Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1806: For help

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"Silver Moon Rhino"!

This rhinoceros is a seventh-grade monster. If it is replaced by a human being who is a cultivator, it is the existence of the Seventh Creator.

However, the most powerful thing about this Yinyuetian rhinoceros is not its combat power, but its ability to type Yin and Yang. It is extremely fast and conceals its breath. Even the ordinary Ninefold Realm is difficult to detect.

If Xiao Nai did not use magical powers to release his mind in the entire forest and force out this 'Yinyue Tianxiu', I'm afraid I don't know how long it will take to see this 'Yinyue Tianxiu' fleeing come out.

"what is that?"

Qian Xueye froze for a moment, a flash of light appeared in her beautiful eyes.

"Miss, that seems to be the" Yinyue Tianxiu "recorded in our family. This monster is born at the highest level, almost catching up with the legendary real dragon."

"It's Yinyue Tianxi? Isn't this person not from the Dragon Family, but is it not possible to pursue" Yinyue Tianxi "?"

Qian Xueye froze for a moment, remembering that Xiao Nai didn't start the killer just now, it seemed that he was focusing on other places, and he didn't want to fight with them at all.

If he had not misunderstood that this man was a chasing soldier of the Dragon family, this man would not have shot.

Now it seems that the real purpose of this young man in front of him may be this 'Yinyue Tianxi'!

"Is it just an oolong in the end?"

Qianxueye looked pale, and looked at the guards on the ground who were unsure about life and death, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

If the other party is really not a dragon family, then this oolong is big, and also offended a strong man, which is a bad news for their thousands of families, especially in this case, it can no longer be consumed .

"Xiaowei, we'll bandage them first, mother-in-law, you don't need to move first." Qian Xueye's expression moved, pulling the little girl beside him.

Between the words, there was a ray of light in his eyes.

This young woman turned out to be a character who had arrived in the realm of God, and was already a smashing void.

"The old slave couldn't move even if he wanted to move."

The old man sighed slightly. The thunderous sound just now, Xiao Naihe, dispelled all the thoughts in her body and could not move for a while.

Now even an acquired cultivator is enough to kill the old man on the spot.


While these three women were talking, suddenly a roar came from the front. It seemed to be a stream of light in the sky, and the ground had already shot to the front.

That gleam formed a sword. It flew out of Yinyue Tianxiu's mouth, pierced the void instantly, and made a burst of sharp sounds, as if the swords collided with each other.

"It's so intense blood, this Yinyue Tianxi is afraid of killing a lot of people. At least it kills hundreds of thousands of people in its mouth, otherwise the blood will not be so strong."

The old man's face changed suddenly, and he could not help being tense for a moment.

This Yinyuetian rhinoceros is so powerful, if the young man in front of him can't stop it, I'm afraid that the three of her and the young lady will become the abdomen of Yinyuetian rhinoceros.

For a moment, even Qian Xueye could not help worrying Xiao Nai.

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly, and grabbed a wind in the void with one hand: "A good silver moon sky rhinoceros has the ability to type Yin and Yang, and its strength is not small. But no matter how many people you kill, it is always a sin. livestock."

Between the words, Xiao Naihe's wind knife shook in his hand, as if the blue light was flashing, almost injecting numerous majestic airflows into it, and once thrown out, it actually formed a sword spirit like the Yinyue Tian rhinoceros.

These two sword qis collided in mid-air, and suddenly looked like two small worlds squeezing each other. Even the entire head of Yinyue Tianxi was overturned by the aftermath of this sword qi collision.

"Everything ..."

Yinyue Tianxi roared, and seemed to be afraid of Xiao Naihe. He turned in mid-air and turned into a fireball, and a **** rune appeared on the fireball and flew out.

Subsequently, these blood-colored runes covered the body of Yinyue Tianxiu, as if it were a huge rolling ball, rolling in and slamming into Xiao Naihe's front.

"This silver moon sky rhinoceros can still practice human cultivation? It cultivates demon Tao, all of which are human dharma, so a smart monster."

There was a burst of brilliance in the old man's eyes.

Later, I saw how Xiao Nai grabbed the void, and the airflow around it merged into a piece of water. In an instant, it had turned into a river.

"Let you see, what is the real Xiu Dao Road."

Xiao Nai said lightly, but he didn't make a shot, and his shot was amazing.

His body shook like a flash of lightning, five fingers spread out, a thunder came out of his palm, and it was a thunderous palm.

"Yaolei! This person turned out to be a demon Daoist."

At first glance, the old man shook his body, but did not expect Xiao Nai to be a demon.

When the three spectators next to him were very nervous, the "demon thunder" in Xiao Naihe's hands had formed a cannonball, and in a flash came to Yinyue Tianxiu. Slammed **** it and shocked the entire Yinyuetian rhinoceros defense.

"Roar roar!"

With a strong roar, when Yinyue Tianxi was knocked out by Xiao Naihe's thunder, his eyes suddenly showed blood.


Suddenly, there was no sound of what was heard, and suddenly it came to the front. Then, the blood in Yinyuetian's rhino eyes wrapped all the five hundred miles.

Not only Xiao Naihe, but also Qian Xueye and others were wrapped in blood.

"Mother-in-law, what is this demon?" Qian Xueye, after bandaging Ye Nantian's shoulder, suddenly saw a burst of blood rising into the sky, actually wrapped everyone in it, and suddenly felt a very bad hunch. .

"Oops, this is Yinyuetian rhino's illusion. Once in this illusion, we will sink into Yinyuetian rhino's mind, and we will never be able to come out forever, even ordinary creators can't resist it."

The old man's expression was so pale, his face suddenly showed despair.

Qian Xueye's face was pale when she heard it, and finally turned into a soft sigh: "I originally wanted to move the rescuers in the Yantian Pavilion, but I didn't expect to offend others halfway, and I was stopped by this Yinyue Tianxiu. It seems that my family is going to die. "

Afterwards, Qian Xueye grinned a little and hugged the little girl beside him tightly, without a word.


At this time, Xiao Naihe seemed to be a ghost, and at the moment he shot, a stream of light condensed in the void.

I saw this streamer fused on Xiao Naihe as if it had formed a suit, and actually wrapped Xiao Naihe as a whole.

"Fivefold true body, King Kong is not bad."

Xiao Nai said with a loud voice and practiced Taoism.

Huh ...

In an instant, there was a burst of blood gas in all directions. These blood gases seemed to burst out of the world of Warcraft, rolling up all the surroundings.

Xiao Naihe's face was joyless and sorrowful, and suddenly a burst of sight appeared in his eyes.

These are the scenes that appear in the mind of Yinyuetian's rhinoceros. This monster beast exterminates family, kills people in villages and towns. For hundreds of years, it has killed millions of ordinary people and cultivators.

Finally, by virtue of strong blood energy, it was pushed to the top level of Qipin, awakening the yin and yang type.

The yin and yang classification of this monster is equivalent to the yin and yang constitution among human cultivators.

"I didn't expect that this Yinyuetian rhinoceros killed far more people than I thought, and from this scene, this monster seems to have just slaughtered a tens of thousands of villages not long ago."

Xiao Naihe's expression remained unchanged, but there was a hint of coldness on his face.

Although he is not a savior, Xiao Naihe is not the kind of cultivator who treats human life like a mustard.

"Break me!"


Suddenly, three words exploded in Xiao Naiho's throat. These three words seemed to contain a heavenly magic power. At the moment when the roar came out, there was a feeling of shattering all around.

The scenes that appeared in the blood light disappeared at this time, and turned into a halo of light.

At this moment, the Yinyue Tianxi saw that his phantom array was broken, and actually lifted his four feet, and immediately got into the forest and wanted to escape again.

"Humph, how can I let you run away?"

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly, and suddenly a burst of brilliance burst out between his fingers.

These brilliances even formed an **, and after the outline was revealed, it even enveloped a radius of 8,000 miles, and even a fly could not fly out.

In less than one breath, this Yinyuetian rhinoceros turned around and hit the **.

"Great God Wheel, Life and Death Wheel!"

A 'wheel of life and death' turned, and the scream of the silver moon sky rhinoceros was actually screamed down by Xiao Naihe and smashed to the ground, and even the spirits inside the monster body could not escape, and all the flesh was turned into powder .

"This silver moon sky rhinoceros is already of the seventh grade. If it is replaced by a human cultivator, it is the power of the creator. This person actually shredded all the silver moon sky rhinoceros in one hand? So strong! "

Qian Xueye's face changed drastically. When she looked at Xiao Naihe at this time, it was like looking at a ghost, and there was a trace of panic in her beautiful eyes.

It was the old lady, but there was a trace of regret in her expression: "That's a silver moon sky rhinoceros. Both the body and the essence and blood are the treasures of the seventh grade, so they are turned into ashes, and the heavens are destroyed!"

The expression of the old man at this time was as if the rhinoceros was actually hers, and he could not help shaking his head, a tone of regret appeared in his tone.

"But this person is even more powerful, and even this Yinyue Tianxi is not the opponent of the other party. This person has at least reached the eighth realm and thundered the nine robbery. Is there such a young master among the dragon family? Is this person? Not the Dragon Family? "

The old man's thoughts suddenly turned to Xiao Naihe with a complicated look.

And Xiao Naihe now grabbed the demon pill floating in the air. This demon pill flew out of the body of Yinyuetian rhinoceros. At that time, it was refined into a magic pill, which was extremely useful for Yun Weixue's yin and yang physique.

"it is good!"

There was a smile on Xiao Naihe's face. Once he collected the Yaodan, he looked at them and looked at them.

And when the old man saw the demon pill in Xiao Naihe's hands, a trace of envy appeared in his eyes.

That's the demon of the seventh-grade demon beast.

However, when Xiao Naiho's eyes were on them, the old man was shocked, his body's blood and blood were scattered, and there was a feeling of being angry at Vajra, even the idea of ​​resistance could not be born.

"grown ups……"


Qianxueye's face changed, and he gritted his teeth: "Senior, I mistakenly thought that the senior was a member of the Dragon family, and then I ordered the next person to take action against the senior. These things are not related to them. Ye is willing to work hard. "

At this time, the old woman and Ye Nantian who had just woke up suddenly changed their looks.

Especially Ye Nantian, when he woke up, he saw that Xiao Nai actually shocked Yinyue Tianxi from the void, and that kind of supernatural power made Ye Nantian resist.

"No, Senior, this matter has nothing to do with my young lady. If you ask Senior to kill, just kill me alone."

Ye Nantian resisted the pain of his broken arm, his face was pale, and he actually knelt in front of Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Nai looked blank, and after taking away Yaodan, his eyes moved slightly, and he looked at Qian Xueye.

Qian Xueye at this time felt Xiao Naihe's gaze, and suddenly his face was pale, as if the spirit was about to be drawn away.

"If you follow my previous thoughts, if you several of you started working on me for no reason, everyone will die today!"

Xiao Nai He said coldly that he was not a kind person, and was attacked for no reason, so he would naturally avenge himself.

Upon hearing Xiao Naihe's words, Qian Xueye and Ye Nantian were all trembling.

"But little girl, I just heard you said that you would move to the Yantian Pavilion to rescue soldiers. What's the matter?"

When playing with Yinyuetian rhinoceros, he heard Qian Xueye's words and couldn't help asking.


Qian Xueye was slightly startled, not knowing whether to say it or not.


Xiao Naihe raised his eyebrows. Suddenly, Xiao Naihe's aura immediately changed, and the entire void swayed, as if the earth was torn apart.

The heavy feeling suppressed everyone in the field.

Qian Xueye gritted his teeth: "Senior, we are from a thousand families in Jincheng. This time we have to go to the barren continent for help. Now only Yantian Pavilion can save our thousand families."

Xiao Nai didn't move, but he couldn't help but secretly said: "What a thousand cities in Jincheng? What strength is this? How can I go to Yantian Pavilion for help."

Why was Xiao Nai unmoved? Suddenly, he beckoned all around, and a burst of black air filled him. Suddenly the entire avenue was surrounded by Xiao Naihe, and he couldn't even fly away.


Qian Xueye's face was pale, and she thought Xiao Nai should die.

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