Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1802: Zong Sheng

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At this time, in a mysterious little world, there are rivers in thousands of miles.

In one of the cabins, there is a middle-aged man sitting inside, and a man is in front of him.

The man was young, but he released an extremely dangerous taste all over his body. I saw the young man's eyes quietly running like a starlight in the sky.

"Master, are Zhu Zi and Yang Peng really dead!"

The young man's voice shook slightly, and the tone was full of respect, but there were also three points of surprise.

Then, the middle-aged man in front opened his eyes, only to see three fine flowers appear above his head, and then the flowers bloomed, actually burning.

It was like a round of haoyi, floating above the middle-aged man's head at this time.

The middle-aged man is Zong Sheng, that is, in the Jingqing small world, the existence of Shennian and Xiao Naihe was separated.

I saw Zong Sheng raised his hand, and the glare of the blazing sun above him suddenly condensed to the front, and did not extinguish. Instead, it split into a halo in the form of ten blazing suns.

"Among this heaven and earth, there is such a small rumor that during the ancient times, there were ten rounds of scorching sun above the sky, illuminating this heaven and earth to no darkness, and later a certain human power, using magical powers, will ten sun Nine of them shot down. "

When Zong Sheng talked about this legend, there was a hint of fineness in his eyes, and he didn't know what Zong Sheng was thinking at this time.

I could only see the ten blazes of light in his hand. At this time, it seemed to turn into a plume of yellow smoke, and suddenly it flickered.

"With my current magical powers and the use of skyfire, ten suns can be created in the same way. Although there is no real sky and sun, the darkness that is enough to illuminate most of the world and the world is no longer."

The young man gave a slight meal, and did not understand why Zong Sheng wanted to say this.

But when he saw that the essence in Zong Sheng's eyes was getting stronger, he suddenly shook his body, and said horror: "Did you have restored Tianhuo Avenue?"

"Yes, my skyfire Linglong heart has been restored now. With my fire ability, I can summon a flame no less than the fire of the underworld. I have heard that there is a kind of karma in the underworld. It is the most terrible flame in the plane, and it can burn everything. I have seen it before, and it is indeed the strongest flame in the plane, but my heavenly fire and long heart can now summon a flame that does not crush the fire of the underworld. Now. "

Between the words, a magic light was condensed above Zong Sheng's head. This light shook, and finally condensed into a flame.

The flame is extremely transparent, very bright, and has a very ghostly magic.

"I also heard that in the Nine Heavens God Realm, the Huo Luo King seems to be the first person who claims to be a fire cultivator in this first plane. I don't know who will win or lose this sky fire compared with him?"

The young man sneered coldly: "The master is so magical, he is not the master's opponent at all, he is nothing but a reputation."

"You're wrong, I know that Huo Luo was the same. This person did a great job in repairing the fire. The peak of the Nineth Layer was almost able to pass the fire into a half step. But my sky fire is now completely exquisite. Recovered, this Huo Luo King is naturally not my opponent. "

For a time, Zong Sheng's tone filled with a strong confidence.

After that, I only saw Zong Sheng standing up, "You just asked me, are the two of Zhu Zi and Yang Peng dead? Yes, they are already dead."

Zong Sheng sighed softly.

"Don't the two of them go to Beimingxie? Zhu Zi has stepped into the peak of Jiuzhong. Although his body is not as good as before, they are not the opponents of Beimingxie when they unite? But I heard that Ming Xie is the big disciple who Huang Lin sits down on, and is already the pinnacle of achieving the Ninth Level.

The young man raised his brow slightly, and couldn't help but ponder.

"The person who killed Zhu Zi and Yang Peng is not the North Mingxie, but a person named Xiao Naihe!"

"Xiao Nai?"

The young man froze a little, then blinked in his eyes. It seemed that he had thought of something like: "That is the son of Xiao Xiu, who was the three cultivators? I have heard of his name, as if it was in the past two years. The rise of the time, the cultivation of the whole body into the soul, seems to have stepped into the ninth. "

"Huh, then Xiao Nai is not a three-cultivation son, but a four-cultivation. He also cultivated the fourth avenue, Wu Dao, and if I am not wrong, he inherited the Yuchen Wushu."


The young man was shocked, and his eyes were full of unbelievable: "It's the Nine Witch's Whisper ... Yuchen Witch Book, the one from that year ..."

"Yes, that was the one that severely damaged my original source, which caused me to fall under the sourceless Jiuwu Youhuang."

Speaking of the Nine Witches, the tone of Zong Sheng was suddenly full of coldness, and a murderous opportunity appeared in his eyes.

However, in the moment when this trace of the killing machine appeared, it disappeared, and finally turned into a sigh: "Unfortunately, the Nine Witch You Huang finally died. The magic barrier he left in my heart could not find his revenge solved."

"What can I do?"

The young man couldn't help worrying, even if a monk cultivated no matter how high he was, if he left a devil in his heart, it would be difficult for him to advance!

If Lord Zongsheng can't break the magic barrier in his body, don't you ever want to restore the passive state in your life?

"Relax, that Jiuwu Youhuang used to destroy my roots with the method of" Yuchen Wuxuan ". Now that Xiao Naihe inherited" Yuchen Wuxuan ", if I can win him, then kill Jiu Wu Youhuang makes no difference, it can also restore strength and solve the demons! "

Zong Sheng smiled faintly, and his eyes were more like stars, the flashing light suddenly shone.

"Oh? So you really think so."

At this time, there was a thunder sound from the void, which seemed to contain a magic power. When it spread, it suddenly shook in all directions.

"who is it?"

The young man shuddered and screamed suddenly. He didn't realize that someone was approaching here, and he let the other person pass in. This is not a good thing.

At this moment the young man screamed out loudly, and a violent wave broke out.

This wave of sound rolled up, and in an instant, the entire void was surrounded.

At the next moment, I saw a stream of streamer emerging, as if it turned into a sword spirit, actually puncturing the entire void.

"who are you?"

The young man was immediately apprehensive, not only could the other party sneak into it, but when he shot, he broke his voice, and it can be seen that the other party's strength is no longer under him.

Only Zong Sheng in front had a cold face, as if anything happened in the world, it could not affect the man in front of him.

"Zong Sheng, we haven't seen you for a long time."

At this time, a figure emerged from the void.

This figure does not exist as an entity, but forms a projection, as if it were a Divine Nian.

"Projection avatar? Watch the sea!"

Zong Sheng said word by word.

But when the young man heard this, he suddenly looked like a wooden chicken, and suddenly a burst of fire broke out in his eyes. He said horror: "Are you just watching the sea?"

"Oh, Brother Zong, how long have we not seen each other, but there is a hint of blush between your eyebrows, if I am not wrong, I am afraid that Brother Zong, you have now recovered the heavenly fire and exquisite heart, you can use it Ca n’t get out of the fire attribute ability of the underworld karma. "

Guan Hai seemed to completely ignore the young man and smiled at Zong Sheng lightly.

In front of Xiao Naihe, to project from the void, he and Guanhai used the projection avatar, traversing tens of thousands of miles in an instant, traversing the world of unknown size, came to a place where even Xiao Naihe was very Above the strange little world.

"Watching the sea, you and I should be well water and not against river water, why did the projection avatar come today?"

"Jingshui doesn't violate the river? Zong Sheng, did you forget that you were attacking me on the Jinrong Small World three years ago? Although you didn't show up at the time, wouldn't you know that at that time My people are your saints? "

Looking at the sea with a cold smile, the airflow around him suddenly gathered together as if he had formed a vortex, which could wrangle anyone's soul.

"Three years ago? I don't know!"

Zong Sheng also smiled coldly, saying nothing to admit.

"It doesn't matter if you don't admit it. Guess who I brought to see you this time. Speaking of this person, you should also want to see you, maybe you don't want to see it!"

When Zong Sheng heard it, he immediately raised his eyebrows slightly, and when he put his eyes on his forehead, a glimmer of He Lie sun burst into his eyes.

"Xiao Naihe!"

At this time, the young man was even more emotional and surprised: "So you are Xiao Naihe? So, Zhu Zi and Yang Peng are both Xiao Shengzi who died in your hands?"

"Yes, these two people are indeed dead in my hands."

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly, but there was no smile on his face.

Only the young man clenched his fists tightly and said coldly: "You think Mr. Guanhai is your backer, you can't be lawless. Although Zhu Zi and Yang Peng have achieved a few yuan for many years, one is not as good Me, a flesh is festering. Even so, the two of them unite, and any master of the nine-level realm in the world can solve it. I do n’t believe you have such a skill. How about letting me come to you? "

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