Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 590

Because she hadn't waited until the arrival of CC, Mariana had to let Ania bring herself to the Garden of Eden.The location of CC is very clear, that is, the center of the Garden of Eden, the king's residence.

In a wonderful space, a young girl sat on a classic chair with armrests, sighing sadly.

In front of the girl with her cheeks in her hands, there is a huge picture framed with two people on it.One of them is the girl herself. She is holding a wooden knight sword in the painting, wearing a maid's costume, with a graceful figure.Opposite her, is a delicate little boy who looks only seven or eight years old, with a neutral face and a slender figure, looking like an aristocratic young master who stays at home.

The two were fighting fiercely in the middle of a stone building. It was the place where the boy and the girl first met, the training ground of the Aries Palace.The painting began to change, like a film, recording the bit by bit of her and the young life's later life.Finally, what appears in the painting is the grown-up teenager, and CC, who has become smaller, in a modern room, eating pizza together, just like lovers, caressing, kissing... living a simple and happy life. life.

Seeing the girl with a very simple and very happy smile on the painting, the girl sighed again. She meditated on the time when Lelouch had left, and her uncontrollable thoughts began to spread.

"Lu Lu Xiu, why haven't you come back!?"

At this moment, a crisp sound rang from a distance, gradually approaching.

"CC, CC..."


"What are you doing? Keep yourself here, CC!"

After the voice called her three times, CC looked away from the painting and turned to the direction where the voice appeared-the entrance to the house, which is isolated from the outside world, like an interior courtyard.

Standing there was another girl.Wearing a white knight suit with a special style.That is a special costume for the knights directly under Bunitania and the knights of the round table.The girl has long black hair that is soft and straight down to the buttocks. The white and beautiful face reveals the condensed breath. The tall and slender figure is perfect as the golden section. The exquisite body is beautiful and sexy, with exquisite artwork It is not an exaggeration to describe it. There is no flaw in the body, so perfect that even the goddess will be jealous of it.

In an instant, a flash of lightning flashed across CC's brain, awakening her deep memories.

"Marianna, what are you doing here!?"

CC got up from his chair in surprise.However, her tone did not seem surprised.

"You came to this place... Is the time up? Mariana! You are really anxious, worried about your son's good mother!"

Marianna put her hand on her waist, showing off the firmness on her chest, and chuckled.

"Oh, do you think I am such an ideal mother?"

"Then you are anxious to become a queen, you are still the same as before! As long as you decide things well, you are so energetic and can't wait!"

CC glanced at the tall and straight pair of Marianna's chest, and then looked at his chest, which was not small, but obviously one size smaller than the other, his face sank slightly.Although Lulu Xiu is a lolicon, she doesn't take women's figures very seriously.

However, as a woman, the size of her breasts is a very important factor in winning.

(Cut, obviously inherited the genes of Lulu Xiu and Nanali, but in the end they still grew so much fat. This woman must have adjusted not only her appearance, but also the place!)

CC admitted that he had misguided, and it was time for Lelouch to turn her into a hero in advance before Mariana grew up, to see how she developed.At that time, Mariana is definitely a younger girl who is smaller than Nanaly, not the perfect girl who frustrates CC.

"Of course, you can't make Chalulu wait anxiously. That man is very keen in some places, but you can't let him discover the flaws. I don't want to lose to you, CC!"

Noting CC's staggered sight, Mariana's smile on her face became brighter, her hands cupped her breasts, and even with the cover of a knight uniform, there were two peaks rising there.

CC looked away, and responded coldly.At this time, the paintings that had not yet dispersed came into her sight, which surprised her.However, it is too late to accept these paintings at this time.

"Hmph, you woman, you want to steal the power of the gods, and you speak so grandly!"

Marianna was still smiling, she had seen the paintings.Naturally, I also understand why CC is in this world. In order to push history before accepting GEASS, I use happy memories to cover up my painful and sad past.

"You can't miss it much, CC, do you want to deny your existence? Infatuated with the false memory that Lulu Xiu weaves for you!"

Now, the CC in this space is completely disconnected from the physical CC in the real world.However, CC here can watch her own past to his heart's content, and then cover up those painful things, sad things, and despair, etc., with new memories according to the memories Lelouch wove for her.

Of course, this was not what CC did. In reality, he lost his power as a Geass witch, and his memory disappeared. What appeared on the surface was another personality.Everything comes from the common desire of her and Lu Lu Xiu in the C world.Although the realization process was a bit tortuous, the life of the past few days has indeed cured some of CC's inner regrets and wounds.

Unfortunately, with the arrival of Mariana, such a happy and beautiful life has to be put on rest.

Although new memories have been created, for yourself at that time, shouldn't it be enough?No, it's actually enough. I was too greedy. For my childhood, I wanted more...

CC slowly closed his eyes, then broke the silence and replied.

"Even if it is hypocrisy, as long as it is a happy thing, a happy thing, you can be forgiven! But, for this broken dream, Mariana, are you ready to accept my revenge?"


Mariana laughed.

"I'm ready. So, can I go? Back to the real world."


"Since I have decided, this is the decision."

Hearing Mariana's confident declaration, CC spread his hands helplessly.

"It really fits your character, Mariana."

"what do you mean?"

Mariana, who was turning around, turned her head, her beautiful eyebrows beating gently.Seeing such a heroic Marianna, CC's mind came up with the scene when the two met, and a nostalgic smile appeared on his face.

"Always entangled in my business, or to say, it is indeed a flash!"

"Hehe... But I also want to thank you, CC. After all, you gave me the power of Geass, otherwise, I am afraid I will not be able to talk so freely here and here!"

Like CC, Mariana also remembered the encounter between the two, but what appeared on her face was not nostalgia, but gratitude.Her GEASS adaptability and aptitude are very weak, but because of this GEASS, she can stand here now, and even get such a perfect body.

However, this does not mean that she will compromise with this person in subsequent competitions.Because at this moment, in her heart, there is a person who surpasses the plan, surpasses the contract, surpasses the CC friendship, occupying everything in her.

CC followed, and continued to speak with a smile, just as before.

"Obviously he is a person who does not fulfill the contract, so I am ashamed to say."

"If I fulfill the contract, you won't be able to meet Lelouch, you should thank me for this!"

Mariana stretched out her white hand to CC gracefully and softly.

CC sighed again, and then slowly walked towards Mariana, two slender white hands overlapped in mid-air.At least, before reaching that place, the two were still the best friends of the past.

Chapter 522 Black Belly Dialogue

When CC opened his eyes again, the first thing he saw was Marianna's pretty figure in the world of consciousness.However, she did not wear a knight suit, but a very tight and heroic pilot suit.

Of course, although Ania is leading the way, she is not a hero yet, so she can only come here with her own landline.

"Good morning, CC!"

After Mariana greeted her, she smiled mischievously.If you are familiar with her, they will be surprised at her such rich expression.The usual Mariana is aloft, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as keeping away.

But now, she is truly like a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, bright and beautiful, full of youthful vitality.

Seeing Marianna's smile, CC responded, and then began to look around, mainly his own situation.Sure enough, her body recovered to its original size because of the appearance of Li consciousness.Fortunately, she had made love to Lelouch before leaving last night, so she not only slept on the bed, but was also unclothed.At this time, Mariana's posture is also very subtle, like a mother holding her daughter to sleep, and like a boyfriend caring for her lover.

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