Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2368: Who said it failed

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"Okay, we started practicing!"

Yi Le moved, suddenly stunned, looking at Xiao Naihe strangely: "Ah? Let me fight?"

"Well, you help me to bring those things in front and burn all the alchemy runes."

"This ... Brother Xiao, should I come to master alchemy?"

Yile was a little worried. She was worried that Xiao Nai was too brave. After all, Yile did not believe that Xiao Nai could be as tall as alchemy.

After all, she also knew the only truth. Sister Yueling said that Brother Xiao's attainments were not under her own, but alchemy and array were two different things.

"Relax, I have my own sense."

Xiao Nai waved his hand and flicked his fingers. Suddenly, a pile of herbs floated directly in front of him and flew into the furnace.

"Burn the fire!"

Ella gritted her teeth, and the fire symbol in her hand instantly burned, flashing under the furnace.

Suddenly, the entire Danlu began to show a red state.

"I don't know if Brother Xiao really has the alchemy skills, I hope he doesn't succeed."

Yi Le sighed softly. She didn't like Lin Fan and Chen Xuan at first. When Xiao Nai wanted to gamble with them, Yi Le actually thought to persuade Xiao Nai He.

But seeing the two men as domineering, Yile couldn't help but want Xiao Naiho to teach them a meal.

But now I want to come, I am too impulsive.

There are several passive magic pills.

Even if Yile comes from the Jiugong family, with her current skills, not to mention getting a few passive Shendan, even Jiupin Shendan is difficult to get.

If Xiao Naihe lost this time, he would have to lose his grandma ’s house.

It's just that she knows why Xiao Nai is in a white glove with empty gloves, and there is not so much 'strange power chaos god' at all.

"The five elements of golden wood are compatible with water and fire, and are supported by thick soil. The five elements are unified and refined!"

Xiao Nai He read a mantra, and then moved his finger to squeeze out a Fa seal in the void.

"Huh? This is the seal of the void, and it is the Five Elements Dan Dao seal!"

Ella was stunned. Although she was only a medium alchemist, she had long heard of the void becoming a seal, and the five-elements Dandao seal was at least able to be exhibited by a senior pill master.

I didn't expect Brother Xiao to actually condense the Five Elements Dan Dao Yin! This is too unexpected for Yile!

"Is it true that Brother Xiao really can make alchemy?"

At this time, Eller suddenly saw hope.

She originally thought that Xiao Naihe was only brave, but now it seems that it is not the same thing.

Xiao Naihe smiled slightly, and the speed in his hands was getting faster and faster.

Although he has not restored all his cultivation practices, alchemy methods have been remembered for a long time. It is the so-called practice that makes perfect.

Xiao Naihe's elixir of refining was unknown, and even with his eyes closed, he could develop a seven-level elixir at will.

"Void becomes a seal."


"Move the furnace into power."

"Stamp differentiation!"

Yi Le stared at Xiao Naihe deadly, she could not be more familiar with these methods.

These are the skills that senior master Dan can show! Some of the brothers outside, even some of them will not use some alchemy methods.

But here in Xiao Naihe, the means are too familiar.

Looking at Xiao Naihe's gestures and speed, it was just a matter of hand, there was no time at all.

Obviously, Brother Xiao is very familiar with these alchemy skills, and it has certainly not been used before.

"Maybe ... maybe it can be ..."

Yile was a little excited, and her confidence in Xiao Naihe was getting higher and higher.

I saw Xiao Nai held out his hand, and suddenly he exerted a force, and a trace of aura emerged between his brows and hearts, pours into the front, and lifted all the furnaces.

"It's almost like Dan!"

The waves on Xiao Naihe's face were unsurprised, and the light in the middle of his eyebrows flashed more and more.

And Yile looked at Xiao Naihe's eyebrows, feeling the powerful spirit and the aura in Xiao Naihe's body, and could not help but secretly said: What kind of magical power is Xiao Xiao practicing, why does it feel so strange to me?

However, Xiao Naihe didn't know the idea in Yile's mind, because it is now in the late stage of alchemy, and it can be achieved at any time.

woo woo woo woo!

At this time, there was a burst of tweets in the furnace, as if something was colliding and rubbing against each other.

"Spiritual life, it seems that Dan has become!"

A smile appeared on Xiao Naihe's face. I saw Xiao Naihe open his hand and grabbed it in the void, directly pulling the lid on the Dan furnace.

Then a pill of incense directly flooded the alchemy room.

"this is……"

When Yi Le saw several "Qi Yun Dan" floating in the Dan furnace, his face suddenly changed, and he couldn't help showing a horrified color!

At this time, the people outside do not yet know what is happening inside!

Alchemy is already a physical job, some people need a long time, some people need a short time.

Some are even ten days and a half at a time, but they do n’t have to worry, because Qi Yundan belongs to the very commonly used panacea. Even Qiyundan at the seventh grade level will take no more than two hours.

So, they can wait.

"Do you think they will really succeed?"

"How is it possible, although the kid is a cultivator of the Seventh Realm, but don't forget that he is a member of the Daoyuan Academy. The so-called practice is the only one. Even if the talented student is the best, he can't be good at practicing both the Dao and Dandao . "

"That's right, I'm going to make some of his panacea."

"Hey, we all have a share, so don't think of single food!"

"If the passive gods in Xiao Naihe's hands, if I can get all of them, I might be able to send me to the middle of the nineth grade in one fell swoop, or even higher."

In the eyes of these people, Xiao Naihe's "strange power chaos" is no longer his, and they are all talking about how to divide up.

At this time, I only heard a click.

The door of the alchemy room opened.

"Hey came out."

"So fast, less than half an hour to go in."

"Don't think about it, they must have wasted all the materials, it must have been a refining failure."

A trace of sarcasm appeared on the faces of the people.

At this time, Xiao Naihe and Yile slowly came out of the alchemy room.

Lin Fan looked as usual and smiled: "How did the two of them seem to have failed, and since they failed, they should take out the few passive magic pill according to the original promise."

Xiao Nai shook his head and said slowly: "I failed? Who said I failed?"

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