Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1723: Owl Battle (Part 1)

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A huge vortex is formed in this independent space, just like a space tunnel. As soon as Xiao Nai turned his head, suddenly, the huge vortex was shrouded, and I did not know how Xiao Naihe was twisted in front of him. In the end, he had already flew 100,000 million miles away.

Xiao Naihe raised his head, and there was already a bright moon above his head.

I don't know when, he has been in Huanglin's independent space for a long time, and it's night.

"What is this man Huang Lin thinking? He brought us together, but he didn't do anything to us."

Xiao Naihe shook his head.

With the power of Huang Lin, the existence of the unity of origins, if it is really necessary to start, I am afraid that no one in the field was his opponent.

According to common sense, Xiao Naihe and others have already been involved in the battle for the Danting God. Generally, if there are outsiders in the Dazongmen, they will definitely be rejected if they contend with the Zongmen.

But Huang Lin did not do this, but instead did not object to the few of them doing this, which is why Xiao Nai had an idea that he could not see through Huang Lin.

"But according to the group of people we were in at the time, it would not be so easy if Huang Lin really wanted to deal with us."

In the whole independent world at that time, there were Hua Xiang, Jun Yongye, Shi You, Bei Songyang, Pan Lingzi, Hong Family Patriarch, and Tian Daotong. Apart from Tian Daotong, which one of them is not the best in the world, deterring the four poles Master of all directions.

If Huang Lin really wanted to do something with them, I'm afraid it wouldn't be that easy.

However, these people were not the same passers-by. Even if Huang Lin wanted to deal with them, each of these people had their own ideas.

"Forget it, these things are useless now. As for what happened just now, after going back, I will definitely explain to Liu Xiu."

Xiao Naihe shook his head, his eyes moved, looking in all directions, then a hint of color appeared in his expression.

"Speaking of it, I don't know where it is now? Isn't he like me, and was sent by Huang Lin at the same time?"

In between, Xiao Nai would fly up.

But at this moment, a strange sound suddenly came from the void. This kind of design was like a sword that collided to produce an extremely strange sound.

After the sharp voice came out, Xiao Naihe's body burst for a while, and a ray of light in the entire void was diffused together, and a blue light wave appeared in front of Xiao Naihe.

After this wave of light swept over, a strong force shone on Xiao Naihe's body at once.

"murderous look!"

That's right, it's murderous. Now Xiao Naihe actually feels a strong murderous air. After this murderous air came out, Xiao Naihe seemed to feel that his soul and flesh had a feeling of being squeezed. .


Xiao Nai **** raised his eyebrows, and at the same time, a **** wheel suddenly appeared behind him. When the **** wheel turned, it seemed that it formed the ancients, and it could take everyone into the world of six reincarnated bliss Go.

And when this breath is pervading, it seems that the entire world is under the control of Xiao Naiho at this time.

"The Great God Wheel."

Between the words, Xiao Naiho's eyes burst into a gleam.

Then he looked up and saw this force explode in the sky.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang ...

The strong impact sounds, as if countless stars are constantly striking at this time, making the entire void seem to be shattered. When looking forward, Xiao Nai can feel that the force seems to be squeezed Come to my side.

"This is magic energy!"

Seeing this, how could Xiao Nai not know what this breath was.

The magic of Tongtian seems to be a free life of stars, so that Xiao Nai has a feeling of being drawn away from the soul.

"Comfortable Buddha!"

However, at the moment when this feeling came out, I saw Xiao Naihe raised his eyebrows, and the power all over him rose sharply, forming a halo.

After this aura appeared, suddenly I could see Xiao Naihe's head with a hundred apertures.

When these one hundred apertures floated up and down, an extremely powerful aura appeared.

As if the entire void was already controlled by Xiao Naihe,

Then the light in this void turned into golden oceans, which were released from Xiao Naihe's golden aperture.

After a while, the golden lights merged together to form a huge Buddha statue.

A closer look of this Buddha statue is a bit like Xiao Naihe's form, and a bit like Shakya's form.

"Demon Junjun Yongye, don't think I don't know it's you, come out for me."

When Xiao Nai saw this place, how could he not know that the person who attacked himself was the devil Junjun Yongye.

Jun Yongye's power is very obvious, and the devilish energy of his body made Xiao Nai feel completely.

If you do n’t know if the person who came here is Jun Yongye, Xiao Nai can go home and grow sweet potatoes.

However, knowing that Jun Yongye would actually shoot at this time, and picking this time to attack himself, Xiao Naihe also noticed a trace of strangeness in his heart.

At this time, his attention was raised to the limit, and his power was floating. The whole person seemed to be integrated into the Buddha statue, spreading a majestic momentum.

"Hahahahaha, worthy of being the three sons, no, it should be the four sons."

This voice is the night of the demon king.

At this time, when Jun Yongye's voice was heard, the murder in the original void became stronger, and did not disappear because of Xiao Naihe's cry.

Suddenly, the entire sky seemed to be dimmed, and the dark air in the sky merged into a strong tornado. After the tornado rolled up, it suddenly gave Xiao Naihe a huge statue behind him. The feeling of being broken.

"My fingerprints like Rulai, if you come to the Faxiang Headquarters, you can restrain the power of any free devil in the world. Jun Yongye, you think you want to suppress me by your half-step passive state, it seems you still want It's too simple, even Beisongyang didn't think so. "

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly and moved his hands. Suddenly, the magical energy diffused from the whole void was swept by a golden light and became extremely fragile.

At the front, the big Buddha born behind Xiao Naihe seemed to be awake at this time, and a strong golden light burst out of his eyes.

The moment when this ray of light burst out, it seemed to be a long golden sword gas, radiating from the void, attacking in the direction of Jun Yongye.

In an instant, the magic energy emerging from the void became extremely weak in the golden light at this time.

Not only that, I only saw Xiao Naihe's two palms, and the whole person showed a very pious attitude. Then the Buddha statue behind him continued to spread the Sanskrit sounds, as if it was a cool song:

"The various methods are assembled, after all, there is no owner, no self. We are different from each other, but the reality is different, and there is no author. Therefore, all methods are incredible, and the self is like a fantasy."

"With regard to the Dharma Law, the heart has no obstacles, live the way of the Buddhas from now on, live with all living beings, and never give up. Like the Dharma, you can learn everything, break all evil, and have all good."

"Heaven and earth are like the handprint, and the big day is like a real body!"

When Xiao Nai heard the Sanskrit, he suddenly had a very powerful idea in the sky.

And that golden light merged, only to see the original golden sword qi, which actually changed at this time, and became a huge seal.

Rulai handprint!

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom!

This was like when the handprint came down like a thunder, and exploded in the void.

In the sky, all the magic energy disappeared in the handprint.

And Xiao Nai's acupuncture has also released a strong and extreme force, which has merged this big Buddha.

Xiao Naihe at this time, the momentum is almost extreme.

"Jun Yongye, if you don't come out, then I can only invite you out personally."

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly. When he spoke, he saw the golden Buddha appearing behind him suddenly changed his momentum.

It seems that a Buddha image that grieves and compassionately transforms into a fighting holy Buddha.

This momentum is changing fast, and it almost gives everyone an uncontrollable look.

Roar roar!

The roar of the Buddha image, the whole world seemed to shake in the sound of this roar, as if it were going to collapse at this time, and the world was cracking.

I did not expect that the statue of Xiao Nai who conceived was so powerful that even Xiao Nai and He Yin felt a bit amazing.

However, at the moment when this kind of thought came out, he was suppressed. At the next moment, his eyes had turned to the front, because his people had already stepped out and merged with this great Buddha.

I saw Xiao Naihe stretched out his hand and burst into flames towards the front.

At the moment this blaze appeared, it had formed a huge bare hand.

The bare hand, after appearing, moved towards the front and grabbed it.

At the next moment, Xiao Nai felt that he saw a black air in front of him, and he was caught by his giant palm. It seemed that the whole person was going to be spread out.

But at this time, the situation changed once again, because there was another murderous opportunity coming out of the void, and it was still locked in Xiao Naihe ’s body, but this killing opportunity was not a demon king, but night. A person.


Xiao Naihe's face suddenly changed!

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