Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1754: Time reverse

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Bei Mingxie stepped out, strode meteor, raised his fist, like a big hammer, waved down.

Whirring whirring.

The violent storm all around, as if countless air currents gathered together, forming huge black holes.

Rao is Ren Hongying, Yang Hanyue and others at this time. Although he is not facing the fist of Beimingxie directly, he can still feel a sense of tearing from the side.

"What a powerful force."

Even Tang Yuanyi's face changed slightly.

This Beimingxie is no longer under himself with a single punch, I don't know how Xiao Nai can cope with it.

Tang Yuanyi originally thought that Xiao Nai would abandon himself. After all, the masters of the four peaks and nine peaks united. Even if Xiao Nai was powerful, he had no hope of winning.

But I didn't expect any resentment between these two people.

And looking at the attitude of Bei Mingxie, I'm afraid that his hatred for Xiao Naihe can't be added.

For a moment, even Tang Yuanyi was a little curious about what happened between these two people.

"Although the two men played against each other in the lobby on the same day, it was only a small contest. How could it be the endless situation now?" Tang Yuanyi thought secretly.

Where did she know that Xiao Nai went to Beimingxie to settle accounts afterwards, which caused the two people to fall into this endless situation.

"Tianlun Quan, break through!"

The boxing is profound, like the endless sea, giving people a broad sense.

Especially between the fists of Beimingxie, it seems that the sea is surging, the waves are rough, like the sky and water, and the energy is endless.

Whirring whirring……

The wind was torn apart, and this fist, with its magnificent momentum, shrouded towards Xiao Naihe, and between three and two times, Xiao Naihe had been locked all over.

No matter in all directions, no blind spot can see the exit that Xiao Nai can escape.

"San Xiu Son, that's the case."

There are really two people who made Beimingxie kill. At first, Xiao Naihe and his remote contest in the snow mountain, but Beimingxie took a slight loss.

Secondly, Xiao Naihe ’s reputation as a genius is too strong. If he swept across the 3,300 world, he would not be affected by Xiao Naihe ’s reputation.

Third, look at Xiao Naihe's young age, and he is the third son of Xiuxiu, and has already stepped into the ninth realm. Rao is a young master like Beimingxie, and he has a strong jealousy in his heart.

The more jealous, the more fearful.

That is why Beimingxi's murderous opportunity against Xiao Naihe became extremely intense.

However, at this time, Beimingxie had completely calmed down, and Xiao Naihe, who was locked in his eyes, was scattered with fists, bursting out like a tide sweeping and covering fiercely.

"This man Bei Beixie is worthy of the great disciple of Lord Danting. With this punch, even any of the three of us can't resist unless the three of us join forces."

Ren Hongying sighed for a long time. When she came here, even she and Yang Hanyue knew that Beimingxie's power was really not covered.

The same is the peak of the nineth layer, Beimingxie is definitely better than the three of them.

It was Zhao Feiling, his expression was indifferent, and there was a faint color of light flashing out of his face, which seemed touching.

Seeing Zhao Feiling's face, Yang Hanyue sighed softly. No wonder even Elder Zhao was willing to live in Beimingxie. If Beimingxie does not have extremely high force and charm, how can Zhao Feiling give Beimingxie his body?

If it was said that Beimingxi had shown his desire to get Tang Yuanyi before, it was ridiculous and disdainful. Now Yang Hanyue and Ren Hongying do not have this idea.

Even when Tang Yuanyi was at its peak, it was not much different from this northern evil.

"However, Xiao Nai is not simple. The legendary Sanxiu Son, the two tigers will fight to death."

Ren Hongying shook her head, a strange light appeared in her eyes, and no one knew what the woman was thinking now.

Just when the thoughts of these two women were vivid, Xiao Naihe and Bei Mingxie were like two huge stars and stones colliding together, making a violent noise.

There seemed to be countless flames splashing out of the entire void, and the temperature in the secret realm suddenly rose as if it had become a huge stove.

At the next moment, another force is coming.

"One more punch!"

Bei Mingxie didn't let Xiao Naiho pass, and it was another punch, punching the sky, breaking the void.


This boxing intention condensed into a huge aperture in the void, covering Xiao Naihe, it was necessary to crush Xiao Naihe's whole person in it.

"The two of you stepped behind me!"

Xiao Naihe's voice reached Yun Weixue. Yun Weixue and Xiao Naihe had spirits, and they knew Xiao Naihe's thought in less than one breath.

Then I saw Yun Weixue's body radiate a burst of light, wrapped Tang Yuanyi's whole person, and hurriedly backed away.

"Don't let Tang Yuanyi go away, otherwise you will be defeated today!"

Ren Hongying knew the situation and said quickly.

Between the words, Ren Hongying's body had strode out as if the lightning had crossed, and at a very fast speed, he had rushed out, coming in the direction of Tang Yuanyi and Yun Weixue.


Xiao Naihe snorted at this moment, his body's blood seemed to boil. The original secret was already like a stove, and at this time, it seemed that two more fires had been added.

The temperature suddenly rose, almost all of the people present were burned to the ground.

The moment when the heat wave rushed in front of the face, it was already in front of Xiao Naihe.

The summoning of this heat wave at the next moment directly wrapped up Ren Hongying as a whole.

But it was just a breathing time. Ren Hongying seemed to be wrapped in a burst of boiling gas, and he was all red and embarrassed.

"Xiao Naihe ..."

Ren Hongying's eyes showed anger, remembering that when Xiao Naihe played against Xiao Naihe not long ago, she knew that the man in front of her had already surpassed herself, and she had no immediate attack.

"Xiao Shengzi, you are still decisively fighting with me, and still dare to be distracted. It seems that the young people are still young people, and they have too little experience in fighting."

At this moment, Bei Mingxie showed a sneer on his face.

As soon as the voice fell, I saw that his third punch had already been attacked, and suddenly it had fallen in front of Xiao Naihe, as if a meteor bombarded it, driving the airflow around.

Huh ...

The airflow was circling, as if it were covered by vortices, all the streamers around gathered together.

It's as if countless lights have converged into a meat grinder that can crush all of them.

At the next moment, Xiao Naihe raised his head, the streamer in the entire void was already hitting this side, and Xiao Naihe was to be dragged out and smashed.

"The big ovens in the heavens."

At this time, there was a burst of true energy on the top of Xiao Naihe's head.

When these three spirit flowers bloomed, they formed a huge oven.

There was a terrifying power on the oven, and Xiao Nai held the whole oven.

This oven is like the weight of a mountain, and when it is exposed, the airflow around it suddenly has a thick sense.

Even Beimingxie felt a sense of weight on his face, as if Xiao Naihe was holding not the oven formed by the gathering of spiritual power, but a peak.

"No matter what supernatural powers are, they are all smashed to me."

Bei Mingxie burst into a blast and punched with fists, as if colliding with light and fire.

In an instant, the fist fell and hit Xiao Naihe's oven, making a loud noise.


Everyone just saw that the "Big Mingxie", which was shaken by Bei Mingxie, shocked Xiao Naihe, and it seemed to be overturned.

But to the surprise of the three elders such as Ren Hongying, Bei Mingxie fell on the oven in a punch, and actually took a dozen steps backwards. The whole body's blood turned over and his face was slightly red.

"Bei Mingxie can't break Xiao Naihe's Taoism with such a punch. Instead, he shocked himself back and forth again and again. Could this man really be so powerful?"

Yang Hanyue's face changed, and among the four of them, Bei Mingxie was the most powerful. Now that Xiao Naihe and Bei Mingxie have a sense of being up and down, she suddenly feels a very bad feeling. Hunch.

"Don't move, now Xiao Nai is in the most pinnacle of momentum. Even when I just shot, he was able to deal with me distractedly. Now is not the last time to shoot."

At this moment, Ren Hongying seemed to see through Yang Hanyue's thoughts and said quickly.

Yang Hanyue nodded. He also knew that it was really difficult to operate at this time. Xiao Naihe's power was violently violent, forming a sky like a canopy around him, wrapping the entire secret realm.

At the next moment, there seemed to be a stream of divine thoughts attached to these sky curtains, forming a huge net of light.

The ‘Eastern Great Ovens’ that were shaken out were all cracked at this time, and Xiao Naihe ’s eyebrows released a fiery power.

It was merged into the light net, and in a short time, the whole Beimingxie was wrapped up, exerting a strong sense of impact.


Mars Four!

At this time, Beimingxi's body shrank, as if it had changed from an adult to a child, and his body had shrunk to less than seven inches. This kind of magical power was simply amazing.

And at the moment of shrinking, he jumped towards the back, and then broke free from the optical network.

"Liu Sheng Yuan Qi Cannon!"

At this time, the airflow around Beimingx seemed to form a sense of consciousness, and it continued to surround. At this time, the airflow around it seemed to be flowing faster and faster.

That speed seems to exceed the speed of light.

After a while, the airflow at the speed of light stopped and suddenly stopped, flowing in different directions.

That kind of speed is even more terrifying. It seems that everything between heaven and earth is smashed cleanly, and time seems to slow down at this time.

"What kind of Taoism is this?"

There was a trace of surprise in Xiao Naiho's eyes. For the first time, he saw this kind of Taoism. He actually had the ability to attract time.

Rao is Xiao Nai who is so insightful. When he saw this, there was a trace of surprise in his eyes.

However, when his thoughts were born, the spiritual power released by Beiming Xiexun's body and body gathered together, and his fists were shot, and the strength of his body was even more integrated. The mind is fluctuating.

Ripple out like a ripple!


Bei Mingxie repeated three words of "broken", and at the moment when the last syllable stopped, his body suddenly surged.

It is as if this time, the Beiming evil has become an invincible victory, and the murderous desire and fighting desire have been stimulated to the limit.

The surge of power made the surrounding time seem to flow backwards.

"This is not illusion, it is true!"

Xiao Nai He saw this, and he was the first person in the peak of the Nine Heavyweights, and he knew that the situation was wrong.

Beimingxie's Taoist method, actually in this small space, reverses the time, and the power of Taoism originally condensed by Xiao Naihe, also under this time, all disappeared, and the recovery is 'none' Level.

"Xiao Naihe, you are not dead!"

At this time, Bei Mingxie's eyes showed a fierce light, and when he recalled the big loss Xiao Xiao He had allowed himself to eat on the iceberg, Bei Mingxie gave birth to a strong murderous opportunity.

"Vajra is not bad!"

At this time, Xiao Nai did not dare to carelessly, although he naturally surpassed Beimingxie in terms of strength and the background.

However, Beiming Xiegui, the eldest disciple of Huanglin, certainly has his own strengths, and Xiao Naihe should naturally be careful.

Especially when he felt that the time affected by the Beiming Evil had reversed, Xiao Naihe knew that this man was not easy.

In terms of power alone, the Beiming evil is at most the level of the Night King and the Huo Luo King.

But on the mystery of Taoism, Beimingxie definitely surpasses Huo Luo and Ye Wang.

It can be said that the danger of Beimingxie is equivalent to that of the Huoluo King who used ‘Underworld Industry Fire’ at the beginning, and they all threatened Xiao Naihe ’s strength.


At this time, the fist in the void formed a piece, and three powerful and horrible shells were merged into one piece at this time, forming a whole, exploding towards Xiao Naihe ’s front.

At the next moment, I saw that Beiming Xiezhen's "Sansheng Yuanqi Cannon" came directly to Xiao Naihe.

"Fivefold true blessings!"

Xiao Naihe's eyes flashed with a fine awn. At this time, Xiao Naihe was quickly running his own "Vajra is not bad" and "Fivefold Real Body".

At this time, Xiao Naihe, his body and bones were transparent, as if entering a mysterious state.

Qi and blood are so powerful that they are extremely mysterious.

Every inch of skin, every flesh and blood, every qi and blood, has a force fluctuation that cannot be underestimated.

Click, click!

With his own flesh, Xiao Naihe actually stiffly blocked this shell. Suddenly, Xiao Nai Hehun made a steel-like impact and tearing sound.

At this time, Xiao Naihe seemed to have encountered unprecedented coercion.

And when he was bombarded by the forces of Beiming evil, the river of time in Xiao Naihe's body quickly flowed at this time.

After a while, a breath of time reversal suddenly appeared in Xiao Naihe's body.

"This is the time power of the river of time ... Can it actually counteract the Beimingxie's time countercurrent?"

Xiao Nai froze for a moment, but he did not expect this to happen.

In this extremely dangerous time, he actually made new discoveries.

This kind of time reversal exhibited by the original Beiming Xie Shi was already very mysterious, which made Xiao Nai encounter the real profit for the first time in this war.

Originally he wanted to fight against him with his physical body and the power of Beimingxie, and he was also prepared for injury.

But he did not expect that the time river in his body actually appeared at this time and there was a kind of change, which made Xiao Naihe unexpected.

However, thinking of the time flowing ability possessed by the time river itself is also extremely mysterious, Xiao Nai He calmed down.

Almost in a flash, a sudden strategy!


A burst of light erupted in Xiao Naihe's eyes. At this time, Xiao Naihe's soul and flesh were completely separated. I saw Xiao Naihe's flesh flying towards Yun Weixue.

And when his soul was separated, he directly penetrated into the sky and seemed to run away.

"Want to escape? Your flesh can't escape, and your soul can't escape. If I let you escape a little mindfulness today, it wouldn't show how clever I am.

Under the tactics of Beimingxie, he turned around the situation and was so impressed in his heart that he would let Xiao Naiho's spirit escape.

However, Zhao Feiling, Yang Hanyue and Ren Hongying were all happy, but they didn't expect that Beimingxie had such a horrible Taoist law, which reversed time in a small area and turned against the current.

Xiao Nai was forced to separate the soul from the flesh, and got out of the soul to escape.

At this moment, Beimingxi shook all over his body, as if blood and blood burst out of his body, forming a long wolf smoke, which was directly shot and smashed all of Xiao Naihe's spirits.

"Xiao Naihe!"

Tang Yuanyi's face changed greatly at this time, her spiritual power was extremely unstable, and she was already in the exhausted period of spiritual power. When she saw that Xiao Naihe's spiritual soul had been shattered into pieces by Beimingxie, her face became extremely incomparable Pale.

Even Xiao Nai is not Bei Mingxie's opponent. With her current strength to fight Bei Mingxie, it is to die.

For a time, Tang Yuanyi had a desperate thought.

However, Tang Yuanyi was about to pull Yun Weixue at this time, trying to make Yun Weixue escape first, but saw Yun Weixue's very indifferent look on his face.

No trace of worry, no trace of fear, no trace of sorrow, just like Xiao Naihe's spirit was broken up, Yun Weixue could not have any mood swings at all.

"Little girl, Xiao Nai's Soul Soul is broken, please go quickly." Tang Yuanyi sighed lightly, no matter how powerful the master, if the Soul Soul is completely broken, even if the passive realm master comes over, he can't be resurrected.

Instead, Yun Weixue's face showed a trace of intriguing smile: "Really? Look at it! Don't worry."

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