Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1935: Dark horse

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With less than a scent of incense left, Ye Yonghao also knew that Xiao Nai, no matter how good he was, could not pass.

The Taoist tools in Ye Yonghao's hands have been repaired in seven, seven, or eight, and it took no time to burn incense.

"Xiao Naihe, you are not as good as me."

Longya said proudly in his heart.

At this time, Xiao Naihe grabbed the Xiu Shendan in his hand, and then the three hundred-mile scroll above opened, and a burst suddenly fell and fell in front of Xiao Naihe.

Because now only Xiao Naihe has just entered the second assessment, and because of the cultivation of God Pill, more people have noticed Xiao Naihe.

Seeing Xiao Naihe's actions at this time, he felt abrupt.

Some people even laughed at why Xiao Nai was dying and struggling. With less than a scent of incense, it was impossible to complete the next two assessments.


Hao Tian also felt that Xiao Nai could not pass. He didn't expect that Xiao Nai He's refinement pill was of such a high grade that he was still eliminated in the first round.

Su Jianan laughed: "It is not a pity to say that at least we already know that he has a very high attainment on the way of Dan Dao. What we lack most in the sect is the alchemy master. Later, this son will first cultivate his own Xi Wu lay down and make alchemy with all his strength, and divide the alchemy for our phoenix to benefit the Zongmen. "

When Haotian heard it, he couldn't help but glance at Su Jian'an, dismissive of Su Jian'an's idea.

Let Xiao Nai give up monasticism and help the Fire Phoenix divide the alchemy and benefit the Zongmen?

I'm afraid that Xiao Nai disagrees. Hao Tian is very clear that there is a real dragon blood vein in Xiao Naihe's body. It is definitely impossible for a heir to a real dragon blood vein to give up cultivation and instead help others practice alchemy.

Besides the assessment of the Seven Star Tower, Xiao Nai He had pimples in his heart, as well as the last Phoenix Dabie qualification, which also gave Xiao Naihe some ideas. Haotian knew that Xiao Naihe would not agree with Su Jianan's ideas.

"This is the Ring Star Array, of which 360,000 array eyes, two of them are defective."

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly.

If it was Xiao Naihe before, there were some difficulties in repairing this position. It was not that the repair was unsuccessful, but the time was still tight.

But now it is not the same, Xiao Naihe got the power of the stars, and it is more and more profound for the formation of Avenue.

The repair of this position is almost as easy.


Xiao Naihe's eyes produced a burst of stars, sweeping all 360,000 eyes, and quickly found the defects on the array.

At the next moment, Xiao Naihe had already filled the formation on the array.

Five breaths.

There are only five breaths before and after, and Xiao Naihe has repaired the position.

Throwing into the picture scroll confirms the integrity of this position, and the third thing has come down.

"What? His position has been repaired?"

Ye Yonghao couldn't help crying.

Longya was even more shocked.

With five breathing hours, Xiao Nai repaired an array of no less than the sixth-grade rank, which has already attracted the attention of some people.

"It's too fast, even for me, it took 16 breaths just now, and it's still the fastest one on the field."

Jian Feng raised his eyebrows, seeming to be calmed by the speed of Xiao Naihe's patching.

Ye Mo also looked at Xiao Nai with interest.

A quasi-eight-ranking Pill Master, and a person who seems to be a master of formation, are qualified to let Ye Mo pay attention.

But that's just paying attention, and don't look down on Xiao Naihao.

But at the next moment, Xiao Naihe took a closer look when he caught the device.

This is a broken Qipin Taoist.

To be precise, it should be an eight-grade Taoist weapon, but because three of the mana plans are gone, it needs to be repaired back.

This kind of quasi-eight-grade Taoism, in general, cannot be repaired even by the ordinary creator.

But because the materials are sufficient, even the cultivator of the fourfold realm has enough to repair.

"To repair this thing requires high intensity of consciousness. The first level of assessment is the strength, operation skills, and strength of the assessment of consciousness! I thought that this Phoenix quiz was strange, but it was just testing God Just know it, but it's too crooked. "

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly, and no matter what kind of Taoist he was in his hand, he grabbed it, then pointed with two fingers, and drew a mana in the void.

There is a galaxy running in the mana map, and some of Xiao Naihe's consciousness is infused.

At this time, the mana is in operation, and it is directly integrated into this seven-grade Taoist device.

Boom Boom Boom Boom! ,

Suddenly, a strong fluctuation was released directly from the Taoist device in Xiao Naihe's hands.

As if countless sky thunders have fallen, everything between heaven and earth must be smashed away.

Subsequently, the spiritual light in the Taoist flashed, as if resonating with the world and earth, forming a unique force field.

Those who are not high-cultivators seem to be lifted up when they feel this force field.

"What's that? Is it Daoist aura?"

"Repairing Taoist instruments can release such a strong aura?"

"But I always feel a little strange."

Su Jian'an looked at the Taoist in Xiao Naihe's hands and raised his eyebrows. Suddenly, the whole person was calm and lost his voice: "This is Daoqi Dacheng, directly promoted."

Taoist implements can be promoted just like practitioners.

But in order to advance Taoism, it is generally only those refining masters with extremely high knowledge.

And Xiao Nai several mana plans, not only repaired well, but also promoted this Taoist implement.

It should be said that let this piece of weapon regain its peak state.

Originally, this Taoist implement was from the eighth-grade Taoist implement, directly damaged to the seventh-grade level.

Although other people have successfully repaired it, they have not restored a seventh-grade Taoist to the eighth-grade level, because to upgrade a Taoist implement requires a lot of refining means.

The refining device can be said to be the worst of all the practitioners who specialize in the road.

Even for a genius like Ye Mo, he can repair this Taoist completely, which is already excellent.

But now compared with Xiao Nai, Ye Mo is much worse.

"Obe, this person has been repairing the array and Taoist tools continuously from alchemy, and it took less than a scent of incense. And it also promoted the broken Taoist device."

"Compared with other people, this person's speed is really too fast, how did he do it?"

Many people started to make a sensation. Xiao Naiho's speed really shocked others.

After the alchemy was completed, it took less than a scent of incense to repair the array and Tao, and the Tao was promoted to a level.

This speed, even the most outstanding Phoenix General Zong Ye Mo, can't compare.

If according to the total speed, Ye Mo is undoubtedly the first, but the speed of completing the assessment with Xiao Naihe is undoubtedly the most abnormal.


At this time, the Taoist tool in Xiao Naihe's hands became a complete form and became a ball, which contained a powerful thunder force.

Because of Xiao Naihe's patching, this ball has already returned to the eighth grade.

It is a real eight-grade Taoist. When the people in the field thought of this, everyone's eyes were put into Xiao Naihe's hands.

Some cultivators even did not hide the greed in their eyes.

An eight-grade Taoist is too precious, and Rao is the level of the creator, and he cannot refuse such temptation.

Looking at Longya's look that he couldn't swallow the ball in Xiao Naihe's hands, he knew that this man also had a strong possessive desire for the ball.

On the contrary, Su Bingyun has a calm look, but the look in Xiao Naihe's eyes changes a lot and is a little complicated.

"Good boy, this kid is very interesting. It seems that he should have a very good talent in Dan Dao, refining, formation, but I ca n’t feel the cultivation of this kid. It seems that he does not reach the level of the creator. , It's a little bit worse than repair. "

Chen Qi couldn't help but glance at Xiao Naihe more.

Jian Feng also nodded, but Xiao Naihe's cultivation behavior was not worth paying attention to, and Jian Feng also had a little interest.

Eastern Tang's eyes turned, not knowing what he was thinking.

As for Ye Mo, there was still a warm smile on his face.

Luo Yun closed his eyes.

"Xiao Naihe, what the **** did you do, why didn't you die like this."

Ye Yonghao's murderous riots in his heart, this kind of emotion has been there since the Huofeng tributary had Xiao Naihe, until the appearance of Yue Yong and the white fox just now, ignited Ye Yonghao's anger.

Longya clenched his fists, he was also jealous, jealous of Xiao Naihe's luck, and even envied the ball in his hand.

"The first assessment, the time is over."

Suddenly, a burst of sound came from the void.

Huh ...

Afterwards, the three hundred miles of scrolls were put away directly, rolled into scrolls, and turned into a light spot in the void, and everything in front of the appraisers' tables flew into the scrolls for assessment results.

"The results are out."

I don't know which one yelled out, everyone looked at the scroll directly.

Tens of thousands of people participated in the assessment together, but the number of people on the picture scroll was only about 10,000, and 70% or 80% of the people were eliminated, which can be described as fierce competition.

The names that appear in the picture scroll also appear in front of everyone.

Fifth sword edge.

Fourth place is Chen Qi.

The third place is Oriental Tang.

The second place is Luo Yun.

The first place is Ye Mo.

And Longya and Su Bingyun were 8,600 and 9,300 respectively.

"Finally entered."

Seeing her name, Su Bingyun couldn't help but sighed, and there was some happiness in her tone, but at this time she had some thoughts, what was Xiao Naihe's rank?

Then Su Bingyun turned his eyes and released his consciousness, and finally found Xiao Naihe's name.

"The 10,000th place-Xiao Naihe!"

Actually the last one!

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