Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1755: Do it right

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"Hahaha, what three saints, what Xiao Naihe, even if you are the reincarnation of Archaic Saints, it is not my opponent. When I **** your flesh, then catch your wife and insult her!"

A cold smile appeared on Bei Mingxie's face. When he looked at Yun Weixue, he felt a sense of excitement instead.

This feeling was the first time that Beimingxie appeared. What women he wanted to get before hardly had any difficulty.

But before he could get Yun Weixue, he had to deal with Xiao Naihe. Xiao Nai He who is that person, who just threatened his life just now.

Thinking of the enemy that he exhausted a lot of energy to kill, and finally insulting his wife, that kind of stimulation does make Beimingxie have a different kind of excitement and refreshment.

Even he had no such strong interest in Yun Weixue in Tang Yuanyi at this time.

"Master Palace Master, now that your foreign aid is dead, you still have to obey your hand. You are now in the exhausted period of Shennian. If we shoot, you can't stop it."

Zhao Feiling smiled slightly, and the cautiousness that appeared on his face disappeared at this time.

After seeing Xiao Naihe dead, Zhao Feiling and the three of them also breathed a sigh of relief. Now that Xiao Naihe is gone, he has to deal with Tang Yuanyi in front of him.

If Tang Yuanyi was still at its peak, it would be difficult for the four of them to join hands, but now Tang Yuanyi is still in a period of exhaustion, and it is much easier to deal with Tang Yuanyi.

"Huh, Zhao Feiling, even if the palace is now in a period of exhaustion of mindfulness, you will never succeed."

Tang Yuanyi smiled coldly, waved his hands, and a golden river appeared in his mind.

When this golden river appeared, it seemed to have a subtle breath of life, and it immediately flowed forward.

The flow of the mind in the river showed a strong smell.

However, it is clearly less than the Ninth Realm, not even the Seventh Realm.

Tang Yuanyi is now forcibly exerting the spiritual power displayed on his mind, and even Yun Weixue cannot match it.

Seeing here, Tang Yuanyi sighed softly. She knew that she was gone, and she even lost her ability to burn her own personality. Her heart suddenly became bitter.

She did not expect that the Loulan Palace, which she had worked so hard for many years, would now be reduced to the present level and betrayed by the three elders.

"Beautiful ladies, Xiao Naihe is dead. From now on, you can only follow me."

Bei Mingxie laughed, and then stretched out his hand, and moved with all his spirits. It was such a beckoning to Yun Weixue, a halo was condensed in the void, and it seemed that Yun Wei would be captured.

"Yin and Yang enter the body, the Tao is endless!"

At this time, a burst of light erupted in Yun Weixue's eyes, the spiritual power of her body continued to climb, and at this time, it broke through to the level that the creator should have, directly reaching the eighth peak. level.

And from the middle of her eyebrows, a blood coagulated, as if it was a **** red, gathered together.

Then, a sword-like power rushed out, and the big hand condensed towards Beimingxie was hit.


Suddenly the two forces collided together, creating a strong shock, and the entire void seemed to become extremely chaotic at this time.

Bei Mingxie stepped back slightly, a trace of unexpectedness appeared on his face.

"It turns out that Xiao Nai sealed his energy and energy into your body to form a peak blow. Yes, that blow was really powerful just now. If you are an ordinary ninth-level realm cultivator, you are very careful It may be said. But to deal with someone in Bei, it is still too tender. "

Bei Mingxie shook his head with a smile, and then a firm determination appeared in his eyes. He grabbed it directly with one hand and once again grabbed it towards Yun Weixue.

But at this time, there was a sudden wave of mindfulness in the void.

I do n’t know why, when Beimingxi felt this wave of divine thoughts, it seemed that it was locked by some terrifying beast and reduced to the food of the beast.

The danger was first felt by Beimingxie.


Almost without any hesitation, the power of Beimingxi suddenly rose suddenly, and suddenly pulled back towards the back.

The big hands that were originally condensed in the void were also smashed at this time and turned into a piece of spiritual force.

But at that time, Beimingxie, as soon as his thoughts moved, the whole person receded towards the back like lightning.


Ren Hongying, Yang Hanyue and Zhao Feiling didn't know why, so Beimingxie retreated at that time.

But when they hadn't spoken, all of a sudden, an aperture formed in the void, and they suddenly merged together.

At the next moment, these apertures formed a halo of ups and downs, and a huge divine wheel suddenly appeared in the void.

"Promise against the current, the Great God Wheel!"

Xiao Naihe, who had been shattered from the soul, appeared at this time and was resurrected.

At the next moment, the huge **** wheel formed by Xiao Naihe turned and slammed into Beimingxie.

When the **** wheel crashed, it completely locked up the whole Beimingxie.

No matter how Beimingxi moves, it seems that he is locked by this huge **** wheel.

"Yuanqi Cannon!"

Under such a rush situation, Beimingxie's whole body of spiritual power was gathered together to form a huge vitality gun.

Then the **** wheel condensed into Xiao Naihe's void was hit hard.

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom!

The sound of a violent explosion spread, and the entire secret realm seemed to be turned upside down, creating a strong shock.

"How is it possible? Divine souls can be resurrected in the same place?" Tang Yuanyi's face changed greatly. At this moment, it seemed that he had thought of something and lost his voice. "Isn't it the magical master that King Master practiced that year? Not bad, immortal '? "

At the same time, when he saw Xiao Nai resurrected in place, Ren Hongying and other three female elders looked extremely ugly. After glancing at each other, they all saw a strong horror from the other person's eyes.

For a long time, Yang Hanyue fought a shiver all over his body and said, "The spirits can be resurrected in the same place when they are broken up ... This method ... This method is like the master Lou Lanzi ... that kind of magical power ..."

"I can't be wrong!" Ren Hongying nodded, a very cautious look appeared on his face, and even the voice had a kind of trembling: "It's 'Vajra is not bad, God's soul is not extinguished, and Taoism is not scattered!'

The three elders and Tang Yuanyi were all Lou Lanzi's apprentices, and naturally knew Lou Lanzi's supernatural powers.

At this time, when I saw here, I had already guessed the Taoism practiced by Xiao Naihe. Xiao Nai, who actually knew Lou Lanzi's supernatural powers, now appears here again, and there seems to be a shallow and mysterious relationship with Tang Yuanyi.

Thinking of this, these three women couldn't help but shake the whole body. When they looked at Xiao Naihe, a flash of light flashed in their eyes, and they seemed to be thinking about something.

But that horrified, shocked look is getting stronger.

"Bei Gongzi is careful, what Xiao Nai is practicing is 'Vajra is not bad, God's soul is indestructible, and Taoism is not scattered'. This is the magical power of the Wu people's avenue. Take this person. "

Yang Hanyue repeatedly called out.

She is now an old man on the same boat as Bei Mingxie. If Bei Mingxie was taken down by Xiao Naihe, then she would definitely not be much better by then.

At the moment she screamed, the whole person of Beimingxie was like a dropped kite. The next moment was hit by a powerful force, and the whole person was directly hit behind.

"Bei Mingxie, even if Huang Lin is present today, I will not let you go."

By now, Xiao Naihe and the Beimingxie are in an endless situation. There must be only one person who can leave here alive.

But Xiao Naihe just deliberately exhibited the immortal spirit, deliberately let Bei Mingxie relax his alertness, at this time finally calculated Bei Mingxie.

Masters such as Beimingxie are extremely guarded, and it is not easy to calculate such characters.

If it weren't for Xiao Nai who had such supernatural powers, I'm afraid it's really not easy to count to Beimingxie.

The power of Taoism condensed in a hurry between Beimingxie was broken by Xiao Nai's one move, and the whole person was forced to step back.

Suddenly. The blood of Bei Mingxie's body seemed to be shaken fiercely by Xiao Naihe, and his own flesh had a feeling of being torn and shattered.

That kind of pain was the first time that Beimingxie practiced for so many years.

For the first time, Bei Mingxie felt a repression of absolute power on his peers.

The original Beimingxie thought that he was already the first person in the ninth layer. Unless he was a master at the level of his master, no one in the world would be his opponent.

But now when he saw Xiao Naihe, he knew that Xiao Nai was such a person.

"I don't want to admit it, but I have to admit, Xiao Naihe, you are indeed stronger than me now!"

Bei Mingxie exhaled softly. When he said this, the whole person seemed to relax, although he had suffered Xiao Nai's previous move and was injured.

But now I don't know why, the spirit of Beimingxi suddenly changed.

Even Xiao Nai felt strangely three-pointed,

If the former Beimingxie was an invincible raptor, then the current Beimingxie seems to be transformed into an extremely deep sky dragon, which is invisible.

This is not that Beiming has lost its fighting spirit.

On the contrary, the current Beimingxie is even more dangerous. Even Xiao Nai and He vaguely feel that this man seems to be changing with his state of mind.

"Pan Huan Jian Qi!"

At this moment, the power of Beimingxi gathered together, and the airflow in the original void once again stopped and began to flow backward.

It's time again!

It's just that when the air flow above and below Beiming Xiehun flashes, the fusion is a strong sword gas in him.

When this sword gas formed, it burst like a meteor and shot out.

The next moment is already in front of Xiao Naihe!

"Why is it so strange that the ideology of Beimingxie fluctuates?"

A strange idea came to Xiao Naihe's mind.

When he fought Beimingxie for the first time, he felt that this man's Taoist breath was very strange and very different.

This is exactly the same as when he played against Huang Lin.

What Beimingxie brought him was a kind of non-human, non-god, non-demon, non-devil.

That feeling was really mysterious to the extreme. Now that I feel the eccentric fluctuation of the mind from the Beiming Evil Body, Xiao Naihe's power suddenly seems to be burning, cracking and boiling.

For the first time, Xiao Naihe had such a strong feeling for Beimingxie that he wanted to kill.

When Xiao Naihe dealt with Beimingxie before, even if he knew that Beimingxie was not easy, he still showed a very light thought.

Because Xiao Naihe knew that Beimingxie would not be his opponent, there was that kind of confidence.

But now that this strange idea is felt in Beimingxie, Xiao Naihe first had the idea of ​​killing Beimingxie directly.

I don't know why, Beimingxie gave him an extremely threatening feeling.

It should be said that the Taoism of Beimingxie made Xiao Naihe feel a strong discomfort.

"Promise against the current, like a handprint."

Xiao Naiho's eyes burst out with a gleam.

At this time, Xiao Naihe's head suddenly appeared an aperture.

When these hundreds of apertures emerged, a huge Buddha statue was condensed from behind Xiao Naihe.

As if it were a battle for the Holy Buddha, the Buddha seal fluctuates.

Suddenly, the Buddha's seal flew to the front, merged in a hundred apertures, and was shot fiercely, bombarded down, making the entire void seem to have a feeling of completely smashed.

That kind of power fluctuated, and Xiao Naihe burst out of the power of Buddhism and Taoism, to an extremely terrifying level.

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom!

With a strong impact, at the next moment, the halo condensed above Beimingxie's head also formed a huge cannonball, and flew to Xiao Naihe's front.


These two forces collided in the void under their own weight, as if Mars hit the earth, and that kind of power fluctuation seemed to overturn the entire world.

"Let me go."

At this time, Bei Mingxie's body strength was radiated to the extreme, and there was a **** glow between his palms.

And when this glory was released, it formed a long sword spirit.

This sword energy is not the same as the sword energy originally condensed by Beimingxie. Instead, it has a yin and yang fusion tendency.

Then when this sword gas shot towards Xiao Naihe, it exploded directly in the entire void.

"Four cultivations merge, three flowers gather at the top!"

At this time Xiao Naihe, three light flowers condensed above his head at this time.

They are humane, demon and witchcraft.

Three kinds of avenues form flowers, and when they bloom, a stream of light forms around them, as if to enclose the entire space at once.

The next moment, Xiao Naihe's Shen Nian soared to an extremely terrifying level.

Because today is the third time he has exhibited the infinite current, and it is the last time he has performed it.

The reason why he was able to suppress the Beimingxie in all the two battles was because of this state of infinite current.

The power has skyrocketed, and Shen Nian is extremely powerful.

When merged together, Xiao Naihe's force was flying and hitting out. The next moment was like a star, and rumbling generally hit it.

Suddenly, Xiao Naiho's whole body was like Thunder, and the rumbled piece was crushed.

When the three light flowers flew up, they had already bumped up, and they slammed down towards the top of Beimingxie's head.

"Even if you are a disciple of Huang Lin, you can do it right."

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly.

A glimmer of light appeared in both hands, and three beams of light fell to the front, and all the sword qi condensed by Beimingxie was smashed away at once.

"You don't think about it."

A fierce light condensed in the eyes of Beimingxie, and when the sword gas was smashed, he withdrew and exploded.

But when he pulled back, all three of Ren Hongying, Zhao Feiling, and Yang Hanyue moved.

The strength of the three of them formed a line, directly bombarding Yun Weixue and Tang Yuanyi.

At the next moment, the entire void seemed to be overturned.

"Do the three of you want to move under my eyes?"

Xiao Nai smiled coldly, and the acupuncture all over his body burst into an amazing power at this time, as if countless air currents condensed into a vortex, which enveloped the three women.

However, when they enveloped the three women, the moment they wanted to shoot Yun Weixue and Tang Yuanyi, they turned their heads and attacked Xiao Naihe.

I did not expect that the goal of these three people was not Yun Weixue and the two of them, but Xiao Naihe.


At this time Xiao Naihe's face could not help but showed a strange look.

But seeing the power of these three people has formed a huge light ball, the three extremely cold powers gathered together, and fell towards the top of Xiao Naihe's head.

"The great array of the heavens!"

Suddenly, hundreds of patterns were suddenly generated in the entire void, wrapped in front.

After a while, all three women were rolled up.

"Xiao Naihe, you are indeed very powerful. If we fight alone, we are not really your opponent, but if the three of us unite, even if you are powerful, you will not be our opponent."

Between Yang Hanyue's speeches, there were many murderous opportunities.

That's right, a master of the nine-fold peak, with the current Xiao Naihe, there is no problem at all, and even barely can deal with the two.

But at the same time to deal with the existence of the three nine-level peak level, Rao is Xiao Naihe's current strength, it is also difficult to cope.

But there was no fear on Xiao Naiho's face, only to see a flash of light in his eyebrows.

"Fate Tool!"

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