Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 586

"However, this game has finally officially started! However, Lelouch, for you, the game is over. But my game has just begun! Father, the next game will be between us. It's war!"

Chapter 517 Tokyo Big Bang

The light disappeared, replaced by endless darkness, at the moment when it loses its brilliance, everything ends.

Suddenly everyone who came back to their senses stared at the screen. At this moment, there was nothing inside the screen.Yes, it's just darkness.At some point, the sky began to light up, and the gradually whitening surrounding scenery made all the living recognize the reality before them.

A large circular hole appeared in the a crater, full of death and destruction.

Looking through the monitor, it was like a cave dug by children in the sand.But it is fundamentally different.This is a city, originally a city.Many, many people live in it. A total of 40 million lives, if it were a thousand years ago, 40 million would have accounted for more than half of the human beings in the world.

And these forty million lives are almost all in the sky, and the young man who caused this situation today, the compatriot of Suzaku, is a very important person to him, the city in which he breathes.But now there is nothing left.Whether it’s tall buildings, streets, or people.Freyja's light took away all this fundamentally, leaving only such a barren world.

"Yes, I, did I do it..."

Sovereign, who had lost all his strength, stared blankly, without the slightest emotion, sounded in the cab that reverberated with electronic noise, and received no answer, and no one could answer him.

Time seemed to stagnate for a while.

Suzaku's hand holding the joystick began to tremble, from fingers to arms, and then the unbelievable tremor spread to every cell of his body.

No, it's not that there is no one to live!

In the communication that slowly resumed, there was a burst of unbelievable exclamation.

"Impossible, there are still people alive there...ZERO, and... Governor Nanali..."

The intermittent voice awakened Suzaku from despair, as if he had caught the drowning man who was the last straw, his red eyes stared at the screen tightly, and then his pupils expanded again.

This was not only the reaction of Suzaku alone, but also the expressions of the soldiers on both sides of the Avalon floating ship who had escaped from the explosion area, and the people on the turtle dove farther away traveling together.

At the center of the explosion, to be precise, it was the location of the office of the former Government House.Of course, there is nothing related to the building anymore.Yes, only the figure of the brother and sister suspended in mid-air.

The first thing I saw was ZERO, who had always hidden his identity. He was still wearing the black uniform of the leader of the black knights, but the mask on his face was no longer there, revealing a handsome face.The slender figure is very tall, and his stern face looks a bit hideous because of suppressed anger.He just hovered in the air quietly. The powerful body he was driving, the Mirage, had disappeared. It was obviously transformed into the most primitive atom in the explosion just now.

However, the flesh-and-blood ZERO, no, he should be called by his real name now, Lelouch.He was not hurt at all, just like a prince who had just returned from an outing.

The other one is even more incredible. It would be nice if Lelouch had a mirage as a barrier.But the girl sitting in a wheelchair, the young governor-general Nanali VI Bunitania of District 11, is obviously the closest to the center of the explosion, and there are only ordinary buildings around, but it looks more Lelouch was much cleaner.

Because of Lulu Xiu's plane, the mirage was destroyed.But Nanali, she was still sitting in that gorgeous wheelchair.What is even more striking is that from the armrest of the huge wheelchair and under the back chair, there are countless iron chains. These chains are like spider webs, densely distributed in the air, connecting The edge of the large circular hole penetrated into the surrounding buildings that were not affected by the explosion.

As long as you have a little bit of insight, you can see it. Without Freyja’s explosion, these chains should be buried deep underground and in various buildings, like a huge spider web, covering the entire Tokyo concession in secret, and the governor is sitting. Nanali from the palace is the spider at the center of this web.


No, Nana Li is not a spider, but a spider queen. Of course, it is not bad to use the goddess Rose in Western mythology.Although the image and character of the two sides are exactly opposite, one is kind and simple, and the other is evil and cunning.

Freyja, who was enough to annihilate everything into atoms, not only couldn't destroy the bodies of Lelouch and Nanali, but even these chains didn't hurt a bit.And farther away, there is a huge figure standing there.

The flaming wings and the bright body reflect the bright luster.Of course, this humanoid weapon was closely chasing Michael and Karen Karen, who had broken into the explosion zone of Freyja.

Freyja, who wiped out the entire Tokyo concession and killed tens of millions of people, did not cause any harm to the real target.

Is there anything more depressing and tangled than this!

"Why, Lelouch!"

Looking at the intact Lelouch on the screen, the Suzaku, who had already fallen into the self-blame and guilt of killing tens of millions of compatriots, was now full of vitality again and stood proudly in the air. The grim young man let out a roar mixed with unwillingness and hatred.

Suzaku's voice echoed through the loudspeaker in the silent battlefield, and then riots broke out.

Lulu Xiu, is this ZERO's real name?

The shock of the three surviving people in the center of the explosion has not disappeared. The exposure that followed was like a thunderstorm, horrified the two opponents.And even faster, from Nanaly who was floating next to Lelouch, and the name of ZERO that Suzaku exposed just now, a smarter person contacted a certain prince named Lelouch faster.

Nanali's brother and fiance, the eleventh prince of the Bunitan Empire-Lelouch VI Bunitania.

"What is going on, ZERO's true identity turned out to be the prince of the Bunitania Empire!"

"Hey, just kidding, how is this kind of thing possible!"

"But Governor Nanali is next to him, and Shu Muqing has already called out ZERO's real name!"

The riots are spreading. From the moment when Lelouch's identity was exposed, the war could no longer continue.Smart people naturally think of this war. It is basically the civil war of the Bunitania royal family. It is the war waged by the eleventh prince to overthrow his father’s rule and become the supreme emperor.This fact is actually more acceptable than ZERO launching a war of aggression.

Because in the Bunitan Empire, advocating competition is the national policy that Chaluru has been advocating since he took office, and it has long been popular among the people.Moreover, it was not just on one occasion that Chaluru declared countless times that as long as the prince and the princes are confident, they can come to defeat him and become the new emperor.

Thinking in this way, the fighting will of the Bunitania side is no longer to resist the aggressor, but to fight for the monarch to whom he is loyal.For example, as a part of the army of the five military regions that were secretly controlled by Lu Lu Xiu, they first assumed a defensive posture, and at the same time hung themselves the banner of the Aries Departure Group.And the other strengths are also distinct, each coming to their own circle of influence.

However, the largest number was Shunezer, who had the orthodox status of the royal family, and the remaining royal knights began to gather to Shunezer.

The dawn of dawn gradually rose, illuminating the disappeared Tokyo concession.After seeing the pit at that stage, everyone's eyes were silent.At this time, it is no longer the time to struggle with ZERO's true identity and why he and Nanali and Karen are intact.

There were 40 million people in the entire Tokyo Concession. Although the explosion occurred in the Governor's Mansion in the center, many people hid in the suburbs before the war. Therefore, the actual number of deaths should not be 40 million.

However, even so, this is the first time in human history that such a major death occurred in an instant.

Even Lelouch at this time, although angry, could not launch an attack again.Although the IS troops were not hit hard, the situation of him and Nanaly who were directly facing the explosion was not very good.Not only did it consume a lot of power, but the wailing of tens of millions of people's death shocked the brain of Lelouch, the king of humanity.Including other heroes, they were also affected.

Heroic spirits are existences built on humans. Although they can gain their beliefs and gain incomparably powerful power, at the same time, when the number reaches a certain level of human backlash, it will also have an impact.

"Onixam, are you okay?"

The warm sunlight pierced the icy night, and Nana Li, who was quietly suspended in the air, gently approached Lulu Xiu who was temporarily stagnated because of the impact, and asked in a low voice.

Afterwards, Karen drove Michael and approached quickly, stretched out her hands, and supported Lulu Xiu and Nanali in midair.

"Well, the effect is not big, it will be fine in a while!"

Lelouch gave Nanali a relieved look and shook her head gently.At this moment, from the Avalon Floating Ship, Shunezer's voice came out.

"My brother, Lelouch VI Bunitania, the eleventh prince of the empire, in view of this unprecedented disaster for mankind and life, I suggest a temporary truce!"

"Well, Brother Emperor, I will give you time, but... the war is not over yet, before I overthrow that man's rule and regain everything I lost!"

Without the help of a loudspeaker, Lu Luxiu's cold and penetrating voice resounded through the entire battlefield, temporarily putting a stop to this unprecedented battle.

Chapter 518 Ten Thousands of Casualties

"A huge explosion was detected in the Tokyo Concession, and the basic report should be a strategic weapon developed by the second prince Shunezer-Freyja!"

Above Shengen Island, there is a warship that is larger than the Rograce-class floating airship. The sky around it is densely covered with various floating ships of various sizes, covering The whole sky.In the flagship Bunitania Supreme Emperor, the intelligence officer is reporting the battle in the Tokyo concession to the 98th emperor of Bunitania, Chaluru DI Bunitania sitting behind. .

"Also, ZERO's landline mirage was involved in Freyja's explosion while rescuing Governor Nanali. His Royal Highness Lelouch and His Royal Highness Nanaly are intact, but the Tokyo concession seems to have disappeared. What do we do, continue to be in? Are you on standby here?"

"It's okay. Since even Freyja can't kill Lelouch and Nanali, there is only one way to defeat him. All the rest is left to Schonizel, and the actual winning or losing does not matter. Mariana Well, where is that woman now?"

"Finally, there was a communication. She had already left the city hall, but because of the blockade of the Black Knights, it might be a bit later to arrive here!"

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