Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1805: Encounter

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"Speaking of that, I seemed to feel other breaths in the manor at that time. The two breaths were not under me at all, and in retrospect, it seemed that the Beimingxie Lushe was also seriously injured, and the wounds were very It ’s brand new, and it ’s definitely less than half a day. That Xiao Nai is so energetic that it does n’t look like someone he just met. ”

When everyone heard it, a strange look suddenly appeared on their faces. They glanced at each other and slowly said, "Since that, who killed Beiming Xie?"

Pan Lingzi shook his head and said secretly in his heart: "I'm afraid this world will change."

On the Sunshine Boulevard, all BMWs flew past, raising a dust.

Gumbling ...

Then the first carriage quickly drove over, and the gas field was very powerful.


A guard at the front suddenly saw a pedestrian on the road and shouted suddenly: "Quickly leave, don't want to block the road."

As soon as the guard yelled, his voice was like the sky and thunder, and a rumbling sound had already spread.

The airflow around all exploded, and the thunder fell like a sky, shaking all around.

This **** is actually a character who has reached the imaginary electric mansions and the supremacy.


At this moment, the white man on the road seemed to feel something, but he did not look back, but continued to walk towards the front.

As if he didn't hear the guard's voice, he was still moving forward.

At this moment, the face of the guard who shouted a voice in front of him became a little ugly. He just turned the thunder sound and burst out, let alone the person in front, even everyone in the mile can hear his voice.

But the white man in front seemed to be unmoved, as if he could not hear it.

"You won't let it go!"

The guards drank again, this time it was the Sky Thunder God's Sound, even if the general practitioner who had just stepped into the supreme realm, once heard this sound, it would be shattered by the soul of the god.


Just when the team was about to hit the man in white, a word suddenly came out of the man in white, and the air around him suddenly poured up.


These airflows formed a gang wind that protected the white man's body.

If anyone is watching from above, he will surely be able to see the man standing in the wind, but the clothes on his body do not move, and it is extremely calm.

On the contrary, the word "good" came out, and all the hard horses that were about to collide came to a stop.

The guards in front were almost turned down.

Fortunately, these people are not simple characters, and their eyes reveal the fine awns, the flesh is strong, and there is a sense of power burst between the eyes!

"What's going on? How did it stop suddenly?"

A gentle voice came from the carriage, as if it were the Sanskrit among the nine days, very sweet!

"Miss, someone in front of you is blocking the road. I don't know what method was used. Actually stopped all of our martial arts teams. I don't know what method was used."

Among them, the guard who shouted at first was a little ugly, and passed into the carriage by voice.

"Really? The old slave will go over and see."

At this time, an old man appeared from behind the carriage. The old man showed the old state of the dragon clock, holding a whisk, actually showing a fairy-like breath.

"It looks like a young man, there is only one person."

The old man said loudly.

Instead, the woman in the carriage once again said: "There is only one person? Is it not possible for those of the Long family?"

When I heard the Long family, all the guards' faces suddenly changed, and even the old man blinked quietly, showing a fierce light in his eyes, but he suppressed it in an instant and became calm.

"It is possible that this person walked in the road and would not give way, and what means did he use to stop the high-grade horses like us. The visitors are definitely bad. I will meet you!"

The guard who shouted at the beginning just said coldly.

"Since that's the case, then Ye Nantian's elder brother should be careful."

"Miss rest assured, if it is really the Dragon family, I must kill him."

Then, the guard named Ye Nantian dismounted, stepped across three steps, ran to the front, and said in a cold voice: "Have you been the Dragon family?"

At this time, Xiao Nai, who was half way through, listened, looked back, and said lightly: "What Dragon Family? I don't know."

Then, Xiao Nai actually stood on the spot, as if observing something.

"Huh? Not a person from the Dragon family?" Ye Nantian froze slightly, and then sneered: "How can the people who are not the Dragon family stop us? It seems that your Dragon family already knows that my lady is going to the wild land Please that, specifically intercepted here. "

Xiao Naihe moved slightly when he heard the wild continent, but instead of speaking, he grabbed a wave of sand on the ground and seemed to be observing something.

Na Nantian thought that Xiao Nai was the default. A flash of light broke out in his eyes and shouted: "The thief of the Dragon Family, don't be arrogant, wait for me to take you down, and then return your head to the Dragon Family Tell them that my young lady will never agree to marry the man from your Dragon family. "

As soon as his voice fell, Ye Nantian shot in a flash, and his body's strength suddenly rose, only to see that when his hands were raised, the surrounding airflow poured all together.

Then, the sword in Ye Nantian's hand stabbed out in a blink of an eye, as if a thunder snake had sprung out, so fast that he couldn't even catch it with his naked eyes.


Xiao Nai frowned slightly.

He originally wanted to go back to Yantian Pavilion after coming out of the sea.

But halfway through, it seemed that I saw a silver moon sky rhinoceros rare for a thousand years. This silver moon sky rhinoceros is the monster monster of the level of the creator, and the monster pill on the body is a pair of Yin and Yang.

If you refine this demon pill into a panacea, give it to Yun Weixue and you will be able to reach the seventh peak.

Although Xiao Naihe has countless panacea in his hands, there are few panacea for Xiao Naihe's yin and yang constitution, which has just met.

Some of them are either too low-grade and useless for Yun Weixue.

Either it is too good, at least to the eighth level or the nineth level to be able to take it.

Yun Weixue's yin and yang constitution gradually became insufficient after entering the creator, and Xiao Nai could not take Yun Weixue's panacea randomly.

Therefore, when I saw Yinyue Tianxiu, I wanted to extract the demon pill and refine it.

Because Xiao Naihe itself is a peerless peerless master, it is naturally not difficult for alchemy.

But at this time, these people disturbed Xiao Naihe's thoughts instead, and Xiao Naihe's consciousness was released in this forest. The Yinyuetian rhinoceros must be hiding inside.

But did not expect that the other party actually misunderstood what Xiao Nai is the Dragon family, but also to start.

"Go down."

Between the words, Xiao Naihe's eyebrows suddenly flew a layer of golden light. When this light merged into one piece, Ye Nantian's sword spirit was completely broken.


Ye Nantian's face changed drastically, and he was already a double character in the supreme realm, with a condensed sword spirit and a virtual electric awn.

But it was cracked by the other party's understatement.

"The people of the Dragon family are not simple, but I am not afraid."

Ye Nantian snorted coldly, the sword in his hand waved out like a fierce snake, and came to Xiao Naihe in front of him in a blink of an eye, at a fast speed, even as lightning.

In less than one breath, thunder and lightning had burst out in the sword light.

"Thrilling Thunder Sword."

Some guards could not help but exclaimed, did not expect that their captain actually played a boxing move at this time, is the other party so tricky.

One of the guards shook his head and said: "The dragon family must be finished. The captain's thundering sword was passed by the owner."

When everyone thought that Xiao Naihe was going to be killed by this Ye Nantian, Xiao Naihe suddenly raised his head and smiled slightly.

And with the wave of the sand in his hand, the sand suddenly seemed to be a layer of sky, actually forming a small enchantment.

"Don't I say you are too noisy?"

Xiao Nai said aloud, and suddenly flinched with two fingers, stopping the forbidden enchantment formed by the sand in front of him, and stopped Ye Nantian's sword for a moment.


This is the same word Ye Nantian shouted for the second time.

Just before Ye Nantian was shocked, Xiao Naiho started. He saw Xiao Naihe's two fingers, and there seemed to be a layer of golden light between his fingers. He actually held Ye Nantian's sword.


Suddenly, Xiao Naihe pulled his arm around and shattered the sword body. Ye Nantian felt a strong force pouring into the sword.

At the next moment, his arm seemed to be bitten by a fierce beast, and a powerful force came directly from the shoulder.

Just a little ...

Fiercely, the sword in Ye Nantian's hand, together with his right hand holding the sword, were all shattered and cleaned in a flash.

There was a burst of blood mist and fragments of swords in the air.

"my hand."

Ye Nantian's face was pale, and the other party actually gave up his hand in a face-to-face manner, even without taking a step, and suddenly showed the other party's strong strength.

When Xiao Nai raised his hand again, Ye Nantian suddenly felt bad, and he had to block it with the remaining hand.

"Oops, the idea is hard, protect the captain quickly."

At this time, the guards rushed over quickly to save Ye Nantian.


Xiao Nai burst out with a thunder. Using the "Promise Thunder", it seemed that there was a thunderbolt in all directions. When it thundered, the whole earth shook directly.

"Good character."

This is Ye Nantian's last thought. At the next moment, all the dozen or twenty guards around his head were shaken by this thunder sound, and they were flew to the back, unaware of life or death.

Xiao Nai clapped his hands, ignored it, and continued to use his mind to find the whereabouts of Yinyue Tianxiu.

"This rhinoceros is really keen, knowing that I am not annoying, so I hide in this way. This forest is the old nest of this rhinoceros, if I hide in this way, even if I want to find it for a while It ’s not that easy to come out! "

Xiao Nai sighed softly.

The Yinyuetian rhinoceros has a strong blood, which must have killed a lot of people, so Xiao Nai was able to track this rhinoceros all the way.

Yinyue Tianxi is a seventh-grade monster, but its speed is not under the master of the nineth layer, so Xiao Nai will catch up here.

And Yinyuetian rhinoceros has a yin and yang breath, if it is integrated in the forest.

Rao is Xiao Nai and he has supernatural powers. It is not easy to find out.

That is why, when these people provoke Xiao Naihe, Xiao Nai did not hurt the killer, just worrying about distraction, and let that Yinyue Tianxi escape.

"A silvery moon rhinoceros will appear on this continent, which is unexpected to me. However, it is not far from the wilderness continent, and it is already close to the demon world.

Xiao Nai thought secretly.

It was at this time that suddenly, a strong strong wind rushed directly from behind.

It seemed like a storm was rolling in front of Xiao Naihe, and Xiao Naihe's whole person should be smashed away.

"Miss, don't you come out first, this Long family is not easy to deal with. Let the old slave come to the meeting."

When the old man saw that Ye Nantian and others were being shaken off, he immediately knew why Xiao Nai was not easy to deal with. He saw that the old man's hands flicked and suddenly a powerful force shook in the other's hand.

"Sun and Moon Wheel!"

The power above the dust is like a stream of light, merging into a sun and moon **.

This ** contains even more powerful spiritual power. When rolling out, the airflow around it seems to explode in a flash.

Boom Boom Boom Boom!

The outline revealed that I saw that the Sun and Moon Wheel had already arrived behind Xiao Naihe, and was crushed with a strong and unmatched momentum.

This sun and moon ** is like taking down the blazing sun and moon in the sky, showing the powerful power of the sun and moon, blending together, and the next moment, it is already smashed hard.

"God Wheel!"

Xiao Nai frowned, these people were really annoying.

Xiao Nai distracted a little attention, and the right hand was lifted up like this. It actually formed a **** wheel, which was far more powerful than that of the sun and the moon.

Suddenly I saw that all the light around me gathered in the wheel of Xiao Naihe.

As soon as the **** wheel rolled, the space in front was actually smashed with a small mouth, devouring Sun and Moon ** directly.

"It's endless."

The old man screamed, and the dust in his hand came to Xiao Naihe.

The dust at this time seems to be turned into a sword, and a stream of light shoots out of the dust to form a powerful sword spirit.

The sword was vigorous, and the rumbling piece wrapped around it. In an instant, the whole world seemed to oscillate. Between thousands of miles, the airflow collapsed, and there was a feeling that the whole earth would be cracked.

"Sixfold Realm, Void Creation."

This old man is already a master of the top six in the realm.

Xiao Naihe raised his eyebrows even more, and seemed a little angry.

"Get out of here!"

I don't know why, when the old man heard Xiao Naihe's voice, he suddenly pierced his own sea with a thunderous sound, and the whole body had a feeling of being shattered.

The body shook, and the sword gas in his hand suddenly burst.

At the next moment, the old man was sent out by Zhen Fei. Like the guards just now, he was not Xiao Naihe's opponent at all.

If it were n’t for Xiao Naihe who was going to catch Yinyue Tianxi now, and did n’t dare to be distracted casually, I was afraid that these people would act on his own.

The old man was desperate when Zhen Fei went out, and he turned backwards and again, his face pale.

Just now Xiao Nai burst into tears, which has already hurt the old man's roots. If he does not have a few years of cultivation, he will definitely not be able to recover.

"Mother-in-law, are you okay?"

At this time, a woman came down from the carriage. But seeing her wearing a jade vortex coat, sloppy camellia yellow sprinkling blue silk silk blue silk flower silk thread picking skirt, dressed in lotus root lotus and brocade inlaid tulle.

Silver-white thick green silk, chic hairpin chic hairpin hairpins, light and slow cloud temples with pearl tassels and golden jade steps shaking, skin-like creamy hands wearing a tourmaline bead bracelet.

On the waist is a gemstone green peacock pattern belt, which is hung with a fragrant sachet bag, and the feet are wearing soft wax boots with honey wax bottom. The whole person is beautiful.

Behind this woman, there is a little girl, wearing a pink and white woven cotton cloth, covered with golden satin and tulle. The breeze is blowing, and the light yarn is flying, and the whole person exudes a touch of aura. The smooth hair was pulled into a simple phoenix bun, and a graceful tired silk inlaid bead gold peony uranium was put on.

The two women, one big and one small, helped the old man up.

"Miss, Xiaoyue girl, the old slave is useless. I didn't expect that the master of the dragon family is so powerful, even I am not an opponent!"

The old man sighed softly, his face pale and ashamed.

And the girl, who was called Miss, took the little girl next to her, and looked calm, but there was a despair in the eyes of her appointment, shook her head: "Old lady, I don't blame you, this dragon family is so powerful, I Knowing that you are not the opponent's opponent. "

After a slight sigh, the young lady looked at Xiao Naihe as if she had decided something and was about to speak.

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom!

Suddenly, there was a burst of noise, and the entire void seemed to be crushed at this time.

When several women around heard the noise, their complexion changed again, as if a terrifying divine power had come down.

"What sound is this?"

The old man's face was slightly stunned. When she heard this voice, the whole person had a feeling of being shattered, and even the spirit of the soul had an irresistible look.

"Is that ... rhino?"

At this time, the little girl who was originally beside the young lady suddenly pointed to the front, and a rhino flew out of the forest all at once, as if a flame was coming.

And when the old man saw the rhinoceros in front, his face suddenly changed, and he felt shocked: "That's ... that's ..."

And Xiao Nai smiled slightly, and did not go to see the three women at all, and said with a smile: "I waited for you for so long, and you finally came out? When I took out the demon pill from you, it was refined into a magic pill , Give it to Wei Xue again! "

Between speeches, Xiao Naihe was already hands-on.

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