Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2004: Luck jedi

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Hu Mengwu wanted to stay in the Phoenix sect, which made Ye Mo and Zhang Yijun feel unexpected.

But Zhang Yijun did not dare to have any objections.


Zhang Yijun did n’t dare to ask Fu Mengwu ’s name. It ’s so strange that such a master appeared in his Phoenix sect. What was the Avenue of Stars just now?

All of this made Zhang Yijun feel very surprised.

In this way, Zhang Yijun didn't even know how he came out.

As soon as the two of them left Fumengwu's side, the heavy feeling they had just felt disappeared and disappeared into nothingness.

"Master, is this man the legendary ..."

"It should be the passive master. That's right. I didn't expect that our Phoenix Divine Realm would usher in such a big figure. Since the death of Lord Feng Mozun, there have been no such masters for many years."

"What is the Avenue of Stars that the person just said? It seems that the other party is very interested."

"Don't inquire about this matter, it is estimated that it is difficult to know when we inquired. Besides, the passive master Xuan Miao is extremely extreme, maybe when we are talking behind him, the other party has already felt it, or don't talk behind it."

After talking, Zhang Yijun suddenly moved his face, a strange expression appeared on his face.

"The people of Gemini Gate and Tianjianmen also came, and it seems that the two guys also felt the existence of this powerful force.


But Zhang Yijun's eyes turned at this time, and he didn't know what he was thinking.


Xiao Naihe was completely unaware of these things happening in the Phoenix Divine Realm. He and Chi Zhanhuo flew extremely fast. After four days, they finally shuttled a Divine Realm into the Divine Realm.

"The power of luck in the Divine Realm is so strong, but it is far less than the power of luck in those large gates. It seems that Bai inorganic controls the power of the luck of the entire Divine Realm."

Xiao Nai sighed softly.

"Hey, even if there is so much luck in the Divine Realm, it is useless for us now. We will go to the fiftieth day below the Divine Realm, which is covered by the white hidden land. The atmosphere is transported. "

After talking, Chi Zhanhuo moved his hands, and the two disappeared in an instant under a flash of white light.

He took Xiao Naihe directly into the depths of the Holy Realm, and the two people traveled through the void, and soon entered an independent spatial area.

This is the world of the fiftieth heaven, which is different from the thirty-three heaven of the Phoenix Divine Realm. There is the fiftieth heaven in the Divine Realm.

They are going to enter the fiftieth heaven.

The size of the fiftieth heaven is equivalent to more than ten million small worlds.

The Shenjieyu River spreads, forming a nine-day waterfall, which is constantly being washed away.

Water drops stone wear.

The water flowing down these waterfalls almost washed away countless giant stones into fly ash.

The smoke and dust are like stars.

And Xiao Nai raised his head. In the sky of the fiftieth heaven, the sun and the moon appeared in the sky at the same time.

Thousands of miles without clouds, night and day.

"No one came here."

"Hey, this place is deliberately circled by Bai inorganic. He hopes to use some means to hide the entire fiftieth heaven. There are 700 enchantments inside and outside, outside, but this is nothing There is only one enchantment inside.

Because of this prohibition of enchantment, I couldn't get close alone. "

"What is the prohibition of enchantment?"

"You can see it by yourself."

Xiao Nai nodded his head, and the 700 barriers of enchantment outside hide the entire Phoenix Divine Realm, so outsiders cannot see it at all.

But for Xiao Naihe, a master of the prohibition formation method, it is of little use.

"The space here naturally forms one body, which is extremely mysterious. If I am not mistaken, this is the prohibition of the seal gate, and it is the most mysterious seal method in God Realm."

"Yes, this seal ban can isolate me. I did n’t know why at first, but then I found out that I could n’t break it by myself, so I will invite you over. Since you know this formation The origin of the law. You should know how to crack it. "

"It's no problem to crack, but I don't recommend cracking." Xiao Nai thought for a moment.


"Since Bai inorganic is intentionally circled here, he naturally knows the existence here. Anything we do here will be discovered by the other party."

"Then what do you mean ..."

"Tear the space, within a certain period of time, tear this piece of void, and absorb the power of luck inside before it is discovered."

When I heard the Chi Zhanhuo, my eyes lit up: "Yes, you didn't say that, but I forgot. I have a magic weapon of space that can break the space. This kind of forbidden enchantment should last for three hours."

"Three hours are enough, we use various means to take away the power of luck here and leave."

After that, a green plate suddenly appeared in the hands of Chi Zhanhuo.

There are many jade patterns on this plate, which seem to be passed down from the ancient times.

When Xiao Naihe looked at the plate, his heart moved slightly.

"This plate can hold up to three hours at most. We must absorb the power of luck within these three hours."

At this time, the green plate in the hands of Chi Zhanhuo flew directly, releasing a tremendous light up and down, as if the blazing sun and Haoyue in the void gave way to each other, and the original space of night and day suddenly shivered.

The green disk spins, as if distorting the void, barely breaking the space in this forbidden enchantment, tearing a space crack.

"Hurry in."

Chi Naohuo quickly jumped in, and Xiao Nai nodded.

The two entered into the depths, performed magical powers, and soon reached the central hinterland of the heavenly world.

Soon after they entered, Xiao Nai suddenly felt a huge heaven and earth transport, which was directly rising into the sky.

That kind of aura can almost make Xiao Naihe stand unstable.

"It is the power of luck, and it has formed the eye of luck."

The red war shouted in horror.

There was a huge vortex in front of it, which emitted a purple gas, as if the entire void was twisted under this vortex.

When Xiao Naihe and Chi Zhanhuo saw this, he suddenly became extremely hot.

"Restoration of the passive realm is expected."

Chi Zhanhuo exclaimed excitedly.

Xiao Nai is not indifferent. The moonlight floating stars in the body quietly absorb a lot of luck.

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