Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 593

At this moment, Mariana had not concealed anything. In the communication, Bismarck also saw CC with Mariana.No one knows the relationship between these two women better than Bismarck.

Without thinking, Mariana also rebelled.

Just like the night of the "Blood Emblem," the first knight who rebelled was beheaded by Mariana, who was the fifth knight, but now, the positions of the two sides have been reversed.It was the "flash" of the Fifth Knight who rebelled, and the loyal one was Bismarck of the First Knight.

The former comrades-in-arms and comrades must face each other at this moment.

Chapter 524 The Tomahawk of Ania

It's a pity that Mariana didn't have a bit of entanglement with Bismarck at all, she didn't care about Bismarck at all, and landed toward the site of the remains of Shengen Island.

"do not go!"

Bismarck wants to stop Mariana, at least to buy time for Chaluru, as long as the plan is successful, the outcome will be completely reversed.However, just as his figure moved, the huge reloaded Knightmare Frame Mordred instantly appeared in front of him.

"Your opponent is me."


The answer to Bismarck was the roaring strong particle cannon, which suddenly accelerated Mordred’s speed and rushed towards the combat airspace where Galahart was at the maximum combat speed. Mordred controlled by Ania headed towards Galah. Specially launched the four-hadron cannon that can be called the main weapon.Such a powerful firepower, if it were launched at ordinary Knightmare and knights, the battle might be over in an instant.

However, the opponent naturally avoided the attack easily, and Gallahart, who was calm, avoided the gunfire of the Hadron Cannon and made a shocking sound.

"Ania, you..."

"Bismarck, if you are not serious, you will die!"

Ania coldly glanced at Bismarck on the screen, rushed through Galahart, and broke into the combat airspace ahead.As the first knight, Bismarck naturally has several personal guards around him, and Ania's goal is them.

Several seventh-generation Knightmare immediately pointed the muzzle of their rifles at Mordred's fuchsia fuselage.However, Mordred didn't care about the bullets they fired. It bounced all the bullets away with the strong protective force field equipped on the body, and the red particle stream launched by itself instantly submerged them.

Boom boom boom!

The Knightmare that followed Bismarck exploded into a ball of flames. At this time, in front of Ania, a very conspicuous Knightmare appeared. The color tone of this aircraft was the same as that of Lancelot. The white color, but, compared with Lancelot, his appearance is not beautiful, but should be said to be sturdy, looks exactly like a knight armed with armor, and he holds a huge sword in his hand—— Excalibur, this is the main weapon of the first knight's special machine Galahart.

Seeing Ania, who ignored her and slaughtered her subordinates wantonly, Bismarck finally let go of his hesitation.Before Ania is resolved, I am afraid it will be impossible to stop Mariana and CC.Moreover, Ania in front of him is not an opponent he can easily deal with.

If the other person is also a woman like those monsters in the distance!

"In this case, Ania, don't blame me for death!"

Bismarck also has its own pride, even if the opponent has power beyond mortals, let alone the opponent's body performance is not as good as his own.As a knight who can also use Gallahart's functions to the limit, he has the confidence to defeat any enemy under the same conditions, not to mention that he has a secret weapon.

"Only you!"

Mordred fired a diffusion bomb equipped on his shoulder, as if to block Bismarck's echo.Galahart hurriedly turned around, avoiding countless rays.However, even though his speed of action and reaction speed were extremely swift, there were still a few rays that sealed the gap for him to dodge.

Can't hide!

Realizing this fact, Gallahart flipped in the air with a mobility that was incompatible with his huge body, swung down Excalibur, and split the rays in the air.


Ania glanced at the Excalibur in Galahart's hand, and a rare sneer appeared on her expressionless face.She thought of the genuine Excalibur of Tolia, the king of knights, and the Excalibur in Bismarck's hand that easily splits the rays. Compared to the real, it was not even as good as a toy.

The curious look shifted from Excalibur to Galahart, the old god Ania took out the phone comfortably, and pressed the shutter of Excalibur in Bismarck's hand.

"Go back and show Tolia...a replica of Excalibur!"

Although there was only a momentary stagnation, this flaw was still noticed by Bismarck, who was extremely experienced in combat.


The collar that sealed the left eye shattered violently, the opened pupils radiated ominous red light, and deep in the eyes, a pair of flamingoes were ready to fly out.

This is Bismarck's own GEASS, the effect is three seconds later.GEASS, who has this foreseeable future, is his real killer, and he stands as the trump card of the first knight.

"I can use this ability, Ania, you are proud of your strength!"

The harsh sound of metal being cut and cracked reverberated in the air, and Galahart's Excalibur slashed towards Ania.Ania, who was taking pictures, freed up a hand and manipulated Mordred to avoid the slash.However, at the moment of the dislocation, Bismarck, who had predicted the direction of Ania's dodge, made a direct backhand, and Excalibur happened to be stuck on Mordred's floating device.Part of the device was cut off and Mordred lost his balance in the air.

"Ania, goodbye!"

In the red ominous light, Bismarck, who saw Ania's next move, took a step ahead and appeared in the direction of her retreat, with a sword piercing Mordred's cockpit.


With a violent explosion, the mainframe Mordred exploded into a large group of flames in the air, and the shock wave caused by the violent explosion made Galahart have to retreat.Mordred's attack power itself is the strongest among the Knights of the Round Table, and his explosive power is naturally extraordinary.

Unfortunately, Bismarck was a little too happy too soon.Just when he turned around and was about to pursue Marianna and CC, a crisp and indifferent voice rang out from the explosion of flames.


"how is this possible!"

Bismarck stopped unbelievably and looked at the flame.Afterwards, a huge flash split the flames and even rushed into the sky.The extremely dazzling light attracted everyone's attention on the battlefield.

"That's... the battle axe!"

Everyone saw the huge light and shadow standing between the sky and the earth, and their jaws fell to the ground.That light and shadow turned out to be an extremely huge battle axe.At the end of the battle axe, there is a petite knight in a pilot's suit.

The sixth knight Ania!

"Go to hell, Bismarck!"

Glancing indifferently at Gallahart of Bismarck, Arnia held the huge battle axe made of light in both hands and swung it down at him.

The huge battle axe pierced the sky, and Bismarck's Gallahart, who would not be able to react in the future, split into two halves together with the sea below.The huge waves separated, revealing the deep sea sand below.The surrounding Royal Guards of Bunitania, who were still struggling, all gave up resistance when they saw the terrorist force of Ania's blow.

Faced with such a god-like power, as mortals, they couldn't resist at all.

Not only the Royal Guard, but even the members of the King's Army who participated in the battle, they were shocked when they saw the strength of this petite knight for the first time.Is it worthy of being a great knight commander? This kind of power, in the king's army, may already be included in the top five.

However, before the explosion of Galahart, a cockpit popped out from the rear of the mainframe.Seeing the power of Ania's inhumanity, Bismarck pressed the button of the escape device at the very moment of the battle, avoiding being cut in half.It's not that he didn't want to avoid it, but in the face of Ania whose real power broke out, any evasive measures he took would result in one, that is, he was split in half.

Anticipating his death, Bismarck certainly could not stay in the cockpit stupidly.

In another world, on the slightly dilapidated altar, the holy Bunitanian Emperor Charuru DI Bunitania has been smiling.

This is the world where the sky is covered by clouds and shrouded in the red light like dusk-the hall of dusk.

However, this is different from the similar world that Chalulu and his son Luloxu were in when they confronted each other. A huge pillar stood under the cloud.However, is that a real pillar?This pillar with countless strange and complex patterns carved on its surface rotates and rises like a drill bit, breaking through the clouds, passing by the altar where Chalulu is standing, and rushing to the center of the sky.The center of the sky was not red, but white.Every time the pillar rises, there will be heavy vibrations around it.

Looking at this incomprehensible sight, Chalulu still laughed.That kind of smile was different from the formal smile he showed when sitting on the throne and the sneer when he looked down at others. It was a joyful smile.This is not surprising. Now, his life-consuming plans and wishes are about to come true.

To be fully completed, one more card is needed, but that is not a problem.Because, before long, the woman who is his partner and understands him best will come here with that card.


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