Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1940: Messenger

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Su Bingyun didn't think of the man he followed, but turned around as if he turned into a tiger and pounced on himself.

When the strong momentum comes, you must tear your clothes.

Su Bingyun's face was pale, and he subconsciously stepped back, and was shocked to find that he could not lift his strength.

Then she looked at Xiao Naihe, but she found that Xiao Naihe was next to the naked woman. She didn't even separate, but just looked at herself coldly.

Su Bingyun's body was even colder, his hands and feet were frozen, and even his heart was smashed in a flash, losing his desire to live.

She knows why her heart hurts so much, but she has no room for resistance. She can only look at Xiao Naihe who is standing in front of her.

"I want your Yuanyin."

The man was like a beast, and there was a trace of **** in his eyes, and he was about to tear off Su Bingyun's clothes.


At this moment, Su Bingyun suddenly felt that his eyebrows were shaking, and a golden light flashed, covering his body.

He Ran was the small world that Xiao Nai summoned before, which made Su Bingyun recover in a flash.

"No, this is not Brother Xiao."

Su Bingyun awakened violently and opened his eyes again. The original tiger-like man had disappeared, and even the original naked men and women had disappeared, wrapping the 'Xiao Naihe'.

Seeing this, Su Bingyun realized that he had just entered a illusion just now. He didn't expect to be so realistic, pointing directly at his heart, and he didn't even have any room to resist.

Su Bingyun sighed again and again, secretly giving a breath, no longer confused.

Although she does not know what this illusion is all about, it should be able to hook up the desire in her heart and point it directly to her heart.

"Why did Brother Xiao appear in my consciousness, and it still appeared in that situation, am I ..."


Suddenly, a crisp sound interrupted Su Bingyun's thoughts.

I only saw the golden light originally floating in the void. At this time, it cracked, and it seemed that the glaze was scattered on the ground, and it turned into pieces of debris powder.

Su Bingyun looked stunned.

"Su Bingyun, how are you?"

At this time, Xiao Naiho's voice came through.

For a while in Su Bingyun's heart, she knew this voice was true, and when she looked up, she saw that Xiao Nai got out of the white mist, and a golden light broke the dense fog around.

Xiao Naiho came to the front.

Su Bingyun suddenly moved in his heart, the **** sent the ghost to go up, hug Xiao Naihe tightly.


Xiao Naiho only felt his head burst.

A sweet-scented osmanthus scent greeted me softly, and I could even feel the two **** of soft meat squeezing on my chest like hemp powder.

That feeling is different from what Yun Weixue brought to him.

But without exception, Su Bingyun's body does have a lot of temptations.

Even when Xiao Naihe felt Su Bingyun hugging himself, he had a thought between men and women.

But when that kind of thought just appeared, it was directly suppressed by Xiao Naihe.

"What's wrong with you?"

Xiao Naihe's voice was very calm, he held back the heat of his heart, and showed a clear mind, no longer had any impulsive thoughts.

Su Bingyun was stunned for a moment, and suddenly blushed. She did not expect that she would be so bold and hugged Xiao Nai directly.

However, Xiao Naihe's breath was very good, which made her a little lost in an instant.

"Oh, what am I thinking? When did I become so shameless?"

Su Bingyun thought of this, his face was even more red, as if the ears were burning, like a ripe peach, tempting.

After she discovered the true thoughts of her own heart, the bold actions just now were made through her heart.

"Hey, but Brother Xiao should not accept me. But there are those two fairies around him, which one is not better than me."

Su Bingyun sighed softly, remembering the previous Yue Yong and Bai Fox, no matter which of the two women, they lost to themselves in terms of temperament, appearance and figure, and even vaguely covered themselves.

For a time, the heat in Su Bingyun's heart slowly extinguished.

"What happened to you just now?"

Xiao Naihe's eyes were bright, no longer embarrassing.

Although he didn't know why Su Bingyun suddenly made such a move, Xiao Nai was frightened as Su Bingyun.

Su Bingyun knew why Xiao Nai asked himself what had happened, and quickly cleared up his mood, and quickly said, "It was like this ..."

Later, Su Bingyun told Xiao Naihe what happened in the illusion, and even when Xiao Naihe hooked up with another woman, Su Bingyun's face was slightly red.

She only saw Xiao Nai with a puzzled face, and slowly said: "This prohibition has the ability to attack the heart, I knew it from the beginning, so I will split up part of her Buddha light for you. The encounter is actually the gamut off! "

Xiao Nai only treated Su Bingyun's actions just now, because the color gamut was closed, and no longer pursued.

Su Bingyun gritted his teeth without explaining.

"You are okay, Xinxi, you protect your heart in time, otherwise it will be a false illusion, because of the consciousness, it is likely to become true."

"What do you mean?"

Xiao Nai smiled slightly: "The highest-level means of illusion is 'True to False, and False is True'. The illusion is true and false, which is unpredictable, but after all it is illusion, which is naturally false at first. At the level, once the human consciousness is addicted for too long, it will automatically judge that the illusion is true, and then all illusions will become true. "

Su Bingyun froze for a moment, and suddenly understood Xiao Naihe's statement.

Xiao Naihe laughed again: "For example, someone has planted illusion, and the illusion shows that the body and soul of the person have completely disappeared. Once the person has not solved the shackles in his heart, the human consciousness will be mistaken for true, Respond. At that time, the brain will think that the owner of the body is dead. At that time, the vitality of the person will be automatically cut off, and it will really die. "

This time Su Bingyun understood that if he did not resist at that time, his consciousness would be considered true over time, and even the fake would become true by then.

Thinking of the kind of things he encountered at that time, Su Bingyun turned slightly red, followed by white.

If she really sinks into the illusion, then Su Bingyun really does not know how to face her.

After Xiao Naihe finished speaking, he no longer spoke, but grabbed Su Bingyun's hand, stretched out one hand, pinched apart with two fingers, and directly broke the void.

"Brother Xiao, how long have we stayed here?"

Su Bingyun suddenly remembered that the two of them were still in the Phoenix competition.

"If I didn't guess wrong, it should have been half a month outside."

"What? Why do I think we have only been inside for half a day."

Su Bingyun was shocked.

Xiao Naihe shook his head and said slowly: "There is a mysterious time flow in this sealed demon palace, which seems to flow faster than outside. We stayed here for a long time, but in fact it has been outside for half a month."

Xiao Naihe felt strange in the flow of time to seal the magic palace.

Although it is very obscure, Xiao Nai, who has a river of time, said that this is not a difficult problem.

"This is actually the case. This time the assessment is three months. We have now passed the third level, and the remaining two levels. There should be no problem within two and a half months."

"Let's see."

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly, and before he spoke, he was already flying into the front.

The magic spirit of Feng Mo Gong has taken into account what happened to Xiao Naihe and Su Bingyun.

Especially after hearing Xiao Naihe's last passage, whether it was Xiao Naihe's view on the prohibition of illusion or the time rule in the closed magic palace, Qi Ling had already become accustomed to Xiao Naihe's demise.

"This kid is a pig and a tiger. He will definitely get the first level, but why did he deliberately finish it at the end of the incense stick? What is going on?"

If the Emperor of the Devil Palace knows that Xiao Nai did not have the time to make alchemy because of epiphany, I do n’t know what to think.


Xiao Naihe held Su Bingyun, and the two entered the fourth floor.

The fourth floor is a forbidden place of formations, which is filled with countless formations, sword qi, etc. Su Bingyun just stood at the door and could feel a crisis facing him.

"It seems that the fourth layer is far more dangerous than the third layer. If the third layer is attacked by the soul, then the fourth layer is to destroy the body alive."

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly.

I saw a scratch in his hand, and suddenly a sixth-grade treasure sword appeared.

Then threw the six-pin treasure knife into the fourth space.


The six-level treasure sword was thrown into the formation space, and was suddenly torn into pieces by countless rays, and the fluttering piece seemed to be powder.

Su Bingyun's face was pale, she didn't expect this space to be so dangerous.

If you don't know it, go directly into it, I'm afraid it can be crushed into pieces in a flash.

"In this space, it is estimated that even the masters of the Eightfold Realm come in. If it is impossible to find the broken eye pattern, it is estimated that it will die."

Xiao Naihe said something, at this time Su Bingyun shuddered.


When Xiao Naihe entered the fourth floor, two people had already penetrated into the third floor.

These two people are Longya and Ye Yonghao.

Ye Yonghao was wounded all over, **** up and down.

And Longya was also uncomfortable. There was already a long scar on his wrist.

"True and false illusion, did not expect that illusion can be turned into reality."

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