Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 594

Charuru laughed loudly towards the center of the sky.

"The time to decide fate has come."

Human beings are countless dust produced from the vortex of roots, and the dust that has come to the world from the roots will return to the vortex of roots.

It's ridiculous!

Chalulu screamed inwardly.It is precisely because of this that the human world has become like hell, and the disputes will not stop.People are originally dust generated from the vortex of roots. Although they are the same at the beginning, they don't know that they are fused with each other and cannot fully accept each other.

Wisdom, thinking, love, and friendship are all useless in the face of this fact.It is because of uselessness that humans will continue to dispute, according to their nature of rejecting others, and continue to pollute themselves according to this truth.


That's right, this is the truth set by God, the hateful root.But what should people who cannot accept this truth do?What about people who are tortured by this truth?

this is very simple.

As long as you create new truths yourself.It is not the truth that is given, but the truth that oneself pursues, as long as oneself becomes the rule of the world.By killing God, the truth created by God is destroyed.

"It's okay to watch yourself be destroyed, God."

Chalulu spread his hands and laughed loudly.

"I will decide with you and become the truth of the world."

He continued to laugh, long, long...

At the same time, in the outside world.



"Earth, earthquake!?"

The whole planet is shaking, and at the same time, the underground around the world emits a wonderful light.

In the old EU island country which can be said to be the birthplace of Bunitania.

On the land of Central Asia.

In permafrost covered by ice.

In all the land where the same ancient ruins are buried like Shengen Island, the network beyond human wisdom, the red CODE mark, radiates red light.

The world is changing...

Chapter 525 Cruel Betrayal

"Don't laugh, can you!"

A familiar and abrupt voice suddenly sounded from the rear, but the content and tone made Chalulu a little surprised.According to his knowledge of the voice master, she would never say this to herself in this tone.

It must be auditory hallucinations!

Finding a reason for himself, Chalulu turned around with a smile on his face and looked at the figure walking out of the white mist.That is his most trusted complicity, partner, and love in this world.

However, his reason for self-deception was shattered by the cruel reality when he met the pretty figure that appeared in the white mist.

"Your laughter is disgusting, you know what! You curly idiot!"

Coming out of the white mist, of course, it was Chalulu's most trusted companion and partner, the former fifth imperial concubine, the current Lelouch and Nana Li's daughter Mariana Lampelloki.

Her sharp gaze confronted Chalulu, and her face was mixed with mockery, irony, and disdain.

Obviously he had obtained an immortal body, but at this moment, when he heard such vicious and cold words from the most trusted person, Chalulu still had the feeling of being hit by a heavy hammer in the chest, as if he was about to vomit blood.

This feeling can only be experienced when he was very young when he saw his mother's queen assassinated and felt despair and fear for a world full of lies.


By this time, Chalulu didn't realize that Mariana had betrayed herself, so he would really live as a dog in his entire life.However, even at this time, he still had the last glimmer of hope in his heart.

Yes, this is just auditory hallucinations. In this C world, everything is possible!

"Oh, this look is really good, old fat pig, it's amazing! You say yes, CC!"

There was a grinning smile on Marianna's face, she looked terrifying, like a noble princess who instantly became an evil and vicious witch.Perhaps this is the nature of this woman. Being able to easily use her own children for human experiments, and even use herself as a prop, from a certain perspective, Mariana is a monster.

There is only a thin line between a genius and a lunatic, and it is not an exaggeration to describe a monster that is beyond reach.

"Marianna, your expression is a bit scary now!"

Another girl’s voice came from behind, and CC walked out wearing a sacrificial costume, stopped beside Mariana, and looked at Chaluru who was like a clown with sympathy and pity.

The reality is cruel, especially for the betrayed.For Charouru, CC cannot be said to be hateful. In her long life, Charouru is just a passerby.It is precisely because of this outsider's position that she can more clearly see that Charuru, whose facial features have been distorted, and her chest seems to explode, how painful and unwilling it is at this moment.

Betrayal is shameful, but she herself is the companion of the betrayer.

"Give up, Charuru, death may be just a kind of salvation for you!"


Betrayal is a reality. Chalulu was not betrayed for the first time, but he never felt more heartache than this. The real heart was like being stabbed by a knife.

And the murderer looked down at him triumphantly and sprinkled a handful of salt on his wound.

"Marianna, have you betrayed our ideals? A world without lies, kill God, and create a beautiful world without deception, war, and pain!"


Upon hearing Chaluru's excitement, Mariana looked at him with a look of "Are you an idiot?"

"A perfect world without lies, are you still a kid? Mentally retarded!"

From "curly idiot" to "old fat pig" to the current "mentally retarded", it seems that Charuru's impression in Mariana's heart is gradually evolving.But Charuru will never feel honored.

It was the first time that he was cursed in such a vicious language, and more importantly, it was Mariana who cursed him.

"Well, I don't have time and effort to play this kind of childish play game with you here, Baimao, hurry up!"

It is a pity that Mariana, who humiliated Chaluru severely, ignored the emperor's pride and self-esteem even more.Turning her attention back to CC beside her, Mariana made a declaration of war.

"CC, are you ready for the outcome between us?"

"Really? Not killing God, Mariana, you betrayed our vow, you woman, you want..."

Chaluru's wisdom is not weak at all. Through the dialogue between them, she has guessed the purpose of Marianna and CC.Not only did they betray their agreement with them, but they also wanted to take the power of God on the contrary.

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