshot research staring at Michael's unharmed right hand.


"Suzaku, although you are Yuffi's prey, if you are too presumptuous, I don't mind giving you a ride!"


Suzaku groaned in the cockpit of Lancelot, the folded rifle opened, and the second strong particle cannon was fired continuously.But this time, Michael didn’t block it. Instead, he grabbed the extremely fast cannonball. Then, in the incredible eyes of Suzaku and Keno, he threw the flaming meteor back towards his position. come out.

"how is this possible!"

Although she yelled inconceivably, Suzaku's consciousness was not slow, and she dangerously avoided the strong particle cannon fired by herself.Afterwards, Michael, who did not stay on the spot to defend, took the initiative to attack. The back of her right hand fired a very sharp hook and at the same time the spear and sword of her left hand opened instantly, launching a fierce counterattack.

For an instant, Lancelot, who had just avoided the strong particle cannon, seemed to stop moving.Let the tapered hook line pass over its shoulders, cutting off a layer of armor.

"Huh? So fast!"

Suzaku had realized it himself, and he also reacted, but still did not hide.It should be said that Lancelot couldn't keep up with the opponent's reaction.

The weakness that Royd and Cecil had pointed out was revealed at this time. In order to suppress the recoil of the VARIS Hadron Shockwave, a small adjustment was made to the use of floating devices, which resulted in insufficient mobility.On the other hand, Karen's Seraphim is not affected by the recoil of the radiation wave cannon at all, not only can fly freely in the air, and attack Lancelot as fast as an arrow.The body with incredible defenses can directly ignore any attacks that are directed at her.

Although Lancelot did all he could to avoid the fatal injury, if this kind of battle continues...

"Will be shot down!"

"Karen, don't forget my existence!"

Seeing Suzaku being beaten up like a dog, Keno also broke out.Without the influence of VARIS's recoil, in terms of pure mobility, Keno's Tolistan is even stronger than the current Lancelot.

Detouring behind Michael from the side, the double-headed sickle-shaped MVS slammed Karen's wings.Facing the red armor that was strong enough to withstand strong particle cannons, Keno chose the seemingly fragile wings.

However, Karen had no plans to test the strength of his wings. The spear and sword in his left hand slashed away, and it happened to slash with Keno's MVS.

"Keno, it's great to be able to meet on the battlefield. The last unfinished battle is fortunate or sad!"


A strong beam of light fired from the muzzle of the sword that was stalemate with MVS, and instantly penetrated the left shoulder of Tolistan, who was unable to dodge, and melted it into a circular hole.

Didn't hit the key, just shot through the shoulder armor.

"Then come and enjoy it!"

Keno glanced at the gap in his shoulder, a trace of cold sweat oozes from his forehead, but he exclaimed excitedly.Tolistan retreated quickly, intending to open the distance, but Michael unexpectedly turned around, and the spear and sword in his left hand swung from Tolistan's waist to his feet.Keno flashed his body over, but the toe element was still cut off.

Suzaku took the opportunity to convert the weapon into an MVS knight sword for melee combat, and attacked Michael who was sideways from behind.

Of course, this sneak attack returned without success. Michael's right flank released a loaded missile, two pairs of four recyclable floating artillery.It was released from under the wings, and under the control of Karen's consciousness, it flexibly fired a beam of light exactly the same as the spear and sword in Michael's left hand at Suzaku.

"Suzaku, you have also learned to sneak attack!"

"Sorry, but against you, even if it is a despicable method, I have to use it!"

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