Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 589

"Oh, Fan Yao, are you questioning me? Don't forget, I am the leader of the Black Knights. If it were not for me, you and your mentally handicapped comrades would have died countless times as early as last year! "

A sneer appeared on Lelouch's handsome face. As he spoke, he got up from his seat and embraced Karen and Inoue standing behind him.

"Of course, I have to thank you a little bit for sending me two such wonderful women. However, as a game with you for so long, there is no compensation for throwing you away, it should be more than enough!"

"What you mean is that our hard work in the past two years, the value in your eyes, is only as compensation for you to get Karen and Inoue! We trust you so much and obey your orders, even if we die, we I did not hesitate, just because I was a pimp!"

Fan Yao also stood up slowly, staring at Lu Luxiu's face with a serious expression, and questioned again.

Perhaps, he still holds a glimmer of hope in his heart!

Behind Fanyao, the few remaining old men with the red moon and a few cadres of the Black Knights who accepted the concept of Fanyao also looked at Lu Lu Xiu with a look of expectation. .

"The so-called war, from the very beginning, was a game in my eyes. A game with that man, the emperor Chaluru DI Bunitania of Bunitania. You are just my pawns. , As a chess piece, you must have the consciousness of chess pieces, and you must have it! From the beginning of the establishment of the Black Knights, you should have this consciousness. However, you and your group of innocent comrades are indeed dull and laughable, but, It’s not bad as an after-show! Isn’t it, Nanali!"

Lelouch's answer suppressed the last glimmer of expectations, especially when he was talking about a sideshow, he deliberately lowered his head, pinched Nanaly's chin, and dropped a kiss on her lips.

This action of no one else provokes fans even more and wants them to have little reason.

"ZERO you bastard..."

"Stop, Yucheng!"

Yucheng behind Fan Yao clenched his fists excitedly, and was about to rush forward, but was stopped by Tengtang who had left his seat.Although in the meeting room, the number of people from Shan Yao and Tengtang has an absolute advantage, he is very clear that everyone in front of them is inhuman, let alone a few of them, even if it is a collection of black The Knights may not be able to hurt their hair.

However, even if he knew he was lost, Fujido would not compromise.However, he still has some things to confirm.Unfortunately, Yucheng did not understand Tengtang's kindness. Seeing that he was stopped, he immediately shifted the target of the bombardment to him.

"Stop it, you guy, you will know that ZERO's true identity is Prince Lulouch tomorrow! No wonder you said those inexplicable things before, after being caught, you didn't worry about your safety at all. We were originally. He was caught by his own people. In prison, this bastard also instructed his men to treat us like that. Can you swallow this breath?"

"Shut up, Yucheng, you have such an impulsive character. Once you know that ZERO's true identity is the prince of Bunitania, I'm afraid I'll spread the news everywhere!"

Asahina, a loyal follower of Fujido, was angry when he saw that Yucheng was so rude to Fujido.Although both sides maintained their opposition to Lu Lu Xiu, because of Yucheng, Hongyue and the former Japanese liberation front had never been together.

Moreover, because of Yucheng's stinky mouth and the arrogant, vain and stupid personality, Hongyue's influence on the Black Knights was minimal, and even in some places, it was rejected.Like Asahina, it is not once or twice that he and Yucheng had conflicts. The two sides even quarreled in many public places.Of course, the loser is often Yucheng's side, who makes him not only lack of strength, but also lack of morality.

"Of course, how can we Japanese let a prince of Bunitania lead us to rebel against Bunitania!"

Sure enough, Yucheng followed Asahina's words and continued.Afterwards, seeing the other party stepping into his own language trap as promised, Chao Hina looked at Yucheng with an idiotic expression, and said coldly.

"Hmph, if you really do that, then everyone who knows Lelouch's true identity will be evaporated from the world, and then Japan will fall into the hands of this guy, let him act recklessly, and never think about independence!"


Yucheng was speechless, and everyone else, including Hongyue himself, looked at him with mentally handicapped eyes, making his face flushed.Indeed, as long as you use your brain, you can understand that as Lelouch’s identity, once ZERO is exposed as the prince of Bunitania, Japan’s last glimmer of hope will not only disappear, but those who know Lelouch’s identity People will probably be cleaned up.

Whether it's Lelouch himself, or Bunitania to cover up the imperial royal scandal.Even if he could not overthrow the empire, Lelouch who returned to Bunitania could vent his anger to the Japanese. Nanaly's appointment as the governor of the 11th district was the best proof.

Asahina accepted it as soon as he saw it. Instead of laughing at the mentally retarded Jade City, he looked at Lu Lu Xiu and told his own analysis.

"Originally, I thought that you were just using us to return to Bunitania and seize the throne. As a reward, you would liberate Japan. But now it seems that it’s not the same thing at all. You started from the beginning. The purpose of this is to dominate the world, right! The formation of the Black Knights is also to create a goal for Bunitania, to hide your secret control of the Chinese Federation and EU, and then accumulate strength!"

As he said, Asahina paused, his expression sad.

"With our Japanese lives, dignity, freedom, and dreams..."

"You are really smart, Asahina, but unfortunately, you found out too late!"

Lelouch looked at Asahina appreciatively, and affirmed the wisdom of the four-eyed boy.In fact, if you weren't in the game, with the wisdom of him and Fujitang, you should be able to see it soon.

However, the authorities are obsessed with bystanders, and even if they know it now, it is too late.

Fujido, who had been silent all the time, slowly opened his eyes. He had recovered his calmness. Asahina could think of, he could naturally.Moreover, he thought of more.From the day when the compatriots who finally maintained the dignity of the Japanese chose to trust ZERO and left the 11th district, it has heralded the arrival of this day.

"It's really too late. Since the establishment of the Super United States, we have already lost the value of use. On the contrary, because of your true purpose, not only can we not help you, but also become an obstacle to your dominance of the world, so you will let the fighting power even Neither the Chinese Federation nor the EU can match us. Joining this battle is just to make us disappear. There is no better reason than death in battle! Right!"

"Yes, the plan is exactly the same as I expected. No, it's better than I thought. The Freyja shot even helped me eliminate tens of millions of obstacles. You know, once my identity is revealed, I want It is too troublesome to be reasonably aware of those crazy and superstitious ELEVENs who believe in ZERO. I don't have any extra time to waste on these monkeys. So..."

Lulu Xiu nodded with a sneer. On his face without any mask at the moment, handsome facial features exuded a ridicule and sarcasm towards the ants.

"Speaking of which, I should be grateful to Suzaku, he did what I always wanted to do, but never did!"

"Lelouch, you are really a bastard!"

While talking, he looked at Lu Lu Xiu in front of him with painful and complicated eyes, his expression becoming more and more solemn, with a trace of determination.



"Mr. Fujitang, even if it is you, if you insult your Highness like this, don't blame our previous affection and take action against you!"

The three women behind Luluxiu were angry when they saw Tengtang's unfinished curse that Yucheng had just said.The condensed momentum of the three high-ranking heroic spirits quickly pressed, overwhelming the sky, causing the Fujitang group on the opposite side to retreat a few steps. They were greatly shocked mentally, and their chest seemed to be pressed against a heavy boulder. .

"Well, if you want to leave now, I won't stop it. Anyway, your use value is gone. It's a pity, you can die on the battlefield with honor, but you have to choose this road of rebellion!"

Lelouch waved his hand to stop the excited Karen trio, and sat back in his position again, looking at the two opposing parties who chose to showdown.

"ZERO, this is the last time I call you this way. Just like you chose to rebel against your father's rule, our choice is to die with dignity, not at your mercy like a doll according to your script!"

Tengtang and Fanyao, who had been completely desperate for Lelouch, left their seats, paid a last salute to Lelouch, and then left the conference room one after another.Since then, the Black Knights have officially split.

After Fujitang and Shan told them to leave, Karen asked hesitantly.

"Just let them go like this?"

"It's just a group of idealists who don't know the heights of the sky and earth. Since they have given up the glorious death in battle, let them... die in disgrace on the hostile battlefield!"

Lulu Xiu's decision pronounced the fact that Fujitang and Shan told them to rebel against the Black Knights.

Chapter 521 Witch Reunion

While Lu Luxiu was rectifying the job vacancies after Fujitang and Fan were about to leave and the changes in the Black Knights, in his heroic arms, the realized sky city-the Garden of Eden, two uninvited guests were welcomed at the same time.

The great knight commander of the king's army-Ania Alstolayim, and now the fifth knight, Mariana Lampeloki who occupied the body of Lelouch and Nanali's daughter.

"Oh, this is Lelouch's own heroic weaponry. Such a mythical castle cannot be built by humans at all!"

Following Ania, Mariana entered the Garden of Eden unobstructed. Along the way, watching the unprecedented and completely unimaginable buildings and structures around, Mariana did not conceal her appreciation.

What makes her even more satisfied is that if she wins the bet with CC, she can officially become the hostess of this Garden of Eden.

This is much better than the "God Killing" plan.At that time, she herself is a god, will God allow humans to kill herself?Marianna, who died once and was reborn with the help of the daughter of Lelouch and Nanali, had already chosen another path, a path of rebellion.

Of course, Chalulu, who was still waiting for Mariana over Shengen Island, would not know this matter.

Mariana also knew that at this moment the man, her accomplice Chaluru, was waiting for her.But she didn't care at all. Before using that guy to seize the power of the gods, this plan lacked an important person.


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