Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 585

In other words, would I be killed here... Just as I thought about it, a mysterious voice appeared in Suzaku's mind.

"Suzaku, goodbye!"

The huge Michael approached Lancelot again and appeared directly above Lancelot. The radiation wave of his right wrist flashed dangerously red.

It's time to end!

At this time, Suzaku and Lancelot no longer have the strength to dodge this blow, no, they can't do dodge movements at all.The red light covered the sky, and Nina’s shout came from the communicator, but even so...

"Only Freyja... Even if I die here, I can't... Ah, yes..."

The Suzaku talking to himself in the cockpit gradually lowered his voice.

"This is the atonement..."

I was originally an abandoned existence, could not be tolerated in the world, murdered his father and treason, and was a scumbag that even His Highness Euphemia hated. Such a self has no value in living.

"I can only accept..."

Suzaku's hand reached for the button-the button to force the Freyja warhead carried on Lancelot's back away.If he was hit by Karen's radiation fluctuations, there was a high possibility that Freyja behind him would accidentally explode.At least avoid this.

Suzaku thought of the red hand of death coming up close.

"Here, I am going to die..."

But just when Suzaku said this sentence.


This is the command that a teenager gave to himself, that is the source of his pain, the power of Geass that distorted belief and will.

Suzaku's eyes gradually lost their brilliance, and new brilliance appeared.However, it was filled with ominous red light.The hand reaching out to force Freyja to leave Freyja stopped, and then quickly grabbed the safety device contact lever next to him and pulled it to the front.Then, he restarted Lancelot, who had stopped moving, and forced the remaining left foot to move to contain the approaching Michael.

He pulled out the special launcher behind him and aimed it at the Knightmare in front and the enemy troops unfolding in the center of the strategic dashboard.

"I need to……"

Suzaku's fingers hit the protruding trigger on the joystick.


Then, the boy's finger pulled the trigger without hesitation, and a missile with destruction and despair was launched from the muzzle.

"It's all this time, what else can you do!?"

Karen replied coldly, using an extraordinary reaction to avoid the strangely shaped missile that was suddenly shot at him. However, at the moment of the wrong body, an incomprehensible chill rose behind Karen. .

It might be more appropriate to call it "Warrior's Intuition". It is an absolutely dangerous thing. If it were the previous Karen, he would definitely have no consideration and no hesitation. According to his intuition, he quickly and that strange The missiles opened the distance, just like Lancelot.However, although there was an alarm in my heart, there was another voice telling her.

Absolutely safe, as long as in this Seraph Michael, no one can hurt himself.

However, others just...

"All staff evade, retreat!"

The communication from Michael was sent to the turtledoves in the distance and the IS members who were spreading across the Tokyo concession to annihilate the Bunitanian army.

"Asshole! Suzaku, you really..."

Unlike Karen, Keno, who had understood the situation with his own knowledge, roared and activated Tolistan at the maximum speed, driving his body in the opposite direction of the missile's flight.Its speed has reached the limit that Tolistan can achieve.

In the distance behind him, the height of the missile is gradually decreasing, drawing a meteor-like trajectory in the air.A tall tower can be seen in front.That is the center of the eleven districts, which can be regarded as the symbolic building of the Tokyo concession-the Governor's Office City Hall.

When passing over the city hall, the strange missile began to emit a strong flash of light.

"Then, is that Freyja?! Retreat! The whole army retreat..."

When the squad leader of the Bunitanian army saw the light, he twisted his face and screamed.While desperately manipulating his Knightmare to retreat from the periphery of the government hall, he gave instructions to his subordinates.

At this time, the flash became more intense.

"Why, why is the Bunitan army retreating? There must be something wrong, we also retreat! Hurry up and leave..."

No reminder, but through the reaction of the enemy, Fujido, who was leading the army to cover his companions, let out an anxious roar. As a chess piece, after seeing countless comrades die tragically before his eyes, Fujido's heart began to shake.

What he wants to do the most now is to take these fires, these compatriots who still have the nation and beliefs of Japan, and bring them back safely.

"Mom, there is light in the sky!"

"Alright, lower your head, it's dangerous."


"What, that's..."

"It doesn't matter, as long as the war ends soon..."

Under the light, the entire Tokyo concession saw the bright and dazzling light. Most of the citizens of Bunita have already left, but the entire Tokyo concession, in the underground air-raid shelters and distant buildings, has more The Honourable Bunitanian lives here as proof of the elevated status.The peace they prayed for, this wish is being fulfilled in its worst form...

And this scene was also reflected in the follow of Lu Lu Xiu in the mirage.

"Oh, it was actually launched. Sure enough, the GEASS that Suzaku was given to live was really correct, the sin of killing her 40 million compatriots, Suzaku, you asked for it!"

The moment he said this, Lelouch leaned back in the comfortable driving position, leaning on Erlang's legs, enjoying the largest and most beautiful fireworks in history.

"Let me see the bloom, this extinguishing light!"

In Lelouch's self-talk, above the government hall where his favorite sister was supposed to be, the light disappeared in an instant, but the Freyja warhead that had lost its light spread the destructive light in one breath.The burst of light engulfed the entire city hall and restored the fortress to its original atomic form.The city hall, known for its sturdiness, now loses its shape like a phantom melting into the sun or a sand city caught in the waves.

"Nanali, I'm here to pick you up!"

Facing the light, Lelouch flew towards the Governor's Mansion which was swallowed by the light. At the moment the city hall was purified by the light, he had already seen the figure of his dearest sister below.

Similarly, Nanaly, who had just sent away Mariana, Rommel and others, chose to stay.Because she is waiting here for her brother, waiting for that person to pick herself up.

However, Lelouch’s actions seemed so stupid to everyone in the Avalon bridge in the distance, because the light had already surrounded the entire government hall and expanded to the surrounding area with a terrifying aura. If so, at the speed of the mirage of Lelouch, he should be barely able to escape from the edge of the explosion, but he actually advanced towards the center of the explosion, in the direction of the Governor's Mansion.

Not only the mirage of Lelouch, Michael, who saw him moving, also flew towards the same goal and rushed into the spreading light of destruction.

"That guy, is he crazy!?"

From the airspace that had been retreated to that light inaccessible, and on the main bridge of the Bunitan Army's floating aviation ship Avalon, countless pairs of eyes had been looking down at the mirage.The woman-like Kanon looked incredulously at the two that were different from the rapidly retreating army, but instead rushed into the body at the center of Freyja's explosion, muttering.

Other people performed the same way. Only the luxurious man sitting on the main seat, Xiunazer's straight face was smiling.

"No, in the eyes of that person, the city hall has his most precious treasure. The safety of this treasure is more frightening than his own death!"

When Shunezer finished speaking, the huge Freyja light flashed its brightest, and then suddenly disappeared.

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