Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1724: Xiao Zhan (Part 2)

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Xiao Naihe felt that the black air in front of him was pervading, and he was caught by his giant palm, as if the whole person was about to be spread out.

But at this time, the situation changed once again, because there was another murderous opportunity coming out of the void, and it was still locked in Xiao Naihe ’s body, but this killing opportunity was not a demon king, but night. A person.

Xiao Naihe's face suddenly changed!

At this time, the airflow in the entire void flowed backwards, and in a flash, it entered Xiao Naihe's front.

The huge Buddha statue originally summoned by Xiao Naihe also disappeared at this time.

Because the moment of the outbreak of the murder was directly locked on Xiao Naihe.

In an instant, I saw this force flowing, as if it were a long river, and an extremely strange power emerged from the river.

When Xiao Nai saw this place, suddenly, the whole person seemed to be shot and flew, and the power had a kind of uncontrollable appearance.

"The big ovens in the heavens."

At this time, Xiao Nai burst into a drink, and suddenly, the light in the sky gathered together, because he saw the black gas appearing in the void.

While this black gas diffused over, there was also a white light that also flowed from afar.

It seemed that the entire world was beyond Xiao Naihe's sight at this time, and was controlled by the mysterious man in the distance.

"Hua Xiang!"

Xiao Naihe's face changed, because he recognized it now. The owner of this force was none other than the pinnacle of today's world.

I did not expect that Hua Xiang would actually shoot at this time, and he still joined forces with Jun Yongye to deal with himself.

Since Xiao Naihe's rebirth, the enemies he has encountered do not know how many, and he has encountered many dangers, but as he is now so dangerous, Xiao Naihe rarely encountered.

Just as Hua Xiang and Jun Yongye united to deal with themselves, a golden Buddha appeared in Xiao Naihe ’s mind,

This big Buddha is exactly the same as the previously merged Sakyamuni. Suddenly, the blood and blood in Xiao Naihe's body rioted and fused into his body. Wolf smoke.

The moment this wolf smoke appeared, the power of Xiao Naihe suddenly reached a limit.

At this time, Xiao Nai had to work desperately.

Because whether it is Jun Yongye or Hua Xiang, these two people are half-step passive existence, which is higher than the current Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Naihe's own strength can only deal with one of them at most for a long time, but if two people join forces together, Xiao Naihe's current strength is also somewhat reluctant.

However, at the moment when this thought came out, the relic of Sakyamuni appeared in Xiao Naihe's mind. This relic light was very dazzling, as if to be integrated into the long river in heaven.

Suddenly, countless stars formed in this light, and Xiao Naihe's eyes kept responding.

Because Xiao Naiho at this time also used his own astronomical star map. This astronomical star map was in operation, constantly calculating various things that would happen next.

Xiao Naihe's eyes moved. At the moment when he shot, the big Buddha originally conceived in his mind at this time actually formed an entity. After the appearance of this big Buddha, he immediately showed great power. The driving force is flying towards the front.

"Vatican Acts cannot be justified. The Three Acts are all empty. The intention is not to take the cause. The heart has no barriers. There is no reason for the action. It is convenient to be at ease.

"There is no reason for observing the law. Knowing the Dharma is equal. There are all the Dharma. The name is Jingjing Brahma."

Fight battle battle!

The power of Xiao Nai and Hun Huo merged into the Buddha statue, which is almost impossible to control. At this time, his infinite current is also unfolding.

Suddenly, the thoughts of his whole body had entered the level of almost five trillion.

And the star chart in his eyes continued to shine, and Xiao Naihe at this time almost had a way to step into a half-step passive state on the spot.

"Give me out, Hua Xiang, Jun Yongye."

These two people are joining together, and it can be said that it is already the most powerful existence under the unity of origins.

I didn't expect Xiao Naihe to be able to enjoy this kind of treatment now, but this kind of enjoyment made Xiao Naihe feel an extremely dangerous and horrible.

The power of Junyong Yehuaxiang merged into one, and the murderous opportunity was revealed, which was already shrouded in front of Xiao Naihe.

However, Xiao Nai and He Zhisheng exhibited his unique skills and stepped against the current.

His spiritual power at this time also increased at this time, endless power.

Between violently, after this force emerged, the entire void suddenly had a kind of fluctuation caused by the impact of countless stars.



After a violent impact, Xiao Naihe's conceived Buddha image flew out, and the two strong murderous forces collided together.

At the next moment, I saw this Buddha reaching out and suddenly caught an existence in the void.

Tear! ! ! !

A golden ray of light appeared from the void, and Xiao Nai raised his head, only to see that the ray of light showed a crack when it shone.

Two people appeared from the crack.

"Hua Xiang, Jun Yongye, it really is the two of you. I didn't expect that the two of you would join hands to deal with me Xiao Naihe. How can I Xiao Naihe how?"

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly, but a little light flashed in his eyes.

At this time, Jun Yongye shook his head and his voice became very cold: "Of course, Xiao Nai has this ability. If you only have a three-cultivation, it is naturally not worth the two of us to join hands to deal with, but you are on the Four-Cultivation Avenue. Existence, even the Archaic Saints are not as good as you. If you have such a talent, if you do not solve it, if you let you step into the original unity in the future, the person who offends you will definitely not have a good end. "

Hua Xiang nodded. Although he also existed passively with Half Step, he and Jun Yongye joined forces to deal with Xiao Naihe. If he spoke out, there would be no good reputation.

But now Hua Xiang and Jun Yongye don't think that what happened today will spread.

Because in their eyes, Xiao Nai died today, and since he was a dead man, why should he care about the idea of ​​a dead man?

As soon as the voice fell, there was another impact of force in the entire void.

Between the fierceness, a burst of black air from Jun Yongye suddenly melted into the void.

Xiao Nai had a feeling at this moment, as if his own power was about to be drawn away.

"Jun Yongye is practicing the source of the magic road in the Six Daoqi books, which is very powerful. I have to be careful."

It ’s not just Jun Yongye, but also the flower face. This flower face cultivation should be the strange book of humanity in the six sources.

And Xiao Naiho himself practiced the heavenly demon scriptures of the demon Dao Yuanyuan Qishu, as well as the magic dust book of the Wudao Daoyuan Qishu.

Now that the masters of the four strange books are already gathered together, if today ’s battle is spread, I am afraid that Xiao Nai ’s reputation will definitely overshadow Hua Xiang and Jun Yongye,

Because Hua Xiang and Jun Yongye have joined forces to deal with Xiao Naihe.

But as Hua Xiang and Jun Yongye said, if Xiao Nai died today, no one would know what happened today.

"Xiao Naihe, you must die today."

From the beginning, Hua Xiang did not want to force Xiao Naihe to be too tight, because today Xiao Naihe is also a very powerful existence, and it is not easy to deal with Xiao Naihe.

But since hearing Huang Lin's words, this Huang Lin actually wanted to recruit Xiao Naihe, saying that he admired Xiao Nai most.

A person who has the highest appraisal of the unity of the origins has given Hua Xiang a dangerous idea.

He knew that if Xiao Naihe continued to practice like this and become stronger, one day, this Xiao Naihe is really likely to surpass himself,

That's why Hua Xiang decided to deal with Xiao Naihe.

At this moment, the power that diffused through the entire void came to Xiao Naihe, and Xiao Naihe felt a burst of light in his eyes while feeling this power.

What appeared behind him was a huge divine wheel. When the divine wheel turned up, it seemed that the violent power of all the existence in the heavens was revealed from the sky.

And Xiao Naihe's figure seemed to be lightning, and flew out at this moment.

At the next moment, I saw that the **** wheel emerging behind Xiao Naihe seemed to form a huge planet, and hit the front fiercely.

"Get me down."

Jun Yongye burst into a sigh, and his whole body of black gas was filled with one piece. Only when Jun Yongye reached out his hand, the devil qi spread out on his body, as if he had formed a form of free devil, directly into the void .

At the next moment, this Fa-phase had already arrived in front of Xiao Naihe, and smashed the huge **** wheel behind Xiao Naihe.

"Hurry up, Huaxiang!"

Jun Yongye burst into a sigh, and the flower phase at this time also shot.

As soon as he shot, it was shocking, and the whole world seemed to be almost completely destroyed under the fluctuation of this force.

At this time, Xiao Naiho finally faced the most dangerous time.

"Heaven is natural!"

At this moment, suddenly, a voice came from the void.

When the sound came, it seemed to be a thunder, and suddenly fell down from a distance!

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