Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 588

Not the innocent classmate Xia Li he knew.

"How do you feel that I have slaughtered the lives of thousands of my fellow citizens!"

In the center of the big pit, groundwater has seeped out, and a pool of water has accumulated.Bright and picturesque, reflecting the blue and clear sky.Today is a good weather, not only the wind is not strong, but the sun is lazy, it is a good day for outing.If it is a couple of lovers, going out on a date on this day will definitely increase the relationship between both parties by 100%.

However, what makes the scene so disastrous is that this clear and picturesque pool and beautiful and comfortable weather are paving the way for the lives of tens of millions of people.

Xia Li's words seemed like a sharp sword, which pierced Suzaku's heart fiercely, making him unhappy.However, he couldn't find death at all, because that GEASS, Lelouch's order to him was exactly—not to die!

This GEASS, the first time it appeared, distorted his will and changed the belief he had always adhered to, and the second time, this time, he personally ruined thousands of people he had always wanted to save. The lives of millions of fellow citizens.Although the intelligence said that the number of people who died directly was only 10 million, the 10 million who were missing must have a very small chance of surviving.Coupled with the destruction of rescue facilities, the injured will not be treated in time, and the number of deaths must rise.At the lowest, 30 million will be defeated.

Although there is still a certain gap with Tokyo's 40 million people, it has already reached three-quarters, accounting for one-quarter of the entire Japanese population.

There is no reason to shirk this sin.

Therefore, after hearing Xia Li's ridicule, Suzaku was calmer than ever.Sadness is greater than death, and this is the case with Suzaku at this time.And the only one who can redeem him from this situation is that person, the goddess who abandoned himself and felt disgusting at a glance.


Uncontrollably, Suzaku laughed slowly, tears streaming like a stream, but he was laughing, like a madman, like a fool, pitiful, sad, hateful, hateful, sigh...

However, no one would sympathize with him, as Xia Li said, facing the pivotal Suzaku who has slaughtered tens of millions of people, even if he is a last resort, even if he is a knight of the empire, even if he...

No one would sympathize with him, forgive him, and look at him directly.

From the moment he pressed the button to launch Freyja, the existence named Suzaku has been completely abandoned by this world and all human beings.

"Are you crazy? It's a pity, even if you are crazy, I will give you a severe lesson as Lelouch's girlfriend!"

Xia Li squinted her eyes slightly, the flashing cold light, like sharp swords, stabbed the wildly laughing Suzaku's back with a cold, subconsciously pulled out the pistol from her waist, and then aimed at Yu Fei.

"Yes, you are the woman of Lelouch, my enemy. Everything is caused by you. You gave me the Geass order to live, and then bewitched Her Royal Highness Euphemia and made her abandon me. Finally, even It also forced me to kill tens of millions of my own compatriots with my own hands. I was right, it was you who was wrong, and your Lelouch!"

"So what, it's all you asked for!"

Xia Li's expression was extremely cold, staring at Suzaku's distorted and ugly face, the corners of her mouth rose slightly.She raised her right leg and walked slowly towards Suzaku, a burst of invisible ripples escaped from her body and spread to the entire pit.

At this moment, a strong gust of wind came from above, and the two looked up and saw that it was the third knight, Tolistan of Keno.

"Both of them stop me, Suzaku, don't get excited, Xia Li..."

"Shut up, Keno, this woman is Lelouch's girlfriend, the rebellion of the empire, do you want to defend a traitor to the empire?"

Suzaku roared and planned Keno's words, and at the same time opened the pistol safety, aiming at Xia Li's heart in front.

"Suzaku, have you forgotten the last lesson? The gun is useless to me!"

Seeing Suzaku's excited reaction, Xia Li once again sneered.The last time she was hit by a sniper gun unsuspectingly, she was unharmed, not to mention the toy-like pistol in Suzaku's hands.

It seems that the blow is too big, and even the IQ has decreased.

Xia Li's clown-like pitiful gaze stung Suzaku's humble self-esteem again, and he immediately pulled the trigger of the pistol.


Just like Suzaku's reaction when he launched Freyja last night, Keno shouted in disbelief.Tolistan descended rapidly, trying to stand in front of Xia Li, but his speed was obviously not as fast as that bullet.

But at this moment, an incredible thing happened.

On the clear and picturesque lake, a stream of clear spring gushed out, like a transparent ribbon, drilled out of the water and stopped in front of Xia Li.


With the crisp sound of a stone thrown into the calm water, water waves began to rippling away on the transparent ribbon made of water.However, unlike the sinking stone thrown into the water, it was a silver bullet that caused the ripples.Under the sunlight, the bullet reflected dazzling light, sparkling with the ripples of water.

how is this possible!?

This is not only the first time Keno has seen inhuman power, but also Suzaku's idea.The bullet that was enough to penetrate the rock could not penetrate the soft water curtain.

But this is just the beginning.The clear water gushed out of the lake, and accumulated more and more in front of Xia Li. In the end, it was almost the same size as the washed Tolistan.As if the flowing water that had lost its gravity slowly condensed in the air, it became a human silhouette.

"this is……"

"Suzaku, Keno, you already know! The Seraph of Wind driven by Sister CC-Raphael, and the Seraph of Fire driven by Karen-Michael! However, there are two more Seraphs in the Bible. Bit!"

Slowly raising her head, Xia Li had a strange smile on her face, staring at the two Knights of the Round Table in front of her, muttering.

"The Seraph of Water—Gabriel, the Seraph of Earth—Uriel!"

"That's right, Xia Li's heroic weapon is Gabriel the Seraphim of Water, and my heroic weapon is Uriel, the Seraphim of Earth!"

A crisp sound like a lark came from above, and then a huge figure landed next to Gabriel, who was slowly taking shape.It was a light yellow humanoid weapon. It looked very similar to Michael and Raphael. It was a humanoid robot angel. The only difference was that the light yellow body was there. Under the wings, there are several huge dragon spears inlaid.The other part is covered with objects like the handle of a knife in a scabbard.It looked like an ancient Japanese samurai, just with a pair of wings.

On the shoulder of this machine sits a young girl wearing a gorgeous kimono, with exquisite features and petite figure, exuding strong cute elements.It is the last princess of the Japanese imperial family-Emperor Kagura.

At the same time, Xia Li, who was standing on the ground, slowly floated up, using water as a medium, and Gabriel, the seraph of water, had slowly taken shape.The transparent sleep is dyed with a bright blue color, like a deep sea.On the human body reflecting the blue luster, Xia Li, like Kagura, stood like countless sharp diamond-shaped crystals, and like the left shoulder of an angel made up of the front half of the sword of a knight without a hilt. , Together with Uriel of Kagura Ya, stand side by side with Suzaku and Keno in front.

Of course, Shunizeer and others have also noticed the strange scene here on the Bunitania side in the distance.

That bad premonition not long ago has now become reality so quickly.The remaining two blazing angels actually appeared in this situation.Moreover, now they finally understand the origin of this incredible body of Seraph.

These human-shaped weapons beyond common sense of mankind turned out to be the manifestation of an incredible power.Presumably last night's Yuffi, IS troops, the AS body that just arrived, and Gundam in Kyushu are all the same type of weapon.However, even if they knew it, they could not make effective countermeasures.With the performance of the seventh-generation Knightmare, there is still not enough power to fight against this mythical body.

Freyja, it seems, can pose a certain threat to this kind of thing.

While Shunizeer was thinking hard about deciphering the huge threat posed by Seraph and the current situation.Because he didn't see the largest firework show in history, Kagura also vented his anger on Suzaku, who has become the source of the cup.

As for Keno, the third knight, after comparing the strengths of the two sides, left with interest.

Chapter 520 The Black Knights Split

The turmoil outside did not affect the upcoming peace talks. He brought Nanali and Karen back to Lulouch of Turtle Dove, and did not conceal his identity as a prince.However, the unexpected exposure of his identity in the plan still caused him a lot of trouble.

It was too late to make friends with Nanali, and talked about their separate thoughts. The old Japanese Liberation faction headed by Fujitang and the Red Moon faction headed by Shanyao respectively came to the door immediately after Lulu Xiu returned to Turtle Dove.

In the meeting room of Turtledove, Lulu Xiu pushed Nanali and walked in, accompanied by Karen, Inoue, Chiba and others.

Lulu Xiu pushed Nanali's wheelchair, came to the main seat and sat down, holding Nanali's left hand with his right hand, playing with this slender cute little hand, and looking around the conference table. The people on the opposite side.

"What's the matter, I'm so anxious, I have to accompany Nanaly, I don't have time to play house games with you here!"

"Game, we have died so many people, in your eyes, is it just a game?"

The one who spoke first turned out to be the most honest fan.Originally I wanted to verify it, hoping that Lelouch could give a perfect explanation, just like before, but Lelouch's answer completely revealed the fig leaf of both sides.

In the battle last night, so many companions died, and more than ten million Japanese died.In the eyes of the prince, it turned out to be just a game, not even comparable to the time he spent with his sister.

It's too much!

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