Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 584

A trace of shame flashed in Suzaku's eyes, but he admitted his methods.In Tolistan's cockpit, which stretched a distance on the other side, Keno's breathing was also a little quick to add.

"Suzaku is right, Karen, your machine is a foul!"

Just now, if it were not for Suzaku's sneak attack, he would almost be killed.And he didn't expect that the wings he chose to attack had hidden such terrifying weapons.Those four can leave the body, but seem to be remotely controlled floating cannons, which is equivalent to four more helpers.

Just like the four floating giantswords of Her Royal Highness Euphemia who was fighting Monica, it is no wonder that Keno would abandon his voice to say "foul".

Chi Chi!

The second after Keno had just finished speaking, Lelouch, who had been watching the battle in the main control room of the mirage, couldn't help intervening at a high altitude.Ninety-nine crystals are distributed throughout the battlefield, helping to eliminate enemies from the sky and land. When Keno and Suzaku focused most of their attention on Karen, a few of them moved, and the refracted beams immediately blocked them. The sky where the three of them are.

"The two friends of my childhood, let me see you off!"

Chi Chi!

Even with a premonition of danger, the beam is too fast. With most of their attention on Karen, when the body sounds an alarm, they can only rely on instinct to dodge and avoid the body’s Vital.

Afterwards, Lancelot and Tolistan's armor again showed several more burning marks.

"ZERO, this is my battle, don't interfere!"

Seeing Lancelot and Tolistan who were beggar-like being struck by the beam, Karen gave Lelouch a dissatisfaction and reminded him.

"Yes, yes, what a wayward woman!"

The stared Lelouch opened his hands innocently and replied helplessly.

Karen resisted the urge to fist that owing face, and replied bitterly, "Don't get into my bed tonight." These words immediately made Lelouch open her mouth, speechless. Words.

This is Karen who dares to love and hate, with a strong and straightforward personality.

However, after closing the communication with Lelouch, the next second Karen regretted it.Sure enough, she was still a little impulsive about not letting Lelouch sleep in her bed. Without her, Lelouch would be able to look for others in a fair manner.

"How can it be repaired!"

Thinking of the part of Lulu Xiu who originally belonged to her being divided by other women, Karen's chest seemed to explode.Obviously after this battle, you can buy some time alone.

"Go to hell, you two dead stars!"

In an instant, Michael's speed rose again. If it was only capable of reaching the speed of sound before, it would definitely have exceeded it now.Originally, the human body was not unable to withstand supersonic speed, but it was gradually accelerating at that time, and then the body could only be achieved in the process of slowly adapting.And most of them are advancing in a straight line or arc, like Karen, directly driving a humanoid weapon to reach supersonic speed, and other actions are required in the middle, no matter what you think, it is a fantasy.

But now, this fantasy that can't appear in reality is clearly displayed on the screen and radar.With an unbelievable attack route and angle, Michael, who had escaped Tolistan, aimed at the wounded, and the armor was damaged everywhere. Lancelot was approaching the past.


Suzaku also saw Michael's figure, the light was faster than the sound, but it was just seeing.I really can't react, and I don't know if I can escape a certain distance.

"Run! Shumuqing!"

What came from the telegraph was Lloyd's desperate cry in Avalon.

"With the current Lancelot, confronting the Seraph is just a simple death!"

"Yes, but..."

Suzaku oozes sweat on his forehead and shook his head.

"If I don't stop ZERO..."

"You... big idiot!"

When Lloyd's yelling shook the communication space, Michael had already captured Lancelot quickly, and the spear and sword in his left hand was about to come out.Suzaku raised Lancelot's hand holding Varis, but the hand connected to Varis was cut in half.

Chapter 516 The Light of Destruction

Michael took advantage of the slashing of VARIS, and accelerated again. Her right hand quickly flew out under the hook and lock connection. The red light condensed a radiation shield in the palm of her hand. The sharp claws cut through the air and pinched easily. The left hand raised by Suzaku was crushed together with the absolutely defensive light shield.

Under the traction of the hook and lock, the huge silver claw retracted his right arm. Michael seemed to show off. Holding a huge ball of flame in his right hand, his whole body exuded a strong red light, and the huge wings opened, almost Covering the entire sky, the other two pairs of floating guns also flew out from the left wing, sniping at Tolistan who wanted to encircle Wei and save Zhao from a distance.

"Poor... The difference is too big! The potential of the body, the combat effectiveness of the pilot..."

In Lancelot’s cockpit, the machine’s performance has been brought to its limit, but under Michael’s devastating attack, Suzaku’s whole body was trembling violently, crimson. Staring at the blazing angels filling the screen, he murmured desperately.

"His Royal Highness, if this goes on, Shu Muqing will..."

Inside the Avalon floating ship in the rear, Kanon, who had been standing next to Schonizel, was already surprised. His suggestion was no longer to get to his owner’s ears, but to shout excitedly Came out.

In fact, he did not say that the people on the bridge could also be clearly seen on the screen.Faced with Michael’s incredible combat power, the eighth-generation Knightmare was not enough to look at. They threw back the strong particle cannon that could destroy the entire Avalon with their bare hands. At that time, they felt like Keno. Of emotion.

This is a foul at all!

But there is one exception. From the very beginning, her gaze had been staring at Euphemia, until Euphemia was gradually away from the battlefield under Monica's lure, and she turned her gaze on Lelouch Nina.

This woman who suffered the most cruel ravages and tortures by Lelouch, used what she had learned to develop weapons capable of destroying the world, just to avenge that man and Lelouch.

At Lancelot, who was about to be shot down, the grim-faced Nina roared loudly.

"Launch, Suzaku, in Freyja's words!"

"No, it's just a means of intimidation after all, if it's really used..."

In Lancelot's cockpit, Suzaku was still hesitating.

What exactly is Freyja, Suzaku has already heard the explanation beforehand, so of course he knows what it is.This is a wide-area strategic weapon. Although it sounds awe-inspiring, it is extremely destructive.It is a new type of weapon that can restore all the matter in a huge space to atom dust. It is a killing weapon that can easily change the essence of war through the development and production of Imperial Prime Minister Shunaizer in Toromo in Indonesia.

Now, Lancelot was loaded with a serve.If you use it, maybe you can get rid of the current situation.However, Suzaku didn't understand why Shunizeer deliberately let himself bring this.Is it to be sure that I can shoot, no, is it sure to shoot?

But... No, it's definitely not possible!

After all, if the location is wrong, this weapon may destroy the entire Tokyo Concession at the foot of Lancelot.

This is just a kind of deterrence. Even if it is necessary to launch it, it must be launched from the ultra-high altitude or sea where the damage is the least. It is enough for the ZERO of the Black Knights, Lelouch, to see its power.This is the original intention of making this weapon, and it is the restraining power that can prevent war.The significance of holding this weapon only ends here, not for private revenge.

Therefore, it should never be used when there are so many people around the concession area. Forty million people, including the lives of more than one million Bunitanians, are all threatened by this Freyja. under.

At the same time that Suzaku was struggling to deny launching Freyja, Michael had once again drawn an arc and approached Lancelot.At this moment, Keno in the distance was nearly 100 meters away from them, and rescue was too late.

"Can't win!"

You can't escape.

will die!

Lancelot's right foot was pierced by a hook, and his left shoulder was completely cut off. Now, he has only one right hand and a left leg that flashes with electric sparks and may be scrapped at any time.

It's over.

Suzaku said silently in her heart.

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