Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 587

"Got it, go on!"

Ordering the intelligence officer to retreat, Chalulu slowly closed his eyes and entered a false sleep.Even if he already has an immortal body, he still needs to recharge his energy in the face of the upcoming decisive battle.

After all, he has failed once.

On the other side, over the disappeared Tokyo Concession, because of Freyja's terror power, even for the heroic spirits, there is a big threat, and the fighting between the two sides has stopped.

However, as the sun gradually rose, the loss of the aftermath began to be counted, and everyone was silent.

"Ordinary citizens died on the spot with more than 10 million, indirect victims more than 25 million, and the number of missing more than 10 million. Because rescue facilities were completely destroyed, the citizens could not be treated at all! The direct economic losses...unpredictable! "

"The Tokyo Concession is dead!"

The report sound with electronic noise made everyone immersed in a kind of heaviness and trance that could not be controlled.On Avalon’s bridge, looking at the huge pit in the sun, Nina had completely forgotten that she hadn’t killed ZERO. No, Lelouch was unwilling to do so, only for those who died under her own weapons The regret and fear of tens of millions of lives.

Fear of the weapon she made, fear of the sin that her soft shoulders could not bear.

Similarly, after Lelouch and Nanali and Karen left the center of the explosion and landed on the only building in the Tokyo concession that did not disappear, near the Ashford Academy on the edge of the explosion, they lost their left hand and both hands. The legged Suzaku, floating in the air while driving Lancelot, has fallen into complete chaos and depression.

Near him, Keno, who retreated in time, suffered no damage.However, at this time, he did not comfort the figure still in midair.It wasn't like other people who kept away from the Suzaku who had slaughtered tens of millions of people, but... he didn't know how to face him yet.

For the current Suzaku, the best way is to let him calm down alone.As a soldier, there are excuses for killing the enemy on the battlefield. However, killing tens of millions of unarmed compatriots at once is too cruel for anyone.Keno could only sigh in his heart the cruelty of God to the Suzaku, and then quietly walked away, wandering around, to see if he could help.

Unfortunately, the power of Freyja's warhead is so powerful that everything in the center area has disappeared, and the damage caused by the aftermath of the explosion in the distance is not his turn to intervene.

When cruising to the edge of the pit created by Freyja, Keno's eyes widened unimaginably by a sudden building.

"How is it possible that in such an explosion, even if it is the edge, there is nothing wrong with Ashford Academy!"

Indeed, in the complete circular crater, one can clearly find a bulge when viewed from a high altitude, as if the full moon is not full.That is the Tokyo Concession, and it is also the largest aristocratic school in the entire Eleven District, the school where Keno is located-Ashford Academy.

"What exactly is going on!?"

In an incredibly mumbling, Keno flew Tolistan towards Ashford Academy.Afterwards, he landed on the open space behind.Noting the arrival of Tolistan, Mi Lei, Xia Li, Veretta, Mia, Sophie and others greeted them in Ashford Academy.

"Sister Mi Lei, great, you are all right!"

Coming down from Tolistan's cab, Keno looked at Mire and his party as they came up with surprise.However, before he could say the second sentence, Mi Lei had already stepped forward and raised her right hand.


With a crisp sound, Mi Lei's slap slammed Keno's face fiercely, and the huge force directly slapped him out.

"Sister Mi Lei..."

Keno, who fell on the ground, clutched his sore cheeks, ignored the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, and asked in shock.

However, compared to Keno's shock, Mi Lei seemed even more angry at the moment.The strong aura exuding from her makes people fearful.

"You still have the face to appear in front of me. Hear the report! Tens of millions of people disappeared forever because of your missiles! If it wasn't because Ashford was armed with my heroic spirit, I must be here now. The place has been reduced to ashes! It's really good, Keno! You guys are really good!"

", we don't know that Freyja is so powerful! What's more..."

"What's more, it wasn't you who launched Freyja, was it!"

Before Keno finished speaking, Xia Li behind Mi Lei had already stood up. She had always been gentle and kind, and she was also angry at this moment.She doesn't care about the life and death of ELEVEN, but among those who died, there are still some Bunitanians, including her relatives, friends, and classmates.But now, there is nothing left.

However, these were not what they were really angry about, and Veretta and others from behind also surrounded them.They came to question Keno together. The fundamental reason was that Lelouch was affected by Freyja's explosion.

Except for the emperor and Toria, almost all the heroic spirits were assigned by Lelouch, and then transformed into heroic spirits. They naturally felt it when Lelouch was hit.It can be said that Lelouch's existence replaced the impact on the root caused by the thousands of lives that died instantly.Lelouch only experienced that kind of pain when he was very young.

"Really a man who has no responsibility, and the same virtue as that scumbag!"

Giving Keno a contemptuous look, Xia Li walked straight forward and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"she was……"

Keno wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and slowly stood up.Mi Lei didn't give him any more. After all, they were acquaintances and childhood friends. That slap was just Mi Lei's vent.

Keno knew it too, so after seeing Mi Lei answered, he understood that this hurdle was over.

However, the current best friend used Freyja to attack his childhood best friend, even if it is a hostile position, Keno is indeed somewhat dissatisfied with Suzaku.What's more, it took the lives of tens of millions of people in vain.

"Of course it's trouble to find the culprit!"

Mi Lei watched Keno staring in the direction where Xia Li disappeared, and answered faintly.

"The culprit? It's Suzaku! Xia Li is going to trouble Suzaku..."

Keno turned his head in astonishment, his eyes widening.He had never seen Xia Li angry, but he wanted to say she was going to trouble Suzaku.His gaze moved and turned to the sky, Lancelot was slowly descending, looking in the direction, it should be landing towards the big crater formed by Freyja's explosion.

Are you going to see for yourself the cruel reality you have created?

"Well, although that person usually looks very gentle, he never gets angry, but once he really irritates her..."

As Mi Lei said, she placed her right hand on her left arm with a serious face.

"My heroic armor is the entire Ashford Academy. What do you think hers belong to?"

"Heroic Armed!"

This is the second time Keno has heard this name. Combining the intact Ashford Academy, Michael and Nanali’s abnormality before, it’s easy to guess what the so-called Heroic Armaments are. thing.

"Could it be..."

Keno's heart tightened and he quickly stepped onto Tolistan, and then flew in the direction where Xia Li disappeared.

At the same time, Lelouch, who had already revealed his identity, didn't wear the mask again, and took Nanali and Karen back to the Turtledove main ship of the Black Knights.There, the members of the Black Knights led by Fujido have returned to the team.

Although the IS forces were the vanguard in the battle last night, the Black Knights still suffered heavy losses, mainly due to the attack on the Governor's Mansion and the suppression of the ruling army.If it hadn’t been for Lulu Xiu who had been on Penglai Island before and had drawn a lot from the one million Japanese, the number of people who died in the battle last night would have surpassed the previous total of the Black Knights .

Of course, most of the deaths in several squads were recruits. From the perspective of the level of training, let alone the Royal Knights of Bunitania, even the ruling army made up of honorary Bunitania Far from it.It is fine to fight a tailwind. Once there is no strong leader to lead it, it is just a group of ordinary soldiers driving an elite body.

It was at such a delicate moment that the angel fleet led by Tolia and Cornelia had arrived in the Tokyo Concession.

Chapter 519 The Last Two Seraphs

"What? You murderer still want to make atonement here!"

The familiar voice sounded from behind, but the tone was ridiculed and indifferent.

The startled Suzaku turned around, and immediately saw the beautiful figure walking down the steep slope of the big pit through the rescue team hurriedly organized by the soldiers.With her long orange hair, she moved quickly and danced smoothly. Her lovely appearance and slender figure like a mermaid attracted the attention of countless soldiers.

The appearance of such a lovely young and beautiful girl in this deserted place undoubtedly brings a burst of vitality to this dead silence, making people feel that beauty and hope have not disappeared from this dead place.

"Xia Li, great, you're fine..."

Suzaku's eyes lit up, and the silence on her face had just disappeared, but immediately, she saw Xia Li's frosty face, and the words that followed suddenly stopped.By the way, the identities of the two parties should have been clearly marked now, that Xia Li is the same person as His Royal Highness Euphemia.The woman of Lelouch, a monster with superhuman power.

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