Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1803: break in

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Xiao Nai smiled faintly, but there was a hint of fineness in his eyes.

"Do you want to play against me?"

Although the young man was awesome, he also reached the peak of the Nineth Layer, but there was no comparison with Xiao Naihe after the successful fusion.


The man burst into a scream and shot instantly.

I saw that the other side bowed left and right, even if Xiao Naihe was just a projection avatar, he would not be merciless.

"Great God grinding disc!"

As soon as the man shot, he suddenly threw a punch. This punch was intended to burst out. Suddenly, it seemed that a bit of fineness was released, and all the airflow around was suddenly drained.

Suddenly, the void formed a small space.

This small space seems to be a vacuum form. After swaying, a strong punch has come to Xiao Naihe's front. The next moment, it will directly fall down.

"Everyday is a great fortune, a fortune-telling!"

Xiao Naihe's expression remained unchanged, only to see that Xiao Naihe suddenly stretched out his hand, a magic light formed between his hands, the light gathered to form a brilliance, and even formed a grinding plate.

This grinding disc is even larger than the one imagined by the man's fist, so that the two grinding discs collided in midair, as if Mars hit the earth, and suddenly produced a strong shaking sound wave.

"so smart."

The man was slightly taken aback. He didn't retain any strength in the punch just now. He didn't expect that even after he was crushed by a fortune-telling disc, he even suffered a big loss.

But in a flash, the man quickly withdrew his thoughts and screamed fiercely. Five fingers turned open, and a fingerprint was formed.

The huge handprint seemed to be a heat wave coming from the scorching sun, and it rushed head on.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

At this time, the entire celestial astronomical disc was shot in the sky by this huge handprint, and it was all turned into fragments.

"I didn't expect you to have a little skill." Guan Hai smiled slightly.

However, Xiao Naihe didn't do anything at this time, his body took a slight pause. Although he just jumped, a heavy aperture suddenly appeared at the back of his head.

"What a strong Buddhist power, I heard that on the one-nine-nine-nine unity, there are also nine hundred six hundred and one hundred apertures. Why do you only have a single aperture right now? Did n’t you cultivate the Buddhists to Dacheng? But if Buddhism and Taoism are not successful, then how can the Jiuzhong be achieved? "

The man froze.

But he didn't know why Xiao Nai had condensed a hundred apertures into one aperture after the success of the fusion of the Dao, and all the power gathered and became more concentrated!

"If you come to a handprint, Buddha Day!"

Suddenly, Xiao Nai raised his arm. Between his five fingers, there was a golden light, and between the flashes, it looked like a big day Buddha. A golden light suddenly covered Xiao Naihe.

At this time, Xiao Naihe seemed to be covered with a golden robe, just like the Mahayana Buddha in the world of the last era!

"There is still such a realm among the Buddhism?"

It was not just this young man, but even a trace of surprise appeared on the faces of the sea and Zong Sheng.

Especially for watching the sea, he had never seen Xiao Naiho's method. He could not help but secretly said that he had to reassess Xiao Naihe.


As soon as the voice opened, Xiao Nai's five fingers formed a handprint as if he had absorbed an immense amount of Buddha power, and he immediately came to the front and smashed it down.

At the next moment, this handprint broke the man's cohesive one.

"My fingerprint is not as good as his ... impossible ..."

The opponent's heart shook wildly.

But at this time, Xiao Naiho's aura changed, as if at that moment, from a fierce beast, it became an ancient dragon,

"Wenying, leave me back."

Zong Sheng moved his face, only to see him shot, and tore off Wenying in an instant.

At this time, Xiao Naiho's golden light appeared again, and the original Buddhist fingerprints that had been scattered and scattered were recovered to form the original Rulai fingerprints.

"Second use of Taoism?"

The Wenying was a little stunned, but he never thought that the Taoist law that had been broken could be used again. If it was really possible, wouldn't it be possible for a person to save half of his energy and display the expected power.

"Dao Fa is not scattered! You really got Jiuwu Youhuang's" Dust and Witch Book ", and actually practiced to the level of" Dao Fa Busan "!"

Zong Sheng breathed a sigh of relief, as if a strong heat wave was rushing towards him. At the next moment, this heat wave has spread fiercely to the front, covering Xiao Naihe's entire fingerprint.

"Xinghe rain drops, little by little!"

Originally, Xiao Nai thought that this sacred saint, like the Huo Luo King, was a master of fire, but did not expect that the other party's shot was actually not a flame, but the strength of the fire and fire together, spreading a heat wave Come.

Boom Boom Boom Boom!

‘Rulai ’s Handprint’ collided with this heat wave in the void, and burst into bursts, like a star squeezing.

"Since Zhu Zi didn't take your flesh over, I will kill you now and extract all the" Yu Chen Wu Hu "in your body to calm down the magic barrier in my heart."

The saint said lightly, but there seemed to be a fire burning in his eyes at this moment, and in a flash, the flame had spread to the front.

Whirring whirring!

The huge flame formed a huge fireball, and at that moment, it really had the shape of a three-pointed golden sun.

Suddenly, the entire void seems to be raising the temperature at this time, and there is a general temperature that reaches boiling in the entire secret realm.

Even the breath around it was completely twisted at this time, it was still that the temperature had risen to a terrible level.

I am afraid that ordinary masters can come in and be evaporated in a flash.

"The Great God Wheel of the Heavens, Promise Countercurrent!"

Xiao Nai He snorted coldly, and then a huge divine wheel emerged behind his body. This divine wheel not only appeared in the back of his body, but also appeared in Xiao Naihe's eyes.


The God Wheel collided as if Mars hit the earth. At the next moment, this God Wheel was already in the corridor in front of Zong Sheng, and broke Zong Sheng's fireball fiercely.


It seemed that the flames were all exploded at that moment, almost to be drained directly from a scorching sun.

But Xiao Naihe did not change anything, because his **** wheel is not only one, but three.

The other three **** wheels had already flown out of his eyes.

"What a powerful Shennian, the Jiuzhong Peak Realm has this kind of Shennian capacity?" Zong Sheng raised his brow slightly. When he divided the Shennian before, he also passed Xiao Naihe, but at that time the two did not Play carefully, so you don't know the true strength of the other party.

"A projection avatar can play such a powerful strength, this Xiao Nai ... really it is extraordinary!"

Guan Hai smiled slightly, squinting her eyes, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Xiao Naihe and him are just a projection avatar, just like the avatar attached to Liushan before, they can only use at most one-third of the power of the body.

But even with only one-third of the power, Zongsheng was suppressed in the first round.

With regard to Zong Sheng, watching the sea is far better than Xiao Naihe. It is absolutely not simple for Xiao Nai to suppress Zong Sheng.

"Xiao Naihe, you really gave me a lot of surprises. At that time, Jiuwu Youhuang used the" Yuchen Wuxuan "to reinvent my original power. If I could extract the" Yuchen Wuxuan "in my body , You can immediately break the magic barrier, and maybe you can restore your original unity. "

"Oh? Really? I'm waiting for you!"

Xiao Nai said lightly.

"Huh, do you think you can come if you want, and leave if you want to?"

A burst of light suddenly broke out in Zong Sheng's eyes, and he drank coldly: "Even if you are a projection avatar, I will make you pay a little bit."

Seeing the sea here, Guan Hai seemed to think of something, and his face suddenly changed: "No, this is the curse of Zongsheng's unique mind."

As soon as the voice fell, the ten fingers of the sea watch twisted, forming a double fist.

The boxing intention exploded like a pair of fists hitting a world, and the boxing intention surging, all directions are the power of watching the sea.

"This is Mr. Guanhai's power? It is worthy of being one of the three kings of the outside world just like the master!"

Wenying's face was pale.

The projection avatars of Guan Hai and Xiao Naihe, both of them can positively shake Zong Sheng, which gives Wen Ying, a young genius, a very helpless idea.

He thought that he would be in the top three of the world even if he was placed in the 3,300 world, even if he was not in the top three in the world.

It seems to me that I am sitting on the sky too well.

"I am tracking my mind, even if you are more powerful, as long as my mind is covered, even after you are millions of miles, I can reinvent your soul. Xiao Shengzi, you look down upon us outsiders. "

A sneer appeared on Zong Sheng's face. Between the speeches, a fine awn suddenly appeared in his eyebrows. There seemed to be a black flame burning in the fine awn, covering Xiao Naihe's projection avatar.

But at this time, Xiao Naihe's projection suddenly shook, as if a golden light flowed from top to bottom.

During the golden light flow, all the sacred thoughts were excluded.

A glance at the sea gave me a little stunned, and could not help but say: "It seems that I still underestimated him. No wonder he came to Zongsheng here, there is no fear, I still don't know this person."

Zong Sheng's eyes widened, so he watched the golden light on Xiao Naihe spread out, repelling his mind, but Zong Sheng had no solution at all.

"Zongsheng, I will wait for you in this battle!"

Xiao Nai said lightly.

When the last sound stopped, Xiao Naihe and Guanhai had disappeared, leaving only Guanhai laughing and wandering around the room.

Zong Sheng closed his eyes and his mouth twitched slightly: "Xiao! Chen! He!"

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