Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2003: Passive advent

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"The person just now, is that the God of War domain ..."

Chi Zhanhuo's tone is a little erratic. He used to be a passive master, so he is very familiar with the distribution of masters in God Realm.

After feeling the breath of the mysterious man just now, he suddenly remembered someone.

Xiao Naihe nodded: "There is only that man-Fu Mengwu!"

"It really is him!"

After listening to it, Chi Zhanhuo was shocked, and suddenly cold sweat oozed from behind.

It is only now that the flames of war are so dangerous.

There may not only be two masters of passive realm in the Nine Heavens Realm, but Fumengwu is definitely a passive existence that belongs to the top ranks in God Realm.

Even in the peak period of the red war, it is still worse than Humenvu.

When Chi Zhanhuo asked himself, he was also asking himself. He was also testing whether Xiao Naihe, like him, really degenerated from the passive state.

But when Xiao Nai and Huo Mengfu recognized them, there would be no fakes.

"Fumengwu entered the Dao with martial arts. His really powerful means are not Taoism and Taoism, but his physical strength. His origin is the flesh, and the flesh is the origin. If such a master wants to kill us, we At most, only 40%, or even 30%, have a less chance of escaping, and they must fight hard. "

Xiao Nai breathed a sigh of relief.

He is no stranger to Fu Mengwu. Fu Mengwu entered the passive state with his flesh. Even though Xiao Nai was in the peak period, he achieved six real bodies, and he was not as strong as Fu Mengwu.

Even the current Xiao Naihe has a fleshy physical strength, but it is no match for Huo Mengwu.

Fu Mengwu, with his physical strength, can reverse the world, suppress the world, and fool the stars.

As the so-called force falls for ten meetings, the physical strength of this man, Fu Mengwu, is too strong to destroy any Taoism.

Like some passive realm masters, they exert a variety of mysterious and strange ways of Taoism. Even if they are fancy and mysterious, once they encounter the master who is saintly body like Fumengwu, it has absolutely no effect.

It's no wonder that Chi Zhanhuo will feel afraid after a while.

"How could Huong Mengwu appear here, Ares is too far away from here. Even if we are flying at full strength, there will be a God Realm River in the middle, at least a few days."

Xiao Nai thought for a moment, and he was suspicious.

He didn't know the appearance of Humengwu, but it was because he realized the peak of the Eightfold with the avatar on the same day.

Xiao Naihe's doppelganger was made out of many treasures of heaven, earth, spirits, and magical weapons. Through the conception of Thunder Pond and the vitality cultivation provided by all living things, the intensity of it can almost be compared with the peak of Jiuzhong.

Now his spirit avatar is not much different from the monk's body.

Even if Xiao Nai is willing, he can abandon the deity at any time and treat the spirit as a deity.

Originally with Xiao Naihe's strength, even the spirit fetus avatar, even the cultivation of humanity, demon Taoism, Buddhism Taoism, and Wu Dao, could not cause Nine Heavens Thunder.

But the Avenue of Stars is different. The Avenue of Stars does not belong to this era.

Xiao Naihe realized the mystery of the Avenue of Stars.

If ordinary people comprehend such mysteries, they can immediately enter the eighth peak.

Because the rules of God Realm itself do not accept the Avenue of Stars, Xiao Naihe ’s Star Avenue will be rebounded by the rules of God Realm after he has practiced to a high-level realm.

Fumengwu itself is a master like God, Lord, and Venerable in God Realm, and the advent of Nine Heavens God Thunder can't hide him at all.

"Let's go, Humengwuwu is here, I don't know why I always feel it's inappropriate to stay here."

Chi Zhanhuo said quickly.

Xiao Nai He also felt a little weird in his heart, but he didn't want to stay long.

Although Xiao Naihe's strength has increased, but compared with Humengwu, it is far worse. In the face of such a master, Xiao Naihe also feels very unnatural. Of course, he does not want to stay in this place for a long time.

Afterwards, the two of them quickly flew up and turned into a streamer, and even the Ark did not have time to summon it ...

"This is Phoenix Realm."

Humengwu stood in the void, and the sun in the back was like a huge fire wheel, spinning continuously behind his back.

After Xiao Naihe left, Humengwu now stayed above the Phoenix God Realm.

Although Fu Mengwu didn't show the way of ran and Taoism, but his physical body and nature merged into one, and the breath seemed to assimilate the natural space of the entire Divine Realm.

At this time, no one found that Hu Mengwu is normal.


The wind stirred, and Hu Mengwu watched the huge qi and blood in the whole God Realm condensed together, but did not fall apart, and at the same time saw a tall tower in front.

This tall tower is the Tenjin Tower of the Phoenix General Sect.

Now the Tenjin Tower looks like a giant, raising his arms and rising.

"There is still a touch of star power."

Hu Mengwu closed his eyes, and suddenly a burst of light erupted in his eyes, and his eyes locked directly on the Feng Zongzong in front of him.

Soon, Fu Mengwu's consciousness was directly scanned in the entire Phoenix Divine Realm, especially the Phoenix General Sect received his attention.

A light spot appeared on Fu Mengwu's eyebrows, which seemed to turn into a large net. An invisible large net spread out at once, covering the whole world.

The spatial area of ​​tens of millions of miles was suddenly shrouded in Fu Mengwu ’s consciousness, and the huge consciousness was continuously scanned, but at this time, the masters scanned by this consciousness were all one by one. stand up.

Tianjianmen, Gemini Gate, etc., those masters instantly felt a powerful aura.

When this consciousness swept over them, they couldn't even believe it.


Ye Mo was suddenly awakened. He was originally in epiphany, feeling the opportunity to enter into this passive state, but now he was interrupted by a powerful consciousness, and his mood will naturally not be very good.

His heart is full of killing intentions, epiphany can be common, even if Ye Mo, wanting casual epiphany is basically impossible, and it is completely inexplicable.

This is why Ye Mo will be full of murderous.

However, after feeling a deeper level of consciousness, the murderous moment in Ye Mo's heart disappeared into a body tremor.

Because this force is so powerful, even Ye Mo has never seen such great coercion.

"Even in the depths of the Demon Palace at the beginning, it was not so powerful to meet the repressed soul of the Lord Demon Lord. Who is this person?"

Ye Mo raised his head, and suddenly found that there was a black shadow looming above the sky in the hot sun. Look closely, there is a personal figure above.

Somehow, Ye Mo shivered when he saw this man, and he felt terrified.

That kind of horrible thought suddenly spawned and could not be rejected at all.

He didn't know why such a thought suddenly emerged. The person in the sky seemed to be a super master in everything.

If you want, it seems that you can wipe out the entire Phoenix Divine Realm at once.

"Ye Mo retreated."

At this time, Zhang Yijun's voice suddenly came out, waking up Ye Mo.

Ye Mo shivered, and suddenly a chill came out behind him. I don't know why. He just had an urge to worship.

It's like trying to bow down to a god.

The feeling was very strong, which made Ye Mo feel more frightened.

If it were not for Zhang Yijun to wake himself up just in time, I was afraid that he would still sink into the emotion of losing himself.

This is not to blame Ye Mo, Ye Mo was the first time to see such a terrible master, the mind is naturally unable to grasp, it is normal to be lost.

"Sovereign, who is ..."

"do not speak."

Zhang Yijun quickly interrupted Ye Mo's words, and looked at the silhouette in the sky, and there was a horror in his eyes. Ye Mo could even find out that Zhang Yijun's body was slightly trembling.

This is the first time Ye Mo has seen Zhang Yijun look like this for so many years.

Who is that man in the sky? Why is it so scary?

You must know that his master Zhang Yijun is already a half-step passive master, and belongs to the kind of existence where one foot steps into the passive state.

It would actually fear someone.

"Is it the legendary passive master?" Ye Mo was shocked by his thoughts.

As Ye Mofu thought, the figure in the sky suddenly enlarged in front of them.

Within a radius of 30,000 miles, a mysterious purple forbidden enchantment spread out and enveloped it.

"Are you the person of Phoenix God Realm? Which sect is it?"

Hu Mengwu looked at Zhang Yijun lightly.

Hu Mengwu's eyes revealed a shimmer, dressed in a robe in Tsing Yi, revealing half of his strong chest.

The muscle lines faintly appearing in the upper body are extremely perfect, showing an explosive sense of power.

It's as if Fu Mengwu could explode unimaginable power at any time in his flesh if he wanted to.

At this time, Zhang Yijun, after hearing Fumengwu's words, quickly bowed and said: "Master, I am the sect advocate of the Phoenix Sect, and I do not know what the master has commanded."

When Zhang Yijun spoke, he also secretly pondered the origin of Fu Mengwu.

He can also see that Fu Mengwu should be a master of unity of origin.

"Which one of you has cultivated the Avenue of Stars?" Fu Mengwu said directly.

"The Avenue of Stars, what is this? Is it a new way of life?"

The faces of Zhang Yijun and Ye Mo both showed daze, obviously they didn't know about the Avenue of Stars.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yijun said daringly: "When I return to this adult, I really don't know what is the Avenue of Stars."

"It's okay, I figured it out, that person is expected to appear here again. I stay here for thirty days, you don't need to ignore me." Fu Mengwu said lightly.

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