Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1934: Dan Cheng

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That's right, it is to enter the innate realm.

In the first aspect, the cultivator has many steps of acquired spiritual quadruple realm, innate triple supernatural realm, divine triple super realm, supreme nine super realm, and passive realm.

Even if Xiao Nai had many opportunities and had previous experience, it took six or seven years to get to the present level.

If you count the time in the space-time world, Xiao Nai has been practicing for at least thousands of years.

The four roads of humanism, demonism, Buddhism, and Wudang, Xiao Naihe has already reached a half-step passive, and one step is enough to advance to the passive state.

But the Avenue of Stars was just obtained by Xiao Naihe. He needs to practice again, without the need to rehabilitate, and restore to the realm of the acquired world, but build the spirit roots. This is the benefit of Xingyuan Xuanshi.


At this moment, under a huge sky in the distance, two figures flew at high speed, as if two lightnings had broken apart.

If Xiao Naihe is here now, he can surely recognize that the two men in front of him are the blood gentleman and Yueguan.

Suddenly, the blood gentleman heard a footstep, and his body made a clicking sound, as if there was a star burst, the sound was crisp, and it sounded creepy.


The blood of the blood gentleman's eyes was red, as if countless blood permeated up, and he had to burst his eyes.

Afterwards, the blood gentleman covered the mind with riots, the body's acupuncture suddenly burst out, the mind was scrolled, and a strong blood gas rose into the sky, directly wrapping up the whole blood gentleman.

"Wuqu, what's wrong with you."

Yueguan was frightened by the appearance of the blood gentleman. He was about to step forward and suddenly heard the blood gentleman burst into a scream: "Don't come."

"Wuqu, you ..."

"I have known that there is today, and since the man snatched my Xing Yuan Xuan Shi, I knew that one day, he would definitely refine my Xing Yuan Xuan Shi, but I didn't expect it to be so fast. "

The blood gentleman's face was pale, because of the process of the previous star position being taken away alive, the blood gentleman seemed to be thin and skinny.

The face is grim, how terrifying the blood gentleman looks at this time.

"Star position was taken away!"

Yueguan also changed her face. She is also one of the nine-star overlords, naturally knowing the end of the star position.

The power equivalent to human beings has been taken away.

However, if the general passive master is taken away from the power of the original source, then it is undoubtedly mortal.

However, the blood gentleman is different. He fell from the passive state to the passive state. Even if he was taken away from the Xingyuan blackstone, he would not cause his death. But it will definitely have a great impact on yourself.

I am afraid that I will not be able to return to the passive state in the future.

"What next?"

"Go on and go to other **** realms. In any case, I must get other xuanyuan blackstones, otherwise I will not be able to restore the passive state in my life, let alone cross Taiyu and return to the Xingzu plane. To snatch, also to snatch. "

The blood gentleman breathed a sigh of relief, and the tone became very eerie.

He knows that he cannot be Xiao Naihe's opponent now, but he can find Xingyuan Xuanshi through other channels.


Xiao Naihe didn't know that at this time, the blood gentleman had caused great harm after refining the xingyuan blackstone.

But even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

Under this mysterious feeling, Xiao Nai stepped into the innate realm of the Avenue of Stars in one fell swoop.


Ghost Wonderland!

Golden Wonderland!

Then, two stars were born above Xiao Naihe's head. It was the greed wolf star position and the Wuqu star position that united to form a vortex. The innate immortal gas in the void suddenly turned into a strong star power.

Xiao Naihe's Avenue of Stars then entered the realm of Shinto and rushed to the realm of Shenkong in one fell swoop.

As the power of the stars continued to climb, Xiao Na couldn't help but suppress the idea of ​​promotion.

He knew that he was still being evaluated, although Xiao Naihe had spent a long time in the space-time world.

But if you have time to get promoted, if you are eliminated, then the Phoenix Sect will not be able to enter, let alone absorb the atmosphere of heaven and earth.

Outside, the crowd was in full swing for a long time.

"It's less than Yixiang's time. Has he given up?"

Su Bingyun has reached the third step and reached the stage of repairing the Taoist.

Even some people have already completed the first assessment. Dongfang Tang, Jianfeng, Chen Qi, Ye Mo, Luo Yun, Lei Jiuao, and others have already completed the first assessment.

There is also Longya, which has come to an end, and he can certainly finish it.

At this time Longya glanced slightly, Xiao Naihe was still sitting, and the red furnace above his head was still spinning.

Another sneer.

Lei Jiuao shook his head, and the killer appeared in his eyes: "The ants are common, even the first waste that I can't pass, I will kill you."

Yue Yong: "Xiao Naihe, what's wrong with you, there is only one incense stick left, and you haven't completed all three steps."

Su Jianan: "Although the one named Xiao Naihe will be eliminated, but fortunately, both Longya and Bingyun have entered."

In Su Jian'an's eyes, apart from Longya and Su Bingyun, all other disciples would be fine even if they were all eliminated.

Hao Tian sighed softly. He had originally felt good about Xiao Naihe, but he didn't expect that Xiao Naihe was only a short bloom. What he had done in the Sansheng Pavilion, it seemed to be in vain.

And Li Xing's face was full of deep disappointment, "Why is this so? He is a red flame, the red flame I admire."

Xie Yanyan at the top just glanced at it and stopped paying attention.

Xiao Naihe is like sandstone in the sea of ​​human beings, which is no longer worthy of attention.

Speaking of it, in fact, many people in the first game are already destined to be eliminated. At least four adults did not succeed in refining the first cultivation pill.

Those people gave up long ago, but stood on the examination room, waiting for the incense stick to arrive, automatically eliminated, no one wants to make up.

Because there is too little time for Yixiang.


Suddenly, Xiao Naihe's eyes were wide open, and there was a viper-like sound on his body. There were countless stars flowing in his eyes, as if a long galaxy had formed.

Soon, Xiao Naihe's eyes seemed to have countless star maps, which was different from what he had seen before.

"My celestial star map can actually be substantiated, and it seems that naked eyes can see the changes of various avenues of stars. It turns out that everyone has the invisible qualification to practice avenues of stars."

Xiao Naihe looked at everyone in the room, and these people might be qualified to practice the Avenue of Stars. But without the power of the stars, everything is in vain.

"There should be less than a scent of incense. Have I not completed the first step assessment?"

Xiao Naihe looked at the red furnace that was rotating in mid-air, and his expression was indifferent. Although time was pressing, in Xiao Naihe's eyes, there was too much time for Yixiang!

"Danhuo spawned, the gods know it!"

Later, the star chart in Xiao Naihe's eyes appeared again, and saw the star changes in the red furnace.

There are star changes in every kind of spirit, just like the human road, there are many variables.

Xiao Nai He has understood a lot of truths that he didn't realize before he realized the Avenue of Stars.

"If I can absorb all the memory of Dao Zha remaining from Xingzu, and accumulate the Avenue of Stars into the passive realm, it's no matter."

Suddenly Xiao Nai wanted to return to the world of heavenly scriptures, refining all the memory of Dao Zha left by Xing Zu.

But Xiao Naihe also knew that he could not do it now.

But fortunately, Jiuxing Tianshu is in Xiao Naihe's space-time world. As long as Xiao Naihe meets the conditions, he can enter the world of Tianshu at any time, and directly refine the remaining power of the stars.

"Look, Xiao Nai moved."

Suddenly, the white fox only saw Xiao Naihe finally moved.

And Yue Yong couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although she didn't know how Xiao Nai could complete the assessment, fortunately, Xiao Naihe didn't give up, so she didn't have to worry so much.

Su Bingyun's eyes are also full of color, and I don't know how Xiao Nai can accomplish a miracle.

Li Xing sighed softly. Although Xiao Naiho finally started, he didn't think Xiao Nai had enough possibility to complete this assessment.

"It's really stupid to start now."

Lei Jiuao said eeriely.

Ye Yonghao and Longya sneered beside them.

Xiao Naihe didn't pay attention to these people's views at all. At this time, his attention was on this furnace.

The fire below is burning, and all the materials have been put in.

At this moment Xiao Nai thought, a glorious gleam emerged from his eyebrows, and his glory was released.

Afterwards, a golden light was actually released from the Danlu, as if it was a blooming Tanglian.

"Dan Cheng, get started!"

Xiao Nai said lightly, and then grabbed it again. In the void, it was a backhand, lifting the top of the Dan furnace, a thick danxiang flew away, every inch of danxiang seems to have penetrated Among everyone's acupuncture in the field, the consciousness actually increased.

"What? Dan is done?"

"This cultivation pill can be refined to such a degree, I am afraid that this cultivation pill has seven grades!"

"That kid hasn't moved a while ago, is it just because of this idea?"

Xiao Naihe's performance finally made some people think.

The first thing I noticed was not Yue Yong and Bai Fox, but Luo Yun.

Luo Yun could n’t help but look at Xiao Naihe more slowly, and slowly said: “Dan Chengtianxiang, this is the symbol of the Eighth Rank Master Dan, this child does n’t look like the creator ’s character. Eighth Grade Master. "

Lei Jiuao's face is not very good-looking, but soon put this expression down.

On the contrary, Ye Yonghao looked at Xiao Naihe, and his heart was jealous, and he smiled coldly: "Even if you make a big noise on Dan Dao, then what? The remaining time is not enough, you will be eliminated."

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