Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1939: Raucous voice

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapters of the rebirth of the heavens!

The situation in the Fengmo Palace is not known outside, but the total score will appear on the three hundred miles scroll.

The names of tens of thousands of people will change position as their grades change.

Moreover, the three hundred miles of scrolls record the total scores of the first pass assessment and the second pass assessment, not just the achievements of the first pass.

For example, although Xiao Naihe and Su Bingyun were the second team to enter the third tier, they should have been second at this speed.

But taking into account the results of the previous round, Su Bingyun was only advancing to the fifth thousandth, and Xiao Naihe remained at more than six thousand.

However, in the eyes of Su Jianan and others, it is best for Su Bingyun to compete for the eighth. The top 8,000 in the tens of thousands of people is definitely the glory of the Fire Phoenix.

But now Su Bingyun has actually reached the first five thousand, which makes Su Jianan and Hao Tian a little unbelievable for a while.

"Is this true or false? Bingyun's girl has reached the first five thousand?"

"Compared with the fact that they are already on the second floor, it was my expectation to be able to enter the second floor, but it was so fast that it was beyond my imagination."

Su Jianan shook his head, staring at the changing name above.

Given this ranking is naturally the magic of the magic palace, relying on various credentials such as forward speed and consumption to evaluate the results.

As a magic weapon that has existed for too long and too long, naturally knows how to rank.

Nowadays, the magic spirit of Feng Mo Gong is more optimistic about Xiao Naihe. If it is not that Xiao Naihe's first round results are too bad, Feng Mo Gong Qi Ling wants to raise Xiao Naihe's ranking to the top five in one fell swoop.

"But what surprised me is that Xiao Naihe has more than six thousand kids."

Hearing Haotian's words, Su Jianan said a few words painlessly: "It should be because of Su Bingyun. If Bing Yun took him to advance, otherwise he would have difficulty getting more than six thousand names."

Hao Tian gave Su Jianan a deep look, he had never understood why Su Jianan's opinion on Xiao Naihe was so heavy.

Even Su Jian'an didn't know himself, perhaps because Su Bingyun forced to accept Xiao Naihe as a disciple, and Su Jianan didn't like Xiao Nai very much.

Of course, people outside will not know how fierce the competition is inside.

But for Xiao Naihe and Su Bingyun, it was particularly easy.

Especially Su Bingyun, because she started on the second floor, she felt strong pressure.

But because of Xiao Nai's presence, Su Bingyun is now starting to have little effort.

The third floor is a quirky small space, filled with white fog, covering everything around.

Xiao Naiho just used Shennian thoughts and directly invested in it, only to find that Shenshen could not see this small period of time, and he couldn't help but wonder.

"This space is so weird that my consciousness can't penetrate. What is going on? Is there a prohibition in it?"

Su Bingyun's face changed slightly, and the consciousness is just as important to the practitioner as the ordinary person is to the eyes.

Now that his own consciousness cannot penetrate into it, it is no wonder that Su Bingyun feels great pressure.

"There is a strong ban in this space, which shields everyone's consciousness, so no need to try it."

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly.

"Then you can't do it?"

"Of course I can't now."

The meaning of Xiao Naihe is simple. His avatar is not enough to break the prohibition in this space, but as long as he summons his forehead to break through the prohibition in this space, it is naturally not a problem.

However, in the sealed magic palace, Xiao Nai could not just summon the deity.

There is also a magic weapon in the magic palace. Once the deity is called out, if it is known by the magic spirit in the magic palace, it is easy to cause a lot of trouble.

Xiao Nai did not want to take this risk.

What next?

This is Su Bingyun's only idea. It seems unlikely that she wants to get out of this dilemma by herself.

But once the forbidden token in his body is crushed, it will be ejected.

Xiao Naiho, one of the teammates by then, will also be implicated because of himself.

The two of them are now in the same rank and belong to a community of common prosperity.

"Follow me. Although this space suppresses your consciousness, I haven't put it in my eyes."

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly, and when he talked, he saw that his eyebrows were suddenly surrounded by a sperm light, like a small world.

Then this small world glowed with golden luster and entered Su Bingyun's eyebrows.

"We walked."

Xiao Naihe took Su Bingyun's hand and entered directly into this space world.

When Su Bingyun walked into this space world, he suddenly felt a kind of oncoming repression.

"It's a very powerful ban, and my consciousness was suppressed."

Su Bingyun was shocked, and at this time she quickly followed Xiao Naihe's side.

There is white mist in this space, which seems to be a world of life, with long roads at both ends, regardless of front and rear, only life and death.

In a thick fog, even the direction is unclear, let alone find a way out.

Su Bingyun seemed to fall into a small world without any direction.

"The ban here should have been set by the master who refined this magic palace that year, and it should have been set before the master of that magic palace was not promoted to the passive realm."

Xiao Nai He Danran's voice came.

"You mean that the master of Feng Mo Gong is actually a passive existence, the legendary master of unity of origin?"

Su Bingyun was shocked, and there was horror in his eyes.

"Of course, otherwise you think how this magic palace could be so powerful, and stayed in this phoenix genre for so many years. If I guessed right, the magic palace was originally a passive Taoist, but the original master may have happened. Something fell, and finally the Demon Palace was directly degraded to a half-step passive level. "

Just like the Taoist of Destiny, it lost the original support of Jiuwu Youhuang and degenerated directly from the passive level.

However, the nine-star throne obtained by Xiao Naihe is not the same. Although the nine-star throne has lost its star ancestor, Xiao Naihe refined two xuanyuan blackstones, and it is not a problem to support it.

"Good guy, this kid is so keen to this extreme. Is he really a child coming out of the door? I see his information, it should be a disciple of the Huofeng branch, although the Huofeng branch belongs to us Phoenix The branch of Zongzong, but after all, those who are not Zongzong, there should not be so many details. "

In the dark, the magic of the magic palace was also horrified. It didn't expect Xiao Nai to come in. It was just a little bit of clues that he actually understood the origin of the magic palace.

Suddenly, Feng Mo Gong Qi Ling really looked down on Xiao Naihe.

"No, this kid might be the same as the fellow of the Huofeng Faction. I remember that nearly 20,000 years ago, the Huofeng Faction had a disciple named Chi Zhanhuo, who won the fourth place in one fell swoop. I do n’t know. Isn't this kid a character of the Red War? "

As the magic spirit of Fengmo Palace, it has existed in the Phoenix General Sect for tens of thousands of years, too.

It has seen too many geniuses, some geniuses have fallen, some geniuses are stunned by others, and some geniuses have now radiated a dazzling light and become the top existence in the Nine Heavens.

But no one has ever felt the same way as Xiao Naihe, so mysterious, so unpredictable.

Feng Mo Gong Qi Ling admits that he is tens of thousands of years old, but he still can't see through a fraction-size kid, even the true behavior of this kid can't be seen.

"Huh, he actually went to the fourth floor? So fast?"

Feng Mo Gong's voice shuddered, and he saw Xiao Naihe had already invested outside the fourth floor, but apparently stopped.

Because at this time Xiao Naihe found a little weird.

"Brother Xiao, where are you, Brother Xiao?"

At this time, Su Bingyun suddenly found that Xiao Nai, who had always been with him, disappeared.

A panic emotion immediately permeated the mind. The panic was not caused by fear, but because of the environment. It was automatically generated in instinct, and even Su Bingyun could not suppress it.

"What's going on? I just felt Brother Xiao's breath just now, why is it gone in a blink of an eye?"

Su Bingyun wanted to release his consciousness, but found that his consciousness was tightly bound and could not move. Had to continue walking ahead.

She knew that she and Xiao Nai were separated for no reason, and it should be the hands and feet of this space.

At this time, Su Bingyun knew that he must force himself to calm down and not have any worries.

After biting the tip of his tongue, a little blood suddenly brewed and turned in his mouth, and Su Bingyun's mind suddenly became sober.

Whirring whirring……

In the thick white mist, it seems that the surrounding space is completely wrapped up, making Su Bingyun enter another world.

"There is a figure in front."

Su Bingyun slightly stunned, her face suddenly showed joy, she found the figure in front flashing, quickly ran up: "Is Brother Xiao?"

The figure flickered and fell directly into the white mist.

Su Bingyun did not dare to let that person leave, and quickly caught up, trying to hold the other party.

"what are you doing?"

It was not Xiao Naihe who turned around, but an ordinary-looking man.

The man frowned tightly and seemed to resent Su Bingyun's hold on himself.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were my companion, you are also coming to participate in the contest. I do not know which Zong Men disciple you are?"

Su Bingyun asked, but she was secretly curious. Since she and Xiao Naihe came in, they have never seen other people. Tens of thousands of competitors did not meet each other, which made Su Bingyun very curious.

Today, for the first time to see people other than himself and Xiao Naihe, Su Bingyun couldn't help but feel three points in his heart.

"What are you talking about? I'm going to find my lady."

"Did the two of you come in a team? It's too dangerous here, even the consciousness can't spread. Do you know how to get out of this space?"

"I don't know, but as long as I find my lady, everything can be solved."

"Then I will accompany you to find your lady, maybe my companion is also there."

Su Bingyun breathed a sigh of relief. Although he didn't see through the practice, he was able to enter the third floor. Obviously, he was not an ordinary person, unlike himself, because Xiao Nai helped the whole journey.

If there is one more person at this time, the chance will increase by one point.

The man had no objection, just beckoned, turned his head and drilled directly into the depths of the white mist.

Su Bingyun hurried to keep up, not knowing how long he had left, and suddenly there was a sound of fine and broken sound.

"Is it a lady?"

Cried the man in surprise and ran up.

And Su Bingyun also followed a few steps.

"Bang ... Hmm ...!"

The sound came like a blackbird, gentle and long. It was like the sound of drizzle, hitting the hearts of others.

"Hoohoo ..."

Thick, thick breath, like a sawing voice.

Cheerful and fast, as if spring is coming.

The two voices twisted into each other, pulling and fusing each other.

It is a confluence of yin and yang thoughts. When you hear the sound, it is like a whimsical sound, which can let men and women sink into a kind of joy.

"this is……"

Su Bingyun froze for a moment. When she heard this voice, she suddenly felt a little weird. The thought in her heart grew stronger and she followed with a scalp.

When she came to the front, the two bodies suddenly appeared in front of her. Su Bingyun's head seemed to explode, staring straight ahead.

It was a man and a woman who had nothing to do with each other, they met together and collided with each other. The woman lies back to back on a jade bed, and a man presses on the woman's thigh.

The man showed a sturdy body, and his muscles did not slack, revealing a distinct sense of power.

Women even show a kind of coolness and warmth like a lady.

What really made Su Bingyun feel cold was that the man was none other than Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Nai and He Junqiao's face appeared in Su Bingyun's eyes. Su Bingyun suddenly felt like a sky-falling, a feeling of incomparable heartache derived from it, and he went backwards.

"You gangsters **!"

At that moment, the man Su Bingyun met was trembling with anger, and a burst of light erupted in his eyes, as if he was going to devour the two people in front, tearing everything apart.

"Xiang Gong."

The woman's pretty face was mixed with blush and white sinks. It was just after the joy. When she saw her husband, she suddenly shouted.

Xiao Naihe also saw Su Bingyun, and immediately frowned, "How did you keep up?"

"I ..." Su Bingyun didn't know how to explain.

"It turns out that this woman belongs to you. Since you captured my lady, I will take your woman's Yuan Yin to the spot."

The man's face was grim, and suddenly he turned his head, bursting into a tiger-wolf-like momentum, and rushed to Su Bingyun, he would tear off Su Bingyun's clothes!

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