Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1807: Save the People (Part 1)

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Ye Nantian was suddenly tense, holding Qianxueye and protecting Qianxueye and the little girl beside her.

Even cold sweat oozed from his forehead, obviously knowing that he was not Xiao Naihe's opponent.

But even knowing that he is not Xiao Naihe's opponent, Ye Nantian still has to protect Qianxue Ye.

"Forget it, Brother Ye, we are at the forefront. This predecessor is going to take action. We have no way to step back."

Qian Xueye laughed suddenly, a trace of despair appeared on her charming face, shook her head, and died on the spot.

"Why did you go to Yantiange for help?"

Xiao Nai said lightly.

Qianxueye pondered for a moment, and did not hesitate, "Our Qiancheng Qianjia is the helper of Yantiange Daijun Patriarch, and has information about Jinlin mainland for Yantiange mobile phone."

"It turns out so!"

Xiao Nai nodded, he finally understood a little bit, why Dai Jun ’s ancestor has been able to maintain such a high intelligence rate. It turned out that not only did they use the disciples of Yantian Pavilion, but also in every world, big and small Some forces.

You should know that the Yantian Pavilion is now stronger, because Xiao Naihe, the name of the Holy Son, has vaguely the first force under the Danting.

The legend of Xiao Nai and He Gui is the peak of the Ninefold, and many people in the 3,300 world now know it.

Many people now have to turn to Yantian Pavilion, so that they can enjoy the cold under the so-called big trees.

Xiao Nai is very clear about this.

In the same way, even if Yantian Pavilion is even stronger, if you want to build a powerful intelligence force, the Yantian Pavilion ’s intelligence agencies and branches are all divided into 3,300 worlds. Manpower.

There are not so many disciples in Yantiange, so Dai Jun's ancestors gathered forces, such as some families and small schools.

The ancestor of Dai Jun itself is a master of the eighth peak, because with the help of Xiao Naihe, there is already a vaguely half-step and nine-step momentum, almost going to the nineth level.

Coupled with the name of Xiao Naihe, the son of the Holy Son, there are legends of the 9th peak, many people are willing to turn to Yantian Pavilion.

"This Jincheng Qianjia is an intelligence branch in the hands of Dai Jun's ancestors."

Xiao Nai nodded, his face a little helpless.

Although he is the first person in Yantian Pavilion, he looks more like a shopkeeper, and even many things are not managed by Xiao Nai, and Yun Weixue is the sole agent.

Xiao Nai, He Xiuwei, and his talents are even higher, but I am afraid that it is not as good as a Dai Jun ancestor in the operation of various institutions of a large sect.

Today, Dai Jun's ancestors are desperate to serve Xiao Nai, and Xiao Na is not worried.

"Since I'm a survivor of Yantian Pavilion, I'm not easy to investigate, otherwise I will chill their hearts."

Xiao Nai thought.

If these people are not surrendering to Yantian Pavilion, and serve Yan Tiange, they will face Xiao Naihe's blade today, and Xiao Naihe will never let any of them go.

"Get up!"

Suddenly, a trace of fine light flashed in Xiao Naihe's eyebrows, and this fine light continued to sway, forming a round ball that wrapped everyone present.

Ye Nantian's original broken arm, at this time, was slowly recovering, and the skin was born on the spot, and the arm was restored.

"Is this a means of creation in the void?"

The old man was stunned for a moment. Although she showed the strength of the Sixth Realm just now, she was not a real Sixth Realm, but by some means, she was able to enter the Sixth Realm in a short time.

And Xiao Naihe's method of living dead, flesh and bones is really a supernatural power of the sixfold realm.

"this is?"

At this time, even the old woman felt that the injuries in her body were slowly recovering, and a strong vitality was shaking above their heads.

Those who had been injured by Xiao Naihe slowly recovered at this time.

"Good and powerful vitality, this is definitely not just the means of the sixfold realm, at least the eightfold realm, which can be derived from the thundering vitality. Thank you for not counting your predecessors."

The old man was full of excitement and quickly bowed to Xiao Nai.

Even Ye Nantian knew that Xiao Nai helped them, and could not help but bow his head and salute Xiao Nai.

Qian Xueye pulled the little girl next to her, and quickly gave Xiao Naihe a gift.

"I saved you only because you worked for Yantiange. Today's conflict, I won't pursue it. I hope you can do it yourself."

Xiao Nai waved his hand and said lightly.

"Senior is ..." Qian Xueye asked Xiao Naihe as if he had grasped the key in the speech and suddenly asked.

"I am also a member of Yantian Pavilion. Although you are not disciples of Yantian Pavilion, after all, helping me with Yan Tian Pavilion, I will naturally not care about you."

Qian Xueye was shocked, and there was shock in his eyes. In the end, this person was actually the Yantian Pavilion they were calling for.

Ye Nantian also looked at Xiao Naihe, and secretly said in his heart: "This person's strength has reached at least the Eightfold Realm, and the Thunder has survived the Nine Tribulations. A elder in a palace can't succeed? "

Ye Yantian didn't know much about Yantian Pavilion, but thought Xiao Nai was one of the elders in Yantian Pavilion.

They wouldn't think that the young man standing in front of them was actually the leader of Yantian Pavilion.

"What's the matter with the Yantian Pavilion you just said? What about the Dragon Family?"

"This predecessor, we were originally receiving visitors from Yantian Pavilion, because our thousands of families recently learned a big secret. We originally wanted to notify Yan Tiange of this sect, but did not expect that the Dragon Family did not know where to get it. Actually, we attacked our thousands of families, and even the two guests in Yanyan Pavilion were arrested. "

Qianxueye sighed softly.

"Yan Tian Ge to your messenger of thousands of families? Who is it?"

"It's Miss Xue Qingyin and Elder Li Wenwen."

"It's them?"

Xiao Nai He raised his eyebrows. Although Xue Qingyin was young, he was extremely talented. Before that, because of the panacea given by Xiao Nai He, he had already entered the supremacy.

Moreover, with the help of Xiao Naihe, Li's article has already stepped into the realm of sixfold supremacy and creation in the void.

It's not like the old man in front of me, who wants to use a few secret methods to let him have a six-fold combat power for a short time, but a real void creation.

"If you don't talk about Xue Qingyin, let's talk about Li Wenwen. His fellow is now also at the top of the sixth realm. As long as you don't meet the master above the seventh at the top, no one should win him. Who is it? What is the origin of the Dragon family? "

Hearing Xiao Naihe actually uttered the realm of Xue Qingyin and Li's articles, this Qianxueye completely believed that Xiao Naihe was in the Yantian Pavilion.

"This dragon family is like a thousand families in the golden city. But our thousand families are helping Yantiange to do things, but the dragon family is helping a big person above nine days to do things."


Xiao Naiho understands: "What big secret did you get, even if others do not hesitate to catch Li Wenwen, you also need to know?"

"This ... this is news about a secret area in Taikoo, and we are not so sure."

Qian Xueye hesitated for a moment, but still said it.

What Xiao Nai heard, could not help but feel a little curious.

This archaic mystery is different. In the archaic period, the nine masters walked sideways, the world is that even the existence of passive realm is far more than now.

Some masters, even the existence of passive realm, will form an ancient secret realm after the fall.

In fact, it is not just the Ninefold Realm. Even after falling down, the masters under the Ninefold Realm will form a secret realm, just like the original Sacred Treasury.

However, it can be passed down from the ancient times, and it can still exist after so many years of experience, at least it is also a nine-level level.

It's no wonder that after knowing the news of this secret realm, some people will come up with ideas for them.

"It's the people of these thousand families. After knowing this secret, they didn't take it as their own. Instead, they wanted to report it to Yantian Pavilion. Although they may not have the strength to discover the ancient secret realm, but for them, It is a very negotiating capital, and they have no other ideas. "

Xiao Naihe secretly thought that perhaps the thousands of people would like to explore the ancient secrets through Yantian Pavilion and get some benefits from it, but Xiao Naihe still appreciates the practice of these thousands of families, at least they still really work for Yantiange .

Unlike some forces, after surrendering to other people, they still have two sides. I have to say that Dai Jun's ancestors really have their own abilities.

"This time it was because of my dad's ... the help of the owner, and Elder Li Wenwen's full efforts, that we were able to escape and go to Yantian Pavilion for help. But the owner was already dead in the hands of Long Zhantian, together with Elder Li She and Xue Qingyin don't know life or death. "

Qian Xueye looked sad, and the guards around him and the old man sighed softly.

Xiao Nai said with no expression: "Since this man died because of our Yantian Pavilion, we will never sit idly by. We will turn around and take me to the Golden City."

Although Xiao Naihe didn't have much interest in the ancient secret realm, at his point, even the secret realm of the Nineth Peak had little appeal unless it was the secret realm of the passive realm.

However, Qianjia was indeed for Yan Tiange's work, but instead suffered misfortune, and even Xue Qingyin and Li Wenwen didn't know the life and death. This is what Xiao Nai must do.

"Now, just ... seniors alone?"

Qian Xueye was slightly surprised. Although Xiao Nai was the eightfold realm, did he really need to ask for the story of Yantian Pavilion?

"Of course, but before that, I will deal with a few mice first."

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